Magazine - Weatherford International

Magazine - Weatherford International

Magazine - Weatherford International

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<strong>Weatherford</strong> is providing: field hardware (RPC, VFD, radiocommunication and civil work); information-technologyinfrastructure (host computer/server, CITRIX and RSA,high-speed Internet, and client’s computers with accesspoint); and the operation team.The operation team supplies two types of services:• Manual well service monitors thousands of wells permonth with dynos, ampere meters, and portable,variable-speed drives (VSDs). A technician visits thewells, rigs probes, collects data, transfers to computerserver, and manually edits and reports.• The dyno online service monitors wells using rodpumpcontrollers (RPC) with digital trunking radiocommunication and selected wells using online VSDs.This service eliminates the need to manually collectdyno cards, which can enhance safety.Tubular Running Services:Extending EfficiencyIn addition to bundled and project management solutions,the company also has been rounding out the portfoliosand capabilities of specific product lines.Until 2005, <strong>Weatherford</strong>’s tubular running services (TRS)in Asia Pacific included mainly conventional TRS withlimited mechanization. Since 2005, there has been alarge push for automated services in Australia, primarilyusing the Stabberless ® remote-controlled system, whichremoved manual casing-stabbing operations. Replacingconventional systems with mechanized systemscentered on safety and provided efficiency gains foroperators.“TRS was one of the foundation businesses for us inthe Asia Pacific region,” says Geddes. “The company’sdual strategic model of acquisitional and organic growthhave helped us extend our offerings throughout theregion. TRS is a good example of how we built a strongtechnology platform that addresses our clients’ primaryneeds—safety and efficiency.”During a four-year period in Australia, the use ofStabberless systems increased from one trial system to18 systems; and manual casing stabbing was completelyremoved from offshore operations.In 2007, in addition to the Stabberless system,<strong>Weatherford</strong> introduced other mechanization systemsto Asia Pacific, including automated tong-positioningsystems, mechanized tongs, offline stand-buildingsystems, horizontal make-break units, Iron Derrickman ®pipe-handling system and cam units.In 2008, <strong>Weatherford</strong>’s Asia Pacific region set anothermilestone by securing two long-term Indonesian tubularrunning contracts. These wins represent the company’sfirst OverDrive casing running and drilling systems to bedeployed in the region.In 2009, a new product grouping was introduced toprovide more comprehensive casing installation service,leading to the world’s first offshore drilling-with-casing jobon Diamond Offshore’s Ocean Shield jack up, off Australiafor ENI, using a 551-ton (500-tonne) modular system.Increased Technology PartnershipsTechnology continues to be critical in this region, whetherthe challenge is boosting well productivity and maximizingreservoir recovery from more mature reservoirs oroptimizing well costs via improved drilling efficiencies,well architectures and production uptimes for newdevelopment projects.“Increasingly, we are hosting joint technology sessionsin this region to develop our comprehension of ourclients’ challenges,” says Geddes. “We then can developand execute specific and appropriate technologies orpackages of technologies to address these particularissues. Our primary objective from these engagements isto form a true business partnership with the client.”For example, <strong>Weatherford</strong> held a joint technologyengagement session with Woodside Petroleum Ltd.to develop a more cohesive approach to addressingWoodside’s drilling“Our surface loggingunits were modifiedto help our clientsave CAPEX on themultiservice CITICproject and resulted incost savings of aboutUS$120,000 per rig.”and completionchallenges. The clientpresented <strong>Weatherford</strong>with comprehensiveviews of their businesschallenges and strategygoing forward. Someof <strong>Weatherford</strong>’s newertechnologies that werepresented includeddrilling hazard mitigation,formation evaluation,optical monitoring,and the developmentof expandable reservoir completion. This engagementsession was built around safety, business process andcore behaviors to showcase <strong>Weatherford</strong>’s culture aswell as its technologies with the client. The result wasa joint technology steering committee between the twocompanies that will follow working protocols for ongoingcollaboration and technology-related interaction.“Our ultimate goal with these engagements is to providea spectrum of offerings that will help our clients extractoptimum value from every reservoir, every well, every fieldand every asset,” says Geddes. “We can only providethat depth of service through closer collaboration andpartnership with our key clients.”october 2009 7

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