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News - ALHOSN University News - ALHOSN University

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong>H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan binKhalifa Al Nahyan receives signedcopy of ‘The New Silk Road’Sports Club pumps up students& faculty for Abu DhabiInternational Triathlon 2012The <strong>University</strong> welcomed BenSimpfendorfer, the acclaimed author ofthe best-selling book ‘The New Silk Road,’who signed two copies of his best-selling workin front of an audience composed of <strong>University</strong>faculty, guests, students, and staff.H.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan bin KhalifaAl Nahyan, Board Member of the Make-a-Wish Foundation of the UAE, graced <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong> with his presence during the event.Simpfendorfer presented an autographed copyof ‘The New Silk Road’ – a book that closelyexamines the Middle East’s relations with Chinaand has been published in five languages – toHis Highness. The <strong>University</strong> Library received aspecial copy as well.“We are honored by the presence ofH.H. Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan bin Khalifa AlNahyan and his gracious support for <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong>’s activities as we recognize theexemplary work of Ben Simpfendorfer. Thereis much that we can learn from ‘The NewSilk Road’ and the Middle East’s expandingglobal status amidst today’s rapidly evolvingeconomic landscape. I encourage the <strong>ALHOSN</strong>community to read up on this importantliterature,” said H.E. Al Muhairi, Chair of B.O.T.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>’s Sports Clubencouraged the university communityto join Abu Dhabi International Triathlon(ADIT) 2012 by organizing two AwarenessCampaigns facilitated by Mrs. Haifaa Kattan. Asa result, fifteen students and faculty membersjoined, eight of which registered as athleteswhile seven as volunteers. Participatingathletes could join as a team appointingvarious members to bike, swim or run, or asan individual competing in all the courses.As the event drew near, the Sports Clubathletes participated in weekly training sessionsthat included biking to Yas Island, swimmingin the public beach, running around Al MushrifPark, and exercising in Abu Dhabi’s Zayed SportsCity Gym. The club expressed its appreciationto all the volunteers and participants soonafter the competition on March 8, 2012. “Thisis the best organized event I attended in AbuDhabi,” commented Mrs. Nisrene Al Shayea, afaculty member, who volunteered in ADIT in2011 and 2012. Mr. Mohammed Al Romaithi,a student who joined as an athlete, said “Ireally enjoyed it. Next year, I am going to dothe Short Course”. Mohammed did the SprintCourse (750m swimming, 50k biking, and 5krunning) as a solo.The 3 rd Abu Dhabi International Triathlonwas held on March 3, 2012 at the Public Beachin Abu Dhabi City’s Corniche area. It includes3 courses: the Sprint (750m swimming, 50kbiking, 5k running), the Short (1.5k swimming,100k biking, 10k running), and the Long (3kswimming, 200k biking, 20k running). ADITincluded several international professionalsand 1,800 amateurs. Denmark’s RasmusHenning went on to win the USD 250,000 purseat a time of 6:21:44 to beat the previous recordby 18 minutes.23

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong><strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> joins KMMiddle East Conference 2012 asacademic partner<strong>ALHOSN</strong> joined regional discussionson the empowerment of knowledgeworkers in the Arab World during the2012 Knowledge Management (KM) MiddleEast Conference held at the Fairmont Bab AlBahr in Abu Dhabi.The KM Middle East Conference aims tobecome the premier knowledge managementevent in the Middle East. This year’s editionincluded an academic symposium for the firsttime. <strong>ALHOSN</strong>, the event’s official academicpartner, shared insights on the challengesassociated with the management of knowledgeand participated in workshops facilitatedby KM experts from five continents. The<strong>University</strong> delegates also met and collaboratedwith business and government leaders fromacross the region.“The field of knowledge management isvery relevant to our university’s mission asencapsulated by the motto ‘global knowledgewith local vision.’ Although KM is a relativelynew discipline, it has already been incorporatedsuccessfully in many private businesses andnon-profit organizations for a better yieldin business strategy, IT, and human resourcemanagement. We fully support this paradigmas a means to enhance the capabilities andproductivity of the region’s growing pool oftalented knowledge workers, and we intendto integrate some of its core aspects intoour own academic programs,” said Prof.Abdul Rahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor andCEO, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>.Knowledge management encompassesorganizational strategies and practices foridentifying, creating, representing, distributingand enabling the adoption of insights andexperiences. It emerged as an establisheddiscipline in 1991, with courses taught in thefields of business administration, informationsystems, management, and library andinformation sciences. Other fields such asmedia studies, computer science and publichealth, have also started contributing to KMscholarship.Collaborative opportunities with Malaysia atbusiness roundtableThe <strong>University</strong> joined major UAE investorsand dignitaries in discussing potentialpartnership opportunities with Malaysiaduring an exclusive business roundtable andluncheon held at the InterContinental AbuDhabi hotel on May 8, 2012.The Honourable Tan Sri Dato’ MuhyiddinMohd Yassin, Deputy Prime Minister ofMalaysia, expressed his country’s interest<strong>University</strong> staff among UAE Ministry of Labourhonourees during 2012 International Workers’ DayMohamed Ashraf, a staff member at<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, joined 30 otherprominent UAE Nationals and skilledworkers in receiving special awards fromthe UAE Ministry of Labor in celebration ofInternational Workers’ Day on May 1, 2012.Held at the Armed Forces Officers Club in AbuDhabi, the awarding ceremony was attendedby officials and representatives of various UAEministries and departments. UAE Ministerof Labor H.H. Saqr Ghobash commendedMohammed Ahsraff, a storage employee at the<strong>University</strong>, for his loyalty, dedication and vitalcontributions towards work enhancing collaboration between thecountries’ educational sectors. Prominentguests present during the meeting includedH.E. Khalfan Saeed Al Kaabi, First Vice Chairmanof the Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce andIndustry, and H.E. Fatima Obaid Al Jaber, COOof Al Jaber Group and President of <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong>’s Society of Women in Engineering(SOWIE).During the event, the Ministry also unveiledits Mobile Care Unit for workers. The unit willvisit worker sites and labor camps to receivecomplaints and suggestions, enlighten workerson key areas such as contractual work, andensure that workers enjoy their rights.45

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong><strong>University</strong> joins Emirates NationalCatalog of LibrariesThe UAE Ministry of Culture, Youth andCommunity Development has announcedthe official inclusion of <strong>ALHOSN</strong> Libraryin the Emirates National Catalog of Libraries(ENCL) project initiated by the Ministry in 2010.A memorandum of understanding was signedat the <strong>ALHOSN</strong> campus by Ahmed Al Hedabi,Head of the Ministry’s Department of Librariesand Director of ENCL, and Prof. Abdul RahimSabouni, Vice Chancellor and CEO of <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong>, in the presence of Abdullah AlNuaimi, Director of the Ministry’s Coordinationand Initiatives Department. A select groupof deans, officials and professors from the<strong>University</strong> also attended the ceremony.Regarded as a first-of-its-kind project inthe UAE, the Emirates National Catalog ofLibraries project aims to support and enhancecooperation among the country’s libraries bydeveloping a nationwide electronic librarysystem. This network enhances the role oflibraries in society by facilitating searchesacross various library databases throughan advanced single online interface. Thiseliminates the need for citizens to physicallyvisit several libraries, thus saving valuable timeand effort.Ahmed Al Hedabi underlined the manifoldbenefits of ENCL that enable the nationwideintegration of libraries and rationalize theirbudgets. He explained that the systemprovides services that significantly enhancethe technical processes of inclusive libraries.Al Hedabi also encouraged authority controlto further enhance bibliography and enablecooperative indexing – which not only brings asolution to the lack of specialized catalogers inlibraries, but also reduces the ongoing effort tohasten matched title index processing.“The recently signed MOU aimsto strengthen the partnershipbetween the Ministryand <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, enablingfull cooperation between bothparties to fulfill their strategicobjectives and therefore boostcommunity development andculture,”Programs receive full accreditation fromMinistry of Higher EducationFive programs recently received fullaccreditation: Business Administration,Accounting, Management InformationSystems, and Urban Planning in addition tothe Master in Business Administration (MBA)program. These form part of a wide range of<strong>ALHOSN</strong> programs in Business, Engineering,and Education that are drawing strong interestfrom prospective students and their parents,who are also attracted by <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s promiseof ‘global knowledge with local vision’ and its<strong>University</strong> advocates holistic developmentduring the Open <strong>University</strong> Day at Al NahdaNational School for GirlsThe <strong>University</strong> presented its vision ofholistic personal growth captured byits motto ‘global knowledge with localvision’ as part of the Open <strong>University</strong> Day& Guidance Educational Forum organizedrecently by the Al Nahda National School forGirls. The school falls under the umbrella ofthe internationally accredited Abu Dhabi-basedholistic approach to education.The <strong>University</strong> constantly emphasizesthe importance of world-class educationin ensuring fruitful careers amidst today’shighly competitive job markets. The universityencourages students to make sure that theeducational institutions they join are fullyaccredited at the Ministerial level and offerprograms that complement current marketneeds.Al Nahda National Schools, which educate astudent population of 6,000.The event served as a platform for <strong>University</strong>representatives to showcase the programs andactivities of the university as well as networkwith students, parents and educators from theUAE, the Gulf and abroad.Ahmed Al Hedabi, Head of the Ministry’s Department of Libraries & Director of ENCL67

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>News</strong><strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>Granted ABETaccreditationfor engineeringprograms<strong>ALHOSN</strong> added a new feather to its cap by earning approval from the nonprofitUS-based Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology, Inc.(ABET) for its Bachelor of Science degree programs in Civil Engineering,Industrial Engineering, and Software Engineering. This marks the first timethat a private university in Abu Dhabi has received ABET accreditation for itsCivil Engineering program. It is also the first time that any university in theUAE has received ABET accreditation for its Industrial and Software Engineeringprograms.The accreditation is the culmination of two years of hard work that beganwith <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s application for accreditation for its Bachelor of Science in CivilEngineering (BSCE), Bachelor of Science in Industrial Engineering (BSIE), andBachelor of Science in Software Engineering (BSSE) undergraduate programs withABET’s Baltimore, Maryland, USA based Engineering Accreditation Commission(EAC) in 2010. <strong>ALHOSN</strong> performed program self-studies in the Spring Semester of2011 and submitted the results in June of the same year, with an EAC team lateron visiting the <strong>University</strong> in October to evaluate the application process on-site.The programs each proved to be at an academic level satisfying ABET’sstringent institutional and program criteria. The <strong>University</strong> received officialword that all three programs had been granted ABET accreditation in late August2012, retroactive from March 15, 2012.“It is indeed a great privilege to be the first privateuniversity in Abu Dhabi to receive this mark of excellencefrom ABET for Civil Engineering, and to become the firstand only university in the entire country to be ABETaccredited for Industrial Engineering and SoftwareEngineering programs. As a federation of 31 professionaland technical member societies, ABET lends a respectablevoice to the fields of applied science, computing,engineering, and technology. This achievement atteststo <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s firm commitment to developing programsthat meet the highest international standards.”Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor and CEO89

ACAD <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013ACAD <strong>News</strong>AmericanAmerican Corner joins Small World 2012 tofight child slaveryCorner <strong>News</strong>Publish or perish!The American Corner hosted a lectureon 14 th March 2012 entitled “Publish orPerish” by Djamel Eddine Laouisset,<strong>ALHOSN</strong> Professor in the Faculty of Business.The presentation provided an in-depth lookinto the academic publishing world througha survey of leading journals and publishers inthe broad field of business management. Prof.Laouisset emphasized that with the abundanceof journals and publishers around the world,it is necessary to stop and look closely at theclassical hallmarks of conventional standardacademic publishing in order to distinguishCivic associations and ethnic peaceThe American Corner hosted a lectureon Tuesday, May 8 th , 2012 entitled ‘CivicAssociations and Ethnic Peace’ deliveredby Dr. Hisako Kobayashi, Assistant Professorat the Department of Urban Planning. Thepresentation was part of the Engineeringand Applied Sciences Speakers Forum. Itshowcased Dr. Kobayashi’s research includingher assessment of how civic associationscontribute to peace building. The presentationprovided an analysis of inter-ethnic and intraethnicassociations and ways in which theycan prevent violence in the case of ethnicthem from self-publishing, open- access onlinejournals and novelty publishing. The talk wasfollowed by a question and answer session.conflict in West Kalimantan, Indonesia. At theend of the talk, Professor Raymond awardedDr. Hisako the American Corner plaque as atoken of gratitude.The American Corner recently participatedin the Small World 2012 charity event heldat the Emirates Palace on March 16, 2012.Small World is an annual fundraiser thatgathers people residing in the UAE fromvarious ethnic backgrounds to support theless fortunate, especially among children. Thisyear’s edition was held under the patronageof H.H. Sheikh Nahayan Mabarak Al Nahayan,the UAE Minister of Higher Education andScientific Research, and focused on theissue of child labor. CNN, the event’s officialbroadcast partner, aired Small World televisioncommercials for a whole month. Tickets andvarious promotional items were sold at theAmerican Corner two weeks prior to the event.The Small World event featured music, dance,food and games designed to help spectatorslearn more about a variety of countries fromaround the world. The <strong>University</strong>’s USA teamleaders, Ms. Huda Kindi, Ms. Rekha Pillai,and Ms. Amanda Tinnin chose Mr. Ahmed AlSuwaidi as their Small World USA Ambassador.The event commenced with a flag paradeled by the representatives of each country.The United States of America was led byAhmed Al Suwaidi and Divya Tennant. The USAperformance involved the creation of a cappellachoral group composed of five students,Mahgoub Hussein, Adnan Talal Mayassi, RayanOsman, Dana Al Zaeem, and Esra Al Samani,and three faculty members, Dr. Adnan Husnein,Ms. Rekha Pillai, and Ms. Amanda Tinnin. Inaddition, two students, Muayad Hamouda andJameel Khabaze, performed a hip-hop dancealong with four members of a local dancegroup. The music was mixed by AbdulazizEl Jechi.The USA stand chose the theme of freedomfrom slavery. Students and faculty entertainedvisitors with some Southwest and NortheastAmerican delicacies, a unique opportunityto take pictures with some of Disney’s mostfamous characters and a visual display of somebreathtaking US landscapes.1011

ACAD <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013ACAD <strong>News</strong>Women’s colleges and women’s science andtechnology education in AmericaThe American Corner hosted a lectureon March 21 st , 2012, entitled ‘Women’sColleges and Women’s Science andTechnology Education in America’ by Dr. SandraLaney, a Foreign Affairs Officer and a Fellow atthe American Association for the Advancementof Science, and Diplomacy (AAAS). Dr. Laneyis serving her fellowship in the Office of theScience and Technology Adviser to the Secretaryof State at the U.S. Department of State.The presentation featured tips for potentialhigh school female graduates who would beinterested in pursuing their career in one ofthe universities in the network specified by Dr.Sandra. A general awareness was evoked amongthe community on the infectious diseasesnamed Elephantiasis. Measures to alleviate therapid spread of the disease were also discussed.Dr. Sandra carried out field work on 13 NeglectedTropical Disease endemic countries, includingCameroon, Dominican Republic, Egypt, FrenchPolynesia, Ghana, Haiti, India, Nigeria, PapuaNew Guinea, Sri Lanka, Tanzania/Zanzibar,Trinidad & Tobago, and Tuvalu.At the end of the talk, Professor Sabouniawarded Dr. Laney the American Cornerplaque as a token of gratitude. Later, Dr. ReemSabouni, Assistant Professor at the Departmentof Industrial Engineering, accompanied Dr.Laney and other Embassy delegates on a tourof the Civil Engineering labs. The event provedto be an eye-opener to the female studentsat <strong>ALHOSN</strong> who could act as torch bearers totheir siblings and other interested high schoolgraduates in the community.On the occasion of Mother’s day, a surprisewas awaiting Dr. Laney. All <strong>University</strong> facultyand staff members were invited to attenda Mother’s Day Pizza Lunch to honor all 23mothers on campus. Each mother, includingDr. Laney, was called on the red carpet toreceive her bouquet of flowers and certificate.The beauty of mathematicsOn Monday, April 23 rd , 2012, Prof.Raymond Tennant, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> Provost andProfessor of Mathematics, delivered apresentation titled ‘The Beauty of Mathematics:A Personal Journey’. The presentation evolvedout of an initial inspiration from Ahmed AlSuwaidi, President of the <strong>ALHOSN</strong> StudentCouncil. Prof. Raymond described his journeyas a mathematician from an early career as astoneware potter to an academic career in puremathematics to travels around the world insearch of intriguing patterns, ornamentation,and their cultural meanings.Mathematicians and mathematics teachersalike often use the word beautiful to describethe work they do and the courses they teach.The common thread that ran throughout thispresentation can be described as a search forthis beauty of mathematics from exploringartistic geometry and abstract topology todeveloping interdisciplinary courses in visualmathematics and finally searching for culturalFluid power educationThe American Corner hosted a lecture onWednesday, 9 th May 2012, entitled ‘FluidPower Education’ at MSOE delivered byDr. Medhat Khalil, Director of ProfessionalEducation at Milwaukee School of Engineering,WI, USA. This successful presentation waspart of Dr. Medhat’s visit to the Mechanicaland Industrial Engineering Department. Histalk provided awareness about fluid powereducation and the opportunities through whichthe successful professional education businessmodel at MSOE could be of significant benefitto Middle Eastern educational institutions. Theand historic connections to mathematics. ThisAmerican Corner event was so well attendedby students and faculty that an encorepresentation was scheduled a week was followed by a question and answersession. At the end of the talk, ProfessorRaymond presented Dr. Medhat with theAmerican Corner plaque.1213

ACAD <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013ACAD <strong>News</strong>Ambassadors’ spouses introduce their book onchildren’s stories from around the worldOn May 21 st , 2012, the wives ofambassadors based in Abu Dhabi visitedthe <strong>University</strong> to discuss the book ‘Onthe Wings of a Tale: Children’s Stories fromaround the World’ – a collection of traditionaltales they personally compiled.Dr. Naima Benkari, Assistant Professor atthe Department of Architecture, delivered theopening remarks followed by some inspiringwords from Dr. Mohamed Saeed Hasab ElNabi, Chair of the Education Department andPresident of the Reading Club. The authors –the wives of ambassadors from Egypt (MahaRadwan); Canada (Wendy Lewis); the ArabMonetary Fund (Souad Al Mannai); Swaziland,Southern Africa (Martha Hlophe); Tunisia(Amena Betayeb); and Libya (Nadia Al Hashani)– then proceeded to discuss the book andthe importance of value-rich stories for childdevelopment. Signed copies were sold duringthe event, with <strong>ALHOSN</strong> ordering 20 copies.Proceeds were donated to the Al Ain Care andRehabilitation Centre. Attendees posed forphotos at the American Corner afterwards.Wendy Lewis, President of the DiplomaticGroup, said: “We are very proud to be here.We thank <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> for hosting theevent and assisting us in promoting our cause.Through this project we impart educationalvalues to young children and teach themthe difference between right and wrong. Weencourage parents to read with their childrenand nurture them into good citizens.”First-ever Volunteer Fair at <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>On Tuesday, June 19, 2012, the UAEcapital’s first-ever ‘Volunteer Fair’ washosted at the <strong>University</strong>.The fair’s major objectives were to providea platform for adults who want to volunteer,for organizations who want to familiarize thepublic with their work, and for communitymembers who are open to alternative views onvolunteer work.The American Corner’s event organizingteam has coordinated with the volunteeringcommunity to meet diverse interests rangingfrom the general such as animal welfare andenvironmental protection to the more specificsuch as cancer research and recycling.The American Corner has been facilitatinginformational lectures on major volunteerismtopics such as micro-financing andphilanthropy. Moreover, interested participantsare pledged in as volunteers and challenged tofulfill their responsibilities throughout the year.Unique glimpse of presidential election processOn October 8, 2012, Mr. Eric Janski gavea talk on campus titled ‘US Presidentialelections: Introduction.’ The US officerand pilot is currently an Assistant Attaché of theUS Liaison Office in the United States Embassy inAbu Dhabi and works with Emirati counterpartson security issues and bilateral relations.Mr. Janski focused in his presentation onthe 2012 US elections and on the role of thegeneral public and the electoral college inthe nomination process for the office of thePresident. Students from the Urban Planningprogram attended the informative presentationdetailing the processes of presidential primariesand general elections and the intricate ways theUS geography and demographics have a bearingon the outcome of these elections.Dr. Adnan Husnéin, Assistant Professor at theDepartment of the Urban Planning, describes thevaluable opportunity afforded to his students byattending the lecture: “Eric opened a windowonto the world of US presidential elections – aprocess which is both unique and fascinating.My students were especially intrigued by themaps that related spatial information to howvarious states vote during the election season.”Mr. Eric Janski was born in Waconia,Minnesota and graduated from the US Air ForceAcademy in 2000 with a BS in Civil Engineering.He received his MBA from Colorado State<strong>University</strong> in 2010. During his 12 years of serviceabroad, Janski has been assigned to over 9different duty locations including South Korea,Italy, and now the UAE.1415

ACAD <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013ACAD <strong>News</strong>ACAD Small World team representativesappreciated in certificate ceremonyA personal journey into the laboring ofa new LibyaSmall World organizers held a certificateceremony in Mirage Marine in Abu Dhabion June 23, 2012 to reward sponsors andvolunteers for their involvement in the largescalecharity fundraiser held in March of thisyear. Certificates were signed and distributedby H.H. Sheikh Nahyan Mubarak Al Nahyan,the Minister of Higher Education and ScientificResearch, and Mrs Salam Hamzeh Ghaith, thefounder and President of Small World.The American Corner of Abu Dhabi City(ACAD) at <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> participated inthe event by representing the USA in a boothand mixed choral and dance performance.When the ACAD event team was asked to selectan ambassador for the USA in the Small Worldfundraiser, Ahmed Suwaidi, <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s studentcouncil president, was unanimously chosen forthe position.The active student agreed to taking on theresponsibility despite his heavy course load. “Ifelt obligated to participate in this charitablecause because it was a special night that unitedeveryone for the cause of children around theworld,” he said.Certificates of appreciation were also givento the American Corner organizing teammembers Huda Kindi and Amanda Tinnin fortheir participation in the event.At the close of the ceremony, Mrs.Salam Hamzeh Ghaith expressed her greatappreciation for the commitment of allthe volunteers involved in the event andpromised that Small World 2013 would bean even larger success. Mrs. Ghaith, whohad previously joined <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s VolunteerFair panel discussion on volunteering andentrepreneurship, is the CEO of Plush Eventsand an active volunteer and philanthropist.The Small World event began in 2011 withthe aim of unifying different nationalities,under the banner of a selected cause for athreefold purpose of promoting inter-culturalappreciation, raising awareness of globalissues, and funding worthy projects aroundthe world. In 2012, Small World joined forceswith the CNN Freedom Project and focused onthe cause of child slavery. It was announcedthat the theme would continue next year.ACAD Coordinator Huda Kindi has confirmedthat the American Corner would participate inSmall World 2013.On June 24, 2012, Dr. Adnan Husnein,Assistant Professor at the Departmentof Urban Planning, offered hisperspective as a Libyan American on nationbuildingand a recount of his interaction withLibyan local government officials, academics,and civil society over a two-year periodbeginning in 2011.The presentation highlighted his workorganizing and running a workshop on the roleof urban planning in post-revolution Libya atthe International Forum of Libyan Experts inFebruary 2012, assisting the Ministry of HigherEducation in developing its official website,and organizing TEDx Tripoli, the first postrevolutioninternational conference in Libya.Throughout the lecture, Dr. Husneindisplayed pictures of Libya’s most scenicsites, telling the audience of the incrediblepotential of his country in terms of industriessuch as tourism and energy. He particularlystressed the resilience of the Libyan people anddescribed the creativity that revolution hadbrought out of even the youngest participantsin post-revolutionary building process. Thepresenter was optimistic about the future ofLibya and the changes on the ground at thegrassroots level, but admitted that there aremany more steps to be made on the road tobuilding the country.Dr. Husnein gave his sincere appreciationto Vice Chancellor Abdul Rahim Sabouni andProvost Raymond Tennant for supportinghis effort to accomplish these state-buildingendeavors in Libya and Ms. Huda Kindi of theAmerican Corner for organizing the event.Fund raising for Friends of Cancer Patientsthrough cancer awareness programThe American Corner of Abu Dhabi (ACAD)in cooperation with the <strong>ALHOSN</strong> SportsClub, organized an Eid Al-Adha CharityBazaar and Banquet for Friends of CancerPatients. The two events marked the end ofACAD’s second fundraising campaign for cancer.1617

ACAD <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013ACAD <strong>News</strong>The U.S. Embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission,Victor Hurtado, was the honorary guest at theEid-Al Adha banquet on Wednesday, October24 th , 2012. Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni, ViceChancellor and CEO, welcomed the guests inhis opening remarks and emphasized <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong>’s active involvement in promotingthe well-being of the community throughsocially responsible initiatives.“In the past two years, the AmericanCorner has been successful in organizingvarious noteworthy events such as the BreastCancer Week of 2011 and Earth Day of 2012,representing the USA in Small World 2012, andinitiated Abu Dhabi’s first Volunteer Fair. Thisevent is yet another milestone achieved inthe growth of the American Corner,” the ViceChancellor stated.The U.S. Embassy’s Deputy Chief of Mission,Victor Hurtado, described the need to focusattention on health issues, particularly cancer,to help raise awareness. He lauded the SportsClub and American Corner of Abu Dhabi Cityfor their efforts to establish ties with thesurrounding community.Dr. Jalaa Taher, Section Head at the CancerControl and Prevention Section from theHealth Authority of Abu Dhabi, spoke aboutthe importance of educating the public aboutpreventative measures and early detectionto reduce the risk of cancer and to allow forsuccessful treatment. She introduced Ms.Gresya, a cancer survivor, who shared herinspiring story of overcoming the odds andbeating breast cancer. Ms. Lamya Garb from theFirst Gulf Bank highlighted their plan to helpprotect women from an impending financialrisk resulting from expensive cancer treatment.First Gulf Bank’s affordable “Well Women Plan”involves a small monthly payment to providecoverage for women should they suffer fromcommon female-specific cancers.The official winner of the Best Arabic SweetsContest from the previous day’s Charity Bazaarwas announced. The winner, <strong>ALHOSN</strong> studentNoha Hatem, received two free tickets to thebanquet and was awarded a crystal plaque.A total of 13,010 AED in donations to theFriends of Cancer Patients was garnered fromgenerous contributions made by students andstaff as well as the Abu Dhabi communitythroughout the month of October. All proceedsfrom bazaar table sales, banquet tickets, andcommunity donations were gifted to Friendsof Cancer Patients.US ambassador graces first American lunchOn November 20,2012, AmbassadorMichael H. Corbin joined the AmericanCorner’s activities marking theinauguration of the “People of the World”Event and Thanksgiving lunch. Prof. AbdulRahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor and CEO,welcomed the guests in his opening remarksand emphasized the <strong>University</strong>’s activeinvolvement in making connections with thecommunity to come together to celebrate andshare their rich cultural heritage with everyoneon campus.In his remarks, Ambassador Corbinhighlighted the ongoing importance of theAmerican Corner to the partnership betweenthe U.S. Embassy and <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> andthe importance of the Thanksgiving Holiday inAmerican culture.He recognized the American Corner’scommitment to be a cultural hub for thecommunity and the upcoming plan toeducate <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> students andpersonnel about the cultures and traditions ofvarious countries through “ACAD CelebratesPeople of the World.” The occasion marks theAmbassador’s second visit to the <strong>University</strong>with the first being his visit for the BreastCancer Awareness Week in October, 2011.During the Ambassador’s visit, all attendeeswere invited to a traditional Thanksgivingmeal. Proceeds from meal tickets weredonated to Operation Smile UAE. Ms. MoragCromey-Hawk, Executive Director of OperationSmile, attended the event and spoke about theimportance of donating to repair children’scleft lips and palates to provide a life-changingsurgery for a child in need.Ambassador Corbin also toured Dr. AdnanHusnéin’s exhibit Evolution of Artistic Thought.Before his departure the Ambassador had theopportunity to meet informally with studentsand encourage them to follow him on Twitter@AmbCorbin to keep in touch with his latestnews.1819

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> EventsIssue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013<strong>ALHOSN</strong> Events<strong>University</strong> shares world-class academicplatform at Dubai’s GETEX Spring 20124 th Annual Open Day impresses students withpromise of ‘global knowledge with local vision’The <strong>University</strong> showcased its academicprograms and community-focusedinitiatives during GETEX Spring 2012, thelatest edition of the Gulf’s largest educationfair which run from April 19 to 21, 2012 atthe Dubai International Convention andExhibition Centre.An exclusive seminar titled ‘<strong>ALHOSN</strong>@-a-Glance’ was conducted on the first day. The<strong>University</strong> presented its philosophy of ‘globalknowledge with local vision’ and explainedhow its world-class curricula prepared by NorthAmerican educators are well-suited for theregion’s evolving job markets. Representativesalso touched on <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s various advocaciessuch as increasing women enrollment intechnical programs and the molding of sociallyresponsiblecitizens.Higher education & employability prospectsoutlined at 4th Al Ain Education & Career FairThe <strong>University</strong> joined more than 26corporate and educational entitiesin discussing job market trends andrequirements as well as the educationalstandards needed to gain a competitive edgein the market during the 4 th Al Ain Educationand Career Fair held in Al Ain.During the fair’s three-day run, <strong>ALHOSN</strong>explained how its philosophy of ‘globalknowledge with local vision’ can help studentspursue productive careers while contributingto the development of their community.<strong>University</strong> representatives also recommendedalumni to the region’s top employers, discussedcareer opportunities within the organization,and highlighted the various career paths thatstudents can take under <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s wings.Another successful Open Day wasconcluded at the Female Campus, whichimpressed visiting and senior high schoolstudents with <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s learning philosophy of‘global knowledge with local vision.’The annual Open Day assists students,parents, school counselors and advisors inobtaining more information about <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong>. This year’s edition gathered 400students from all Abu Dhabi governmentand private schools who were introducedto <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s topnotch Business, Engineeringand Education programs as well as scholarships,international opportunities, track record andcareer placement services. The university alsoemphasized its holistic approach to personaldevelopment through exhibits that showcasedvarious student-supported social, cultural,environmental and charitable activities.Visitors were given a tour of the campus andacquainted with key personnel and staff.Adding fun and excitement to the eventwere various games and surprises, includingan hourly raffle draw where lucky winnersgot to take home MP3 players and iPad 3s andreceive free TOEFL English-language testingexam passes.2021

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> EventsIssue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013<strong>ALHOSN</strong> EventsStudents mentor inquisitive young minds atAbu Dhabi Science Festival 2012Students from <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> were commended by the organizers of this year’s AbuDhabi Science Festival (ADSF) for bringing knowledge and fun to the UAE’s youths whoattended the event’s various exciting science learning sessions.ADSF collaborates with the Edinburgh International Science Festival as content partner todeliver a top-notch learning experience that helps popularize science, particularly among UAE’syouths aged 5 to 15. Last year’s festival welcomed over 16,000 school children from Abu Dhabi,Al Ain, and Gharbiyah, while this year’s edition is believed to have engaged over 20,000 students,with a bigger program facilitating organized school tours. The festival lasted 11 days, fromOctober 10 to 20, 2012.This year, world-class experts trained three teams totaling 183 higher education studentsfrom the <strong>University</strong> under ADSF’s Science Communicators program to help achieve the festival’svarious learning objectives. ADSF organizer, Abu Dhabi Technology Development Committee,and education partner, Abu Dhabi Education Council, commended students for their exceptionalwork and dedication to helping youths better appreciate the wonders of science.The 2012 Abu Dhabi Science Festival was held under the patronage of H.H. General SheikhMohamed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commanderof the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces. Aside from sparking the scientific curiosity of schoolchildren, the festival also provided an enjoyable experience for the student’s siblings and parents.NAJAH attendees impressed by US & MinistryaccreditedprogramsParticipants at the recently held 2012edition of NAJAH, the largest education,training and career fair in the MiddleEast, agreed that the international certificationof schools was a key factor in recruitment andnetworking decisions. Several of them wereimpressed with the programs offered by the<strong>University</strong>, which recently earned accreditationfrom the prestigious Accreditation Board forEngineering and Technology, Inc. (ABET), a USaccreditor of college and university programsin applied sciences, computing, engineeringand technology. <strong>ALHOSN</strong> is the first privateuniversity in Abu Dhabi to receive ABETaccreditation for its Civil Engineering programand the only one in the entire UAE to beofficially recognized by ABET for its Industrialand Software Engineering programs.“Quality is foremost inmind among employers andeducational partners. It is thusvery advantageous for ourstudents and our university thatwe have secured internationalaccreditations from well-reputedorganizations such as ABET,which is a testament to the highquality of education we deliver.Moreover, the endorsementof the UAE Ministry of HigherEducation and ScientificResearch proves that we havecomplied with the stringentregulatory requirements of thenational educational system.Certifications provide ourstudents with a competitive edgeas they seek the best professionalopportunities available in the jobmarket.”Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor and CEO2223

<strong>ALHOSN</strong> EventsIssue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>Today’s top graduate programs on spotlightduring Open DayFaculty of Arts andSocial Sciences <strong>News</strong>‘Adept Engineer’ playRecruitment agencies point to the UAE,Saudi Arabia and Oman as the Gulfcountries with the greatest potential tocreate new jobs in 2012. The UAE in particularis expected to lead the region in terms of theeconomic value of job creation. Agencies agreethat having a post-graduate degree in particularopens up doors to the best employmentprospects in the region.Taking a cue from the positive local andregional employment outlook, the <strong>University</strong>organized an ‘Open Day for Graduate Studies’on November 24, 2012 at its Male Campus. Theevent featured <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s comprehensive lineupof industry-relevant graduate programs, whichinclude a Master of Business Administration(MBA) in International Business, ManagementInformation Systems, General Management,Finance, and Accounting; Graduate Certificatesin Building Engineering and EngineeringManagement; Master in Buildings Engineering(MBE); Master in Engineering Management(MEM), Diploma of Education (Arabic ); andMaster of Education.As an added incentive, the <strong>University</strong>raffled off valuable prizes to early registrantsand offered free executive training andTOEFL English proficiency test, the world’smost common admissions requirement foruniversities and colleges.The Department of Education staged aplay inspired by an Arabic lesson given inprimary schools. Entitled ‘Adept Engineer,’the play sheds light on the effective role ofwhat is known as ‘Curriculum Dramatization,’a model that is currently gaining momentumacross the educational system.Attending the event were Prof. Abdul RahimSabouni, Vice Chancellor and CEO of <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong>; Dr. Karima Al Mazroui, ArabicCurriculum Manager at Abu Dhabi EducationCouncil; Dr. Mariam Al Ali; and other Councilmembers. <strong>ALHOSN</strong> faculty members, AbuDhabi school teachers, parents and studentsfrom primary schools were also present.“This play reflects the practical side ofeducational technology and methodologiesand demonstrates the Department’s faith inCurriculum Dramatization, which comes inline with the vision of the Abu Dhabi EducationCouncil,” said Dr. Mohammed Saeed HasabAl Naby, Chair of <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s Department ofEducation and supervisor of the play.“The students’ hard work and exceptionalefforts are evidently translated in the handmadestage set pieces, highly contributing to theremarkable success of the show,” he added.‘Adept Engineer’ is the seventh play tobe staged by the Department of Education,following a series of plays inspired by primaryschool curricula such as ‘King’s Intelligence,’and ‘Marvelous Trick - Puppet Show.4 th annual teaching practice exhibitionThe Education Department held its 4 thAnnual Teaching Practice Exhibitionfeaturing graduation projects done byfemale students over the Spring semesterthrough field training schools.The exhibition was kicked off by Prof.Abdul Rahim Sabouni, Vice Chancellor andCEO of <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, who emphasizedthe importance of the event, to which the<strong>University</strong> looks forward every semester. Prof.2425

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>Sabouni explained that this reflects the applicationof the theoretical knowledge gained bythe students and how it blends with the practicalaspects of schooling. Prof. Sabouni alsowished the Department of Education and allsections of the university continued successand prosperity.The event was attended by Prof. RaymondTennant, Provost; Prof. Mohamed Sobaih,Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and AppliedSciences; and the Education Department’sfaculty and Teaching Practice Supervisors: Dr.Mohamed Saeed Hasab El Naby, DepartmentChair; Dr. Saleh Al Nusairat; Dr. TeirabAshShareef; and Dr. Basem Younes Al Bdairat.Also in attendance were Dr. MohamedAl Amine, Dr. Maryam Al Ali from Abu DhabiEducation Council, Dr. Lilly Tennant, andDr. Sumaya Saqr from Emirates College forEducational Development. Several schoolinspectors and teachers from Al NahdaNational School, Al Ittihad, Palestine, and otherschools involved in the training of <strong>ALHOSN</strong> studentteachers also attended the event. A largenumber of <strong>University</strong> faculty, staff, studentsThe first research forum for the faculty of artsand social sciencesThe cultural committee of the Faculty ofArts and Social Sciences organized TheFirst Research Forum on May 9 th , 2012where three professors, Dr. Saleh Al Nusairat,Dr. Alexander Soldat and Dr. Basem Al Bdairatpresented their papers. The Forum wasattended by a group of <strong>University</strong> professorsand students who participated in the discussionthat followed. In the upcoming semester, thisforum will be expanded to include presentationsof students’ research papers.and their families visited the exhibition.The Education Department presented a certificateof appreciation to Prof. Sabouni at theclosure of the exhibition in recognition of hiscontinuous support for the Department andits activities. For their laudable efforts duringthe training period, certificates of appreciationwere also awarded to faculty who supervisedthe Teaching Practice, namely, Mr. Rami AbdulRahim Sabouni who is completing his PhDstudies in Canada, Mr. Murad Al Rajab, Ms.Haifa Kattan, and Mr. Mohammed Nidal fromthe Mechanical and Industrial EngineeringDepartment.Participation in the functions of the Fifth Annual Meeting forExcellence of the Khalifa Award for EducationAgroup of <strong>University</strong> professors fromthe Faculty of Arts and Social Sciencesparticipated in the functions of theFifth Annual Meeting for Excellence of theKhalifa Award for Education on Wednesday,June 6, 2012. The professors were: Dr. SalehNusairat, Professor Hassan Mustafa, Dr.Teirab AshShareef, Dr. Hassan Belhiah, Dr.Mohammed Saeed Hasab El Naby and Dr.Bassem Al Bdairat. The professors took partin several presentations, which coveredvarious educational fields such as: ‘ResearchFaith education in RamadanIn celebration of the Holy Month of Ramadan,Dr. Mohammed Saeed Hasab Al Nabigave a public lecture on ‘Faith Educationin Ramadan’ in the presence of <strong>University</strong>students and administrators.The lecture discussed faith education inIslam with special focus on the pillars offaith and types of fasting. It shed light on theessence of the spiritual month of Ramadanas an opportunity to strengthen one’s faithand beliefs. It also touched on the need toParadigms in Education,’ ‘Children’s Talentsand How to Nurture Them,’ and ‘New Mediaand Education.’manifest faith through good deeds as conveyedin many verses in the Holy Quran. Dr. Al Nabiemphasized that Muslims should abide by theirfaith and perform good deeds not only duringRamadan but throughout their entire life.This year, the <strong>University</strong> marked Ramadanwith a series of special events and activities,including religious and artistic competitions,an Iftar gathering for students, facultymembers and administrators, and religiouslectures.2627

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>Faculty ofBusiness <strong>News</strong>Field trip to GITEXThe MIS department has always beenkeen on keeping its students updated onthe current state-of-the-art technologyand information edge. To that end, a fieldtrip was organized on Thursday, October18 th , 2012 for students to visit the 32 nd GITEXexhibition. Students were accompanied by Dr.Fadia Hegazy, Ms. Huda Kindi and Ms. NahlaArafa. At the exhibition, MIS students wereexposed to the latest technology in the fieldof information systems security, hardwareand software, mobile and e-governmenttechnology advances. The group also attendeda presentation by Microsoft on the emergenceof Windows 8 in the market and a CyberSecurity Seminar by the Ministry of Interior/Abu Dhabi Police Department entitled ‘HelpingGenerations Become Good Digital Citizens.’Elocution contestThe Department of BusinessAdministration under the guidance of Dr.Hazem Marashdeh, organized the firstedition of ‘Elocution Contest’ on November25 th , 2012 . The aim of the competition was toprovide a platform for students in the Facultyof Business to build confidence, increase selfesteem,and develop strong leadership skills.Seven dedicated contestants entered thecompetition. Their performances were evaluatedby a team of three judges: Prof Ahmed Zohdi, DrHassan Belhiah, and Dr Belal Barhem. At the end,Ms Maram Taha from the Business Departmentemerged victorious and was awarded the topprize for her impeccable presentation on thetopic ‘After graduation: Should you work forthe public or private sector?’ The second prizewas awarded to Ms Huda Abdul Khader fromthe Business Department as she presented herreflections on ‘Women leadership in the UAE,’while the third prize went to Ms Nadia Al Amerifor her speech on the topic, ‘Tourism prospectsin Abu Dhabi.’ Prior to the elocution contest,training sessions and workshops were providedby Dr. Taimur Sharif and Ms Rekha Pillai in orderto familiarize students with the fundamentalsof public speaking.The event took place in the American Cornerwith Prof. Raymond, the Provost, gracingthe occasion. Prof. Raymond emphasized theimportance of conducting similar studentdevelopment activities in the near futureand handed the candidates their awards andcertificates of participation.Marriage Fund on campusOn Sunday, November 18 th , theDepartment of Business Administrationhosted a workshop by the MarriageFund under the title ‘Working for YourHappiness.’ The goal of the workshop was toinform university students about the servicesand activities provided by the Marriage Fund.During the event, a documentary film aboutthe role of the Marriage Fund was presented.In addition, the Deputy Director of the Fund,Habibah Al Hosani, delivered a speech in whichshe highlighted the vision, mission, and valuesof the Fund, along with the myriad ways inwhich students can benefit from its services.The presentation was followed by a discussionsession with students. Subsequently, a lecturetitled ‘The Role of the Family in Modern Society’was delivered to female students.Faculty ofEngineering <strong>News</strong>Departments of Education and Architecture engage in culturalcooperation for the second year runningDepartments of Education andArchitecture organized a lecture by Dr.Mohammed Al Hammadi, from theCenter of Research and Security Studies of AbuDhabi Police, entitled ‘UAE Cultural Historyover the Centuries.’ The lecture was held in thepresence of Mr. Abdullah Al Marzouki, MediaDirector of Sheikh Sultan Cultural and MediaCentre, Dr. Mohamad Kashef, former Chair ofthe Department of Architecture and several2829

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>faculty members and university students.The talk reviewed the urban history of theUAE, from the Stone Age to the Modern era,highlighting the differences that characterizedeach historical phase of the UAE. The Lecturealso highlighted the development of Abu DhabiPolice Department since the establishment ofthe police force.The lecture began with an introductionby Dr. Mohammed Saeed Hasab Al Nabi,Chair of the Education Department, in whichhe thanked Prof. Sabouni for sponsoringthis important event. He also thanked Dr.Al Hammadi for accepting his invitation todiscuss the historical development of theUAE with <strong>University</strong> faculty and students. Dr.Hasab Al Nabi pointed out that this lecture isthe fruit of joint cooperation for the secondyear between the Departments of Educationand Architecture. Vice Chancellor Sabounicommented that Dr. Hammadi reviewedthe development of the UAE civilization ina captivating and riveting way. He stressedthat the historical and cultural depth of theEmirates is an integral part of the modernreality and unique position of the UAE in theworld today. The event was concluded by thepresentation of the <strong>University</strong> crystal logo anda certificate of appreciation to Dr. MohammedAl Hammadi for his invaluable efforts to enrichthe cultural aspects of the university students.Last year, the Departments of Educationand Architecture hosted Dr. Abdul RahmanMakhlouf, a pioneering contributor to thedevelopment of Abu Dhabi City.Architectural Alumni Association launchedThe American Corner hosted theArchitectural Alumni Association (AAA)opening ceremony on Tuesday, 15 thMay, 2012. Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni, ViceChancellor and CEO, welcomed the alumni inhis opening remarks and invited all graduatesto actively participate in the Association.Dr. Mohamad Kashef, former Chair of theDepartment of Architectural Engineeringand AAA Advisor, encouraged the alumni andfaculty members from other departmentsto create their own associations and use theAAA as a model. Dr. Kashef’s talk was followedby Ms. Hadeel Fouad, President of the AAA,who explained to the audience the goals andobjectives of the AAA, and future plans. Ms.Nagham Taha, Events & Media Organizer ofthe AAA, explained the concept behind the AAAlogo, which was designed for the association.At the end of the talk, a representative fromCanon briefed the alumni and students on thevarious options and tools available to themfor polishing work related to architecturalengineering and graphics projects.Modern eco-friendly mosque approved by General Authority ofIslamic Affairs & EndowmentsDaniel Malak wins prestigious ‘UAE Through Your Eyes’ shortfilm competitionDaniel Malak, an Architectural Engineeringstudent, has been declared the winner ofthe ‘UAE Through Your Eyes’ short filmcompetition jointly organized by the New YorkFilm Academy – Abu Dhabi, the US Embassy inAbu Dhabi, and the US Consulate in Dubai.Malak’s work won over 17 other entriesof different genres. His short film titled‘Opportunity Beyond Measures’ depicts careerand lifestyle possibilities for youths in the UAEusing a clever ‘footprints’ theme. It was laudedby jurors for its original concept, filmingquality and culture-crossing approach. The winhas earned Malak a USD 3,700 scholarship to a12-week course on digital filmmaking with theNew York Film Academy.Acontemporary eco-friendly mosquedesigned by Suhail MohammedSuleiman, a graduating architecturestudent, has been approved for constructionby the General Authority of Islamic Affairsand Endowments in Abu Dhabi. The proposalhas received the prestigious ‘Five PearlRating’ under ‘Estidama’ – the sustainabilityframework aligned with Abu Dhabi’s Vision2030 development plan – from the Abu DhabiUrban Planning Council.Suhail dedicated the mosque design – hisGraduation Project– to H.H. General SheikhMohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Princeof Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commanderof the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces.The project involves the building of amosque and Islamic center in Abu Dhabi’sSaadiyat Island, with the mosque to be madeof eco-friendly building materials and partlyilluminated by natural lighting. Suhail combinessustainable elements with modern design todifferentiate it from the architecture and designof typical mosques. His project aims to makethe UAE renowned for its modern Islamic spiritand embodies <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s philosophy of ‘globalknowledge with local vision.’3031

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>Graduating students envision future campusAs part of their capstone projects duringthe spring of 2012, Architecture studentsdeveloped design proposals for <strong>ALHOSN</strong>future campus. Amal Al Ghifari and ReemZeidan envisioned <strong>ALHOSN</strong> Campus with acentral oasis-like atrium surrounded by amajor auditorium that accommodates 1500seats and two lecture theaters, 400 seats eachas well as movie theaters, registration andadmission offices, a major library, cafes, dininghall and recreational facilities with indoorswimming pool and a half-kilometer overheadjogging track. The atrium is flooded withnatural light through skylights and equippedwith a variety of vertical circulation elementsthat connect all university floors. Three8-story faculty buildings feed into the atriumand are accessible from a variety of levels. Alarge outdoor plaza and green roof connectall the buildings together and create a quasinaturalhill with covered parking underneath.The design employed sustainable buildingstrategies and incorporated photovoltaicand solar panel technology in addition to skygardens and desirable wind catchers thatchanel fresh air inside the whole campus.The project was supervised by Dr. Kashef,former Chair of the Department of ArchitectureAccording to him, it is one of the best capstoneproject submissions in the Department. One ofthe most significant aspects of this project wasgiving students the opportunity to envision<strong>ALHOSN</strong> future campus and think about practicalissues related to their study in the currentuniversity campus. The students shared theirideas with Vice Chancellor Abdul RahimSabouni and Provost Prof Raymond Tennant,who expressed their admiration for the students’project. The capstone presentationwas also attended by Mr. Khalifa Al Muhairi,Chairman of the board of trustees, who alsodiscussed some specific design elementsand was pleased to find that ArchitecturalEngineering students are engaged in such complexdesign projects.Field trip to the Centre of Original Iranian CarpetsThe Department of Interior Design recentlytook its INT 304 Color and Materials IIstudents on a field trip to the Centreof Original Iranian Carpets in Abu Dhabi. Themanaging partner, Mr Dawood Hosseinzadeh, gavestudents a very informative talk on how handmadesilk and wool carpets are made and showed themmany examples of antique and modern carpets.‘Salone Internationale del Mobile di Milano’The Department of Interior Designorganized a field trip to the SaloneInternazionale del Mobile di Milano,Italy, from April 17 to 23, 2012. The MilanFair (fiera) has been held annually in Milansince 1961 and is the largest trade fair of itskind in the world. It showcases the latest indecoration, home and office design, furnitureand lighting from countries around the world.The field trip to Milan is part of a coursein the interior design program (INT 481). SixTrip to twofour54On Thursday March 15, 2012, SoftwareEngineering Department faculty andstudents had a wonderful visit totwofour54, a famous Media Company in AbuDhabi. They received a warm welcome from thetwofour54 team, headed by Ms. Nada Al Midfa.The trip started by visiting the GreenBuilding, where the team attended aninformative and exciting presentation aboutthe aims and services of twofour54, and howthey are related to the Software Engineeringfield. The speaker emphasized the importanceof Software Engineers, even stating they arethe new ‘doctors’ of our technology era. Later,students and members of their families madethe trip. They were accompanied by Ms. PatriciaBall, lecturer, and Dr. Seif Khiati, Former Chairof the Department of Interior Design. The tripconsisted of three days at the fair, one day tovisit Milan and another to visit Venice.The Milan trip provided students with aunique experience that has only been availableto professionals, seeing the latest products,meeting designers and constructers, and aboveall networking in the business.students were taken to twofour54 TadreebBuilding and Laboratories, where they saw howgraphics and animations were accomplishedin media, similar to the well-known CartoonNetworks Channel.Subsequently, students visited the 3D Laband were introduced to the 3D technology inmedia, as well as the software and hardwareassociated with it. They also viewed a short,unique 3D film created by a local talent, andwere later escorted to see the Vintage roomand an On Air studio where twofour54 staffthoroughly explained the process of recordingand broadcasting on air. Afterwards, they3233

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>visited the Sound and Montage Lab, wherethey witnessed how to add the sound effectsover videos through cutting-edge softwareand equipment.At the end of the visit, a group photo wastaken and the tour guide of twofour54 waspresented with a token of appreciation fromthe SWE Department. Students left twofour54enlightened about the media field and howit is closely related to Software Engineering.Students were accompanied by Dr. SamiaSelf-trust is the first secret of successThe famous quote, “Self-trust is the firstsecret of success,” by Ralph WaldoEmerson was the theme of the SoftwareEngineering Department’s end-of-the year(2011-2012) lunch gathering that took placeon May 31, 2012, at Murjan Asfar ResortsRestaurant. The majority of the SoftwareEngineering faculty and students attended theconvivial gathering.Mrs. Amal Aboaziza inaugurated the eventwith a friendly welcome speech commendingthe students on a job well-done, which waspossible in part of the hard work of the SWEFaculty. Dr. Adel then gave a warm messagestating how the SWE department pridesitself on the camaraderie and teamworkbetween faculty and students. Afterwards,Mrs. Amal and Dr. Adel presented certificatesof appreciation to distinguished students fortheir excellent performance during the 2011–2012 academic year.A surprise was in store at the conclusionof the certificate presentations. Mr. Muradand Mrs. Amal, presented certificates ofappreciation on behalf of the students to theSWE Faculty members, Dr. Adel, Dr. Samia, Dr.Maher, Dr. Hassen, and Mrs. Haifaa, for theirLoucif, Ms. Haifaa Kattan, Ms. Amal Aboaziza,and Mr. Murad Al-Rajab.outstanding achievements, hard work andgreat contributions to the department.Finally, after students enjoyed their lunch,they were surprised by a cake-cutting ceremonyto see off the department’s graduatingstudents. The gathering was ended with agroup photo session.Field trip to Abu Dhabi MediaOn Oct 4 th , 2012, The Software EngineeringDepartment organized a field trip to theAbu Dhabi Media Company (ADMC), amulti-platform media organization establishedin 2007 as a public joint stock company fromthe assets of Emirates Media Incorporated.ADMC owns and operates a range of televisionchannels, a network of radio stations, as wellas a number of newspapers, magazines andmedia related businesses. ADMC’s operatingunits include publishing, television, radio,digital media, distribution, and printing.The purpose of the trip was to enablestudents to learn more about the world of digitalmedia implementation and practice using thelatest software programming applications andweb engineering technology. After arrivingto ADMC’s headquarters, students visited theIT department of Al-Ittihad newspaper. Theywere welcomed by the IT team membersrepresented by their chief informationmanager. A presentation was given about themajor activities and responsibilities of the ITdepartment showing all their major tasksand work flow that go into the publication ofthe newspaper. Students were provided withadequate information and awareness aboutthe most important and critical softwareapplications used in the media editing sector.The presentation also covered the mainconcept of cloud computing technology andthe meaning of the virtualization environment.Trip to Smart SolutionsOn November 22 nd , 2012, the SoftwareEngineering Department organized afield trip to Smart Solutions companyin Jabal Ali, Dubai. Students were accompaniedThe presentation highlighted the company’sGreen Project launched in 2008, and shed lighton its roadmap. After that, a very fruitfuldiscussion session took place between theAD Media development team and softwareengineering students on the fundamentalsof being a professional software engineer intoday’s market.Subsequently, students visited the Abu DhabiTelevision site. Mr. Abdullah Al Hashemi, theHead of Television Broadcasting, and Mr.Nasser Alzaabi, the logistics Director, tookthe students in a tour inside Abu Dhabi SportChannel HD studios and control room andshowed them a host of cutting-edge facilitiesand equipment used by broadcasters. Finally,students visited the production and cipheringroom and learned a great deal about enhancingdata security via biometric authentication.The trip was organized by Mr. MuradAl-Rajab. Students were accompanied by Dr.Maher Aburrous and Mr. Murad Dr. Samia Loucif and Mr. Murad Al-Rajab.The company supports smart technologies andfull automation for a wide range of premises,including houses, hotels, and hospitals. With3435

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>fully automated premises, every single aspectsuch as lighting, opening and closing doors canbe controlled remotely through mobile devicesand electronic devices.Students watched a demo of a fullyautomated system where different facilitieswere demonstrated. They were also introducedto different types of sensors used in theimplementation of the system, and categoriesof wireless communication protocols such asRFID, Bluetooth, and Zigbee. Students becamefamiliarized with the types of devices used,their installation, and the interconnectionbetween the devices to allow control from aPC or Smartphone. Furthermore, they engagedin a discussion about the development of thesoftware that controls the system and clientrequirements, such as elicitation, the design ofthe application, and the implementation.“The field trip was really enlighteningand we sincerely thank the SoftwareEngineering Department for giving us such awonderful opportunity to discover the latesttechnologies in our field,” said student DinaAhmed Mohamed.On his part, student Rhaed Khiati commented,“I think this was a great learning experience. Weare really fortunate to get the chance to see allthis magnificent technology. Just learning aboutsmart homes made me even more determinedto become a software engineer.”Female students develop computerized petrol distributionmodel for ADNOCIndustrial Engineering students IbtisamAhmad, Nimah Fayez, Maryam Ahmadand Walaa Awad developed a prototypelogistical support system for ADNOC petrolstations under the supervision of Prof.Samir El Dessouky and Engineer Omar Awni,members of the Department of Mechanicaland Industrial Engineering. The computerizedmodel optimizes supply and service operationswhile minimizing environmental impact.If implemented, the system will help raiseADNOC’s profits by increasing petroleum quantitiesand reducing distance traveled by theUrban infrastructure systems field tripcompany’s distribution trucks. ADNOC employeescan decide on the product quantities tobe delivered and the best transport routes togenerate the least expense by referring to theconsumption index for each product sold andother data generated by the proposed logisticssolution. The optimized distribution alsoleads to a significant reduction in carbon dioxideemissions.The project was presented along with othergraduation projects during the annual OpenDay organized recently by <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s Faculty ofEngineering and Applied Sciences.Costra visitOn Thursday, April 29 th , 2012, MIE students,accompanied by Dr. Adnan Bashire, Dr.Mehdi Sherimani, and Mr. MohammadNidal, visited Costra Company in Dubai.Mr. Sankar, HR Manager at Costra Company,delivered a riveting speech about the companyand its innovations. After that, Mr. Azhar,from the Department of Administration,spoke about the products manufactured byCostra for different projects. He also led thestudents on a tour in several departments of theproduction line from the raw material until thefinished products.After the tour, the group had refreshmentsand enjoyed some entertainment. At the endof the visit, they met with Mr. Mukesh, one ofthe company’s directors, who made a pledge tofurther develop collaboration between <strong>ALHOSN</strong><strong>University</strong> and Costra Company.The Civil Engineering Department and theSociety of Women in Engineering (SOWIE)organized a field trip for students to theWatani Residential Complex Project on March1, 2012. Students were accompanied by Dr.Rafik Al-Sakkaf and Teaching Assistant Eng.Israa Hammouda.Owned by Sorouh, the project is a residentialdevelopment of more than 700 luxury villas.Phase 2, which is under construction, iscomposed of 400 luxury villas with all servicesand utilities. Upon arrival, participantswere greeted by Project Manager, Dr. KaddajSaid of Al-Rakha Construction Co, and Eng.Younis Hammouda, General Manager of TetraConstruction Co. Tetra, the infrastructurecontractor for the project. The focus of the fieldtrip was on the stormwater and the seweragenetworks. Dr. Kaddaj Said introduced studentsto the major phases of the project, while Tetrastaff provided a guided tour and explanation ofthe activities and techniques of constructingstormwater and sewerage networks.3637

Academic <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Academic <strong>News</strong>Field trip to Arabian Construction Company (ACC)Visit to Abu Dhabi Systems & Information CenterThe Civil Engineering Department,in collaboration with the ArabianConstruction Company (ACC), organizeda field trip for students to the Emirates RegionPearl Hotel construction site on March 11,2012. The students were accompanied by Dr.George Markou and Teaching Assistant Eng.Ahmed Mousa.As part of The Atlas Group, the RegentEmirates Pearl Hotel in Abu Dhabi is a joint venturewith Tourism Development & InvestmentCompany (TDIC) valued at an estimated Dhs870 million. This hotel was designed by theinternationally known architect Dennis Lemsfrom Austria. It is located on the Abu-DhabiCorniche, next to the Etihad Towers. The areaof the plot is 10,000 m2 and the frame’s totalheight according to the design will be 240 m.The hotel’s basements, the 377 hotel roomsand 60 residential apartments will cover a totalof 130,000 m2.Students were greeted by Project Manager,Mr. Maged Rofail; Project Quality Manager,Mr. Majid Shirian; HSE Manager, Mr. RaymondFung; QS department engineer, Mr. Raul Parian;and the ACC’s Training Department Manager,Mr. Hassan Yassine. The field trip consisted ofa tour of the worksite and a conference-typepresentation and discussion related to quality,safety and planning procedures that havebeen incorporated in this large scale constructionproject.The worksite tour included a 15-minutesafetyseminar (safety equipment distribution)and a visit to the top floor of the project,located more than 200m above the sea level.During this tour the construction procedure ofthe reinforced concrete frame was explainedand the different structural parts of the projectwere analyzed by site engineers. Furthermore,the finishing engineer of the site described thedifferent stages followed during constructionand analyzed the finishing works currentlybeing performed in this project.After the completion of the worksite tour,students were able to attend three differentpresentations that were given by the correspondinghead engineers of the quality, safetyand planning departments of the project.Adelegation of six students led byDr. Abdellatif Qamhaieh, Chair ofthe Urban Planning Department,visited the headquarters of the Abu DhabiSystems and Information Center (ADSIC), thegovernment agency in charge of Abu Dhabi’sIT agenda, to learn more about the role ofgeographic information systems (GIS) innational development.The delegation met with ADSIC’s GISDivision. The group was introduced to ADSIC’sAbu Dhabi Spatial Data Infrastructure (AD-SDI)Program – an information infrastructure thatshares geospatial data among governmentagencies and other stakeholders – and AbuDhabi’s overall adoption of GIS technologies.The activity forms part of students’ training onGIS-supported urban planning.The visit is part of ADSIC initiatives to reachout to local, regional and global academicinstitutions. The Center was created in 2005to modernize and optimize governmentoperations – one of four key priority areasunder Abu Dhabi’s socio-economic visiontowards 2030. Its major initiatives include theAbu Dhabi e-Government Program, the JobsAbu Dhabi (JAD) online portal, and the AbuDhabi Government Contact Centre.Talents of ‘Engineers of the Future’ unleashed duringCapstone WeekThe Civil Engineering Departmentshowcased the exceptional skillsof its students during its CapstoneWeek held recently at the university’s CivilEngineering Laboratory.A total of 14 capstone projects prepared by30 graduating students were presented, amongthem concepts for transport engineeringplanning using Geographic InformationSystems (GIS), eco-friendly villas, and advanceddrainage and highway designs. The eventwas a platform for students to merge theirtheoretical and practical knowledge, withparticipants presenting full technical details oftheir projects such as design aspects, structuralanalysis, and modeling.3839

Human Resources <strong>News</strong>Issue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Student ActivitiesDesert adventure for faculty & staffStudents introduced to region’s top employers at 3 rd career fairOn March 9, 2012, the Human ResourcesDepartment organized a day ofadventure and exploration in the desertfor faculty and staff as well as their familiesand friends.A total number of seventy-seven participantsmade the trip to Al Khazna, Abu Dhabi, wherethey enjoyed various activities such as cameland horseback riding, photos with falcons,sand-boarding, volleyball, 4x4 dune bashing, andhenna tattooing. They also visited a goat ranchand relaxed at a traditional Arabic majlis. Treatsincluded complimentary drinks, a barbequedinner buffet, and Arabic coffee and dates.The group also took pictures in traditionalArab attire and capped the day watching acaptivating desert sunset.The <strong>University</strong> invited some of the region’sleading employers to meet studentsduring its 3 rd Annual Career Fair held onApril 25 th , 2012 recently at its campus.The fair provided a platform to showcase theskills and competencies acquired by <strong>ALHOSN</strong>students to match current industry demandsacross various fields, including business,education and engineering. <strong>University</strong>students interacted personally with some ofthe well-established companies in the regionand discussed internships, training, and jobvacancies. They also learned about the bestand emerging job prospects available in theregional and global markets.The <strong>University</strong> collected key employerinformation and expanded its industrycontacts. Participating companies, on the otherhand, explained the nature of their businessesand the talents they require for further growth.UAE culture & identity celebrated during 41 st National DayNew Faculty Members Appointments(2012 - 2013)Dr Mehmet Haluk KoksalAssociate ProfessorBusiness AdministrationDr Mehdi ShemiraniAssistant ProfessorMechanical & Industrial EngineeringDr Hassan Al SamarraiAssociate ProfessorEducationMs. Ruba HamouriEnglish InstructorEnglish DepartmentMr. Ashraf AbuhammadLab InstructorMath and Natural SciencesMs. Ghadir AboulabanTeaching AssistantInterior DesignThe UAE’s 41 st National Day was celebratedon campus with a series of events payinghomage to national culture and identityfrom November 27 to 28, 2012.During the first day, historian andarcheologist Dr. Fatima Al Sayegh delivered alecture entitled ‘The Union: Challenges andSuccesses.’ Emirati coffee and local gourmetfood were served afterwards. An Emiratihandicrafts exhibition and a bazaar were alsoheld at the Female Campus.The following day featured the bulk of thefestivities, highlighted by a lecture delivered byrenowned journalist Howaida Ata at an eventsponsored by the university’s Reading Club onthe early days of the UAE and the influence ofthe country’s founding fathers on its enduringsuccess. Ms. Ata also presented an overview ofher upcoming book entitled ‘Passengers of theEmpty Quarter – About Mubarak bin London.’Mubarak bin London was the name givento Sir Wilfred Thesiger, a British explorer who4041

Student ActivitiesIssue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Student Activitiestraversed the Empty Quarter twice and led thelast greatest expedition across Arabia. One ofhis companions during his epic journey, SheikhSalem bin Kabina, narrated their adventures tothe lecture attendees. Dr. Amal Afifi, SecretaryGeneral of the Khalifa Award for Education,faculty members, and special guests wereenthralled by the retelling of unique events inthe UAE’s colorful history.The Reading Club also hosted a culture-basedcontest for children focusing on the historicaland heritage aspects of the UAE. A dancingperformance by Emirati students and thecutting of a special National Day cake enlivenedthe celebrations.“The UAE is a relatively young state and yetit has achieved so much in a span of just fourdecades. A big part of this nation’s success isdue to its commitment to uplifting the uniqueEmirati spirit in all its endeavors. Our activitiespay tribute to the UAE’s unique vision ofprogress, which is echoed in <strong>ALHOSN</strong>’s ownmotto of ‘global knowledge with local vision,’”said Professor Abdul Rahim Sabouni, ViceChancellor and CEO.Nationally-acclaimed writer & poet Habeeb Al Sayegh readsselection of his works at 13 th Reading Club ForumThe Reading Club hosted a poetry readingby renowned writer and poet Habeeb AlSayegh during its 13 th Forum held at theuniversity’s Female Campus.Female students, faculty, staff, distinguishedguests and members of the press wereenraptured by Al Sayegh’s reading of a collectionof his poems. Al Sayegh, who is currently theDirector General of Sultan bin Zayed’s Cultureand Media Centre and the Assistant SecretaryGeneral of the General Union of Arab Writersand Authors, is one of the pioneers of the newpoetry movement that has swept the UAE andthe Gulf region.Al Sayegh was the first poet to win theprestigious Emirates Appreciation Award forArts, Science and Literature in the literaturecategory. He has also been honored by theUAE Journalists Association for nearly 40years of service to the National Press. Hisvisit to <strong>ALHOSN</strong> reflects the university’scommitment to introducing its students andcommunity to local luminaries from variousfields in society.In introducing Al Sayegh to the audience,Dr. Mohammed Saeed Hasab El Nabi, Chair ofthe Department of Education and Supervisorof the Reading Club, lauded the poet’s flair forlanguage and poetry. He commented that AlSayegh, a poetic prodigy, dedicated his firstpoem to his mother as early as three years ofage. He added that followers of Al Sayegh’smasterpieces will notice that he is one of thefew poets capable of balancing poetry andthought to provide a distinctive tone to hisworks. The balance between language andidea, image and context, and meaning andcomposition creates an intelligent equationthat leads to truly unique compositions,where no one side dominates the other. Theattainment of such works requires an authenticpoetic talent, a strong cultural background,and rich life experiences.At the end of the ceremony, Prof. Sabounihanded the crystal logo of the <strong>University</strong> toAl Sayegh in recognition of his creative poetryand appreciation for his visit to the campus.Renowned poets Saleha Ghabash & Khamis Al Rumathi reciteselected worksOn March 08 th , 2012, beloved poets SalehaGhabash and Khamis Al Rumathi treatedprofessors, students, and staff to arecital of their famous literary works. Ghabash,the Cultural Counselor of the SupremeCouncil of Family Affairs in Sharjah, beganwith a poem about the homeland. Shethen delivered her ‘Rubaiyat’ in tribute toButhaina bint Al Mutamed Ibn Abbadand andrecited other signature poems such as ‘For4243

Student ActivitiesIssue 12 | January 2013Issue 12 | January 2013Student ActivitiesWhom We Smile,’ ‘Thing,’ and ‘Thanks to Us’.The audience was also charmed by Khamis AlRumaithi’s poems, which expressed the poet’sfondness for the rulers of the Emirates and mostespecially for the late President, H.H. SheikhZayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. His poems touchedon memories of youth and took on tonesof sadness and yearning for his late wife.H.E. Khalifa Mohamed Rubaya AlMuhairi, Chairman of the Board of Trusteesof <strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong>, attended the eventwhich was opened by Vice Chancellor andCEO Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni, who thankedGhabash for bearing the tiring trip from Sharjah.Dr. Mohammed Saeed Hasab Al Nabi moderatedthe recital. H.E. Al Muhairi and Prof. Sabounipresented the crystal logo of the <strong>University</strong> toGabash and Al Rumaithi at the end of the event.“There is a misconception that poetry isreserved exclusively for men. This is not true,as women possess a wealth of emotions andexcellent command of words which enable them<strong>ALHOSN</strong> Reading Club hosts theater director Saleh KaramaOn May 3 rd , 2012, the Reading Clubhosted the renowned theater directorand playwright Saleh Karama Al Ameriwho facilitated the Club’s first discussion ontheater as one of the well-established typesof literature taught in schools. The mainfocus of the lecture was theatre curriculum.A number of insights were given on theatrestanding and presence within the performingarts landscape, playwriting techniques, traitsof performing artists, and the role of theatre inthe educational process.At the end of the lecture, Prof. Sabouni, ViceChancellor and CEO, presented the <strong>University</strong>plaque to Saleh Karama Al Ameri in recognitionof his exceptional literary efforts throughoutto compose the most expressive poems for allkinds of subjects. While there may be a limitednumber of poetesses, this can be explained bysocial and not creative reasons. Fortunately, theforms and types of creativity have become opento men and women alike,” said H.E. KhalifaMohamed Rubaya Al Muhairi.<strong>ALHOSN</strong> <strong>University</strong> promotes poetry andother forms of art and has been invitingprominent authors, poets and literary figuresto emphasize the importance of reading inpersonal and cultural development.his career. The Reading Club also awardedAl Ameri a certificate of appreciation for hisartistic excellence.Author Aisha Al Kaabi reads from her highly acclaimed storiesOn April 23, 2012, on invitation fromthe Reading Club, well-known authorAisha Al Kaabi read some of her famousworks in the presence of Vice Chancellorand CEO, Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni and<strong>University</strong> students.The meeting was facilitated by Dr. MohammedSaeed Hasab Al Nabi, who commended thecreative works of Aisha Al Kaabi. Mrs Al Kaabiabsorbs the current changes of life and offersa fertile ground for her short stories at a lateststage when she published very short stories ofan entirely new Western-based form. Dr. Al Nabifurther drew attention to the fact that Mrs AlKaabi is one of few writers who have masteredthis form, noting that her very short stories arecatalysts for contemplation and cogitation. Headded that Al Kaabi derives her stories from dailysituations that she has personally experienced.Prof. Abdul Rahim Sabouni expressed hisadmiration for Aisha Al Kaabi’s stories, whoseexciting themes he likened to an arrow targetingin depth its mark with precision and simplicity.Al Kaabi showcased a few stories from her‘Dressing Room’ collection and another fromher ‘No Consolation for House Cats’ collectionthat won first place in The Emirati WomanAward in Literature and Art. The stories included‘VIP,’ ‘Sheikhdom,’ ‘Sweet-Smelling Memoir,’‘Announcement,’ ‘Anticipation,’ and ‘NoConsolation for House Cats,’ among others.Answering questions on what influenced andencouraged her to write, Al Kaabi said that herfamily played a major role as well as her ArabicLiterature professor and her husband, whohas been her inspiration and major supporter.Expressing her deep appreciation, Al Kaabi readone of her unpublished stories entitled ‘Spider’and dedicated it to her husband, who listened toher among the audience.At the end of the meeting, Prof. Abdul RahimSabouni presented the <strong>University</strong> plaque to AlKaabi and awarded the Reading Club with acertificate of appreciation for its promotion ofliterary and writing activities in the <strong>University</strong>.He also awarded a certificate of appreciation tothe young Abdullah Al Mehyas from Hamoudabin Ali Model School for his talent and academicexcellence, underlying the Reading Club’ssupport for gifted and distinguished children.The audience also enjoyed listening to SaeedaSaleh Ismail, a student from the Departmentof Education, whose recitation of her poementitled ‘I wish’ was well-received by the guestauthor and attendees.4445

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