HDV Product Range 2010. - Creative Video

HDV Product Range 2010. - Creative Video HDV Product Range 2010. - Creative Video


Professional FeaturesDown-conversion PlaybackCapabilitiesThe HVR-V1E has a built-in downconversioncapability, allowing 1080irecordings to be output as 576i signals.The 576i signals can be output fromthe i.LINK 1 connector. In addition, thesesignals can also be output from either theanalogue component, composite,or S-Video connectors.This allows 1080i recordings to be editedusing non-linear editing systems runningDV editing software and viewing the 1080irecording on an SD monitor.Down-conversion Playback Capabilities2-channel XLR Audio InputHDV 1080i (16:9) DVCAM/DV (4:3)When down-converting these signals, theaspect ratio displayed can be convertedfrom 16:9 to 4:3. Display modes can beselected from Squeeze, Letterbox 2 , orEdge crop (see diagrams right).SqueezeLetterboxEdge crop1 i.LINK is a trademark of Sony used only to designate that aproduct contains an IEEE 1394 connector. Not all productswith an i.LINK connector will necessarily communicate witheach other. For information on compatibility, operatingconditions and proper connection, please refer to thedocumentation supplied with any device with an i.LINKconnector. For information on devices that include ani.LINK connection, please contact Sony’s local office.2 Letterbox mode is not available from the i.LINK connector.16:9 Widescreen Acquisition inDVCAM and DV FormatsRecording, Playback and Down-conversion FormatsRecordingFormatHDV1080iPlayback/DownConversionFormati.LINKAnalogueComponentHDMIOutputAnalogueComponent1080/50i - -576/50i (SQ/EC) 1 1 2S-Video2-channel XLR Audio InputTime Code PresetDVCAM/DV (576/50i)576/50i (LB) - 1 1 21 1 2Optical 20x Lens and OptionalVCL-HG0868K 0.8x WideConversion LensAvailableEither 1 or 2 connection is available. When cables are connected to both, the 1 connection has priority.SQ=Sqeeze, EC=Edge Crop, LB=Letter BoxSuper SteadyShot (Optical)Switchable Recording and Playback– HDV 1080i/DVCAM/DV20

Interval RecordingInterval recording is a unique functionthat records signals at pre-determinedintervals (more than 30 seconds) forpre-determined durations (more than0.5 seconds). This is ideal for recordingsubjects over long periods, such as themovement of clouds or the blossoming offlowers.Smooth Slow RecThe Smooth Slow Rec 3 function enablesclean slow-motion playback by capturingimages at four times faster than thenormal field rate (200 fields/s).3 When using the Smooth Slow Rec function, the resolutionof the camera image decreases. For example, theresolution at Fine mode is 640 x 360 pixels. Also, audiorecording is not available. For more information seepage 54.Shot TransitionThe Shot Transition function allows forsmooth automatic scene transitions. Afteran operator has programmed a shot’sstart and end settings (e.g., for zoom,focus, iris, gain, shutter speed and whitebalance) and pressed the start button,it ensures a smooth transition takesplace over the duration of the shot byautomatically calculating intermediatesetting values.Picture ProfileUp to six different picture-tonal settingscan be registered in the memory withdesired names as picture profiles onthe HVR-V1E and displayed on theLCD monitor at the touch of a button.This allows operators to easily call upcustomised picture-tonal settings to suitparticular shooting conditions, rather thanhaving to readjust the camera each time.The factory default setting includes six preloadedpicture profiles for typical shootingconditions.Last Scene ReviewAt the touch of a button, the video andaudio of the last shot can be instantlyplayed back on the LCD monitor.Playback ZoomUsing the playback zoom function, aselected area of the recorded HD imagescan be enlarged and played back onthe LCD monitor and viewfinder, allowingoperators to check them for certaindetails.TC LINK Function for Multi-cameraOperationsUsing the TC LINK function, the timecode of the HVR-V1E can be synchronisedwith another camcorder such as anHVR-Z7E, a HVR-Z5E, or a secondHVR-V1E. By connecting the HVR-V1E tothe other camcorder via an i.LINK cableand activating this function, the HVR-V1E’stime code generator will switch tofree-run mode and reset its time codeto that provided from the connectedcamcorder. Once the time code of theHVR-V1E is synchronised 4 , the i.LINK cablecan be disconnected and the nextHVR-V1E that needs synchronisedtime code can be set up. TC LINK is aconvenient function when using theHVR-V1E in multi-camera operations,such as live-event recording and stageshootingapplications.4 The synchronisation accuracy is within one frame.Long Operating TimeWith the optional NP-F970 InfoLiTHIUMRechargeable Battery Pack attached, theHVR-V1E can operate continuously for upto around 7 hours.For more information see page 24.21

Interval RecordingInterval recording is a unique functionthat records signals at pre-determinedintervals (more than 30 seconds) forpre-determined durations (more than0.5 seconds). This is ideal for recordingsubjects over long periods, such as themovement of clouds or the blossoming offlowers.Smooth Slow RecThe Smooth Slow Rec 3 function enablesclean slow-motion playback by capturingimages at four times faster than thenormal field rate (200 fields/s).3 When using the Smooth Slow Rec function, the resolutionof the camera image decreases. For example, theresolution at Fine mode is 640 x 360 pixels. Also, audiorecording is not available. For more information seepage 54.Shot TransitionThe Shot Transition function allows forsmooth automatic scene transitions. Afteran operator has programmed a shot’sstart and end settings (e.g., for zoom,focus, iris, gain, shutter speed and whitebalance) and pressed the start button,it ensures a smooth transition takesplace over the duration of the shot byautomatically calculating intermediatesetting values.Picture ProfileUp to six different picture-tonal settingscan be registered in the memory withdesired names as picture profiles onthe HVR-V1E and displayed on theLCD monitor at the touch of a button.This allows operators to easily call upcustomised picture-tonal settings to suitparticular shooting conditions, rather thanhaving to readjust the camera each time.The factory default setting includes six preloadedpicture profiles for typical shootingconditions.Last Scene ReviewAt the touch of a button, the video andaudio of the last shot can be instantlyplayed back on the LCD monitor.Playback ZoomUsing the playback zoom function, aselected area of the recorded HD imagescan be enlarged and played back onthe LCD monitor and viewfinder, allowingoperators to check them for certaindetails.TC LINK Function for Multi-cameraOperationsUsing the TC LINK function, the timecode of the HVR-V1E can be synchronisedwith another camcorder such as anHVR-Z7E, a HVR-Z5E, or a secondHVR-V1E. By connecting the HVR-V1E tothe other camcorder via an i.LINK cableand activating this function, the HVR-V1E’stime code generator will switch tofree-run mode and reset its time codeto that provided from the connectedcamcorder. Once the time code of theHVR-V1E is synchronised 4 , the i.LINK cablecan be disconnected and the nextHVR-V1E that needs synchronisedtime code can be set up. TC LINK is aconvenient function when using theHVR-V1E in multi-camera operations,such as live-event recording and stageshootingapplications.4 The synchronisation accuracy is within one frame.Long Operating TimeWith the optional NP-F970 InfoLiTHIUMRechargeable Battery Pack attached, theHVR-V1E can operate continuously for upto around 7 hours.For more information see page 24.21

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