Program - American Public Power Association

Program - American Public Power Association Program - American Public Power Association
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Where Power and Knowledge MeetAPPA Business &Financial ConferenceSeptember 23-26, 2012 • The Peabody Hotel • Memphis, TennesseeProgram• Accounting & Finance• Customer Accounting & Services• Human Resources & Training• Information Technology• Pricing & Market AnalysisDiamond SponsorsCo-hosted by

Where <strong>Power</strong> and Knowledge MeetAPPA Business &Financial ConferenceSeptember 23-26, 2012 • The Peabody Hotel • Memphis, Tennessee<strong>Program</strong>• Accounting & Finance• Customer Accounting & Services• Human Resources & Training• Information Technology• Pricing & Market AnalysisDiamond SponsorsCo-hosted by

2012 Business & Financial Conference – Breakout Sessions at a GlanceMonday, September 24 9:15 – 10:15 a.m. 10:30 – 11:45 a.m. 1:30 – 3 p.m. 3:15 – 4:30 p.m.Customer Accounting &ServicesSocial Media 2.0: Meeting YourCustomers at the Next LevelPCI Compliance: What Is It andWhy Should You Do It?Providing Customer Serviceswith AppsBankruptcy 101General Accounting,Finance & AuditResponding to the Unexpected:A Business Continuity CaseStudyLarge Utilities RoundtableSmall Utilities RoundtableChanging Credit RatingCriteria: Who’s Watching andWhat Are They Looking For?Liquidity Options in a ChangingMarketAchieving a Shorter ClosingProcessJoint Action AgencyRoundtableAccounting Issues: OverheadCost Allocations and Fleet RatesInternal Controls for a SmallUtilityInformation TechnologyInformation TechnologyIntroductory RoundtableCommoditization of ITVirtualization ofDesktopsPlanning for a SuccessfulEnterprise Resource PlanningProjectHuman Resources &TrainingHuman Resources & TrainingIntroductory RoundtableCritical Conversations forEffective PerformanceEmployee Classification andPay PlansKnowledge Management andRetentionPricing & MarketAnalysisLine Extension PoliciesHidden Benefits of Smart GridTechnologiesIndustry Costs, Challenges andSolutionsPricing & Market AnalysisRoundtableTuesday, September 25 8:30 – 10 a.m. 10:15 – 11:45 a.m. 1:30 – 3 p.m. 3:15 – 4:30 p.m.Customer Accounting &ServicesCustomer Service Policies:Benchmarking & BestPractices RoundtableThe Importance of InternalCustomer Service10 CommunicationsTechniques to Reach YourCustomersGoing Paperless: DocumentManagement for CustomerServiceGeneral Accounting,Finance & AuditBusiness EthicsFraud Prevention andDetectionGASB UpdateInformation TechnologyRatings Agency PanelMobile ApplicationDevelopment Boot Camp<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> and Tax-ExemptBondsCyber Security: Not If, ButWhenInvestment Strategies in a LowInterest Rate EnvironmentUtilizing IPS/IDS in a NERC CIPUtility EnvironmentPartnering Through Technologyto Enhance BusinessProcesses and PracticesHuman Resources& TrainingEmployment Law UpdateBranding Yourself as anEmployer of ChoiceImproving Recruitment,Retention, and Satisfactionthrough Work-Life <strong>Program</strong>sPerforming an EffectiveInternal InvestigationPricing & Market AnalysisHow Pricing Affects CustomerBehavior… or Does It?Understanding the RateImpacts of Renewable EnergyMeasuring and Improving YourCritical Success FactorsThe Impact of EnvironmentalRegulations on RatesWednesday, September 268:30 – 10 a.m.8:30 10 a.m.Roundtable: Determining What Your Customers WantUtility Budgeting ProcessesInternal Audit RoundtableThe Change JourneyInformation Technology RoundtableLeveraging Your Customers to Optimize Your Generation Portfolio

R®®Conference SponsorsWe are grateful to the many companies supporting APPA and publicpower. Conference sponsors provide financial support to help us bring thebest possible experience to our attendees while keeping costs low for allparticipants.Diamond SponsorsPlatinum SponsorsDownload the free APPABusiness & FinancialConference mobile app• Create your own customizedconference schedule• Access presentations and take notes onconference sessions• Share your contact information withother attendees• Learn about all the conference sponsors• Know where you’re going withinteractive mapsAvailable free in the Apple App Store,Android Market, and Blackberry AppWorld.Simply search for “B&F2012” to downloadthe app onto your iOS, Android, orBlackberry OS powered device.Silver SponsorsApp Sponsors

Sunday, September 238 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. .............Conference & Seminar RegistrationPRE-CONFERENCE SEMINARS8:30 a.m. – NoonDeveloping Cash Reservesand Financial Targets forYour UtilityLANSDOWNE ROOMRecommended CEUs .3 / PDHs 3.3 / CPEs 3.9,AccountingDetermining appropriate cash reserve levels and targetedamounts of revenue are important to a utility’s bondratings, creating rate stability for customers, and enablea utility to maintain reliable electric infrastructure. Thissession will focus on developing cash reserve policiesthat consider variability of expenses, volatility of powersupply costs, and the utility’s exposure to risks as well asdeveloping targeted revenue recovery from customers thatconsider funding capital replacements and debt service tohelp avoid large rate adjustments. Attendees will receivea template to help them develop cash reserve policies fortheir utilities and sample policies used by other utilities.Other topics will include:• Justifying cash reserves and factors that influence autility’s need for cash• Considerations when developing a cash reserve policy• Why utilities need to maintain cash reserves abovecertain levels• How risks and variability of expenses affect cashreserves• Determining appropriate funding of infrastructurerepair and replacement• How the cash reserve policy helps determine theamount and timing of utility bond issuesInstructor: Mark Beauchamp, CPA, CMA, MBA,President, Utility Financial Solutions, Holland, Mich.8:30 a.m. – NoonDeveloping a Real-LifeStrategic PlanGALAXIE ROOMRecommended CEUs .3 / PDHs 3.3 / HRCI 3.25 / CPEs3.9, Management Advisory ServicesA strategic plan is a business tool used to sustain andenhance the long-term success of an organization. Themost effective strategic plans are applicable to the reallifeactivities of the organization and employees at alllevels. Learn how to create or adapt your utility’s strategicplan to focus on creating better connections with youremployees. Too often, strategic plans lack connectivity toyour mission and the key metrics managed by your team.In this session, the instructor will use a case study toillustrate how a public power utility developed a strategicplanning tool and made it relevant to all employees withinthe organization.Other topics will include:• Converging strategy, key performance indicators (KPIs)and performance metrics into a simple, implementableplan• Major obstacles to developing and implementing yourplan, and how to overcome them• Case study of a utility strategic planInstructor: Tom Unke, CPA, Partner, Baker Tilly VirchowKrause, Madison, Wis.4 2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference

1:30 – 5 p.m.Current Issues in <strong>Public</strong>Utility AccountingLANSDOWNE ROOMRecommended CEUs .3 / PDHs 3.3 / CPEs 3.9,AccountingWhile utilities continue to change relative to energymarkets, technology, reporting requirements and factors,the accounting industry continues to issue additionalguidance and interpretations. Learn about currenttopics in public accounting and their impact on utilityaccounting and reporting. The instructor will focus ontechnical accounting guidance and financial reporting forpublic utilities.Specific topics will include:• Continued challenges with GASB and FERC reporting• Current GASB exposure drafts and impact on enterprisefunds• Current technical bulletins• Currently released GASB pronouncements and theirpotential impact on utility reportingInstructor: Tom Unke, CPA, Partner, Baker Tilly VirchowKrause, Madison, Wis.5 – 6:30 p.m.Meet and Greet ReceptionCONTINENTAL BALLROOMWitness the world-famous march of the Peabody Ducks,then join your colleagues at this informal welcomingreception. Meet and learn more about the sponsorsof the Business & Financial Conference. Pick up yourbadge and conference materials at the registration desk,which will be open nearby.1:30 – 5 p.m.Work Force Planning forthe Successful UtilityGALAXIE ROOMRecommended CEUs .3 / PDHs 3.3 / HRCI 3.25 / CPEs3.9, Personnel/HRTraditionally, utilities have been careful to manage thecore processes of their business and adopt best practicesand applied research, from power plant design to loadforecasting. However, they are much less scientific whenit comes to designing processes that leverage their humancapital. The complexity and changes in the industry andthe aging work force all require utilities to work harder tobuild, deploy and retain human resources. In this seminar,participants will receive tools and hear best practices forwork force and succession planning.Specific topics will include:• Conducting a talent audit to identify employees withhigh potential• Building a human capital balance sheet for yourorganization• Analyzing the gaps between the actual and desiredskills of your work force• Identifying the shortages/surpluses in key rolecandidate inventories• Building a pool of potential clients to fill key positions• Identifying front-line employees who are able andwilling to become supervisors• Facilitating the selection of the most qualifiedcandidates for key roles through a structured “TalkingTalent” executive session• Providing targeted coaching and development to helpbuild leadership skillsInstructor: Tony Bretzke, Owner, Outland ConsultingServices, Castroville, Texas2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 5

Monday, September 247a.m.–5p.m...................Conference RegistrationCASCustomer Accounting & Services7 – 8 a.m.Networking Continental BreakfastCONTINENTAL BALLROOMTo help you make the most of your time away from the office, theconference offers informal networking continental breakfasts. Nospeakers or moderators; just a chance to meet and visit with your peers.8 – 9 a.m.Opening General SessionGRAND SALON BRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs .8 / CPEs .9, SpecializedKnowledge and ApplicationsWelcomeJerry Collins, President & CEO, Memphis Light, Gas & Water, Tenn.The Current National and GlobalEconomy and Its Impacts on <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong>Roger Tutterow, Professor of Economics, Mercer University, Atlanta, Ga.Presiding: Jennifer Hunt, Chief Financial Officer,Gainesville Regional Utilities, Fla.; and Chair, Business& Financial Section9 – 9:15 a.m.BreakCONTINENTAL BALLROOM9:15 – 10:15 a.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1 / CPEs 1.2CASSocial Media 2.0:Meeting Your Customers at the Next LevelGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: MarketingAn increasing number of utilities communicate with their customersthrough social media. Learn about new ways utilities are engagingcustomers through Facebook, Twitter and blogs; tools for keepingFacebook content up to date; and successful experiences with Twitterand blogs.Speakers: Pam Cowen, Manager, Membership & Marketing, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Washington, D.C.; and Stacey Greenberg, CommunityRelations Coordinator, and Richard Thompson, Senior CommunicationsSpecialist, Memphis Light, Gas & Water, Tenn.Presiding: Gregg Welch, Manager, <strong>Program</strong>s & Services, ElectriCities ofNorth Carolina, Inc., Raleigh, N.C.; and Chair, Customer Accounting & ServicesCommitteeGAFAGAFAHRTITResponding to the Unexpected:A Business Continuity Case StudyGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: Business Management & OrganizationHear how the Omaha <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> District implemented its businesscontinuity plan in response to the 2011 Missouri River floods. Thepresenter will discuss how the event affected all aspects of the utility,including generation and power supply, insurance and office buildingclosures.Speaker: Anna Davis, Manager, Enterprise Risk Management, Omaha <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> District, Neb.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Vice President & CFO, Omaha <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> District, Omaha, Neb.; and Chair, General Accounting, Finance & AuditCommitteeAchieving a Shorter Closing ProcessGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: AccountingMany utilities are looking for ways to close their books faster in order toprovide managers more timely information for decision-making. Learntechniques that can help utilities close their books in a shorter timeframe.Speaker: Tom Unke, Partner, Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, Madison, Wis.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Manager, General Accounting, Memphis Light, Gas& Water, Tenn.; and Vice Chair, General Accounting, Finance & Audit CommitteeHuman Resources & TrainingIntroductory RoundtableGRAND SALON ECPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRGet acquainted with public power human resources and trainingcolleagues from other APPA member utilities. Discuss current issuesand share challenges and successes in an interactive roundtable format.Presiding: Jon Hofman, SPHR, Human Resources & Safety Manager,Holland Board of <strong>Public</strong> Works, Mich.; and Chair, Human Resources & TrainingCommitteeInformation TechnologyIntroductory RoundtableVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ApplicationsGet acquainted with other utility IT professionals from around thecountry and learn about what other utilities are doing in the area ofinformation technology in this interactive roundtable discussion.Presiding: Branndon Kelley, Chief Information Officer, <strong>American</strong> Municipal<strong>Power</strong>, Inc., Columbus, Ohio; and Vice Chair, Information Technology CommitteeRoundtable discussions are open only to employees of public powerutilities, state and regional associations, and joint action agencies.6 2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference

GAFAGeneral Accounting, Finance & AuditHRTHuman Resources & TrainingITInformation TechnologyPMA Pricing & Market AnalysisPMALine Extension PoliciesGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: MarketingLine extension charges are perennial issues for utilities, and especiallyso during uncertain economic times. Learn how utilities cover systemexpansion costs and hear about examples of items to include in writtenpolicies.Speaker: Mark Beauchamp, President, Utility Financial Solutions, Holland, Mich.Presiding: Karen Weeden, Senior Rate Analyst, Missouri River Energy Services,Sioux Falls, S.D.; and Vice Chair, Pricing & Market Analysis CommitteeGAFAJoint Action Agency RoundtableGRAND SALON FCPE Field of Study: AccountingThis roundtable is an open forum for joint action agencies to discusscurrent issues facing accounting and finance personnel.Presiding: Diane Moody, Director of Statistical Analysis, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Washington, D.C.Roundtable discussions are open only to employees of public powerutilities, state and regional associations, and joint action agencies.10:15 – 10:30 a.m.BreakGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYERTake advantage of this final opportunity to network with conferencesponsors.10:30 – 11:45 a.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / CPEs 1.5CASGAFAGAFAPCI Compliance: What Is it and Why ShouldYou Do It?GRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ApplicationsThe PCI standard (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) wascreated to increase controls around cardholder data to reduce credit cardfraud via its exposure. While compliance is not mandatory for utilities,some utilities are finding it necessary to become PCI-compliant to workwith certain vendors and provide certain services. Hear an overview ofPCI compliance, including why utilities are pursuing it, changes theyhave had to make to operations to become compliant, and impacts oncustomers.Speakers: Robert Cothran, President, CollectorSolutions, Inc., Pensacola, Fla.;and Susan Parker, CPA, Director of Corporate Services, Rochester <strong>Public</strong> Utilities,Minn.Presiding: Annette Kinney, Chief Financial Manager/Assistant Director,Hillsdale Board of <strong>Public</strong> Utilities, Mich.; and Vice Chair, Customer Accounting &Services CommitteeLarge Utility RoundtableGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: AccountingThis roundtable is an open forum for large utilities to discuss currentissues facing accounting and finance personnel.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.Small Utility RoundtableGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: AccountingThis roundtable is an open forum for small utilities to discuss currentissues facing accounting and finance personnel.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.HRTITPMACritical Conversations for EffectivePerformanceGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.25 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRDo your supervisors shy away from addressing employee performanceproblems? Do they turn a blind eye on policy violations, or expectHuman Resources to step in whenever employees can’t get along? Learnabout critical conversations – what they are, and why it’s so important –and so hard – to get them right.Speaker: Pat Belew, Associate Director – Learning & OrganizationDevelopment, ALSACX/St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, Tenn.Presiding: Patrice Alexander, Director of Human Resources, GreenvilleUtilities Commission, N.C.; and Vice Chair, Human Resources & TrainingCommitteeCommoditization of ITVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesFrom technology stack to staff, this session will delve into the newnorm of leveraging outside resources to create greater efficiencies andeconomies of scale within the utility’s IT infrastructure.Speaker: Branndon Kelley, CIO, <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>, Inc., Columbus,OhioPresiding: Dawn Malinowski, Director of Application Support, WPPI Energy,Sun Prairie, Wis.; and Chair, Information Technology CommitteeHidden Benefits of Smart GridTechnologiesGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementWhen thinking of smart grid, utilities often focus on the ability to offerdynamic pricing and other rate structures. The benefits of smart gridtechnologies go well beyond just the rate structure, helping utilitieslocate system outages, find faulty meters, and track other potentialproblems in the grid. Learn some of the hidden values of smart gridtechnology and the benefits that can accrue to your utility.Speaker: To be announcedPresiding: Walter West, Executive Vice President, Electric Cities of Georgia,Atlanta, Ga.; and Chair, Pricing & Market Analysis Committee2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 7

RMonday, September 2411:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.Lunch break (on your own)1:30 – 3 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .2 / PDHs 1.5 / CPEs 1.8CASProviding Customer Services with AppsGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: MarketingCustomers using smart phones, tablets and mobile devices insteadof computers for day-to-day activities are increasingly looking forapplication software – or apps – from their utilities to make payments,report outages, and track energy usage. This session will cover utilityapps, including the pros and cons of different solutions and how appscan enhance your customers’ experience.Speakers: Rich Clover, Municipal Business Manager, National InformationSolutions Cooperative, Lake Saint Louis, Mo.; Steve Schmitz, Division Managerof IT, Omaha <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> District, Neb.; and Robert White, Chief <strong>Public</strong>Relations Officer, Johnson City <strong>Power</strong> Board, Tenn.Presiding: Gregg Welch,Raleigh,N.C.GAFAChanging Credit Rating Criteria:Who’s Watching and What Are TheyLooking For?GRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementInvestors and underwriters are expanding issuer credit surveillanceactivities while credit rating companies are revising their methodologies.Hear how two former rating analysts – now bankers – view the creditrating landscape.Speakers: Hiran Cantu, Director, Barclays Capital, New York, N.Y.; and KarlPfeil, Senior Vice President, Wells Fargo Securities, New York, N.Y.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.ACCREDITATION & CERTIFICATIONContinuing Professional Education (CPE) CreditsThe <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong> is registered with the National<strong>Association</strong> of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor ofcontinuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. Stateboards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses forCPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the NationalRegistry of CPE Sponsors through its web site: is pleased to offer conference delegates verification of attendance for up to 18 CPEcredit hours for attending the conference, or up to 25 CPE credit hours for individualsalso attending pre-conference seminars. There are no prerequisites for the courses offered;no advance preparation is required for any courses. All courses are group-live offerings;program level should be considered “basic” unless otherwise noted. Credit hours andareas of study for the individual sessions are listed in the conference program.All hours are subject to change based on the final course agenda. Certificates will beawarded to participants who turn in the Verification of Attendance form at the end of theconference. For more information regarding administrative policies, such as clarificationof requirements, complaints, and refunds, please contact LeAnne Nienhuis at 202/467-2973.Human Resources Certification Institute (HRCI) CreditsThe Business & Financial Conference has been approved for up to12.75 general recertification credit hours toward PHR®, SPHR®, andGPHR® recertification through the HR Certification Institute (or up to19.25 credit hours, if also attending approved preconference seminars).Qualifying sessions that have been pre-approved for credit are designated in this programand on the Verification of Attendance form. Participants completing the Verification ofAttendance form will receive a Certificate of Completiion with program ID numbersfor qualifying sessions they attended. Please note these program ID numbers on yourrecertification application form.The use of this seal is not an endorsement by HR Certification Institute of the qualityof the program. It means that this program has met HR Certification Institute’s criteriato be pre-approved for recertification credit. For more information about certification orrecertification, please visit the HRCI homepage at Education Units (CEUs)The <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong> is an Authorized Provider bythe International <strong>Association</strong> for Continuing Education and Training(IACET), 1760 Old Meadow Road, Suite 500, McLean, VA 22102; (703) 506-3275.APPA complies with the ANSI/IACET 1-2007 Standard which is recognized internationallyas a standard of good practice. As a result of this Authorized Provider status, APPA isauthorized to offer IACET CEUs for its programs that qualify under the ANSI/IACET1-2007 Standard.Professional Development Hours (PDHs)APPA educational practices are consistent with the criteria for awarding ProfessionalDevelopment Hours (PDHs) as established by the National Council of Examiners forEngineering and Surveying (NCEES). Course eligibility and number of PDHs may varyby state.The <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong> has been approved as a Florida Board ofProfessional Engineers Continuing Education Provider. If you need APPA to report yourProfessional Development Hours directly to the Florida Board of Professional Engineers,please provide your P.E. license number on the Verification of Attendance form.Reliable <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Provider (RP 3 ) DesignationParticipating in APPA-sponsored conferences and seminars is an easy way toearn points toward the Reliable <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> Provider (RP 3®) designation.RP 3 is APPA’s program to recognize and reward public power utilities thatdemonstrate basic proficiency in four important disciplines: reliability, safety, work forcedevelopment, and system improvement. For more information, visit receive continuing education credits (CEUs, PDHs, HRCI, CPEs), attendees arerequired to attend and participate in the conference sessions for which they requestcontinuing education credits, turn in the Verification of Attendance form at the end of theconference and complete the online conference evaluation that is sent out immediatelyafter the conference concludes.

GAFAHRTITPMAAccounting Issues: Overhead CostAllocations and Fleet RatesGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: AccountingHear from your peers about effective methodologies for allocatingoverhead dollars among different departments and services and howutilities handle fleet rates – allocation vs. chargeback.Speakers: Kevin Crawford, Financial Analysis & Compliance Manager,Gainesville Regional Utilities, Fla.; and Sonya Thieme, Accounting Manager,Colorado Springs Utilities, Colo.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Employee Classification and Pay PlansGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRIs your utility’s employee classification and pay plan still stuck in the20 th century? Hear the latest on compensation philosophies and trendsfrom an industry consulting firm and learn how a municipal utilitybrought its employee classification and pay plan into the 21 st century.Speakers: Sandy Barnard, Human Resources Director, City of Gainesville,Fla.; and Linda Cobb, Senior Consultant, and Ruth Ann Eledge, VicePresident & Senior Consultant, Waters Consulting, Dallas, TexasPresiding: Jon Hofman, Holland, Mich.Virtualization of DesktopsVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Computer ScienceExamine the results when you remove hardware from the desktopexperience, creating mobility and business continuity opportunities.Speaker: Jeffrey Bridgland, Director, IT & Telecommunications, PiedmontMunicipal <strong>Power</strong> Agency, Greer, S.C.Presiding: Branndon Kelly, Columbus, OhioIndustry Costs, Challenges and SolutionsGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementThere are numerous pressures that can potentially drive up rates:general fund transfers, environmental regulations, generation andtransmission infrastructure, fuels, and capital costs for construction.This session will explore these and other challenges and presentsolutions to avoid significant rate increases.Speakers: Girish Balachandran, General Manager, Alameda Municipal<strong>Power</strong>, Calif.; Steve Jackson, Director, <strong>Power</strong> Supply, MEAG <strong>Power</strong>, Atlanta,Ga.; and Chris Lindner, Manager, BKD, LLP, Lincoln, Neb.Presiding: Karen Weeden, Sioux Falls, S.D.3:15 – 4:30 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / CPEs 1.5CASGAFAGAFAHRTBankruptcy 101GRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesLearn strategies for protecting your utility from losses when commercialcustomers file for bankruptcy. This session will cover traditional andinnovative policies utilities should consider implementing to preventlosses prior to a customer filing for bankruptcy, what to do when acustomer files for bankruptcy, and what happens afterwards.Speaker: Gil Hamberg, Esq., Yardley, Pa.Presiding: Annette Kinney, Hillsdale, Mich.Liquidity Options in a Changing MarketGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: FinanceInsurance companies have left the market, banks have increased theirfees, and new regulations on counterparty credit are coming. Hear howthese factors will affect liquidity options over the next few years.Speaker: Michael Mace, Managing Director, <strong>Public</strong> Financial Management,Inc., Charlotte, N.C.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.Internal Controls for a Small UtilityGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: AuditingHear about techniques to implement internal controls in situationswhere small staff size makes it difficult to segregate duties.Speaker: Chris Lindner, Manager, BKD, LLP, Lincoln, Neb.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Knowledge Management and RetentionGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.25 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRThe baby boomers are retiring, but this work force transition does nothave to be traumatic. Learn what some utilities are doing to capture,document and transfer critical knowledge to the next generation ofutility employees.Speakers: Carol Bazemore, Training Officer, Greenville Utilities Commission,N.C.; and Jon Hofman, SPHR, Human Resources & Safety Manager, HollandBoard of <strong>Public</strong> Works, Mich.Presiding: Patrice Alexander, Greenville, N.C.3 – 3:15 p.m.BreakGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 9

Monday, September 24ITPMAPlanning for a Successful EnterpriseResource Planning ProjectVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesHear lessons learned from a successful ERP project implementation,including: feasibility, risk, mitigation, resourcing and implementationplanning.Speakers: Ron DeCurzio, CEO, Carol Martucci, Director, Accounting& Financial Reporting, and Danny Suppin, Chief Information Officer,Massachusetts Municipal Wholesale Electric Co., Ludlow, Mass.Presiding: Dawn Malinowski, Sun Prairie, Wis.Pricing and Market Analysis RoundtableGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementWhat are the challenges associated with implementing AMI? Do youhave a fuel adjustment recovery clause? Have you considered economicdevelopment rates? Discuss these and other costing and pricing subjectsduring this interactive roundtable.Presiding: Walter West, Atlanta, Ga.4:30 – 5:30 p.m.Breakout SessionRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1 / CPEs 1.2Access Success: Make the Most Out ofAPPA MembershipGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementAPPA membership gives utility professionals access to the tools andresources they need to be successful in today’s challenging electricutility marketplace. This session will explore the many benefits of APPAmembership, including training opportunities, information vehicles,new online services, access to key resources, and utility programs, suchas RP 3®and DEED. There will be ample opportunity for questions andrecommendations on service improvements.Speakers: Jeff Haas, Vice President, Membership & IT, and UrsulaSchryver, Vice President, Education & Customer <strong>Program</strong>s, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Washington, D.C.2011 – 2012 Officers APPA Business & Financial SectionSectionOfficersCustomer Accounting &Services CommitteeGeneral Accounting,Finance & Audit CommitteeCommittee OfficersHuman Resources &Training CommitteeInformation TechnologyCommitteePricing & Market AnalysisCommitteeChairJennifer HuntChief Financial OfficerGainesville RegionalUtilities, Fla.ChairGregg WelchManager, <strong>Program</strong>s &ServicesElectriCities of NorthCarolina, Inc.Raleigh, N.C.ChairEdward EasterlinVice President & CFOOmaha <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong>District, Neb.ChairJon Hofman, SPHRHuman Resources &Safety ManagerHolland Board of <strong>Public</strong>Works, Mich.ChairDawn MalinowskiDirector of ApplicationSupportWPPI EnergySun Prairie, Wis.ChairWalter WestExecutive Vice PresidentElectric Cities of GeorgiaAtlanta, Ga.Vice ChairRobert WhiteChief <strong>Public</strong> RelationsOfficerJohnson City <strong>Power</strong>Board, Tenn.Vice ChairAnnette KinneyChief Financial Manager/Assistant DirectorHillsdale Board of <strong>Public</strong>Utilities, Mich.Vice ChairCarol ShreinManger, GeneralAccountingMemphis Light, Gas &Water, Tenn.Vice ChairPatrice AlexanderDirector of HumanResourcesGreenville UtilitiesCommission, N.C.Vice ChairBranndon KelleyChief Information Officer<strong>American</strong> Municipal<strong>Power</strong>, Inc.Columbus, OhioVice ChairKaren WeedenSenior Rate AnalystMissouri River EnergyServicesSioux Falls, S.D.

Tuesday, September 257:45 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. ........Conference Registration7:45 a.m. – 8:30 a.m.Networking Continental BreakfastGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER8:30 – 10 a.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .2 / PDHs 1.5 / CPEs 1.8CASGAFAGAFAHRTCustomer Service Policies: Benchmarkingand Best Practices RoundtableGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesBenchmarking your policies and practices against other utilities andindustry standards can help you identify possible areas of improvement.In this roundtable, attendees will have the opportunity to comparetheir utility practices to other utilities and discuss the implications andrealities of particular policies. Topics will include deposit fees, cutoffpolicies, write-off policies, abandoned call rates, and more.Presiding: Annette Kinney, Hillsdale, Mich.; and Gregg Welch, Raleigh,N.C.Ratings Agency PanelGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementRepresentatives from the three largest credit rating agencies will discusstheir rating methodologies, the current outlook for public power andthe electric industry, and issues that have a strong potential to affect thebond ratings of public power utilities.Speakers: Dan Aschenbach, Senior Vice President, Moody’s Investors Service,New York, N.Y.; Jeffrey Panger, Director, Standard & Poor’s, New York, N.Y.;and Dennis Pidherny, Senior Director, Fitch Ratings, New York, N.Y.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.Business EthicsGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: Regulatory EthicsHear how a strong ethics program can help protect good organizationsand good people from bad outcomes.Speaker: Paul Soos, Manager, CBIZ Risk & Advisory Services, LLC, Cleveland,OhioPresiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Employment Law and Benefits UpdateGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Business LawBrush up on the latest in federal employment law changes, and learnabout how health care reform may impact health plan costs andcoverage.Speaker: M. Kim Vance, Shareholder, Baker Donelson Bearman Caldwell &Berkowitz PC, Nashville, Tenn.Presiding: Jon Hofman, Holland, Mich.ITPMAMobile ApplicationDevelopment Boot CampVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementBuild a mobile application for your utility without developers and thehigh costs. Watch the entire process explained and demonstrated inthis “how to” boot camp that takes you through the steps of creatingan application for mobile devices such as Apple iPhone, Android andWindows 7. An iPhone app will be built and demonstrated during thepresentation.Speaker: Jef Gray, Vice President of Information Technology, Kissimmee UtilityAuthority, Fla.Presiding: Branndon Kelley, Columbus, OhioHow Pricing Affects Customer Behavior…or Does It?GRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: MarketingBefore implementing a demand-side management or energy efficiencyprogram aimed at curtailing load, it is worth investigating whethercustomers respond to dynamic pricing, and if so, what types of ratesinfluence customer behavior. Know your customer breakdown before youbegin a rate design. Increase customer satisfaction with options based oncustomer input, while making it equitable, cost-based, and profitable toyour utility.Speakers: Glenn Dyke, Pricing Design Manager, Georgia <strong>Power</strong> Co.,Atlanta, Ga.; Tim Hennessy, Market Issue Principal, DNV KEMA Energy &Sustainability, Clark Lake, Mich.; and Karen Weeden, Senior Rate Analyst,Missouri River Energy Services, Sioux Falls, S.D.Presiding: Karen Weeden, Sioux Falls, S.D.10 – 10:15 a.m.BreakGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER10:15 – 11:45 a.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .2 / PDHs 1.5 / CPEs 1.8CASThe Importance of Internal CustomerServiceGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementAlmost everyone understands the importance of treating your externalcustomers well but internal customer service often falls to the wayside.This session will highlight the importance of customer service within theorganization, how that relates to more satisfied employees and customers,and will provide strategies for improving internal customer service. Thispresentation will provide a communications roadmap showing routesthat work best to reach one’s destination... and routes to avoid.Speaker: Steve Chappell, Director, Utility Relations, Central Service<strong>Association</strong>, Knoxville, Tenn.Presiding: Gregg Welch,Raleigh,N.C.2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 11

Tuesday, September 25GAFAGAFAHRTIT<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> and Tax-Exempt BondsGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: FinanceHear about the tax-exempt bond market, including an update onregulatory initiatives, tax reform and related legislative proposals thataffect public power utilities.Speaker: Mitch Rapaport, Partner, Nixon Peabody, LLP, Washington, D.C.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.Fraud Prevention and DetectionGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: AuditingLearn how to prevent and detect fraud. Bring your own utilityexperiences to participate in the roundtable portion of the discussion.Speakers: Terry Thompson, General Auditor, Santee Cooper, Moncks Corner,S.C.; and Rick Wardrip, Chief Audit Executive, Salt River Project, Phoenix,Ariz.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Branding Yourself as an Employer ofChoiceGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRIs your utility like McDonald’s? Most customers think positively abouteating at McDonald’s ® but think negatively about working there. Doyour customers feel the same way about you? In this session, learn howto leverage public power’s uniqueness to hire (and keep) great people.Listen to how several municipal utilities have positioned themselves asemployers of choice in their local communities.Speaker: Debbie Kreider, Director – Human Resources, City Utilities ofSpringfield, Mo.Presiding: Jon Hofman, Holland, Mich.Cyber Security: Not If, but WhenVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ManagementIs your utility prepared to meet the coming challenges on the cybersecurity front? This session will discuss the potential for regulation, costof action versus reaction, and potential threats.Speaker: Robert Shuler, Cyber Security Principal, SAIC Energy, League City,TexasPresiding: Dawn Malinowski, Sun Prairie, Wis.PMAUnderstanding the Rate Impacts ofRenewable EnergyGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: MarketingHow are utilities meeting the challenge of pricing distributed generationas more customers install solar panels and other devices? Are therecross-class subsidizations to consider when developing feed-in tariffsand net metering programs? Learn how renewable generation impactsrates.Speakers: Alcides Hernandez, Rate Analyst, Sacramento Municipal UtilityDistrict, Calif.; Diane Wilson, Managing Utility Analyst, Gainesville RegionalUtilities, Fla.; and Ralph Zarumba, Director – Energy, Navigant Consulting,Chicago, Ill.Presiding: Walter West, Atlanta, Ga.11:45 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.Lunch break (on your own)1:30 – 3 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .2 / PDHs 1.5 / CPEs 1.8CASGAFA10 Communication Techniques to ReachYour CustomersGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: MarketingHear about ways to communicate with customers, including bothnew methods and tried and true approaches. Examples will includeYouTube, providing customer usage data, bill stuffers, newspaper ads,radio commercials and more. Attendees will leave this session with awealth of new ideas on how to communicate effectively with customers,and how to combine multiple approaches to ensure you are reaching allof your customers.Speakers: Edward Roberts, Creative Director, ElectriCities of North Carolina,Inc., Raleigh, N.C.; and Kelly Davis, Marketing Manager, WPPI Energy, SunPrairie, Wis.Presiding: Annette Kinney, Hillsdale, Mich.Investment Strategies in a Low-Interest-Rate EnvironmentGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: FinanceLearn about techniques to evaluate and restructure the utility’sinvestment portfolio to build in the flexibility needed to respond tointerest rate changes.Speakers: Julie Hughes, Senior Vice President, and Scott Prickett, SeniorVice President & Managing Director, Davidson Fixed Income Management, Inc.,Minnetonka, Minn., and Denver, Colo.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.12 2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference

GAFAHRTITGASB UpdateGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)A Governmental Accounting Standards Board official will reviewchanges, proposed changes and additions to GASB standards.Speaker: Jeff Bridgens, Practice Fellow, Governmental Accounting StandardsBoard, Norwalk, Conn.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Rethinking “8 to 5 with an Hour for Lunch”:Improving Recruitment, Retention andSatisfaction through Work-Life <strong>Program</strong>sGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HREmployees want flexibility, and modern technology is delivering it.Much of a professional or technical employee’s work can now bedone from anywhere, and at any time – day or night. So why do mostorganizations still hang on to the traditional Monday through Friday, 8to 5 mentality? Generation Y and millennials are looking for synergybetween their personal and professional lives. Can HR make this areality?Speaker: To be announcedPresiding: Patrice Alexander, Greenville, N.C.Utilizing IPS/IDS in a NERC CIP UtilityEnvironmentVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ApplicationsFirewalls are no longer enough. NERC CIP regulations mandate thatnetwork assets considered to be “critical cyber assets” be monitored andaudited on a regular basis and any security incidents be documentedand reported. Securing these cyber assets, blocking potential attacks,and reporting to key stakeholders (management board) with limitedresources is the key challenge. Hear how <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>,Inc., partners with Dell Secureworks to identify and block threatsproactively and secure their electronic perimeter to comply with securityregulations.Speaker: Jared Price, IT Director, <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>, Inc., Columbus,OhioPresiding: Branndon Kelley, Columbus, OhioPMAMeasuring and Improving Your CriticalSuccess FactorsGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesCertain metrics can help you evaluate your utility’s overall performance,and benchmarking against your peers can guide your utility’s selfassessment.Learn about key metrics that will help you attain your fullrevenue potential.Speakers: Tim Blodgett, President/CEO, Hometown Connections, Golden,Colo.; Chau Nguyen, Senior Analyst – Pricing and Sales Support, Electric Citiesof Georgia, Atlanta, Ga.; and Paul Zummo, Research Analyst, <strong>American</strong> <strong>Public</strong><strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong>, Washington, D.C.Presiding: Walter West, Atlanta, Ga.3 – 3:15 p.m.BreakGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER3:15 – 4:30 p.m.BREAKOUT SESSIONSRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / CPEs 1.5CASGAFAITGoing Paperless: Document Managementfor Customer ServiceGRAND SALON BCPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesAn enterprise system for going paperless can help utilities become moreefficient, by reducing the amount of paper, keeping customer data moresecure and making customer information and other utility documentsavailable to staff almost instantaneously. Learn about the benefits andchallenges to the utility and the customer of implementing a documentretention and file management solution.Speakers: Adam Karst, CPA, Director of Utilities/Administration, WatertownMunicipal Utilities, S.D.; Annette Kinney, Chief Financial Manager/AssistantDirector, Hillsdale Board of <strong>Public</strong> Utilities, Mich.; and Kimberly Williams,Industry Consultant, Fortson, Ga.Presiding: Gregg Welch,Raleigh,N.C.Partnering through Technology to EnhanceBusiness Processes and PracticesGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: Management Advisory ServicesIs IT a cost center or a business partner? There are many challenges tocapitalizing on the synergies between finance and IT. Hear from twoutilities about how IT and finance are collaborating to enhance theeffectiveness of IT systems and applications.Speakers: Edward Easterlin, Vice President & CFO, and Steve Schmitz,Division Manager of IT, Omaha <strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> District, Neb.; and Marc Gerken,President/CEO, and Branndon Kelley, CIO, <strong>American</strong> Municipal <strong>Power</strong>, Inc.,Columbus, OhioPresiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 13

Tuesday, September 25GAFAGASB Update, Part 2HRTGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: Accounting (Governmental)Continued from 1:30 p.m. sessionSpeaker: Jeff Bridgens, Practice Fellow, Governmental Accounting StandardsBoard, Norwalk, Conn.Presiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.Performing an Effective InternalInvestigationGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.25 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRIn this practical, hands-on session, learn best practices for performingeffective internal investigations. Gain confidence in your ability to makethe right decisions, ask the best questions, and take the right steps toidentify and document incidents and situations.Speaker: Stephanie Doherty, Leadership Development/Staff HR Manager,International Paper, Memphis, Tenn.Presiding: Patrice Alexander, Greenville, N.C.PMAThe Impact of Environmental Regulationson RatesGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: MarketingThe coming environmental regulations are going to affect most utilitieswhether or not you own generating capacity. This session will explorehow utilities are planning to deal with these regulations, and how thesedecisions will impact your bottom line.Speaker: David Berg, Senior Project Manager, SAIC Energy, Environment &Infrastructure, LLC, St. Paul, Minn.Presiding: Karen Weeden, Sioux Falls, S.D.6 – 7:30 p.m.ReceptionSKYWAYJoin your colleagues for an evening reception. Delegates are welcome tobring a guest.Key FactsBadges: Please wear your badge to all conference and social events.Cell Phone Request: Please silence all mobile devices when in sessions so they do not interrupt speakers anddistract the audience.Conference Evaluation: A link to an online survey about the conference will be emailed to attendees after theconference. We appreciate your valuable feedback.Conference Presentations: Copies of the speakers’ presentations are available on APPA’s website, The attire for the conference is business casual. Since meeting room temperatures vary, please prepare todress for cool conditions.Grateful Appreciation: We are grateful to the committee officers, speakers and sponsors who help plan, present,and support this conference.Guest Activities: Conference registrants may bring a guest to the evening social events. Guests are welcome toattend the Sunday evening Meet and Greet reception and the Tuesday evening reception.Restricted Sessions: APPA reserves the right to designate any APPA meeting or session open only to APPAregular members (public power utilities, rural electric cooperatives, joint action agencies, and state/regionalassociations). Please inquire at the registration desk if you have any questions.APPA Antitrust Statement: APPA reminds all those attending the Business & Financial Conference that variousstate and federal laws prohibit the exchange of information among competitors regarding matters pertaining toprice, refusals to deal, markets division, tying relationships and other topics that might infringe upon antitrustlaws and regulations. No such exchange or discussion will be tolerated during the meeting. A copy of APPA’sStatement of Compliance with the Antitrust Laws is available upon request.Mark yourcalendar!2013 GeneralAccounting, Finance &Audit Spring MeetingApril 18-19, 2013Offices of the <strong>American</strong><strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> <strong>Association</strong>Washington, D.C.2013 Business &Financial ConferenceSeptember 22-25, 2013Omni Orlando Resort atChampions GateOrlando, Fla.2014 Business &Financial ConferenceSeptember 14-17, 2014Hilton Portland &Executive TowerPortland, Ore.

Wednesday, September 267:45 – 8:30 a.m.Networking Continental BreakfastGRAND BALLROOM WEST FOYER8:30 – 10 a.m.Breakout SessionsRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / CPEs 1.5CASGAFAGAFAHRTRoundtable: Determining What CustomersWantGRAND SALON CCPE Field of Study: MarketingThis roundtable is an opportunity to share ideas on how to determinecustomer needs, discuss what customers are actually asking for, andother issues of interest.Presiding: Annette Kinney, Hillsdale, Mich.; and Gregg Welch, Raleigh, N.C.Utility Budgeting ProcessesGRAND SALON ACPE Field of Study: FinanceHear from representatives of large, mid-size and small utilities about howthey prepare, review, approve and monitor annual budgets.Speakers: Emily Koenig, Manager, Financial Planning & Risk Management,Lincoln Electric System, Neb.; Michelle Leonard, Group Leader, SanteeCooper, Moncks Corner, S.C.; and Tracie Thomas, Controller, Easton UtilitiesCommission, Md.Presiding: Edward Easterlin, Omaha, Neb.Internal Audit RoundtableGRAND SALON FCPE Field of Study: AuditingDiscuss audit topics with your peers. Topics will include:• FEMA Audits• Complying with IRS requirements:• Cell phones• Use of company vehicles• Fringe benefitsPresiding: Carol Shrein, Memphis, Tenn.The Change JourneyGRAND SALON EHRCI: 1.5 / CPE Field of Study: Personnel/HRLife as we know it is all about change these days, and the expectationis that this will be the norm going forward. So how do we help ouremployees – especially those who are challenged by all the changes –learn how to adapt to change? Prepare for this journey by gaining anunderstanding of change resistance, how to help others understandthe need for change, how to define change, the importance ofcommunication during the change journey, and the steps and tools tobe used when preparing for change. This workshop will provide a modelthat can be used to implement both large and small changes.Speaker: Carol Bazemore, Training Officer, Greenville Utilities Commission, N.C.Presiding: Jon Hofman, Holland, Mich.ITPMAInformation Technology RoundtableVENETIAN ROOMCPE Field of Study: Specialized Knowledge & ApplicationsThis roundtable is an open forum for utilities to discuss current issuesin information technology.Presiding: Dawn Malinowski, Sun Prairie, Wis.Roundtable discussions are open only to employees of public powerutilities, state and regional associations, and joint action agencies.Leveraging Your Customers to OptimizeYour Generation Resource PortfolioGRAND SALON DCPE Field of Study: MarketingUtilities and power generators are not the only entities addinggeneration to the grid. Customers are doing so through the installationof solar panels and small-scale wind turbines along with whole-housegeneration for select industrial customers due to their operations.Industrial load curtailment is another generation resource for utilities.Learn how the utility can use the customer’s generation as a resourceto avoid purchasing high-cost power on the market or to postponeconstruction of a new power plant. Hear about the financial benefitsto both the customer and the utility and how to design rate for theseprograms.Speakers: Ryan Gooch, <strong>Program</strong> Operations Manager, Enernoc, Nashville,Tenn.; and Jessica Harrison, Principal Consulting, DNV KEMA Energy &Sustainability, Fairfax, Va.Presiding: Karen Weeden, Sioux Falls, S.D.10:15 – 11:30 a.m.Closing General SessionGRAND SALON BRecommended CEUs .1 / PDHs 1.3 / HRCI 1.25 / CPEs 1.5,Personnel/HRConnecting Generations:Enhancing EmployeeEngagement by Bridging theGenerational GapClint Swindall, President & CEO, Verbalocity, Inc.,San Antonio, TexasWhen people of different generations cannotfind a way to work together, it’s a shame. Whenmanagement can’t get them to work together, it’sa disaster. Learn about differences and between the four generationsin the work force today, and how to use those differences to enhanceworking relationships.Presiding: Jennifer Hunt, Gainesville, Fla.11:30 a.m.Adjourn2012 APPA Business & Financial Conference 15

Let the APPA Academy provide you with the knowledgeyou need to perform your job at the highest level.Register for these events today at SeminarOct. 14–17, 2012Omni ShorehamWashington, D.C.Customer ConnectionsConferenceOct. 21–24, 2012Indianapolis Marriott DowntownIndianapolis, Ind.Legislative RallyMarch 11–14, 2013Grand Hyatt WashingtonWashington, D.C.Engineering & OperationsTechnical ConferenceMarch 24–27, 2013Gaylord PalmsKissimmee, Fla.National ConferenceJune 15–19, 2013Gaylord OprylandNashville, Tenn.Business & FinancialConferenceSept. 22–25, 2013Omni Orlando Resort at Champions GateOrlando, Fla.Education Courses& WorkshopsFall Education InstituteOct. 1–5, 2012Loews Vanderbilt HotelNashville, Tenn.Featuring these courses:■ <strong>Public</strong> Utility Accounting■ Cost of Service & Retail Rate Design■ Financial Planning forMunicipal Utilities■ Key Accounts Certificate <strong>Program</strong>■ 2012 APPA Safety Manual Overview■ Overhead Distribution Systems<strong>Public</strong> <strong>Power</strong> LeadershipWorkshopOct. 3–5, 2012Loews Vanderbilt HotelNashville, Tenn.Joint Action Agency WorkshopJan. 6–8, 2013Sundial Beach & Golf ResortSanibel Island, Fla.Winter Education InstituteFeb. 4–8, 2013Gaylord PalmsKissimmee, Fla.Featuring these courses:■ <strong>Public</strong> Utility Accounting■ Cost of Service & Retail Rate Design■■■■Financial Planning forMunicipal UtilitiesCustomer Service ManagementCertificate <strong>Program</strong>2012 APPA Safety Manual OverviewUnderground Distribution SystemsCEO RoundtableFeb. 24–26, 2013Arizona BiltmorePhoenix, Ariz.General Accounting, Finance& Audit Spring MeetingApril 18–19, 2013Offices of APPAWashington, D.C.Spring Education InstituteMay 6–10, 2013Sheraton Park HotelAnaheim, Calif.Webinar SeriesTop-notch instructors and APPA memberscover the latest industry issues ina format that’s both convenient andaffordable. A phone and a computerwith Internet access are all that’s neededfor everyone at the utility to participate,for one low price. For an updated list ofupcoming webinars, visit

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