8 - Breed Nutrition

8 - Breed Nutrition

8 - Breed Nutrition


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Lutein and zeaxanthine supplements for vision<br />

Lutein* and zeaxanthine* are pigments in the crystalline lens and the retina that belong to the carotenoid<br />

family. They are xanthophylls (yellow-orange pigments) that have an antioxidant role found<br />

in some vegetables of the same colour, like carrots, oranges, marigolds and maize. They absorb<br />

ultraviolet rays and act as a protective filter for the cells of the retina. Their incorporation in Cocker<br />

25 enables the dog to benefit from their from a very early age.<br />

A higher lutein content in the food helps increase the density of pigments in the retina. Lutein specifically<br />

protects the rod cells, playing a major role in mesopic vision. In humans, the risk of cataracts<br />

is inversely proportionate to the serum level and the quantity of ingested lutein (Moeller et al, 2000).<br />

Supplementation is also advised in people suffering from (central) macular degeneration of the retina.<br />

Zeaxanthine acts in synergy with lutein and exercises a specific protective action in the retina’s cone<br />

cells, which play a part in colour vision. There is a synergy between the different carotenoid pigments:<br />

lutein has a role in the regeneration of zeaxanthine.<br />

Cell membrane<br />

Nuclei<br />

Lutein action sites<br />

23<br />

Lutein protects the cell<br />

membrane<br />

Lutein stabilises the cell<br />

membrane<br />

Free<br />


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