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44 Wang and OchsFig. 4. The gene table view in ClutrFree. The table has been sorted by Pattern 3,giving a list of genes that are tied to this pattern strongly. A more formal measure ofthe association can be calculated through the Z-score as described in the text.3.4.3. Interpreting the Results Using Z-ScoresThis approach will generate a list exactly matched to the ClutrFree view. Theadvantage of using Z-scores, which can be done with statistical software orwith a spreadsheet, is that, one can compare the assignment of genes acrosspatterns, as the Z-score will normalize the strength of assignment, based on the

44 Wang and OchsFig. 4. The gene table view in ClutrFree. The table has been sorted by Pattern 3,giving a list of genes that are tied to this pattern strongly. A more formal measure ofthe association can be calculated through the Z-score as described in the text.3.4.3. Interpreting the Results Using Z-ScoresThis approach will generate a list exactly matched to the ClutrFree view. Theadvantage of using Z-scores, which can be done with statistical software orwith a spreadsheet, is that, one can compare the assignment of genes acrosspatterns, as the Z-score will normalize the strength of assignment, based on the

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