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www.zumtobelstaff.com/<strong>miros</strong>MIROS DESIGN 5

The projectorTechnology and perfectionConcentration of the lightThe high technical quality of theprojector makes it an impressivelight source, as does the attractive,minimalist design with itsfunctional outlines. The lightfrom the projector is highly concentrated,minimising scatteringlosses when reflected from themirror.Perfect focussing and low beamdivergence are guaranteed byan exact computer-designedreflector structure. The circularlouvres and integrated lampshielding element prevent glarefrom the extremely bright lightsource.The ballast housing and reflectorunit are designed to IP 54 protection,and can therefore alsobe used outdoors as well.

MIROS TECHNOLOGY TECTON DIE & INNOVATION PERFECTION MIT DER ELF 11 7Mobile and coolA long-lasting reliable mechanismfor aligning and fixing thereflector head is essential for agood projector-reflector system.The reflector head can rotatethrough 2 x 60°, and can tiltthrough 1° to 100°. The positionon each axis can be secured bysimply and reliably using a lockingscrew.Ribbing around the reflectorhead provides optimised heatdissipation for an ideal lampoperating temperature.IP 54 protectionIP 54 protection means that projectorscan also be used outdoors.Possible wind loads mustbe borne in mind in the case ofthe reflector.Laser pointerThe laser pointer helps align theprojector with the reflector.Important: Do not remove theprotective film before alignmentor you will not be able to see thelaser dot on the reflector.Anti-glare protectionThe standard projector uses circularlouvres with an integratedlamp shielding element to providethe necessary glare protection,to afford protection againstlooking straight into the lamp,and to prevent unwanted multipleirradiation of reflectors andannoying excessive irradiation.Lighting taskDifferent tasks need differentlighting. Different light sourcesare therefore available to suit differentrequirements and applications.

The mirrorAesthetics and perfectionThe reflection spectrumA multi-facetted reflector. Shimmeringbrilliance in an attractive,simple design implemented intop-quality material makes thismirror a “highlight” in highrooms.Various shapes and surfacestructures as well as differentbeam divergence angles areavailable, providing a platformfor individual and innovativelighting designs. Whether acircular or square optic, inhighly-polished, satin matt orperforated finish, the abundanceof choice provides plenty ofoptions to meet the widestrange of architectural and technicallighting requirements.Multiple spherical surfacesreflect the incident light, resolvingthe reflection of the lightinto numerous separate images.This ensures uniform light distributionand low glare. Standardversions are available ex-stock,with other designs available onrequest.

MIROS AESTHETICS & PERFECTION 9Highly specular surfaceExclusively directional reflection of light.Outside the light cone, the reflector appears“dark”.Mounting methodThe reflectors are practicallymaintenance-free, and can befixed onto any standard supportingsurface because of their lowintrinsic weight.The mounting plate is made ofdie-cast aluminium in RAL 9006,with two fixing points, and threepointsupport. Comes with ascrew-in suspension tube of variouslengths to suit the reflectordiameter.AdjustmentThe reflectors are easy to alignand secure. The reflector angleis adjusted via a ball-and-socketjoint integrated into the suspensiontube, and can be fixed witha screw. The risk of the reflectorshifting out of alignment is minimal,even during cleaning.Semi-matt surfaceSlightly diffuse component of reflected lightfor soft transitions. Luminance levels areperceptible on the reflector even with obliquelight incidence.Perforated sheet steel opticSame properties as for semi-matt versionbut with 20 % transmission component.Light for brightening up the ceiling and throwingsoft shadows behind the reflector.

Projector-mirror “satelighting” systemApplications

MIROS INSTALLATION 11InstallationThe projector is designed for arange of fixing options. A threepiecefixing set consisting of• mounting ring• projector fixing ring• cover plateenables flexible installation within-situ electrical wiring.VERTICAL MOUNTING WALL FLOOR HORIZONTAL MOUNTINGUse three wall plugs to fitmounting ring, allowinglength of wire to protrude(approx. 400–500 mm).Feed power lead through thehousing, and place the projectoron the mounting ring.Fit the wall plugs into the wall orfloor before letting them supportthe entire weight of the projector.Once the mounting ring hasbeen installed, simply place theprojector on it and secure it bymeans of two Allen screws. Thefact that the electrician hasboth hands free to make electricalconnections makes this astraightforward job because theprojector is already fully physicallyinstalled.Secure and align on mountingring by means of twoAllen screws.Connect power supply tolamp in separate wiring compartment.Secure cover plate by meansof three Allen screws.

MIROS designAt a glance – the most common design mistakesGlare caused by projector withdirect scattered light or spill.When the projector is used properly,a special glare-protectionlouvre reduces this criticaleffect.Glare caused by mirror which isset at too shallow an angle (50°max.). This allows direct viewingof critically high luminance.Light cones do not overlap sufficiently.The floor is well lit butthe cones of light do not overlapsufficiently; light cones muststart to overlap at a height of atleast 2 metres.Glare due to scattered light.Light that is reflected by othermirrors, areas of glass or shinysurfaces may result in glare.Excessive irradiation will occur ifmirrors that are too small are used orif insufficient allowance is made forthe fact that the target area of themirror is reduced by tilting it relativeto the projector.Multiple irradiation aimed atilluminating a common surfacearea. The configuration shown inthe picture does not allow directillumination in the area underneaththe reflector.

MIROS geometryAngles and dimensionsMIROS LIGHTING DESIGN 13Spill is the term used todescribe the quantity of lightthat misses the reflector andbrightens up the ceiling.Multi-faceted mirrorfor maximum possible uniformity.Reflector producing 10° beamdivergenceα = α’ relative to vertical line atright angles to the reflector.The maximum permissibleangle is 50° in order to preventglare.Light coneThe angle specified refersto the 1/10 angle of diffusionand depends on theprojector and the lightsource.7¡57¡max. 50Reflector beam divergence,e.g. 2 x 10ºBeam divergence depends onthe curvature of the sphericalsurface and indicates the increasein the angle of the cone producedby the light beam.ProjectorThe light emitted by theprojector depends onthe light source used.

MIROS designDistance between projectorand mirrorSizing an installation“Spill”, is the term used to describe the proportion of the luminousflux produced by the projector that fails to hit the reflector. Thisquantity must be optimised depending on the emphasis of thelighting concept. Efforts must be made to achieve a minimum levelfor maximum system efficiency in terms of illuminating the workingplane, whereas a useful spill component must be defined for formal,creative aspects (ceiling appearance or indirect light in the room).Note: The diagrams below can be used to look up the percentage of excessive irradiation of the reflector produced by the light conefrom the projector. This is shown below for three different reflector sizes (Ø 500/600/800 mm) for mirrors that are inclined at two anglesrelative to the projector (0° and 40°). Starting from a selected distance between the projector and the reflector and the correspondingreflector characteristic in the diagram, users can read off the relevant excessive irradiation component on the vertical axis in the followingdiagrams.OSRAM HALOSTAR QT 24 V 150 W (halogen lamp)Projector efficiency: 51 %, 3,200 lmAdvantages: best possible colour rendition properties,straightforward dimming, narrow-beam projector characteristicdue to compact axial filament.Restrictions: lower luminous efficiency, (21 lm/W comparedwith 85–93 lm/W using HIT lamps), shorter servicelife (2,000 h)1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 7°BLV HIT 150 W G12 axial (lamp with quartz dischargetube)Projector efficiency: 47 %, 13,000 lmAdvantages: long service life, high luminous efficiency,narrower beam characteristic compared with lampswith ceramic discharge tube, highly constant luminousflux after start-up phase, good colour rendition.Restrictions: only available from BLV, possible colourscattering and colour drift, significant earlis drop inluminous flux due to NaSc technology, 1/10 angle ofdiffusion of projector 2 x 5.5°OSRAM HQI-T 150/PRO W (lamp with quartzdischarge tube)Projector efficiency: 48 %, 12,500 lmAdvantages: long service life (9,000 h)Restrictions: possible colour scattering and colourdrift, 1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 5°GE CMH 150/T W (lamp with ceramic discharge tube)Projector efficiency: 48 %, 14,000 lmAdvantages: extremely long service life (10-15,000 h),extremely low colour scattering, excellent colour stability,extremely high luminous efficiencyRestrictions: more wide-angle projector characteristiccompared with lamps with quartz discharge tube,1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 7°

MIROS LIGHTING DESIGN 15PHILIPS CDM-SA/T 150 W (lamp with ceramicdischarge tube)Projector efficiency: 49 %, 12,900 lm(lamp with short discharge tube)Advantages: high colour stability, good colour renditionRestrictions: service life is shorter than conventionalCDM-T (6,000 h),1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 6°PHILIPS CDM-T 150 W similar toOSRAM HCI-T 150 W (ceramic burner)Projector efficiency: 44 %, 14,000 lmAdvantages: extremely long service life (10,000 h), reducedcolour scattering, high colour stability, extremely highluminous efficiencyRestrictions: more wide-angle projector characteristiccompared with lamps with ceramic discharge tube,1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 7°Special lighting design is required for the followingwattages: (implementation does not use standardMIROS projectors)OSRAM HQI-BT 400/D WProjector efficiency: 50 %, 32,000 lm (at NAV device)Advantages: extremely long service life (15,000 hbefore 50 % failure rate is reached),1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 10°OSRAM HQI-TS 1000/S WProjector efficiency: 59 %, 90,000 lmAdvantages: extremely small drop in luminous fluxover the course of entire service life1/10 angle of diffusion of projector 2 x 8°Table for comparison of different light sources (reflectordiameter 800 mm/40° inclination)

MIROS lighting designDistance between projectorand surface to be illuminatedSizing an installationMIROS LIGHTING DESIGN 16This diagram can be used to roughly estimatethe mean illuminance levels in thelight cone of the reflector depending onthe distance to the mirror surface. Theselevels can be determined for three differenttypes of multi-faceted mirror (beamdivergence of cone: 2 x 10°, 2 x 20°,2 x 30°). The following assumptions aremade for the sake of simplification:• Light loss factor 0.8 (ageing, dirt)• No allowance made for light conedistortion• Assumed spill by projector 30 %• Projector model 150 W CDM - SA/T• Highly specular mirrorThe diagram on the right showsthe approximate diameter of thelight cone as a function of thebeam divergence of the mirrorand the distance between themirror and the floor. This isbased on a projector with a 1/10angle of diffusion of 5–7º.

MIROSMIROS PROJECTOR/MIRROR SYSTEMS19Ø 180150Ø 244100°45°60°360°Ø 7500 and 600 version = 390800 version = 4904392 x 60°186120°30228Ø 95Ø 5,4Ø 500 / Ø 600 / Ø 800Ø 60500 / 600 / 800Ø 90120MIROS IP 54 projectorclsProjector• Pin spot with symmetrical highly specularreflector• Housing made of extruded aluminiumsection, painted in RAL 9006• Circular vane louvre with built-in lampshielding element• Electrical connection in separate ballasthousing• Easy installation methodCat. no. L/W/H kg Order no.for metal halide lamp* on electronic ballast1/70 W HIT 244/244/450 4.1 42 122 8541/150 W HIT 244/244/450 4.2 42 122 867for metal halide lamp* on low-loss ballast1/70 W HIT I 244/244/450 4.9 32 122 8141/70 W HIT KSP 244/244/450 5.3 32 122 8201/150 W HIT I 244/244/450 6.2 32 122 8361/150 W HIT KSP 244/244/450 6.6 32 122 842for LV*1/150 W QT16 244/244/450 5.5 22 122 780KSP = hpf, with blocking inductor for HIT and HIT-CRI lamps.* For suitable lamps, please consult the section on design.To specify e.g.: MIROS IP 54 projector 1/70 W HIT 42 122 854

MIROSMIROS PROJECTOR/MIRROR SYSTEMS20MIROS round mirror with multi-faceted surfaceCat. no. Ø kg Order no.45°60°Ø 180360°Ø 500 / Ø 600 / Ø 800500 / 600 / 800150Ø 730500 and 600 version = 390800 version = 490highly specular finishSRD 500 2x10° 506 1.9 22 119 448SRD 500 2x20° 506 1.9 22 119 454SRD 500 2x30° 506 1.9 22 119 467SRD 600 2x10° 606 2.5 22 119 473SRD 600 2x20° 606 2.5 22 119 489SRD 600 2x30° 606 2.5 22 119 495SRD 800 2x10° 806 3.5 22 119 502SRD 800 2x20° 806 3.5 22 119 511SRD 800 2x30° 806 3.5 22 119 527semi-matt finishSRC 500 2x10° 506 1.9 22 119 533SRC 500 2x20° 506 1.9 22 119 549SRC 500 2x30° 506 1.9 22 119 555SRC 600 2x10° 606 2.5 22 119 568SRC 600 2x20° 606 2.5 22 119 574SRC 600 2x30° 606 2.5 22 119 580SRC 800 2x10° 806 4.2 22 119 596SRC 800 2x20° 506 4.2 22 122 405SRC 800 2x30° 506 4.2 22 122 414perforated sheet steel opticSRG 500 2x10° 506 1.4 22 122 420SRG 500 2x20° 506 1.4 22 122 436SRG 500 2x30° 506 1.4 22 122 442SRG 600 2x10° 606 1.8 22 122 458SRG 600 2x20° 606 1.8 22 122 461SRG 600 2x30° 606 1.8 22 122 477SRG 800 2x10° 806 3.0 22 122 483SRG 800 2x20° 806 3.0 22 122 499SRG 800 2x30° 806 3.0 22 122 506Multi-faceted mirror• High level of uniformity at working plane thanks to multi-faceted surface• One-piece reflector element• Simple adjustment using ball-and-socket-joint and single-point fixing• Rotates through 360° and tilts through 45°/60°• Variable expansion, surface and dimensions for different lighting tasksTo specify e.g.: MIROS round mirror SRD 500 2x10° 22 119 448

MIROSMIROS PROJECTOR/MIRROR SYSTEMS21MIROS square mirror with multi-faceted surfaceCat. no. L kg Order no.45°60°Ø 180360°Ø 500 / Ø 600 / Ø 800500 / 600 / 800150Ø 730500 and 600 version = 390800 version = 490highly specular finishSQD 500 2x10° 506 2.0 22 122 515SQD 500 2x20° 506 2.0 22 122 521SQD 500 2x30° 506 2.0 22 122 537SQD 600 2x10° 606 2.8 22 122 543SQD 600 2x20° 606 2.8 22 122 559SQD 600 2x30° 606 2.8 22 122 562SQD 800 2x10° 806 4.2 22 122 578SQD 800 2x20° 806 4.2 22 122 584SQD 800 2x30° 806 4.2 22 122 590semi-matt finishSQC 500 2x10° 506 2.0 22 122 601SQC 500 2x20° 506 2.0 22 122 610SQC 500 2x30° 506 2.0 22 122 626SQC 600 2x10° 606 2.8 22 122 632SQC 600 2x20° 606 2.9 22 122 648SQC 600 2x30° 606 2.9 22 122 654SQC 800 2x10° 806 4.4 22 122 667SQC 800 2x20° 806 4.4 22 122 673SQC 800 2x30° 806 4.4 22 122 689perforated sheet steel opticSQG 500 2x10° 506 1.5 22 122 695SQG 500 2x20° 506 1.5 22 122 702SQG 500 2x30° 506 1.5 22 122 711SQG 600 2x10° 606 2.0 22 122 727SQG 600 2x20° 606 2.0 22 122 733SQG 600 2x30° 606 2.0 22 122 749SQG 800 2x10° 806 3.3 22 122 755SQG 800 2x20° 606 3.3 22 122 768SQG 800 2x30° 606 3.3 22 122 774Multi-faceted reflector• High level of uniformity at working plane thanks to multi-faceted surface• One-piece reflector element• Simple adjustment using ball-and-socket-joint and single-point fixing• Rotates through 360° and tilts through 45°/60°• Variable expansion, surface and dimensions for different lighting tasksMIROS adjustment unit Cat. no. W/H kg Order no.accessoriesAdjusting device 190/42 0.3 22 126 482Adjusting device• Adjustment kit with laser pointer in order to align projector with mirror• Enables adjustment without switching on projectors• Can be snapped on and removed from projector head without the use of tools,via three fixing clipsTo specify e.g.: MIROS square mirror SQD 500 2x10° 22 122 515

OFFICESAND ADMINISTRATIONINDUSTRYAND ENGINEERINGThroughout the world, <strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staffis the competent reliable partner forinnovative lighting solutions in all areasof application of professional interiorlighting:PRESENTATIONAND RETAILARTAND CULTUREOffices and AdministrationIndustry and EngineeringPresentation and RetailArt and CultureHotels and CateringSport and LeisureHealth & CareTransit areas and Car parksHOTELSAND CATERINGSPORTAND LEISUREWith production plants in Austria,Germany, Australia and the USA, andsales organisations in all major Europeanmarkets as well as commercialagencies in most regions of the world,<strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staff is one of the biggestinternational enterprises in the lightingsector.As a leader in innovation, we guaranteeour customers global competence inlighting consulting and design assistance,superior product quality andfuture-proof technologies – from individualluminaires to electronic lightingmanagement systems.HEALTH &CARETRANSIT AREASAND CAR PARKSCorporate goal: We want to use light tocreate worlds of experience, makework easier and improve communicationsand safety while remaining fullyaware of our responsibility to the environment.

Lighting managementTrack and spotsUnited Kingdom<strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staff Lighting Ltd.Unit 4 - The Argent Centre,Pump LaneHayes/Middlesex UB3 3BLTel. +44/(0)20 8589 1800Fax +44/(0)20 8756 4800International Freephone/fax numbers:Tel. 00800 THE LIGHTor 00800 843 54448Fax 00800 0843 5444E-Mail: info@zumtobelstaff.co.athttp://www.zumtobelstaff.comLighting systemsDownlights/uplightsUSA/Canada/Mexico<strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staff Lighting3300 Route 9WHighland, New York 12528Tel. +1/(0)845/691 62 62Fax +1/(0)845/691 62 89http://www.zumtobelstaffusa.comRecessed luminairesSurface-mounted and pendant luminairesAustralia<strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staff (Australia) Pty. Ltd.2 Wella Way2250 AUS-Somersby, NSWTel. +612/(0)43/402 140Fax +612/(0)43/402 108WallwashersUplights, wall lights and task lightsHead offices<strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staff GmbHSchweizer Strasse 30Postfach 72A-6851 Dornbirn, AUSTRIATel. +43/(0)5572/390-0Fax +43/(0)5572/22 826Batten luminaires and continuous row luminairesHigh-bay reflector luminaires<strong>Zumtobel</strong> Staff GmbH & Co. KGGrevenmarschstr. 74-78D-32657 Lemgo, GERMANYTel. +49/(0)5261/2 12-0Fax +49/(0)5261/2 12-9000Luminaires of higher protectionEmergency lightingHospital trunkingArt.-No. 04 568 089-UK 06/02 © <strong>Zumtobel</strong> StaffTechnical data was correct at time of going to press.We reserve the right to make technical changes without notice.Please contact your local sales office for further information.Printed on environmentally-friendly chlorine-free paper. Printed on Luxosamt Offset.

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