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122 DateFig. 1. A network of functional linkages in the human malarial parasite P. falciparumgenerated using the Rosetta stone method. Functional linkages were identified for theentire protein complement of the parasite using the Rosetta stone protocol. From this set,Rosetta links based on fusion sequences that were present only in the P. falciparum genomewere discarded. Overall, 5176 links between 993 proteins were retained and used to reconstructa part of the P. falciparum functional interaction network (see inset, proteins are representedas nodes and functional links as unweighted edges). Nodes and edges in thenetwork are categorized based on their annotation; nodes representing hypothetical proteinsare larger in size, and connections between hypothetical proteins are indicated in gray. Threeexamples of protein clusters that contain increasing numbers of hypothetical protein componentsare described as examples. Characteristics of the cluster help reveal characteristicsof the included proteins and allow function assignments, as in the case of the hypotheticalprotein PFL1410c, which can be implicated in transport based on connections with a numberof ATP-binding cassette transporters. Clusters made up entirely of novel proteins, suchas the cluster containing hypothetical proteins MAL6P1.273, PFE1490c, and PF10_0276,

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