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6 BidautTable 2Folder Layout to Use With the Visualization Program ClutrFreeexp_5/Folder containing the BD result for 5 patterns: the“Fr764_228_ratio.bdo” and “Fr764_228_ratio.gnm” filesgenerated by BDrun for five patternsexp_6/Folder containing the BD result for 6 patterns: the“Fr764_228_ratio.bdo” and “Fr764_228_ratio.gnm” filesgenerated by BDrun for six patternsexp_20/Folder containing the BD result for 20 patternsannot.txtTab-delimited file with gene annotationsexpnames.txtTab-delimited file with mutant names3.2. Applying BD to the Rosetta Compendium With BDrun3.2.1. Organizing the Data FilesTo display the decomposition results with ClutrFree, the data needs to beproperly organized at two levels: the BD results level and the gene and experiments(conditions) level. Because the variable that is changed between each BDrun is the dimensionality, each BD experiment is to be stored in a separatefolder called “exp_dim” (“dim” being the number of patterns for the currentexperiment, for example, “exp_05” contains the decomposition result for fivepatterns). ClutrFree can handle arbitrarily named folders but this scheme is followedfor clarity and to facilitate the writing of other visualization programs.Other files that have to be included are the condition annotations (the list ofknockout mutant names) and the gene annotations generated from the MIPSwebsite. The final file layout is a folder containing the files in Table BDrun and Parameters SelectionBD is run from BDrun, a Java graphics interface that permits the specificationof parameters and data loading. The program is started by double-clickingon its icon under MacOS X, or by the following command lines:$ cd /path_to_bdtools$ java -jar BDrun.jar.This brings up the BDrun interface and starts the BDserver computationalengine. The BDrun window is organized in three parts (Fig. 2). The right panelcontains a series of fields that allows for fixing the parameters (reasonabledefaults are provided by the program). The left panel displays messages givenduring the Markov chain progression and permits the monitoring of the annealingand sampling period by displaying the evolution of the number of atoms(12) and χ 2 values. The bottom panel permits the operations of loading inputfiles and running the algorithm. Following is the detailed step-by-step procedureto run the analysis.

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