Self-Propelled Acoustic Target (SPAT) The Reusable ASW Training ...

Self-Propelled Acoustic Target (SPAT) The Reusable ASW Training ... Self-Propelled Acoustic Target (SPAT) The Reusable ASW Training ...

<strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Propelled</strong> <strong>Acoustic</strong> <strong>Target</strong> (<strong>SPAT</strong>)<strong>The</strong> <strong>Reusable</strong> <strong>ASW</strong> <strong>Training</strong> <strong>Target</strong>

<strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Propelled</strong> <strong>Acoustic</strong> <strong>Target</strong> (<strong>SPAT</strong>)<strong>SPAT</strong> Mod 1 SpecificationsA Recoverable <strong>ASW</strong> <strong>Training</strong> Device Offeringthe Best Blend of Price, Performance andFlexibility for Range and Open WaterLockheed Martin’s <strong>Self</strong>-<strong>Propelled</strong> <strong>Acoustic</strong> <strong>Target</strong> (<strong>SPAT</strong>)Mod 1 is characterized by performanceunsurpassed by any other recoverabletarget. Superior operational features andease of maintenance make anti-submarinetraining exercises faster, easier,more effective, and more affordable.<strong>SPAT</strong> is a reusable underwatervehicle that simulates the acoustic anddynamic characteristics of an operatingsubmarine. <strong>SPAT</strong> provides a realisticmoving target for Anti-SubmarineWarfare (<strong>ASW</strong>) training without thecost and risk associated with the useof an actual submarine as the target.Because <strong>SPAT</strong> responds totorpedo and sonar activity, it has longbeen a preferred anti-submarine warfaretraining target for surface ships, submarines,helicopters, fixed-wing aircraft,and acoustic homing torpedoes. <strong>SPAT</strong>is fully compatible with most ranges,and incorporates retrieval aids foropen-water use. <strong>SPAT</strong> uses state-ofthe-arttechnology to provide newcapabilities and achieve higher reliabilityand simplified maintenance in thisaffordable <strong>ASW</strong> training target.©2005Lockheed Martin CorporationAll Rights ReservedLockheed MartinMaritime Systems & SensorsSeven Barnabas RoadMarion, MA 02738An ISO9001:2000 CompanyUnderwater Vehicles1(508)748-1160 (x375)e-mail: bill.stark@lmco.comDEC2005/NDCR/20050056/Covers:2005Salient <strong>Acoustic</strong> Features• Programmable passive tonals• Active <strong>Acoustic</strong>s• Programmable power level• True echo repeater with programmablecharacteristics• Responds to multiple incoming sonarsignalsFlexibility• Can be used for open-water trainingfor the littoral battlefield as well ason the range• Organic to the Fleet• Launches from surface ship orhelicopter• Substitutes for the submarine in most<strong>ASW</strong> training exercises30-Minute Turnaround Between Runs• Run data downloads to fire control• Programs upload from fire control• Run changes easy to make from firecontrolMaintainability• 50 hours between maintenance events• Low consumable cost at turnaroundand maintenance• Built-in self-test with automatic failureidentification• 20-year life expectancyEasy to Field• Low on-board space demand• No special support utilities needed• Existing personnel trained to use <strong>SPAT</strong>• Easy to handle:

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