Final report 6-7 Feb 2013 meeting -

Final report 6-7 Feb 2013 meeting - Final report 6-7 Feb 2013 meeting -


SAICM- QSPTF Project: “Strengthening capacities for SAICM implementation in Albania”REPORTOnFinal project review meetingFinal database review meetingAction plan skills building workshopDt. 12.03.2013In frame of the Project “Strengthening Capacities for SAICM Implementation in Albania”, it wasconvened on 6 - 7 February 2013 at Sky Tower, Tirana, a final database review meeting, a finalproject review meeting and a workshop on action plan skills building. A list of participants isgiven in Annex 1.Dr. Lindita Tafaj (Hajri) welcomed the participants. The Director of Institute of Public Health,Dr. Enver Roshi, the Director of the Primary Health Care Directorate in Ministry of Health, Dr.Gazmend Bejtja and the head of the Section of Air, Noise and Chemicals in Ministry ofEnvironment, Forestry and Water Administration, Ms. Laureta Dibra, greeted the participants,mentioning the importance of proper chemicals management and the responsibilities of theGovernment with this respect. Prof. Hans de Kruijf greeted the participants on behalf ofUNITAR.Dr. Tafaj made a presentation on the activities of the project since the Mid-Term ReviewMeeting in February 2012 to the date. She described again the methodology followed for theupdate of the National Profile on Chemicals Management, the process of endorsement, whichwas preliminary made in the Mid-Term Review Meeting and followed with the reflection at thefinal version of the Profile of all final comments and inputs received. Copies of the NationalProfile in Albanian were made available to the participants.Other activities, such as the contribution in preparation of the drafting of legislation, such as thedraft –law on biocides, contribution in organizing one training on Environmental Toxicology, incooperation with Institute of Public Health and with participation of Dutch lecturers, were alsomentioned in the presentation. Other indirect inputs from the project were the initiation of twoTAIEX expert missions, one regarding the import/export of hazardous chemicals, from Ministryof Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, and on cosmetic products, from Ministry ofHealth.Dr. Tafaj explained about some delays in the finalization of some activities, such as thepreparation of a TV awareness raising spot, the publication of a Guidance on Vector and RodentsControl, which would comprise also information on biocides, toxicological information, etc.; the1

SAICM- QSPTF Project: “Strengthening capacities for SAICM implementation in Albania”REPORTOn<strong>Fin<strong>al</strong></strong> project review <strong>meeting</strong><strong>Fin<strong>al</strong></strong> database review <strong>meeting</strong>Action plan skills building workshopDt. 12.03.<strong>2013</strong>In frame of the Project “Strengthening Capacities for SAICM Implementation in Albania”, it wasconvened on 6 - 7 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2013</strong> at Sky Tower, Tirana, a fin<strong>al</strong> database review <strong>meeting</strong>, a fin<strong>al</strong>project review <strong>meeting</strong> and a workshop on action plan skills building. A list of participants isgiven in Annex 1.Dr. Lindita Tafaj (Hajri) welcomed the participants. The Director of Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th,Dr. Enver Roshi, the Director of the Primary He<strong>al</strong>th Care Directorate in Ministry of He<strong>al</strong>th, Dr.Gazmend Bejtja and the head of the Section of Air, Noise and Chemic<strong>al</strong>s in Ministry ofEnvironment, Forestry and Water Administration, Ms. Laureta Dibra, greeted the participants,mentioning the importance of proper <strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong> management and the responsibilities of theGovernment with this respect. Prof. Hans de Kruijf greeted the participants on beh<strong>al</strong>f ofUNITAR.Dr. Tafaj made a presentation on the activities of the project since the Mid-Term ReviewMeeting in <strong>Feb</strong>ruary 2012 to the date. She described again the methodology followed for theupdate of the Nation<strong>al</strong> Profile on Chemic<strong>al</strong>s Management, the process of endorsement, whichwas preliminary made in the Mid-Term Review Meeting and followed with the reflection at thefin<strong>al</strong> version of the Profile of <strong>al</strong>l fin<strong>al</strong> comments and inputs received. Copies of the Nation<strong>al</strong>Profile in Albanian were made available to the participants.Other activities, such as the contribution in preparation of the drafting of legislation, such as thedraft –law on biocides, contribution in organizing one training on Environment<strong>al</strong> Toxicology, incooperation with Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th and with participation of Dutch lecturers, were <strong>al</strong>somentioned in the presentation. Other indirect inputs from the project were the initiation of twoTAIEX expert missions, one regarding the import/export of hazardous <strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong>, from Ministryof Environment, Forestry and Water Administration, and on cosmetic products, from Ministry ofHe<strong>al</strong>th.Dr. Tafaj explained about some delays in the fin<strong>al</strong>ization of some activities, such as thepreparation of a TV awareness raising spot, the publication of a Guidance on Vector and RodentsControl, which would comprise <strong>al</strong>so information on biocides, toxicologic<strong>al</strong> information, etc.; the1

closure of the Nation<strong>al</strong> Treasure for a couple of months at the end of 2012 and beginning of<strong>2013</strong>, as well as a change in the procurement procedures led to delay of the activitiesProf. Silva Bino from Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th made a question related to the IHR (2005), howare the Regulations reflected at the activities of the project. Dr. Tafaj explained that, besides thesynergy between SAICM and IHR, the nation<strong>al</strong> activities regarding IHR are reflected in theUpdated Nation<strong>al</strong> Profile on Chemic<strong>al</strong>s Management and prof. Bino has been informed andinvolved.Prof. Arben Luzati from Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th asked regarding the participation of decisionmakersin the <strong>meeting</strong>. Dr. Tafaj made clear that the representatives of Ministries, who preparethe legislation, have been important contributors to the activities and products of the project, andthe prime-Minister is informed on the project through his adviser on he<strong>al</strong>th issues. Ms. Dibrasupported these clarifications.A recognition of very good performance and products of the project was agreed by theparticipants.Ms. Enkelejda Dikolli made a presentation on the concept, structure and content of the database.In her presentation, she mentioned why biocides are so important for the public he<strong>al</strong>th, how thedatabase can help the profession<strong>al</strong>s of public he<strong>al</strong>th services, the speci<strong>al</strong>ists of loc<strong>al</strong> governmentwho de<strong>al</strong> with vector control, toxicologists, as well as gener<strong>al</strong> public regarding the use,precautionary measures and first aid. The bases for the structure of data on active ingredients wasMSDS – Materi<strong>al</strong> Safety Data Sheet. All the data included in the database is in Albanian.Mr. Ismet Bici made a comment regarding the procedures for approving the active ingredients tobe <strong>al</strong>lowed for use in Albania. Ms. Tafaj explained that the legislation on biocides will becompleted soon, after the approv<strong>al</strong> of the Law on Biocides.Mr. Agim Shehi from Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th mentioned that there is a lack of toxicologists,but Ms. Tafaj interfered, mentioning that in frame of preparation of capacity assessment it wasreceived the information that there is one toxicology department at “Mother Theresa” Hospit<strong>al</strong>University Center and each year are speci<strong>al</strong>ized sever<strong>al</strong> toxicologists.Ms. Laureta Dibra from Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Water Protection asked whetherthe database would have the capacity and potenti<strong>al</strong> to include in the future <strong>al</strong>so the industri<strong>al</strong><strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong>.Prof. Hans de Kruijf asked whether it was considered the possibility of establishing links withother databases, and the reply was that the links are <strong>al</strong>ready at the website www.<strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong>.<strong>al</strong> ,while the database is conceived to be in Albanian, in order to assist <strong>al</strong>so people who cannot makeuse of the information in foreign languages.Further discussions showed the interest of the participants in chemic<strong>al</strong> safety related issues andpointed out the need for a nation<strong>al</strong> strategy and action plan on chemic<strong>al</strong> management and safety.2

Dr. Tafaj made a presentation of the database to the participants; she explained the rubrics of thedatabase, the information included, the filters that could be used to group the data, the way howthe information is accesses, and so on.The participants endorsed the database as a useful tool.At the end of the day, Prof. Hans de Kruijf made a presentation on <strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong> and climatechange.The 2 nd day of the activity was the action plan workshop.Prof. Hans de Kruijf made the introduction to the module I. Dr. Tafaj made a short explanationof the work in groups. The participant were invited to a brainstorming, in order to identify thethemes to elaborate during working groups session.The participants were divided into 3 Working Groups (WG):Group 1: Data collection and information exchange;Group 2: Establishment of a poison center;Group 3: Infrastructure: Strengthening of technic<strong>al</strong> capacities of institutes.Prof. Hans de Kruijf presented the 2 nd and 3 rd module on the preparation of an action plan and itsstructure.Participants continued with the work in groups, which was very fruitful and enthusiastic. Eachgroup prepared a short version of an action plan and one representative from each group madethe presentations.The participant appreciated very much the training.At the end of the session, Prof. de Kruijf and Dr. Tafaj thanked the participants and form<strong>al</strong>lyclosed the event.3

Annex 1: List of participantsNr Emër Mbiemër Institucioni/pozicioni e-mail1. Agim Shehu Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th agimshehu@hotmail.com2. Ada Shukollari NRG sh.p.k3. Alba Rexha IT/ IPH<strong>al</strong>4. Alert Drishti QSUT <strong>al</strong>ertdrishti@yahoo.com5. Alma Tola Gener<strong>al</strong> Customs Directorate <strong>al</strong><strong>al</strong>6. Altin Mele Faculty of Natur<strong>al</strong> Sciences <strong>al</strong><strong>al</strong>7. Ana Gorenca Gener<strong>al</strong> Customs Directorate<strong>al</strong>8. Anni K<strong>al</strong>lfa Q-Plan (independent M&E) a_koci@hotmail.com9. Arben Luzati Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th <strong>al</strong>uzati@yahoo.com10. Donika Bocari Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th donikabocari@yahoo.com11. Elda Marku Faculty of Natur<strong>al</strong> Sciences eldamarku@hotmail.com12. Elmira Mehmeti Institute of Food Safety and Veterinary elmira-_ehmeti@hotmail.com13. Elton Rogozi IPH/ Biologist/ Entomologist eltonrogozi@yahoo.com14. Eniana Xhanari Project’s assistant manager exhanari@<strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong>.<strong>al</strong>15. Enkelejda IPH/ Entomologistkeladikolli@yahoo.comDikolli16. Enver Roshi Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th roshienver@yahoo.com17. Erinda Prifti Ministry of Economy, Trade and Economy<strong>al</strong>18. Ernest Kab<strong>al</strong>i Colkim B<strong>al</strong>cani info.nrg@gmail.comernest_k@hotmail.com19. Evis Qaja Women Movement for Development and evisqaja@msn.comIntegration20. Hajdar Luka Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th hluka_6@yahoo.it21. Hans de Kruijf UNITAR22. Ismet Bici Ministry of Agriculture, Food and ismetbici@yahoo.comConsumer Protection23. Kristaq Nicaj Ministry of Agriculture, Food and kristaqnica@yahoo.comConsumer Protection24. Laureta Dibra Ministry of Environment, Forestry and laureta_dibra@yahoo.comWater Administration25. Leandro Xhama Project lawyer lxhama@<strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong>.<strong>al</strong>26. Lindita Molla Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th27. Lindita Tafaj Project Coordinator ltafaj@<strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong>.<strong>al</strong>28. Lorenc Xhaferraj Ministry of Foreign Affairs<strong>al</strong>29. Magd<strong>al</strong>ena Cara Ekomjedisi Durres magdacara@gmail.com30. Marco Genicco NRG SHPK marco.genicco@colkim.it4

Nr Emër Mbiemër Institucioni/pozicioni e-mail31. Petteri Makela European Chemic<strong>al</strong>s Agency Petteri.Makela@echa.europa.eu32. Qem<strong>al</strong> Hoxha Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th hoxhaqem<strong>al</strong>i2@yahoo.com33. Raf<strong>al</strong> Brykowski European Chemic<strong>al</strong>s Agency Raf<strong>al</strong>.gryhawshi@echa.europea.eu34. Rovena Ag<strong>al</strong>liu Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Rovena.Ag<strong>al</strong><strong>al</strong>Water Administration35. Rozana Bineri Agency of Environment and Forests rozanabineri@yahoo.com36. Silvia Bino Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th silviabino@gmail.com37. Verdjana Berisha Women Movement for Development and verdjanaberisha@yahoo.comIntegration38. Zamira Dana Agricultur<strong>al</strong> University of Tirana radazamira@yahoo.com39. Zhaneta Miska Ministry of He<strong>al</strong>th<strong>al</strong>40. Zhuljeta Hoxha OST xh.hoxha@ost.<strong>al</strong>41. Zihni Sulaj Toxicology Service, “Mother Theresa” sulajzihni@yahoo.comHospit<strong>al</strong> Univercity Center5

Annex 2: Programme(6-7 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2013</strong>)Place: Sky Tower, Tirana, Shqipëri6 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>Fin<strong>al</strong></strong> Project Review MeetingRegistration and opening08:30 – 09:00 Registration09:00 – 09:30 Opening ceremony• Representative of Ministry of He<strong>al</strong>th, Dr. Gazmend Bejtja• Representative of Ministry of Environment, Forestry and WaterAdministration, Zj. Laureta Dibra• Director of Institute of Public He<strong>al</strong>th, Prof. Enver Roshi• Representative of UNITAR , Prof. Hans de Kruijf09:30 – 09:45 Coffee break09:45 – 10:00 Summary of <strong>meeting</strong> objectives, Dr. Lindita Tafaj, Project coordinatorSession 1: Ev<strong>al</strong>uation of the results of the project10:00 – 11:00 Presentation of the project activities since Mid-Term Review Meeting, Dr.LinditaTafaj11:00 – 11:45 Presentation of main products of the project and propos<strong>al</strong> for further steps, Dr.Lindita Tafaj11:45 – 12:30 Discussion in WG for further steps12:30 – 14:00 LunchSession 2: Ev<strong>al</strong>uation of project results (contd.)14:00 – 15:30 Discussion in WG for further steps (contd.)15:30 – 15:45 Coffee break15:45 – 16:15 Summery of discussions, conclusions (Prof. H. de Kruijf, Dr. Lindita Tafaj)16:15 – 16:30 Closure of the <strong>meeting</strong> (Dr. Lindita Tafaj)6

7 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2013</strong>:<strong>Fin<strong>al</strong></strong> Database Review Meeting09:00 – 09:30 Presentation on the process of preparation of database (Dr. Lindita Tafaj)09:30 – 10:15 Presentation on the nation<strong>al</strong> <strong>chemic<strong>al</strong>s</strong> database (Alba Rexha (IT), Dr.Enkeleda Dikolli)10:15– 10:30 Discussion on the database10:30 – 11:00 Coffee break11:00 – 12:15 Discussion on the database (contd.)12:15 – 12:30 Summary of discussions, conclusions, closure of the <strong>meeting</strong> (Dr. Lindita Tafaj).12:30 – 13:30 Lunch7 <strong>Feb</strong>ruary <strong>2013</strong>:Training Workshop on the preparation of an Action Plan, Prof. Dr. Hans de Kruijf,UNITAR13:30 – 13:45 Presentation on an action plan13:45 –14:00 Module 1: “Getting Started: Preparatory Tasks and Considerations”14:00 –14:20 Module 2: “Defining Action Plan Purpose and Scope”14:20 – 15:00 Working Group Exercise 1: “Defining Action Plan Project Purpose and Scope”15:00– 15:15 Coffee break15:15– 15:30 Module 3: “Planning the Details: Activities, Timelines, Resources and More”15:30– 16:00 Working Group Exercise 2: “Planning the Details”16:00 - 16:15 Module 4: “Implementing and Ev<strong>al</strong>uating the Action Plan”, UNITAR16:15 – 16:45 Plenary discussion on working group outcomes16:45 – 17:00 Closing remarks7

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