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POLS 406 CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN TURKISH POLITICSAli ÇarkoğluKoç UniversitySpring 2011Tu, Thu 12:30-13:45Office Hours: Tuesday 14:00-16:00and by appointmentObjective of the Course: The primary objective of the course is to enable the students tounderstand and analyze better the diversities and vicissitudes of political life, institutions andprocesses in Turkey. An equally significant aim of the course is to provide the students withthe comparative political theory background and analytical tools to assess Turkish politicaldevelopment within a comparative framework.Assessment:Participation (assessed through attendance checks and contributions to classdiscussions): 10 %,Presentation: 10%Mid-term exam 25%Two short papers (10 double spaced pages): 20%Final Exam: 35 %Starting with the third week of our meetings, students are expected to make a criticalevaluation of the materials assigned to them. Once the students choose a topic of their interestthey are expected to contact me about what they should read and evaluate on this topicbeyond the basic readings assigned for our class. Some may be given a book for evaluation,yet some others will be expected to review a series of articles on a given topic.Recommended Readings:No single book covers every aspect of relevance and interest in this course; so weassign no textbooks. Yet our discussion will closely follow the articles in the four volumes ofour collection below:Çarkoğlu, A. and W. Hale (2008) Politics of Modern Turkey, RoutledgePart 1. Analytical Perspectives and ExplanationsWeeks 1-2 The Ottoman and Kemalist Political LegaciesThe Weight of HistoryThe Ottoman Heritageİnalcık, H. 1964. “The Nature of Traditional Society: Turkey” in R. E. Ward and D. A.Rustow (eds.) Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey, Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity Press.Karpat, K.H. 1972. “The Transformation of the Ottoman State, 1789-1908”,International Journal of Middle East Studies, 3, pp.243-281,1

<strong>POLS</strong> <strong>406</strong> <strong>CONTEMPORARY</strong> <strong>ISSUES</strong> <strong>IN</strong> <strong>TURKISH</strong> <strong>POLITICS</strong><strong>Ali</strong> ÇarkoğluKoç UniversitySpring 2011Tu, Thu 12:30-13:45Office Hours: Tuesday 14:00-16:00and by appointmentObjective of the Course: The primary objective of the course is to enable the students tounderstand and analyze better the diversities and vicissitudes of political life, institutions andprocesses in Turkey. An equally significant aim of the course is to provide the students withthe comparative political theory background and analytical tools to assess Turkish politicaldevelopment within a comparative framework.Assessment:Participation (assessed through attendance checks and contributions to classdiscussions): 10 %,Presentation: 10%Mid-term exam 25%Two short papers (10 double spaced pages): 20%Final Exam: 35 %Starting with the third week of our meetings, students are expected to make a criticalevaluation of the materials assigned to them. Once the students choose a topic of their interestthey are expected to contact me about what they should read and evaluate on this topicbeyond the basic readings assigned for our class. Some may be given a book for evaluation,yet some others will be expected to review a series of articles on a given topic.Recommended Readings:No single book covers every aspect of relevance and interest in this course; so weassign no textbooks. Yet our discussion will closely follow the articles in the four volumes ofour collection below:Çarkoğlu, A. and W. Hale (2008) Politics of Modern Turkey, RoutledgePart 1. Analytical Perspectives and ExplanationsWeeks 1-2 The Ottoman and Kemalist Political LegaciesThe Weight of HistoryThe Ottoman Heritageİnalcık, H. 1964. “The Nature of Traditional Society: Turkey” in R. E. Ward and D. A.Rustow (eds.) Political Modernization in Japan and Turkey, Princeton, NJ: PrincetonUniversity Press.Karpat, K.H. 1972. “The Transformation of the Ottoman State, 1789-1908”,International Journal of Middle East Studies, 3, pp.243-281,1

Lewis, B (2002), The Emergence of Modern Turkey, Oxford Uniersity Press (Thirdedition). Chapters 2-7.KemalismKili, Suna, 1980. “Kemalism in Contemporary Turkey”, International Political ScienceReview, vol.1, No.3, pp.381-404, 23 pages.Kasaba, Reşat, 1997. “Kemalist Certainties and Modern Ambiguities”, in SibelBozdoğan and Reşat Kasaba (eds.) Rethinking Modernity and National Identity inTurkey, University of Washington Pres, Seattle and London, pp.15-36.NationalismPoulton, Hugh, 1997. “The Top Hat: Secular Kemalist Nationalism” in Hugh PoultonTop Hat, Grey Wolf and Crescent, Turkish Nationalism and the Turkish Republic,NYU Pres, pp.87-129.Landau, Jacob M. 1991. “The Ups and Downs of Irredentism, The Case of Turkey”, inNaomi Chazan (ed.) Irredentism and International Politics, Boulder CO: Lynne RienerPublishers. pp.81-96.Mango, Andrew, 1985. “Remembering the Minorities”, Middle Eastern Studies,vol.21, No.4 pp.118-140.Center-Periphery ParadigmŞerif Mardin, “Center Periphery Relations: A Key to Turkish Politics”, Deadalus,Winter, pp.169-190.Week 3 The Modernization ParadigmLerner D. 1958 The Passing of the Traditional Society, New York, Free Press. Chapter1.Szyliowicz, Joseph, S. 1994. “Education and Political Development”, in Metin Heperand Ahmet Evin (eds.) Politics in the Third Turkish Republic, Boulder, CO: WestviewPress, pp.147 160.Ward, R.E. and D. A. Rustow (eds.) 1964. Political Modernization in Japan andTurkey, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapters 4-5.Week 4 Political Culture, Clientelism and PatronageThe Weight of Cultureİlter Turan, "The Evolution of Political Culture in Turkey," in Ahmet Evin, ModernTurkey: Continuity and Change, pp. 84-112.İlter Turan. (1991) “Religion and Political Culture in Turkey”, in R. Tapper (ed.),Islam in Modern Turkey: Religin, Politics and Literature in a Secular State, pp. 31-55.London: I. B. Tauris.Yılmaz Esmer, Devrim, Evrim, Statüko: Türkiye'de Sosyal, Siyasal ve EkonomikDeğerler, (İstanbul: TESEV, 1999).Tessler, Mark and Altinoglu, Ebru, 2004. “Political Culture in Turkey: ConnectionsAmong Attitudes Toward Democracy, the Military and Islam”, Democratization, vol.11, 1, pp. 21-50.2

Clientelism and PatronageKutad, A. 1975 “Patron – Client Relations: The State of the Art and Research inEastern Turkey,” in Engin D. Akarlı and Gabriel Ben-Dor (eds.) PoliticalParticipation in Turkey: Historical Background and Present Problems, Istanbul:Boğaziçi University Press, pp. 61- 87.Sabri Sayarı (1977) “Political Patronage in Turkey”, in E. Gellner and J. Waterbury(eds.) Patrons and Clients in Mediterranean Societies, Duckworth.Sunar, İ. 1990. “Populism and patronage: The Demokrat party and its legacy inTurkey” Il Politico anno V.pp. 745-75.Part 2. Political Institutions and ProcessesWeek 5 The Constitutional Framework and Executive-Legislative RelationsThe Constitutional FrameworkÖzbudun, E. 1995. Türk Anayasa Hukuku (Turkish Constitutional Law), in Turkish,Yetkin Basım Yayım ve Dağıtım, Ankara.1982 Anayasası, http://www.tbmm.gov.tr/Anayasa.htm .English Translation www.tbmm.gov.tr/anayasa/constitution.htm (includes recentamendments)Özbudun, Ergun, 2000. “The Politics of Constitution Making”, in Contemporary TurkishPolitics, Challenges to Democratic Consolidation by E. Özbudun, Boulder CO: LynneRienner Publishers, Pp.49-72.Özbudun, Ergun and Serap Yazıcı, 2004. Democratization Reforms in Turkey (1993-2004), TESEV Publications (www.tesev.org.tr).Executive, Parliament and BureaucracyBarchard, David, 2002. “Society and Bureaucracy: The Civil Service”, in B. Beeley(ed.) Turkish Transformation, New Century-New Challenges, The Eothen Press, pp.198-219.Ergun Özbudun, Contemporary Turkish Politics: Challenges to DemocraticConsolidation, (Boulder, London: Lynne Reinner, 2000), pp. 49-71 and pp. 105-123.Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin. 1990. “Cyclical Development, Redesign, and NascentInstitutionalization of a Legislative System" in Ulrike Liebert, and Maurizio Cotta(ed.) Parliament and Democratic Consolidation in Southern Europe, London: F.Pinter, pp.184-222.Metin Heper, “State, Democracy and Bureaucracy in Turkey, in Metin Heper (ed.),The State and Public Bureaucracies: A Comparative Perspective (New York:Greenwood Press, 1987): 131-145.Ward, R.E. and D. A. Rustow (eds.) 1964. Political Modernization in Japan andTurkey, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 7.3

Week 6: Political Parties and the Party SystemÇarkoğlu, A. “Turkish Party System in Transition: The Connection Between Macro-Level Party Competition and Agenda Change in Election Manifestoes”, PoliticalStudies, XLVI, 544-571, 1998Rustow. D. A. 1966. “ The Development of Political Parties in Turkey”, LaPalombara,J. and Weiner, M. Political Parties and Political Development, Princeton: PrincetonUniversity Press.Sayarı, Sabri. 2002. “The Changing Party System”, in Sabri Sayarı and Yılmaz Esmer(eds.) Politics, Parties and Elections in Turkey. Lynn Rienner, pp.9-32.Tachau, Frank, 2000. “Turkish Political Parties and Elections: Half a Century ofMultiparty Democracy”, Turkish Studies, vol. 1 No. 1 pp.128-148.Ward, R.E. and D. A. Rustow (eds.) 1964. Political Modernization in Japan andTurkey, Princeton: Princeton University Press. Chapter 9.Week 7 Social Mobilization, Political Participation and Electoral TrendsBaşlevent, C., Kirmanoğlu, H. And Şenatalar, B. 2004. Voter Profiles andFragmentation in the Turkish Party System, Party Politics, 10 (3): 307-324.Çarkoğlu, A. and Avcı, G. 2002. “An Analysis of the Turkish Electorate from aGeographical Perspective”, in Yılmaz Esmer and Sabri Sayarı (Eds.), Politics, Partiesand Elections in Turkey (Boulder, CO: Lynn Rienner , 2002), p.115-136.Ergüder, Üstün (1980-81) “Changing Patterns of Electoral Behaviour in Turkey”,Boğaziçi Universitesi Dergisi (Bogazici University Journal), vols.VIII-IX 45-81.Esmer, Yılmaz (2001) “At the ballot box: determinants of voting behaviour inTurkey”, in Y. Esmer and Sabri Sayarı (Eds) The Democratic Challenge: Elections,Parties, and Voters in Turkey. Lynn Rienner.İncioğlu, N. 2002. “Local Elections and Electoral Behavior”, Yılmaz Esmer and SabriSayarı (Eds.), Politics, Parties and Elections in Turkey (Boulder, CO: Lynn Rienner ,2002), p.73-90.Kalaycıoğlu, E. 1994. “Unconventional Political Participation in Turkey and Europe:Comparative Perspectives”, Il Politico, anno LIX, no.3, pp.503-523.Secor, A.J. (2001) Ideologies in Crisis: Political Cleavages and Electoral Politics inTurkey in the 1990s. Political Geography 20 (5), 539-560.Week 8 Interest Groups and the MilitaryInterest Groups, Civil Society OrganisationsAdem, Çiğdem, 2005. “Non-State Actors and Environmentalism”, in Adaman, F. andM. Arsel (eds.) Environmentalism in Turkey, Between Democracy and Development?,Ashgate, pp.71-86.Kalaycıoğlu, Ersin “State and Civil Society in Turkey: Democracy, Development andProtest” in Amyn B. Sajoo (ed.), Civil Society in the Muslim World: ContemporaryPerspectives, (London, New York: I. B. Tauris, 2002): 247-272.Keyman, E. Fuat and Icduygu, Ahmet, 2003. “Globalization, Civil Society andCitizenship in Turkey: Actors, Boundaries and Discourses”, Citizenship Studies, vol.7,2, pp. 219-234.Öniş, Ziya and Umut Türem, 2001. “Business, Globalization and DEmocracy: AComparative Analysis of Turkish Business Associations”, Turkish Studies, vol.2,Autumn, pp.94-120.4

Özbudun, Ergun Contemporary Turkish Politics: Challenges to DemocraticConsolidation, (Boulder, London: Lynne Reinner, 2000), Chap. 6.The militaryCizre, Ü. 2004. “Problems of democratic governance of civil-military relations inTurkey and the European Union enlargement zone”. European Journal of PoliticalResearch, January, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p.107-125.Demirel, Tanel, 2003. “The Turkish Military's Decision to Intervene: 12 September1980”, Armed Forces & Society, vol29, 2, pp. 253-280.Hale, William M. 1994. “Turkish Politics and the Military: A Comparative Analysis”,Chapter 12 in Turkish Politics and the Military, Routledge, pp.301-336.Heper, Metin, 2005. “The Justice and Development Party Government and theMilitary in Turkey”, Turkish Studies vol. 6, 2, pp. 215-231.Part 3. Major Issues and Themes in Contemporary Turkish PoliticsWeek 9. Democratization, Politics of EU membership processCanefe, N. and T. Bora. 2003. “The Intellectual Roots of Anti-European Sentiments inTurkish Politics: The Case of Radical Turkish Nationalism”, Turkish Studies, vol.4,No.1, pp.127-148.Çarkoğlu, A. 2004. “Societal Perceptions of Turkey‟s EU Membership: Causes andConsequences of Support for EU Membership?”, in Turkey and European Integration,Accession Prospects and Issues, Routledge, Nergis Canefe and Mehmet Uğur (eds.)pp.19-45.Cizre, Ü. 2004. “Problems of democratic governance of civil-military relations inTurkey and the European Union enlargement zone”. European Journal of PoliticalResearch, January, Vol. 43 Issue 1, p.107-125.Eder, M. 2003. “Implementing the Economic Criteria of EU Membership: HowDifficult is it for Turkey?”, Turkish Studies, vol.4, No.1, pp.219-244.Heper, M. 2005. “The European Union, the Turkish Military and Democracy”, SouthEuropean Society & Politics, Volume 10, Number 1 / April, pp.33-44.Onis, Ziya, 1999. “Turkey, Europe, and Paradoxes of Identity: Perspectives on theInternational Context of Democratization”, Mediterranean Quarterly, vol. 10, 3,pp107-136,.Tocci, N. 2005. “Europeanization in Turkey: Trigger or Anchor for Reform?”, SouthEuropean Society & Politics, Volume 10, Number 1 / April, pp.73-83.Week 10. Identity Issues 1: Religiosity and the rising salience of pro-IslamistmovementsArat, Yeşim, „Group-Differentiated Rights and the Liberal Democratic State:Rethinking the Headscarf Controversy in Turkey‟, New Perspectives on Turkey, Fall,vol. 25, (2001), pp.31-46.Ayata, Sencer, „Patronage, Party and State-The Politicization of Islam in Turkey‟,Middle East Journal, vol. 50, (1996), pp.40-56.Çakır, Ruşen, “Political Alevism versus Political Sunnism: Convergences andDivergences”, in T. Olsson et al (eds.) Alevi Identity, (İstanbul: Swedish ResearchInstitute in Istanbul, 1998), pp.63-68; (1998).Çarkoğlu, <strong>Ali</strong>, 2004. “Religiosity, Support for Şeriat and Evaluations of SecularistPublic Policies in Turkey”, Middle Eastern Studies, 40: 111-136.5

Dağı, İhsan, 2005. “Transformation of Islamic Political Identity in Turkey: Rethinkingthe West and Westernization”, Turkish Studies, vol.6, no.1, pp.21-37.Göle, Nilüfer (1997) “Secularism and Islamism in Turkey: The Making of Elites andCounter Elites”, Middle East Journal, 51(1) pp.46-58.Poyraz, Bedriye, 2005. “The Turkish State and Alevis: Changing Parameters of anUneasy Relationship”, Middle Eastern Studies, vol.41, 4, pp. 503-516.Week 11. Identity Issues 2: Ethnicity and politics of Kurdish minorityLaciner, Sedat and Bal, Ihsan, 2004. “The Ideologıcal and Hıstorıcal Roots of TheKurdıst Movements in Turkey: Ethnıcıty, Demography, and Polıtıcs”, Nationalism &Ethnic Politics, vol.10, 3, pp. 473-504.Yegen, Mesut, 2004. “Citizenship and Ethnicity in Turkey“,Middle Eastern Studies,vol40, 6, pp.51-66.Güney, Aylin, 2002. “The People‟s Democracy Party”, Turkish Studies, vol 3, no.1,pp122-137.Week 12. Policy-making, Political Economic Interactions, PatronageÇarkoğlu, A. 1995. “The Interdependence of Politics and Economics in Turkey: SomeFindings at the Aggregate Level of Analysis”, Boğaziçi Journal, Review of Social,Economic and Administrative Sciences, Vol.9, No.2, pp.85-108.Çarkoğlu, A. and M. Eder. 2005. “Development alla Turca: The Southeastern AnatoliaDevelopment Project (GAP)”, in F. Adaman and M. Arsel (eds.) Environmentalism inTurkey, Between Democracy and Development?, Ashgate, pp.167-184.Cizre-Sakallıoğlu, U. and E. Yeldan "Politics, Society and Financial Liberalization:Turkey in the 1990s." Development and Change 31.2.(2000): 481-508.Eder, Mine, 2003. “Political Economy of Agricultural reforms in Turkey” in Ahmet Inseleds. La Turquie et le developpement L‟Harmattan, pp. 211-245, 35 pages.Ergüder, Ü. 1980. “Politics of Agricultural Price Policy in Turkey,” in Ergun Özbudunand Aydın Ulusan, (Eds.) The Political Economy of Income Distribution in Turkey,(NY: Holmes and Meier Publishers Ltd.), pp.169-196.Gürkan, A. A. and Kasnakoğlu, H. 1991. “The Political Economics of AgriculturalPrice Support in Turkey: An Empirical Assessment”, Public Choice, Vol.70, No.3, pp.277-298.Öniş, Ziya. “Domestic Politics versus Global Dynamics: Towards a Political Economyof the 2000 and 2001 Financial Crises in Turkey,” Turkish Studies, vol.4 no.2 (Summer2003), pp.1-30.6

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