What is Four in Balance? - PDST

What is Four in Balance? - PDST

What is Four in Balance? - PDST


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at their own level and should motivate them to review the material<strong>in</strong>formally, even <strong>in</strong> their own time. It should also be easy for teachers touse.Practice at one’s own levelOne advantage of practic<strong>in</strong>g on the computer <strong>is</strong> that the software canadapt the material dynamically to the pupil’s knowledge, skills and needs.A pert<strong>in</strong>ent example <strong>is</strong> the “Clever Cramm<strong>in</strong>g” software program [Slim-Stampen]. It <strong>is</strong> based on research show<strong>in</strong>g that we remember facts best ifwe review them when we have almost forgotten them. The ideal momentdiffers from one person to the next and depends partly on the pupil’sprior knowledge. Software programs are able to identify that moment to afair level of accuracy. “Clever Cramm<strong>in</strong>g” uses a pupil’s reaction speed todecide whether or not an exerc<strong>is</strong>e needs to be repeated. Studies show thatpupils who work with th<strong>is</strong> software do <strong>in</strong> fact remember facts better thanthose who decide for themselves when to study a l<strong>is</strong>t of words (Van Rijn,2009).A computer program <strong>is</strong> also better than a worksheet at provid<strong>in</strong>g pupilswith extra tutor<strong>in</strong>g <strong>in</strong> areas <strong>in</strong> which they are weak. One example <strong>is</strong> ahomework program <strong>in</strong> language and math [Mu<strong>is</strong>werk] that not only givespupils exerc<strong>is</strong>es to do, but also offers them new material. It gives pupilsdirect feedback and keeps track of which material they have and havenot mastered. Small-scale quasi-experimental research shows that pupilsare capable of work<strong>in</strong>g on such exerc<strong>is</strong>es <strong>in</strong>dependently and complet<strong>in</strong>gspell<strong>in</strong>g and read<strong>in</strong>g comprehension assignments with the help of anass<strong>is</strong>tant teacher (Meijer, 2009).22Informal learn<strong>in</strong>gPrimary schools are mak<strong>in</strong>g grow<strong>in</strong>g use of Smart Boards (a brand of<strong>in</strong>teractive whiteboard) or SkoolMates (computers designed especially forchildren), with pupils (<strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g pre-schoolers) us<strong>in</strong>g them to complete<strong>in</strong>teractive exerc<strong>is</strong>es or play educational games. The pupils do notlearn any better than pupils who do not have access to these tools, butteachers feel that they enhance their lessons and extend their pedagogicalrepertoire (Luyten, 2011; Heemskerk, 2011).

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