Brochure HDPE - TVK

Brochure HDPE - TVK Brochure HDPE - TVK


Grade/ParameterMelt Mass -Flow Rate (MFR)TensileDensityStrength23 °C (4) at YieldTensileStrain atYield (4)TensileStrengthat Break(MD/TD)TensileStrainat Break(MD/TD)ElmendorfTearResistance(MD/TD)Dart Drop(F50)FleModUnits g/10 min kg/m 3 MPa % MPa % cN g MBlown Film GradesBlow Moulding GradesUNIMODALBIMODALUNIMODALBIMODALTest methods ISO 1133-1FS 340-03FA 381-10FS 383-03FS 471-02FB 472-027000FBS 501-17BS 520-14BA 550-13BB 620-176000B6300B7300B8200BISO1183-2ISO527-3ISO527-3ISO527-3ISO527-3ISO6383-2ISO7765-1method A0.17 (1)0.78 (2)14 (3) 935 22/19 (5) - 50/48 (5) 650/825 (5) 50/380 (5) 120 (5)0.28 (1)1.2 (2)938 21/18 (5) - 48/47 (5) 700/800 (5) 49/360 (5) 100 (5) 921 (3)0.18 (1)0.87 (2)938 24/19 (5) - 51/48 (5) 700/800 (5) 45/300 (5) 100 (5) 915 (3)0.18 (1)0.80 (2)946 25/23 (5) - 53/47 (5) 700/800 (5) 23/270 (5) 95 (5) 1215 (3)0.68 (1)2.7 (2)947 22/24 (5) - 47/41 (5) 800/1000 (5) 24/290 (5) 55 (5) 1240 (3)0.08 (1)0.30 (2)955 26/25 (6) - 67/50 (6) 500/600 (6) 15/150 (6) 220 (6)9.0 (3)0.20 (1)0.94 (2)950 27 (4) - 35 (4) 1050 (4) - - 1423 (3)0,1 (1)0,45 (2)952 27 - 37 1400 - - 151,00 (3)0.35 (1)1.5 (2)955 29 (4) - - 1100 (4) - - 1628 (3)0.70 (1)2.9 (2)961 32 (4) 11 - 1000 (4) - - 1750 (3)0.30 (1)1.3 (2)958 32 (4) 11 - 1350 (4) - - 1730 (3)0.30 (1)1.3 (2)954 29 (4) 11 - 1250 (4) - - 1530 (3)0.10 (1)0.40 (2)955 29 (4) 12 36 (4) 1350 (4) - - 1612 (3)0,025 (1)0,2 (2)(3)5,0 953 28 12 37 1300 - - 15ISOPipe and SheetextrusionGradesBIMODAL7700M (9) 0.06 (1)0.26 (2)7111S (9) 0.12 (1)0.50 (2)8,0 (3) 948 25 (4) 13 36 (4) 1250 (4) - - 1313 (3) 949 25 (4) 13 35 (4) 1300 (4) - - 1310product catalogue high density polyethylene

op)FlexuralModulus (4)NotchedIzod Impact(4)SpencerImpactStrengthVicatShore DSofteningHardnessTemperature (4)(4)ESCRF50 BmethodOIT200 °C (4) Application-1d AMPa kJ/m 2 MPa °C - h min -ISO 178 ISO 180/A ASTM D 3420ISO306/A120ISO 868ASTM D1693(5)- - 39 (5) 117 59 - 65(5)900 - 35 (5) 118 60 - 32(5)900 - 37 (5) 119 60 - 42EN 728 -heavy duty bags, industrial films, multilayer films,blend component for LDPEbags, shopping bags, multilayer films,blend component for LDPEbags, shopping bags, multilayer films,blend component for LDPE5)1200 - 35 (5) 125 63 - 59 extra thin packaging films, bags, shopping bags, garbage bags5)1250 - 28 (5) 124 63 - 50bags, shopping bags, garbage bags,blend component for LDPE primarily for shrink film(6)- - 120 (6) 126 64 - 45 ultra-thin film, merchandise bags, disposal waste bags1400 15-127 64 140 (7) 71500 28 - 128 65 570 (7) 901600 15 - 129 65 46 (7) 101700 13 - 130 67 21 (7) -1700 8 - 127 65 200 (8) 301550 9 - 126 65 700 (8) 26bottles and cans of max. 10 litre capacity for aggressivehousehold chemicals and detergents, corrugated pipesballoons and drums up to 220 litre for aggressive industrial chemicals,thermofomingbottles and cans of max. 30 litre capacityfor non-aggressive household chemicals, cosmetics and oils.corrugated pipessmall bottles for liquid food (yoghurt, milk, juice, water)packaging, corrugated pipesthin walled bottles of max. 5 litre capacity for consumer goods(cosmetics, daily care), corrugated pipesbottles and containers of max. 10 litre capacityfor detergents and household chemicals, corrugated pipes1600 18 - 127 64 1300 (8) 56 jerry can for aggressive industrial chemicals, sheet extrusion1500 31 - 129 65 > 1200 (8) -jerry cans, drums, containers up to 1 m 3 for aggressiveindustrial chemicals1300 23 - 125 63 > 10000 (8) > 120 non-pressure pipes and sheet manufacturing1350 18 - 125 63 > 10000 (8) 120non-pressure pipes and sheet manufacturing,jerry can for aggressive industrial chemicalsNotes: Typical properties, not to be used as specification.(1) MFR at 190 °C and 2.16 kg(2) MFR at 190 °C and 5 kg(3) MFR at 190 °C and 21.6 kg(4) Values have been measured on standard pressed specimens(ISO 293) conditioned at room temperature (ISO 291)(5) The thickness of the film: 0.025 mm for the mechanical measurement (MD/TD: MD = machine direction, TD = trans direction)(6) The thickness of the film: 0.015 mm for the mechanical measurement (MD/TD: MD = machine direction, TD = trans direction)(7) Values have been measured in 100% Igepal CO-630 on standard pressed specimens(ISO 293) conditioned at room temperature (ISO 291)(8) Values have been measured in 10% Igepal CO-630 on standard pressed specimens(ISO 293) conditioned at room temperature (ISO 291)(9) It is recommended the pellets to be dried before use.

Grade/ParameterMelt Mass -Flow Rate (MFR)TensileDensityStrength23 °C (4) at YieldTensileStrain atYield (4)TensileStrengthat Break(MD/TD)TensileStrainat Break(MD/TD)ElmendorfTearResistance(MD/TD)Dart Drop(F50)FleModUnits g/10 min kg/m 3 MPa % MPa % cN g MBlown Film GradesBlow Moulding GradesUNIMODALBIMODALUNIMODALBIMODALTest methods ISO 1133-1FS 340-03FA 381-10FS 383-03FS 471-02FB 472-027000FBS 501-17BS 520-14BA 550-13BB 620-176000B6300B7300B8200BISO1183-2ISO527-3ISO527-3ISO527-3ISO527-3ISO6383-2ISO7765-1method A0.17 (1)0.78 (2)14 (3) 935 22/19 (5) - 50/48 (5) 650/825 (5) 50/380 (5) 120 (5)0.28 (1)1.2 (2)938 21/18 (5) - 48/47 (5) 700/800 (5) 49/360 (5) 100 (5) 921 (3)0.18 (1)0.87 (2)938 24/19 (5) - 51/48 (5) 700/800 (5) 45/300 (5) 100 (5) 915 (3)0.18 (1)0.80 (2)946 25/23 (5) - 53/47 (5) 700/800 (5) 23/270 (5) 95 (5) 1215 (3)0.68 (1)2.7 (2)947 22/24 (5) - 47/41 (5) 800/1000 (5) 24/290 (5) 55 (5) 1240 (3)0.08 (1)0.30 (2)955 26/25 (6) - 67/50 (6) 500/600 (6) 15/150 (6) 220 (6)9.0 (3)0.20 (1)0.94 (2)950 27 (4) - 35 (4) 1050 (4) - - 1423 (3)0,1 (1)0,45 (2)952 27 - 37 1400 - - 151,00 (3)0.35 (1)1.5 (2)955 29 (4) - - 1100 (4) - - 1628 (3)0.70 (1)2.9 (2)961 32 (4) 11 - 1000 (4) - - 1750 (3)0.30 (1)1.3 (2)958 32 (4) 11 - 1350 (4) - - 1730 (3)0.30 (1)1.3 (2)954 29 (4) 11 - 1250 (4) - - 1530 (3)0.10 (1)0.40 (2)955 29 (4) 12 36 (4) 1350 (4) - - 1612 (3)0,025 (1)0,2 (2)(3)5,0 953 28 12 37 1300 - - 15ISOPipe and SheetextrusionGradesBIMODAL7700M (9) 0.06 (1)0.26 (2)7111S (9) 0.12 (1)0.50 (2)8,0 (3) 948 25 (4) 13 36 (4) 1250 (4) - - 1313 (3) 949 25 (4) 13 35 (4) 1300 (4) - - 1310product catalogue high density polyethylene

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