English 9 Syllabus (pdf)

English 9 Syllabus (pdf)

English 9 Syllabus (pdf)


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<strong>English</strong> 9Mr. NagleCourse Description:o <strong>English</strong> 9 is designed to help improve reading comprehensionand communication through writing. It is also designed tohelp build skills necessary to prepare for future career paths.o This course is a full year and is worth one credit.Course Outline:o First Semester:- Novels- Grammar and Spelling- Writing Assignments- Speech- Reading pluso Second Semester:- Novels- Grammar and Spelling- Fugurative language- Essay- Reading plusMaterials:o You need to bring these materials to class everyday:- Folder and notebook- Pen and pencil- Assignment NotebookGrades:o Your grade will be based on daily assignments, tests, projects,and participation.o Grading Scale:100-90% A89-80% B79-70% C69-60% D59% or Below F

<strong>English</strong> 9Mr. NagleHomework:o Late work will be accepted (for full credit) if you have anexcused absence. *Remember, you get a one-day make-up foreach day your absence is excused.o If you turn in your work 1 day late, you will receive halfcredit for the assignment.o Work will not be graded if it does not have an owner.Extra credit:o Extra credit will be offered to everybody with extraassignments. The points will not affect a student’s grade byany more than 2% per quarter.Classroom Rules:o Come to class On Time and Be Prepared (have materials ready)o Follow Directionso Respect each other’s property and opinionso No Food or Drink in class, except watero Wait to hear the words, “Pack up,” before putting yourmaterials away at the end of classo Always try your best!Consequences:o Verbal Warning (2)o After school meeting with Mr. Nagleo Phone call home and possible meetingo Referral to SAO**Any type of threatening or severe behavior will result in animmediate referral to SAO.

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