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IndexAamino acid 69–73, 75–79, 81–82, 85–86,105, 112–114, 118, 121, 126,194–196, 212, 214, 217, 263, 296,298, 317–319, 332–333antibody 138, 236, 238,monoclonal 247–248, 251polyclonal 243, 247–248, 250, 253BblotsWestern 165, 215, 217, 220, 229,236–237, 260, 269, 285–286, 302,305–307Northern 236–237Cchromatin 51, 129–131ChIP-chip 20, 129, 131, 138–139cis-regulatory 54, 68, 129cis-regulatory element (CRE) orcis-regulatory module 129–130,136, 138, 141, 146Ddata analysis and miningCART 131, 136–137, 139, 141, 144,146–147Clustering 2, 9, 35, 46, 49, 52, 54,57–59, 61–64, 66, 93–95, 97–98,101–104, 134, 286Random Forest 137, 139, 141,144–145, 147,Rosetta stone 109–110, 112, 115,120–125databaseBioCarta 20, 22, 24, 27–28CGAP (Cancer Genome AnatomyProject) 22, 29, 31Ensembl 22–24, 52–55, 62–63,195, 200EntrezGene 24, 30GenBank 52–53, 55, 59, 62, 95,113, 232KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genesand Genomes) 20, 22, 24, 27–28,31, 124PDB (Protein DataBank) 69, 71, 75TRANSFAC 52, 55, 60, 63, 130–134UniGene 24, 29, 55, 62differential expression 171–174,176–177, 187dimensionality 1–2, 5–6, 9, 12, 39–40,57, 145EELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbentAssay) 247–253GGeneCpG island 129, 131, 138–139, 149exon 53, 93, 95, 99, 102, 194–195,198–199, 215, 224, 321intron 194–195, 197transcription factor binding site (TFBS)20, 130–139, 141, 144–145, 147gene annotation 3, 6, 30, 62comparative genomics 93, 134Iimmunostaining 236–238interactome 109, 125intrinsically disordered protein 69–70, 73335

IndexAamino acid 69–73, 75–79, 81–82, 85–86,105, 112–114, 118, 121, 126,194–196, 212, 214, 217, 263, 296,298, 317–319, 332–333antibody 138, 236, 238,monoclonal 247–248, 251polyclonal 243, 247–248, 250, 253BblotsWestern 165, 215, 217, 220, 229,236–237, 260, 269, 285–286, 302,305–307Northern 236–237Cchromatin 51, 129–131ChIP-chip 20, 129, 131, 138–139cis-regulatory 54, 68, 129cis-regulatory element (CRE) orcis-regulatory module 129–130,136, 138, 141, 146Ddata analysis and miningCART 131, 136–137, 139, 141, 144,146–147Clustering 2, 9, 35, 46, 49, 52, 54,57–59, 61–64, 66, 93–95, 97–98,101–104, 134, 286Random Forest 137, 139, 141,144–145, 147,Rosetta stone 109–110, 112, 115,120–125databaseBioCarta 20, 22, 24, 27–28CGAP (Cancer Genome AnatomyProject) 22, 29, 31Ensembl 22–24, 52–55, 62–63,195, 200EntrezGene 24, 30GenBank 52–53, 55, 59, 62, 95,113, 232KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genesand Genomes) 20, 22, 24, 27–28,31, 124PDB (Protein DataBank) 69, 71, 75TRANSFAC 52, 55, 60, 63, 130–134UniGene 24, 29, 55, 62differential expression 171–174,176–177, 187dimensionality 1–2, 5–6, 9, 12, 39–40,57, 145EELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbentAssay) 247–253GGeneCpG island 129, 131, 138–139, 149exon 53, 93, 95, 99, 102, 194–195,198–199, 215, 224, 321intron 194–195, 197transcription factor binding site (TFBS)20, 130–139, 141, 144–145, 147gene annotation 3, 6, 30, 62comparative genomics 93, 134Iimmunostaining 236–238interactome 109, 125intrinsically disordered protein 69–70, 73335

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