neurotoxicity and mechanisms of induced hyperexcitability

neurotoxicity and mechanisms of induced hyperexcitability

neurotoxicity and mechanisms of induced hyperexcitability


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BondBond length (Å) Bond order Bond strain (k Cal/mol)Neutral Ionic Neutral Ionic Neutral IonicC1-C2 1.541 1.542 0.965 0.970 0.206 0.189Cl-C6 1.525 1.531 0.984 0.983 0.049 0.208Cl-C10 1.533 1.542 0.973 0.962 0.049 0.101C2-C3 1.548 1.547 0.969 0.971 0.457 0.639C2-C7 1.518 1.520 0.969 0.974 0.252 0.290C3-C4 1.519 1.519 0.993 0.996 0.034 0.071C4-C5 1.518 1.515 0.992 0.997 0.107 0.004C5-C6 1.526 1.522 0.987 0.992 0.174 0.095C7-C8 1.403 1.405 1.376 1.365 0.082 0.140C7-C14 1.395 1.393 1.424 1.442 0.084 0.097C8-C9 1.493 1.491 0.990 0.997 0.035 0.058C8-C11 1.396 1.397 1.409 1.401 0.044 0.047C9-C10 1.533 1.535 0.971 0.959 0.073 0.115C11-C12 1.388 1.387 1.429 1.444 0.007 0.003C12-C13 1.389 1.401 1.373 1.360 0.015 0.010C13-C14 1.400 1.405 1.371 1.351 0.012 0.015C13-C15 1.382 1.372 1.029 1.067 0.038 0.038C15-C16 1.406 1.409 0.987 0.980 0.008 0.009C10-N17 1.503 1.484 0.972 0.961 0.226 0.192C2-C18 1.545 1.547 0.964 0.967 0.118 0.178C18-C19 1.524 1.525 0.990 0.980 0.075 0.031N17-C20 1.480 1.450 0.997 1.013 0.057 0.063C19-N17 1.492 1.460 0.980 0.994 0.092 0.059Table 3: Comparison <strong>of</strong> computed bond length, bond order <strong>and</strong> bond strain (k Cal mol -1 ) using PM3 method for neutral <strong>and</strong> molecular cation.ness <strong>of</strong> the bond. After an easy disruption <strong>of</strong> this bond,the subsequent bond is C 2–C 18(bond order = 0.967, bondlength = 1.54 7Aº <strong>and</strong> bond strain = 0.178 K cal mol -1 ). Disruption<strong>of</strong> these two bonds (C10–N 17<strong>and</strong> C 2–C 18) formeda fragment ion at m/z = 214 by loss C 3H 7N (bridge) fromthe molecular ion. The subsequent loss <strong>of</strong> C 9H 11O (rupture<strong>of</strong> the B ring) formed the fragment ion C 6H 10at m/z = 82,which can lead to a loss <strong>of</strong> H 2to form the fragment ionC 6H 8at m/z = 80 (process 1, scheme 1). One can concludethat process 1 is the principal one for DMP, which can helpto interpret TA decomposition.The primary TA decomposition <strong>of</strong> DMP (wt loss =4.1%) between 100 ºC <strong>and</strong> 150ºC was mainly due to loss<strong>of</strong> water. It was followed by a mass loss <strong>of</strong> 32.5% between150 ºC <strong>and</strong> 350ºC. On the basis <strong>of</strong> the MO calculation(Table 2), C 2–C 18was the first bond cleavage <strong>of</strong> neutralsystem having the lowest bond order at 0.964 with a longbond length (1.545 ºA) <strong>and</strong> large bond strain (0.118 k calmol -1 ) followed by C 10–N 17(bond order = 0.972, bondlength = 1.503 Aº <strong>and</strong> bond strain = 0.226 k cal mol -1 ).As a result <strong>of</strong> the disruption <strong>of</strong> these two bonds, C 2–C18<strong>and</strong> C 10–N 17lost the bridge C 3H 7N. The wt loss <strong>of</strong> 32.5%resulted from the bridge <strong>and</strong> HBr molecule (C 3H 7N +HBr). The subsequent third mass loss <strong>of</strong> 54.57% occurredat 350-450ºC <strong>and</strong> may be attributed to the loss <strong>of</strong>OCH 3C 6H 4CH 2CH 2(i.e., C 9H 11O) via the cleavage <strong>of</strong> theB-ring (C 2–C 7<strong>and</strong> C 1–C 10).The final mass loss <strong>of</strong> 5.68%, which occurred at temperaturerange 450-600ºC, may be attributed to the loss <strong>of</strong> theremainder <strong>of</strong> the drug molecule. It is possible to rationalisethe thermal degradation scheme 2 as follows.The dextromethorphan (DMP-HBr) neutral compoundis stable up to 150ºC before being fragmented by the loss<strong>of</strong> the bridge C 3H 7N + HBr, whereas codeine fragments at160 o C [26]. In contrast, the molecular ion <strong>of</strong> DMP is RI =30%, while the molecular ion <strong>of</strong> codeine is considered thebase peak (RI = 100%). This high stability <strong>of</strong> codeine maybe due to the presence <strong>of</strong> OH <strong>and</strong> O atoms in its skeleton.This work provides further insights into utility <strong>of</strong> experimentalTA <strong>and</strong> MS techniques <strong>and</strong> a theoretical investigationwith MO calculation using the semi-empiricalPM3 procedure on DMP. From the practical <strong>and</strong> theoreticaltechniques, we concluded that the primary fragmentation<strong>of</strong> DMP is initiated by the loss <strong>of</strong> C 3H 7N + HBr in26

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