Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) - Ramtuc

Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) - Ramtuc

Transport Container Standardisation Committee (TCSC) - Ramtuc


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<strong>Transport</strong> <strong>Container</strong><strong>Standardisation</strong> <strong>Committee</strong>(<strong>TCSC</strong>)Design of transportpackaging - <strong>TCSC</strong> 1042Paul DixonNuvia Limited<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042There are 11 <strong>TCSC</strong> CoPs, 6 are notablydesign-orientated• Design and operation to minimise seizure of fasteners (<strong>TCSC</strong> 31)• The securing / retention of radioactive material packages on conveyances (<strong>TCSC</strong>1006)• DESIGN OF TRANSPORT PACKAGING FOR RADIOACTIVE MATERIAL (<strong>TCSC</strong>1042)• Lifting points for radioactive material transport packages (<strong>TCSC</strong> 1079)• Finishing systems for transport containers (<strong>TCSC</strong> 1080)• The application of Finite Element Analysis to demonstrate impact performance oftransport package designs (<strong>TCSC</strong> 1087)Work in progress• Surface finish guide for transport containers manufactured from stainless steel• Design guide for use of freight containers as Industrial Package Type IP-2 and TypeIP-3<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042• <strong>TCSC</strong> 1042 is a significantdevelopment of the original AECP1042.• It provides a lot of descriptiveinformation AND includes a range ofpractical design aids.<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042 is in 9 sections:1. The design process2. Shielding3. Criticality4. Containment5. Design for thermal performance6. Design for mechanical strength and impact resistance7. Application of Quality Assurance8. Design of lightweight packagings9. Miscellaneous issues<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10421 THE DESIGN PROCESSThe package design and approval process:• SPECIFICATION• DESIGN• TESTING• APPROVAL<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10422 SHIELDING• Basic information on types of radiation andshielding processes• Materials• Analytical methods – hand calcs; beam lines;half-thickness• Modelling – Monte-Carlo and Point Kernal• Not much on neutrons!<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10422 SHIELDING cont.d 1d 3d 2<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10423 CRITICALITYGives a good overview – but leave this to the experts!• Reactivity• Moderation• Absorption• Reflection• Interaction between packagesCriticality safety assessment<strong>TCSC</strong>

4 CONTAINMENT<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042Mainly about O-rings:• Materials• Interspace test point• Groove dimensions and the effect oftemperature changeTest methods and sensitivity<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10424. Containment cont<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10425. DESIGN FOR THERMALPERFORMANCE• Discussion of regulatory requirement• Heat transfer equations for conduction,convection and radiation• Fins• Materials and material properties<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10426. DESIGN FOR MECHANICALSTRENGTH AND IMPACTRESISTANCE• Discussion of lifting attachments andtie-downs• Impact – general advice• Impact – hand calculations• Impact – computer modelling<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10426. DESIGN FOR MECHANICAL STRENGTH AND IMPACTRESISTANCE cont.V = volume of packaging that is crushedE = kinetic energy on impactσf = material flow stressFm = peak load on the packagingAm = area at the extent of deformationd = decelerationk = knockback<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10427. APPLICATION OF QUALITYASSURANCE• Minimum requirements• Graded approach<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10428. DESIGN OF LIGHTWEIGHTPACKAGES• To some extent a revisit of previoussections but from a different perspective• Quick shielding calculator for smallcylindrical lead containers<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 10429. MISCELLANEOUS ISSUES• Size shape and surface finish• Materials• Other hazards from the contents• Security• Mode of transport<strong>TCSC</strong>

<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042Design of transport packaging<strong>TCSC</strong> 1042Paul DixonNuvia Limited<strong>TCSC</strong>

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