HDV Product Range 2010. - Creative Video

HDV Product Range 2010. - Creative Video HDV Product Range 2010. - Creative Video


MarkerFour types of markers can be displayed on the LCD monitor and viewfinder and can bedisplayed simultaneously (see image on opposite page).Assign ButtonA function frequently used in the field can be assigned to the Assign Button (push button),located on the right side of the camera body, allowing operators to make rapid changesunder field conditions. The assignable functions include Status Check, Super SteadyShot,One Push Auto White Balance, Histogram Indicator and Colour Bars (two types).Histogram IndicatorThe Histogram Indicator for brightness can be displayed on the LCD monitor andviewfinder, allowing operators to easily evaluate the brightness of currently capturedimages for proper exposure (see image on opposite page).Time Code PresetThe time code can be preset using any number in H/M/S/F (hours/minutes/seconds/frames) to record desired tape-position information. The time-code mode can beselected between “REC RUN” and “FREE RUN”. In addition to the time code, user bitscan also be set.Cinema-like Image ShootingTwo powerful features to produce cinematic and film-like pictures are provided on theHVR-A1E. The Cinematone Gamma feature allows operators to quickly set up andload a gamma curve with similar contrast characteristic to a film gamma curve. TheCineframe feature allows picture movement to be reproduced like a film of 25 frames/s.Long Operating TimeWith the optional NP-QM91D InfoLITHIUM Rechargeable Battery Pack attached, theHVR-A1E can continuously record in HDV mode for up to 300 minutes, or up to 340minutes in DVCAM/DV mode.Shot TransitionThe Shot Transition function allows for smooth automatic scene transitions. The operator canprogramme start and end settings for zoom, focus and white balance into the A/B buttonsand, by pressing the start button, a smooth transition will take place according to the set time,because the camera automatically calculates the intermediate values during the scenetransition. The start of this function can be synchronised with the camera’s REC start function.The transition progress can be checked using an indicator displayed on the LCD monitor.In addition, a start timer function is also available for the Shot Transition function, helping toprevent operators from missing a shot. This function is very useful when complex camerasettings are required during the scene transition – for example, when shooting subjects movingfrom the background to the foreground of a scene (see image on opposite page).Other Convenient FunctionsSimultaneous Operation of LCD Monitorand Viewfinder.Expanded Focus - magnifies the centreof the screen on the LCD monitor andviewfinder to about twice the size.Peaking - enhances the outline of theimage where the camera focuses on mostand displays the enhanced outline withcolour in the LCD monitor and viewfinder.Zebra - displays a striped pattern inthe LCD monitor and viewfinder acrosshighlighted areas, helping manualexposure settings (100% or 70 to 100%(adjustable by 5% steps)).Quick REC - shortens the time until therecording starts from stop mode.Status Check - displays camera settingmenus for audio, output signal, assign buttonand exposure level functions and hours meteron the LCD monitor with the touch of a button.Personal Menu - allows operators tocustomise the setting menu to displayfrequently used menu items.Battery Info - displays the attachedbattery’s current charge level and itscurrent remaining recording time on theLCD monitor with the touch of a button,when the power is turned off.Super Night Shot - allows operators tocapture images in black and white using abuilt-in infrared light, even in no light conditions.Skin Tone Detail - reduces detailed signalfor skin colour, for a smooth reproductionof human skin.Black Stretch - allows more contrast to beseen in dark parts of the picture withoutaffecting mid-tones while maintaining theabsolute black level.Colour Bar - Two typesWhite Balance - Auto, One Push Auto,Indoor (3200 K) and Outdoor (5800 K)28

03010204 0501 Photo Button02 Zoom lever03 2-channel XLR AudioConnectors04 MemoryStick Slot05 Assign Button and NightShotSwitchMarkerHistogramme IndicatorCentre4:3Safety ZoneGuide FrameImages simulatedDistribution QuantityBrightness LevelShot TransitionShot AShot B29

MarkerFour types of markers can be displayed on the LCD monitor and viewfinder and can bedisplayed simultaneously (see image on opposite page).Assign ButtonA function frequently used in the field can be assigned to the Assign Button (push button),located on the right side of the camera body, allowing operators to make rapid changesunder field conditions. The assignable functions include Status Check, Super SteadyShot,One Push Auto White Balance, Histogram Indicator and Colour Bars (two types).Histogram IndicatorThe Histogram Indicator for brightness can be displayed on the LCD monitor andviewfinder, allowing operators to easily evaluate the brightness of currently capturedimages for proper exposure (see image on opposite page).Time Code PresetThe time code can be preset using any number in H/M/S/F (hours/minutes/seconds/frames) to record desired tape-position information. The time-code mode can beselected between “REC RUN” and “FREE RUN”. In addition to the time code, user bitscan also be set.Cinema-like Image ShootingTwo powerful features to produce cinematic and film-like pictures are provided on theHVR-A1E. The Cinematone Gamma feature allows operators to quickly set up andload a gamma curve with similar contrast characteristic to a film gamma curve. TheCineframe feature allows picture movement to be reproduced like a film of 25 frames/s.Long Operating TimeWith the optional NP-QM91D InfoLITHIUM Rechargeable Battery Pack attached, theHVR-A1E can continuously record in <strong>HDV</strong> mode for up to 300 minutes, or up to 340minutes in DVCAM/DV mode.Shot TransitionThe Shot Transition function allows for smooth automatic scene transitions. The operator canprogramme start and end settings for zoom, focus and white balance into the A/B buttonsand, by pressing the start button, a smooth transition will take place according to the set time,because the camera automatically calculates the intermediate values during the scenetransition. The start of this function can be synchronised with the camera’s REC start function.The transition progress can be checked using an indicator displayed on the LCD monitor.In addition, a start timer function is also available for the Shot Transition function, helping toprevent operators from missing a shot. This function is very useful when complex camerasettings are required during the scene transition – for example, when shooting subjects movingfrom the background to the foreground of a scene (see image on opposite page).Other Convenient FunctionsSimultaneous Operation of LCD Monitorand Viewfinder.Expanded Focus - magnifies the centreof the screen on the LCD monitor andviewfinder to about twice the size.Peaking - enhances the outline of theimage where the camera focuses on mostand displays the enhanced outline withcolour in the LCD monitor and viewfinder.Zebra - displays a striped pattern inthe LCD monitor and viewfinder acrosshighlighted areas, helping manualexposure settings (100% or 70 to 100%(adjustable by 5% steps)).Quick REC - shortens the time until therecording starts from stop mode.Status Check - displays camera settingmenus for audio, output signal, assign buttonand exposure level functions and hours meteron the LCD monitor with the touch of a button.Personal Menu - allows operators tocustomise the setting menu to displayfrequently used menu items.Battery Info - displays the attachedbattery’s current charge level and itscurrent remaining recording time on theLCD monitor with the touch of a button,when the power is turned off.Super Night Shot - allows operators tocapture images in black and white using abuilt-in infrared light, even in no light conditions.Skin Tone Detail - reduces detailed signalfor skin colour, for a smooth reproductionof human skin.Black Stretch - allows more contrast to beseen in dark parts of the picture withoutaffecting mid-tones while maintaining theabsolute black level.Colour Bar - Two typesWhite Balance - Auto, One Push Auto,Indoor (3200 K) and Outdoor (5800 K)28

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