Program - American Public Power Association

Program - American Public Power Association Program - American Public Power Association
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Tuesday, September 25GAFAGAFAHRTITPublic Power and Tax-Exempt BondsGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: FinanceHear about the tax-exempt bond market, including an update onregulatory initiatives, tax reform and related legislative proposals thataffect public power utilities.Speaker: Mitch Rapaport, Partner, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Washington, D.C.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.Fraud Prevention and DetectionGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: AuditingLearn how to prevent and detect fraud. Bring your own utilityexperiences to participate in the roundtable portion of the discussion.Speakers: Terry Thompson, General Auditor, Santee Cooper, Moncks Corner,S.C.; and Rick Wardrip, Chief Audit Executive, Salt River Project, Phoenix,Ariz.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Branding Yourself as an Employer ofChoiceGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRIs your utility like McDonald’s? Most customers think positively abouteating at McDonald’s ® but think negatively about working there. Doyour customers feel the same way about you? In this session, learn howto leverage public power’s uniqueness to hire (and keep) great people.Listen to how several municipal utilities have positioned themselves asemployers of choice in their local communities.Speaker: Debbie Kreider, Director – Human Resources, City Utilities ofSpringfield, Mo.Presiding: Jon Hofman, Holland, Mich.Cyber Security: Not If, but WhenVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementIs your utility prepared to meet the coming challenges on the cybersecurity front? This session will discuss the potential for regulation, costof action versus reaction, and potential threats.Speaker: Robert Shuler, Cyber Security Principal, SAIC Energy, League City,TexasPresiding: Dawn Malinowski, Sun Prairie, Wis.PMAUnderstanding the Rate Impacts ofRenewable EnergyGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: MarketingHow are utilities meeting the challenge of pricing distributed generationas more customers install solar panels and other devices? Are therecross-class subsidizations to consider when developing feed-in tariffsand net metering programs? Learn how renewable generation impactsrates.Speakers: Alcides Hernandez, Rate Analyst, Sacramento Municipal UtilityDistrict, Calif.; Diane Wilson, Managing Utility Analyst, Gainesville RegionalUtilities, Fla.; and Ralph Zarumba, Director – Energy, Navigant Consulting,Chicago, Ill.Presiding: Walter West, Atlanta, Ga.11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.Lunch break (on your own)1:30 – 3 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .2 / PDHs 1.5 / CPEs 1.8CASGAFA10 Communication Techniques to ReachYour CustomersGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: MarketingHear about ways to communicate with customers, including bothnew methods and tried and true approaches. Examples will includeYouTube, providing customer usage data, bill stuffers, newspaper ads,radio commercials and more. Attendees will leave this session with awealth of new ideas on how to communicate effectively with customers,and how to combine multiple approaches to ensure you are reaching allof your customers.Speakers: Edward Roberts, Creative Director, ElectriCities of North Carolina,Inc., Raleigh, N.C.; and Kelly Davis, Marketing Manager, WPPI Energy, SunPrairie, Wis.Presiding: Annette Kinney, Hillsdale, Mich.Investment Strategies in a Low-Interest-Rate EnvironmentGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: FinanceLearn about techniques to evaluate and restructure the utility’sinvestment portfolio to build in the flexibility needed to respond tointerest rate changes.Speakers: Julie Hughes, Senior Vice President, and Scott Prickett, SeniorVice President & Managing Director, Davidson Fixed Income Management, Inc.,Minnetonka, Minn., and Denver, Colo.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.12 2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference

GAFAHRTITGASB UpdateGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)A Governmental Accounting Standards Board official will reviewchanges, proposed changes and additions to GASB standards.Speaker: Jeff Bridgens, Practice Fellow, Governmental Accounting StandardsBoard, Norwalk, Conn.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Rethinking “8 to 5 with an Hour for Lunch”:Improving Recruitment, Retention andSatisfaction through Work-Life ProgramsGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HREmployees want flexibility, and modern technology is delivering it.Much of a professional or technical employee’s work can now bedone from anywhere, and at any time – day or night. So why do mostorganizations still hang on to the traditional Monday through Friday, 8to 5 mentality? Generation Y and millennials are looking for synergybetween their personal and professional lives. Can HR make this areality?Speaker: To be announcedPresiding: Patrice Alexander, Greenville, N.C.Utilizing IPS/IDS in a NERC CIP UtilityEnvironmentVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ApplicationsFirewalls are no longer enough. NERC CIP regulations mandate thatnetwork assets considered to be “critical cyber assets” be monitored andaudited on a regular basis and any security incidents be documentedand reported. Securing these cyber assets, blocking potential attacks,and reporting to key stakeholders (management board) with limitedresources is the key challenge. Hear how American Municipal Power,Inc., partners with Dell Secureworks to identify and block threatsproactively and secure their electronic perimeter to comply with securityregulations.Speaker: Jared Price, IT Director, American Municipal Power, Inc., Columbus,OhioPresiding: Branndon Kelley, Columbus, OhioPMAMeasuring and Improving Your CriticalSuccess FactorsGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesCertain metrics can help you evaluate your utility’s overall performance,and benchmarking against your peers can guide your utility’s selfassessment.Learn about key metrics that will help you attain your fullrevenue potential.Speakers: Tim Blodgett, President/CEO, Hometown Connections, Golden,Colo.; Chau Nguyen, Senior Analyst – Pricing and Sales Support, Electric Citiesof Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.; and Paul Zummo, Research Analyst, American PublicPower Association, Washington, D.C.Presiding: Walter West, Atlanta, Ga.3 – 3:15 p.m.BreakGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER3:15 – 4:30 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / CPEs 1.5CASGAFAITGoing Paperless: Document Managementfor Customer ServiceGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesAn enterprise system for going paperless can help utilities become moreefficient, by reducing the amount of paper, keeping customer data moresecure and making customer information and other utility documentsavailable to staff almost instantaneously. Learn about the benefits andchallenges to the utility and the customer of implementing a documentretention and file management solution.Speakers: Adam Karst, CPA, Director of Utilities/Administration, WatertownMunicipal Utilities, S.D.; Annette Kinney, Chief Financial Manager/AssistantDirector, Hillsdale Board of Public Utilities, Mich.; and Kimberly Williams,Industry Consultant, Fortson, Ga.Presiding: Gregg Welch,Raleigh,N.C.Partnering through Technology to EnhanceBusiness Processes and PracticesGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesIs IT a cost center or a business partner? There are many challenges tocapitalizing on the synergies between finance and IT. Hear from twoutilities about how IT and finance are collaborating to enhance theeffectiveness of IT systems and applications.Speakers: Edward Easterlin, Vice President & CFO, and Steve Schmitz,Division Manager of IT, Omaha Public Power District, Neb.; and Marc Gerken,President/CEO, and Branndon Kelley, CIO, American Municipal Power, Inc.,Columbus, OhioPresiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 13

GAFAHRTITGASB UpdateGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)A Governmental Accounting Standards Board official will reviewchanges, proposed changes and additions to GASB standards.Speaker: Jeff Bridgens, Practice Fellow, Governmental Accounting StandardsBoard, Norwalk, Conn.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Rethinking “8 to 5 with an Hour for Lunch”:Improving Recruitment, Retention andSatisfaction through Work-Life <strong>Program</strong>sGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HREmployees want flexibility, and modern technology is delivering it.Much of a professional or technical employee’s work can now bedone from anywhere, and at any time – day or night. So why do mostorganizations still hang on to the traditional Monday through Friday, 8to 5 mentality? Generation Y and millennials are looking for synergybetween their personal and professional lives. Can HR make this areality?Speaker: To be announcedPresiding: Patrice Alexander, Greenville, N.C.Utilizing IPS/IDS in a NERC CIP UtilityEnvironmentVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ApplicationsFirewalls are no longer enough. NERC CIP regulations mandate thatnetwork assets considered to be “critical cyber assets” be monitored andaudited on a regular basis and any security incidents be documentedand reported. Securing these cyber assets, blocking potential attacks,and reporting to key stakeholders (management board) with limitedresources is the key challenge. Hear how <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>,Inc., partners with Dell Secureworks to identify and block threatsproactively and secure their electronic perimeter to comply with securityregulations.Speaker: Jared Price, IT Director, <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>, Inc., Columbus,OhioPresiding: Branndon Kelley, Columbus, OhioPMAMeasuring and Improving Your CriticalSuccess FactorsGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesCertain metrics can help you evaluate your utility’s overall performance,and benchmarking against your peers can guide your utility’s selfassessment.Learn about key metrics that will help you attain your fullrevenue potential.Speakers: Tim Blodgett, President/CEO, Hometown Connections, Golden,Colo.; Chau Nguyen, Senior Analyst – Pricing and Sales Support, Electric Citiesof Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.; and Paul Zummo, Research Analyst, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Washington, D.C.Presiding: Walter West, Atlanta, Ga.3 – 3:15 p.m.BreakGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER3:15 – 4:30 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / CPEs 1.5CASGAFAITGoing Paperless: Document Managementfor Customer ServiceGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesAn enterprise system for going paperless can help utilities become moreefficient, by reducing the amount of paper, keeping customer data moresecure and making customer information and other utility documentsavailable to staff almost instantaneously. Learn about the benefits andchallenges to the utility and the customer of implementing a documentretention and file management solution.Speakers: Adam Karst, CPA, Director of Utilities/Administration, WatertownMunicipal Utilities, S.D.; Annette Kinney, Chief Financial Manager/AssistantDirector, Hillsdale Board of <strong>Public</strong> Utilities, Mich.; and Kimberly Williams,Industry Consultant, Fortson, Ga.Presiding: Gregg Welch,Raleigh,N.C.Partnering through Technology to EnhanceBusiness Processes and PracticesGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesIs IT a cost center or a business partner? There are many challenges tocapitalizing on the synergies between finance and IT. Hear from twoutilities about how IT and finance are collaborating to enhance theeffectiveness of IT systems and applications.Speakers: Edward Easterlin, Vice President & CFO, and Steve Schmitz,Division Manager of IT, Omaha <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> District, Neb.; and Marc Gerken,President/CEO, and Branndon Kelley, CIO, <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>, Inc.,Columbus, OhioPresiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 13

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