NCI CCC® - UW Health

NCI CCC® - UW Health

NCI CCC® - UW Health


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<strong>NCI</strong>®CCC<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong> is the brand that signifies apatient-focused, three-pronged academichealth system supported by:• University of Wisconsin Hospital andClinics, where more than 15,000cancer patients are seen annually fordiagnosis, therapy, follow-up care orsecond opinions.• University of Wisconsin MedicalSchool, the <strong>UW</strong>-Madison campushome of the faculty members who doresearch, teach and provide patientcare.• University of Wisconsin MedicalFoundation, the academic grouppractice and clinical faculty of the <strong>UW</strong>Medical School, including more than900 physicians who practice at 50locations.The University of Wisconsin MedicalSchool is recognized as aninternational leader in educatingphysicians, investigating the causesof disease, finding innovativesolutions to medical problems andtranslating research intocompassionate patient care.The <strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Center isone of only 39 comprehensive cancercenters designated by the NationalCancer Institute, the lead federal agencyfor cancer research.CC6301-1203P

annual report2002-2003research. education. treatment. hope.UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN COMPREHENSIVE CANCER CENTER AR 2002-03

[ MESSAGE FROM THE DIRECTOR ] ..................................................1[ HIGHLIGHTS ]research ..............................................................................................................2-3education ..............................................................................................................4-5table of contentstreatment..............................................................................................................6-7hope ....................................................................................................................8-9[ INTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH COMPLEX ] ..................................10-11[ CANCER CENTER MEMBERS & LEADERSHIP ] ................................12-16[ FINA<strong>NCI</strong>AL INFORMATION ]donors & gifts .................................................................................................. 18-27financial data.................................................................................................... 28-29contribution information ......................................................................................30-31

message from the directorDear Friends,The University of Wisconsin Comprehensive Cancer Center (<strong>UW</strong>CCC) is more than2,300 dedicated individuals on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus whodevote their careers each and every day to discovery that will alleviate pain andsuffering from cancer.Our organization is branded “comprehensive” because our mission touches all of thekey areas that embody the Wisconsin idea: research, education, communityoutreach, and state-of-the-art patient care. Discoveries made in our laboratories andnew approaches to improving quality of life are constantly moving into early clinicaltrials to test these new strategies. The ability to translate our discoveries intomeaningful new approaches allows us to offer our patients the newest and mostpromising treatments available and sets us apart from other facilities that offercancer treatment.Tangible evidence of our level of excellence has been validated during 2002-2003 byseveral important achievements, highlighted within this annual report. Our success isdriven by the outstanding collaboration and contributions of Cancer Centerresearchers, health care providers and donors.On behalf of our faculty and the individuals and families who benefit from theirwork, I thank you for your support of the <strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Center.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 1Sincerely,George Wilding, MDDirector, <strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Center


a d v a n c i n g W i s c o n s i n ’ s c a n c e r r e s e a r c h a g e n d aThe <strong>UW</strong>CCC has consistentlyscheduled for a 2005 ground-Comprehensive Cancer CenterIn conjunction, the <strong>UW</strong>CCC willConsortium members will designbeen a leader in advancing thebreaking (please see pages 10-11).at the University of Wisconsin-establish a formal “Aging andand implement numerous studiesnation’s cancer research agenda.In 2002-2003, <strong>UW</strong>CCC membersreceived close to $100 million tosupport their research effortsfrom federal agencies and privatesponsors. During the past year,several exciting announcementsunderscored our level ofexcellence.$7 million federalgrant announcedTommy Thompson, Secretaryof <strong>Health</strong> and Human Servicespresented a $7 million federalgrant in September 2003 forconstruction of new <strong>UW</strong>CCCspace. The grant (of which$4 million is from the NationalCenter for Cancer Resources and$3 million from the NationalCancer Institute) will be appliedtoward a new cancer tower for<strong>Health</strong>Star’s InterdisciplinaryResearch Complex (IRC), which isSpecifically this grant will providefunding to house interdisciplinaryprostate cancer research on oneof four new Cancer Center floorsplanned for the IRC.The announcement of this grant isthe first step toward naming the<strong>UW</strong>CCC after Paul P. Carbone,MD. Carbone, who died inFebruary 2002, served as <strong>UW</strong>CCCdirector from 1978-1997. Hisunwavering dedication to patientsand research is the foundationfor the visionary legacy weproudly pursue.The University of WisconsinFoundation and the Paul P.Carbone, MD MemorialFoundation plan to raise anadditional $10 million in privatephilanthropy to rename the<strong>UW</strong>CCC as the Paul P. CarboneMadison.Aging and CancerProgram formedWith cancer death rates far greaterfor those 65 or older, the <strong>UW</strong>CCChas been selected by the NationalInstitutes of <strong>Health</strong> as one of eightcenters to study the relationshipbetween cancer and aging.The <strong>UW</strong>CCC will receive a$3 million grant for five years ofstudy jointly funded by theNational Cancer Institute andNational Institute on Aging.“Our group at the <strong>UW</strong> is very wellpoised to investigate the relationshipbetween cancer and aging,”said Richard Weindruch, PhD, thegrant’s principal investigator.“Our efforts will span a broadarray of research ranging from thepopulation to the molecular levels.”Cancer Program” to be directedby Weindruch. “Aging andCancer” will become the ninth<strong>UW</strong>CCC research program,complementing eight existingresearch programs designed tocatalyze research with the goal ofapplying discovery to yield moreeffective patient care.<strong>UW</strong>CCC will leadchemopreventionclinical trials<strong>NCI</strong> announced the <strong>UW</strong>CCCwill receive a $5 million contractto form a consortium led byHoward Bailey, MD to conductmultiple Phase I and II clinicaltrials of cancer chemopreventiveagents. The consortium will becomposed of five core institutions:the University of Wisconsin, theUniversity of Iowa, VanderbiltUniversity, Emory University/Gradyand the University of Rochester.on agents that may play a role inpreventing cancer.O’Brien UrologyResearch Center fundedA National Institutes of <strong>Health</strong>grant for more than $4 millionover five years was awarded tothe <strong>UW</strong> to fund a George M.O’Brien Urology Research Center.Wade Bushman, MD, PhD is theprincipal investigator of the grantentitled “Mechanisms forAcquired Changes in ProstateGrowth Regulation.” The grant’sunifying hypothesis is that agingand the environment produceacquired changes in prostategrowth control that predispose toneoplasia. Several physicianscientistsinvolved in prostatecancer research and treatment willcollaborate on this project.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 3



p r o v i d i n g e x c e l l e n c e i n c a n c e r c a r eAt the <strong>UW</strong>CCC, our goal is toOncology, Hematology and Bonecoordination of care during astaff for the treatment of cancer.2002 Patient Statisticsprovide patients with the bestMarrow Transplant Clinics have allstressful time. In a single location,This location provides convenient<strong>UW</strong>CCC/<strong>UW</strong> Hospital & Clinicscancer treatment available.moved to this new space. Thepatients are seen by a skilled teamaccess for patients from theTotal unique patients 15,512Our team of skilled cancerGynecologic Oncology Clinics andof professionals and access theEast, Northeast, South and(outpatient and inpatient)professionals, work with patientsand families to treat their cancer,control side effects of treatmentand to provide assistance indealing with a diagnosis of cancer.Over the past year, we have madea number of improvements in theenvironment in which we providethis care and have expanded ourcancer care team to meet theneeds of patients and families.New Cancer ClinicsIn Fall 2002, new Cancer Clinicswere opened as part of a newAmbulatory Services addition onthe campus of <strong>UW</strong> Hospital andClinics. Patients now enter theCancer Clinics through a fourstoryatrium, complete withfountain and comfortable spacesfor patients/families. MedicalChemotherapy space is currentlybeing completely renovated tomatch the new environment.The new Ambulatory Servicesaddition includes new outpatientlab and radiology facilities makingthese services more convenient forcancer patients. Also included inthe new space are patientteaching areas as well asconsultation space for the cancercare team to meet with patientsand families. A salon is availablefor wig selection or fitting.New Breast CenterOpened in November 2002,the Breast Center has broughttogether breast-related problemsclinics and breast imaging in onelocation. For patients, thistranslates into betterlatest technology in breast imaging.“From mammography toultrasound to biopsy, this is theplace for women who want thelatest in comprehensive, multidisciplinarybreast care in Wisconsin,”says James Stewart, MD, thecenter’s medical director. “Ourgoal is to make every woman’sexperience as smooth as possible.“New East Clinic-Radiation OncologyCenter OpensA new Radiation Oncology Centeropened in October 2003 at the<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong>–East Clinic located inthe American Center off Hwy 151,just north of the intersection withI-90/94. This center includes stateof-the-artradiation oncologyequipment and a skilled team ofSoutheast sides of Madison andDane County as well as othercommunities such as Columbus,Beaver Dam, and Portage.Remodeled InpatientCancer UnitThe Inpatient Medical Oncology/Hematology/Bone MarrowTransplant Unit, (B6/6), wascompletely remodeled during2002. These improvementsprovide a home-like environmentthat is much more comfortable forpatients and families. In additionto more inviting spaces, computeraccess is now available forpatients wishing to keep in touchwith family or their work.New cancer cases 3,428Outpatient visits 82,367Inpatient discharges 2,7282002 Clinical TrialsStatisticsNumber of patients enrolledin all clinical trials 864Number of trials openOpen to adults 222Open to adults & children 16Open to children 30TOTAL 268Clinical TrialsInformationFor more information aboutclinical trials at the <strong>UW</strong>CCC,please contact Cancer Connect,1-800-622-8922 or(608) 262-5223.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 7


c e l e b r a t i n g t h e h o p e a n d p r o m i s e o f t h e f u t u r eThird Kids WithCindy’s younger brother, Jeffrey,Seeing so many children treatedHighlights from the 2003 CancerParticipants enjoyed a picnicCourage Reuniondied of leukemia in 1975 afterat <strong>UW</strong> come back to Madison forHope, Cancer <strong>Health</strong> Weekmeal, complete with an iceIf ever there were two words thatbeing treated at <strong>UW</strong> Children’sthis event powerfully crystallizesincluded:cream sundae bar from Culver’sintuitively should not go together,they are “childhood” and “cancer.”Fortunately, incredible strideshave been made in treatingchildren with cancer over the pastgeneration. Celebrating theseadvances in Madison onNovember 29, 2003 were morethan 200 childhood cancersurvivors (ages 1 through 44)and their families who weretreated at University of WisconsinChildren’s Hospital.Sponsored by <strong>UW</strong> Children’sHospital and the <strong>UW</strong>Hospital. Cindy has been aninvaluable contributor of timeand money to the <strong>UW</strong> PediatricOncology program over thepast decade.Paul Sondel, MD, head of the<strong>UW</strong> Pediatric Oncology program,said there is nothing as rewardingto him as a physician-researcheras seeing so many childhoodcancer survivors under one roof.“We have made greater headwayin curing childhood cancer thanany other type of cancer over thepast 30 years,” Sondel said.this achievement, Sondel said.“Whether a childhood cancersurvivor is currently in treatmentor 20 years out of treatment as agrown adult with a family, thisreunion is a truly phenomenal andemotionally moving event foreveryone involved,” he said.“Kids With Courage also providesan opportunity for families andchildren to entertain, educate,provide support and celebrateprogress together.”Cancer Hope, Cancer<strong>Health</strong> Week• An integrative medicine healthfair with keynote speaker, DavidRakel, MD was held at theMadison Marriott West. Morethan 350 people heard Rakel’spresentation entitled, “Turning<strong>Health</strong>y Relationships Into<strong>Health</strong>ier Bodies.”• A thought-provoking paneldiscussion on lung, colon andgynecologic cancers. Led byMeg Gaines of the <strong>UW</strong> Centerfor Patient Partnerships, thispanel discussion providedinsight and resources forof Middleton and listened to alive performance from TinCeiling, a local rock band.• Larry Norton, MD fromMemorial Sloan-KetteringCancer Center was named thefirst Paul P. Carbone VisitingProfessor. The Paul CarboneVisiting Professorship andLecture is annually sponsoredby the <strong>UW</strong>CCC, FrontierScience and TechnologyResearch Foundation and thePaul P. Carbone, MD MemorialFoundation.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 9Comprehensive Cancer Center,“Thirty years ago, only three inAnnually, the <strong>UW</strong>CCC sponsorspatients, family members andKids With Courage III was the10 childhood cancer patientsa week in early May entitledother caregivers.third reunion of childhood cancersurvivors. As was the case for thefirst two Kids With Couragereunions in 1993 and 1998,supermodel Cindy Crawford wassurvived their disease, and it wasuncertain if any would be cured.Today, 80 percent of all childrendiagnosed with cancer willbe cured.”“Cancer Hope, Cancer <strong>Health</strong>Week”—dedicated to providinghope and useful healthinformation for anyone touchedby cancer.• A picnic celebrating all cancersurvivors was attended by morethan 150 survivors at HighPoint Church in Madison.a special guest at the event.

u i l d i n g f o r b r e a k t h r o u g h r e s e a r c h d i s c o v e r i e sThe <strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancereffort to name the <strong>UW</strong>CCC forNew CancerThe project presents opportunitieswith the partnership of the StateCenter (<strong>UW</strong>CCC) will have athe late Paul P. Carbone, MD. ByResearch Towerfor donors to name the Cancerof Wisconsin and the University.very prominent place in theraising $10 million in private gifts,The IRC is “by no means a luxury,Research Tower itself, theWe invite you to join us.new Interdisciplinary ResearchComplex (IRC), the final facility ofthe highly successful <strong>UW</strong> MedicalSchool’s <strong>Health</strong>Star campaign onthe <strong>UW</strong> health sciences campus.The largest single component ofthe new research facility will bethe Cancer Research Tower to belocated adjacent to <strong>UW</strong> Hospitaland Clinics.Two simultaneous fundraisingcampaigns are supporting the IRC.Carbone LegacyCampaign: the fittingtribute to a legendMembers of the <strong>UW</strong>CCC AdvisoryBoard and other communityvolunteers have joined togetherwith the Carbone family to formthe Carbone Legacy Committee.The committee is leading thewe have a unique opportunity toleverage additional grant fundingover the next two years. This is aspecial window of opportunity tohonor Carbone’s memory andfulfill his dreams for the <strong>UW</strong>CCC.It is our hope that those whoreceived the gift of his exceptionalcare, teaching, guidance andfriendship will now join togetherto contribute in his name.“The <strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive CancerCenter is more than just abuilding or a floor or a lab. Itrepresents a concept—caring forothers,” <strong>UW</strong>CCC Director GeorgeWilding says. “This is the way inwhich my former colleague PaulCarbone approached his workand each of his patients. That’swhy naming the <strong>UW</strong>CCC for himis so fitting.”it is a necessity for us to staycompetitive as one of the nation’sleading cancer centers,” saysWilding. “There literally is nospace in our existing facilities fornew recruits and investigators.”The new cancer space in the IRCwill consist of four floors, whichincludes 100,000 square feet oflaboratory and office space.The tower will facilitate the dailycollaborations among researchersand clinicians that lead tobreakthrough discoveries. It alsowill bring together key sharedservices and equipment vital tothe research process, providingthe space and technology fordiscovery to flourish.laboratory floors within it eitherindividually or collectively, andvarious other research supportand office spaces.This vision and the promise itholds are dependent on privatesupport. The campaigns for theCarbone Legacy and the CancerResearch Tower are centralpriorities for the Medical Schooland <strong>UW</strong> Foundation. We lookforward to working with ouralumni, friends and all othershoping to achieve a worldwithout cancer. We all want to seeour Medical School and the<strong>UW</strong>CCC leading the way.Creating a Futurewithout CancerAchieving this vision requiressignificant private support alongFor more information aboutcontributing to theInterdisciplinary ResearchComplex, please contact:Patty PorterSenior Director for <strong>Health</strong> SciencesUniversity of WisconsinFoundation1848 University AvenueP.O. Box 8860Madison, WI 53708-8860(608) 265-2922 or(800) 443-6162patty.porter@uwfoundation.wisc.eduAR 2002-03 • PAGE 11

l e a d e r s h i pAR 2002-03 • PAGE 12Senior Leadership: (From left to right) Patrick Remington, Jane Wegenke, Norman Drinkwater and George Wilding.<strong>UW</strong>-Madison’s prominence incancer research, education andtreatment arises from more thansix decades of diligence anddiscovery—beginning with thefounding of the McArdleLaboratory for Cancer Research in1940 followed by the formation ofthe <strong>UW</strong>CCC in 1973.In 1971, the National Cancer Actcalled for the creation of cancercenters of excellence throughoutthe United States. The <strong>UW</strong>CCCwas established as one of the firstuniversity-based comprehensivecancer centers in 1973 by theNational Cancer Institute.To gain a “comprehensive” designation(the highest ranking givenby the National Cancer Institute),a center must meet specificcriteria:• Strong basic laboratory andclinical research and thetranslational research that formsthe bridge between them;• Innovative cancer treatmentsinvolving clinical trials;• Cancer prevention and controlprograms;• Training and education ofhealth care professionals;• Cancer information services; and• Community outreach andeducation.The <strong>UW</strong>CCC is governed by anExecutive Committee. Thiscommittee receives input from anExternal Advisory Committeecomprised of academic leadersfrom across the nation as well as aregional advisory board ofcommunity members.

l e a d e r s h i pSenior LeadershipGeorge Wilding, MDDirector, <strong>UW</strong>CCCAssociate Director–Clinical ProgramsNorman Drinkwater, PhDAssociate Director–LaboratoryProgramsPatrick Remington, MD, MPHAssociate Director–Cancer ControlJane WegenkeAssociate Director–AdministrationExecutive CommitteePaul J. Bertics, PhDGeorge T. Bryan, MD, PhDTeresa Compton, PhDDavid L. DeMets, PhDWilliam F. Dove, PhDNorman R. Drinkwater, PhDMichael N. Gould, PhDF. Michael Hoffmann, PhDMinesh P. Mehta, MDHenry C. Pitot, MD, PhDPatrick L. Remington, MD, MPHPaul M. Sondel, MD, PhDBill M. Sugden, PhDJane Wegenke, BSRichard H. Weindruch, PhDGeorge Wilding, MDExternal AdvisoryCommitteePaul Calabresi, MD (Chair)Brown University School ofMedicineJohn Coffin, PhDTufts UniversityJames Cox, MDM.D. Anderson Cancer CenterRussell Hilf, PhDUniversity of RochesterMedical CenterRalph Hruban, MDJohns Hopkins UniversityPeter Jones, PhDUSC/Norris ComprehensiveCancer CenterAlbert LoBuglio, MDUniversity of Alabama atBirmingham ComprehensiveCancer CenterFrank McCormick, PhD, FRSUniversity of California,San Francisco Cancer CenterSara Perkel, MSNational Comprehensive CancerCenter NetworkJasper Rine, PhDUniversity of California, BerkeleySteven Rosen, MDNorthwestern University,Robert H. Lurie ComprehensiveCancer CenterG. Marie Swanson, PhDMichigan State UniversityCancer CenterGeorge Vande Woude, PhDVan Andel Research InstituteDaniel Von Hoff, MD, FACPArizona Cancer CenterRalph Weichselbaum, MDUniversity of Chicago CancerResearch CenterAdvisory BoardMembersDonald AndersonMarilyn AndersonDeEtte Beilfuss-EagerH. Mel BensteadGeorge BryanSandra Schwartz BryanMary CarbonePaul Carbone, Jr.Diane Craig ChechikGloria EtterIlene FielkowJune FranklinJohn FrautschiAl GoldsteinMary Lou Birkett GoodfriendJoanne HaertleForrest HartmannHans HellandMarjorie HellandBrian Howell *George Icke **Barbara KilgoreTom KilgoreKevin KochNancy KreilickPhyllis LeachTerry LiermanEfrat LivnyCharles LoefflerMarian LoefflerChristine McHugh ***Linda NielsenBill NitzkeLouise RuschDonald P. RyanSusan VeatchHelen Whitman-ObertMary WickhemAnne WolmanMartin Wolman*deceased November 2003**deceased November 2003***deceased April 2003AR 2002-03 • PAGE 13

m e m b e r sAR 2002-03 • PAGE 14Patrick Remington Paul BerticsWilliam DoveMichael Gould Michael Hoffmann Teresa ComptonMinesh Mehta Paul Sondel Richard WeindruchThe <strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Center brings together the researchefforts of more than 230 faculty from 44 departments and 10 schoolson the <strong>UW</strong>-Madison campus.Cancer Center members participate in nine research programs, whichoptimize intra- and inter-programmatic research and facilitate effortsto apply discoveries to improving the care of our cancer patients.To read more about our nine research programs, please visitwww.cancer.wisc.edu.AGING & CANCERProgram Leader:Richard H. Weindruch, PhDThis program will investigate therelationship between cancer andaging. Membership is beingformulated for this new program.CANCER CONTROL &POPULATION SCIENCEProgram Leader:Patrick Remington,MD, MPHThe mission of the Cancer Controland Population Science program isto understand the causes anddistribution of cancer inpopulations and support thedevelopment and implementationof effective interventions.Catherine I. Allen, PhD *Henry A. Anderson, MDTimothy B. Baker, PhDJames F. Cleary, MDJune L. Dahl, PhDMichael C. Fiore, MD, MPHBrion J. Fox, JDDennis G. Fryback, PhDKennedy W. Gilchrist, MDAlbert C. Gunther, PhDDavid H. Gustafson, PhDLawrence P. Hanrahan, PhDSusan M. Heidrich, PhDDavid E. Joranson, MSSWDouglas E. Jorenby, PhDDavid A. Katz, MDMary L. Keller, RN, PhDDiane R. Lauver, RN, PhDRichard R. Love, MDPolly A. Newcomb, PhDMarjorie A. Rosenberg, PhDMichael L. Rothschild, PhDRonald C. Serlin, PhDMaureen A. Smith, MD, MPH, PhDAmy Trentham-Dietz, PhDSandra E. Ward, PhD* DeceasedCANCER GENETICSProgram Leader:William F. Dove, PhDThe mission of the Cancer GeneticsProgram is to develop thecapabilities of experimental geneticanalysis to define causativepathways that affect tumorgrowth.Daniel M. Albert, MDThomas S. Anantharaman, PhDAlan D. Attie, PhDMark W. Craven, PhDNorman R. Drinkwater, PhDPeggy J. Farnham, PhDJason P. Fine, PhDAnne E. Griep, PhDF. Michael Hoffmann, PhDRussell F. Jacoby, MDDavid F. Jarrard, MDLorraine F. Meisner, PhDAmy R. Moser, PhDMichael A. Newton, PhDRobert W. Nickells, PhDArthur Polans, PhDTomas A. Prolla, PhDEric P. Sandgren, PhD, VMDDavid C. Schwartz, PhDGurbax Singh Sekhon, PhDLloyd M. Smith, PhDXin Sun, PhDMichael R. Sussman, PhDJon A. Wolff, MDJohn A.T. Young, PhDCELL SIGNALING &GROWTH CONTROLProgram Leader:Paul J. Bertics, PhDThe Cell Signaling and GrowthControl Program seeks tounderstand the signals that govern

m e m b e r sthe proliferation and invasion ofmetastatic tumors.Caroline M. Alexander, PhDRichard A. Anderson, PhDEmery H. Bresnick, PhDRichard R. Burgess, PhDWade Bushman, MD, PhDPeggy J. Farnham, PhDFrances J. Fogerty, PhDAndreas Friedl, MDMichael K. Fritsch, MD, PhDDaniel S. Greenspan, PhDAnna Huttenlocher, MDPatricia J. Keely, PhDLaura L. Kiessling, PhDJames S. Malter, MDShigeki Miyamoto, PhDDeane F. Mosher, MDChristopher J. Murphy, DVM, PhDSean P. Palecek, PhDDonna M. Peters, PhDAlan C. Rapraeger, PhDJeffrey Ross, MDLinda A. Schuler, PhDLewis G. Sheffield, PhDNader Sheibani, PhDJohn P. Svaren, PhDDavid A. Wassarman, PhDJyoti J. Watters, PhDETIOLOGY &CHEMOPREVENTIONProgram Leader:Michael N. Gould, PhDThe mission of the Etiology &Chemoprevention Program is todetermine the causes of cancerand then translate this knowledgeto develop and evaluate drugs,vitamins, or other agents to try toreduce the risk of or delay thedevelopment of cancer.Nihal Amad, PhDElaine T. Alarid, PhDHoward H. Bailey, MDChristopher A. Bradfield, PhDGeorge T. Bryan, MD, PhDHerbert Chen, MDSteven S. Clark, PhDKelly H. Clifton, PhDDavid L. DeMets, PhDNorman R. Drinkwater, PhDCharles E. Elson, PhDWilliam E. Fahl, PhDRussell F. Jacoby, MDDavid F. Jarrard, MDColin R. Jefcoate, PhDCharles B. Kasper, PhDChristina M. Kendziorski, PhDPaul O. Larson, MDHasan Mukhtar, PhDR. Timothy Mulchay, PhDMichael A. Newton, PhDC. David Page, Jr., PhDMichael W. Pariza, PhDHenry C. Pitot, MD, PhDTomas A. Prolla, PhDLinda A. Schuler, PhDJude W. Shavlik, PhDLewis G. Sheffield, PhDJames A. Stewart, MDJames P. Thomas, MD, PhDAjit Kumar Verma, PhDRichard H. Weindruch, PhDGeorge Wilding, MDEXPERIMENTALTHERAPEUTICSProgram Leader:F. Michael Hoffmann, PhDThe specific aims of theExperimental Therapeutics Programare to identify novel mechanisms ofanticancer therapy and translatethem to clinical applications, toperform initial human clinical trials,and to move new therapies todisease specific settings.Nicholas L. Abbott, PhDDaniel M. Albert, MDMark R. Albertini, MDRobert Auerbach, PhDHoward H. Bailey, MDHirak S. Basu, PhDDavid J. Beebe, PhDPaul J. Bertics, PhDReginald C. Bruskewitz, MDRichard J. Chappell, PhDJames F. Cleary, MDHector F. DeLuca, PhDDavid L. DeMets, PhDAndreas Friedl, MDSamuel H. Gellman, PhDMichael N. Gould, PhDKrista K. Graven, MDKyle D. Holen, MDPaul R. Hutson, PharmDGuilherme L. Indig, PhDBrad S. Kahl, MDWeiyuan John Kao, PhDKyungMann Kim, PhDJill M. Kolesar, PharmDMichael R. Kosorok, PhDIlene D. Kurzman, EdDGlen S. Kwon, PhDGaret P. Lahvis, PhDFred T. Lee, Jr., MDRichard R. Love, MDGerard J.D. Marriott, PhDLaurence J. Marton, MDDouglas G. McNeel, MD, PhDShigeki Miyamoto, PhDSherry Morgan-Meadows, MDR. Timothy Mulcahy, PhDDaniel L. Mulkerin, MDTerry D. Oberley, MDRonald T. Raines, PhDH. Ian Robins, MD, PhDJoseph R. Robinson, PhDArnold E. Ruoho, PhDJoan H. Schiller, MDJulian C. Schink, MDBen Shen, PhDEric V. Shusta, PhDJames A. Stewart, MDSanthanam Swaminathan, PhDJames P. Thomas, MD, PhDJames A. Thomson, VMD, PhDJon S. Thorson, PhDRandal S. Tibbetts, PhDAnne M. Traynor, MDDavid M. Vail, DVMLynn Van Ummersen, MDJamey P. Weichert, PhDGeorge Wilding, MDWeixiong Zhong, MD, PhDMEMBERS continued on next pageAR 2002-03 • PAGE 15

m e m b e r sAR 2002-03 • PAGE 16HUMAN CANCERVIROLOGYProgram Leader:Teresa Compton, PhDResearchers in the Human CancerVirology Program study viruses thatcause cancer in people—dissectingthe routes by which viruses entercells and revealing the mechanismsby which viruses predispose cells toevolve into tumors.Paul G. Ahlquist, PhDCurtis R. Brandt, PhDPaul F. Lambert, PhDDaniel D. Loeb, PhDJanet E. Mertz, PhDRobert Todd Striker, MD, PhDBill M. Sugden, PhDJohn A.T. Young, PhDIMAGING & RADIATIONProgram Leader:Minesh P. Mehta, MDThe Imaging and Radiation SciencesProgram is focused on improvingearly detection and staging ofcancer as well as developingstrategies to improve outcomes ofpatients treated with radiation.B. Lynn Allen-Hoffmann, PhDHirak S. Basu, PhDElizabeth S. Burnside, MD, MPHSuresh R. Chandra, MDRichard J. Chappell, PhDOnofre T. DeJesus, PhDGelsomina De Stasio, PhDPaul M. DeLuca, Jr., PhDLisa J. Forrest, VMDJohn F. Fowler, PhDThomas M. Grist, MDSusan C. Hagness, PhDPaul M. Harari, MDVictor M. Haughton, MDSteven P. Howard, MD, PhDFrederick Kelcz, MD, PhDFred T. Lee, Jr., MDLeonard A. Levin, MD, PhDMary J. Lindstrom, PhDT. Rockwell Mackie, PhDErnest L. Madsen, PhDMary Elizabeth Meyerand, PhDCharles A. Mistretta, PhDAmy R. Moser, PhDRobert J. Nickles, PhDBhudatt R. Paliwal, PhDWalter W. Peppler, PhDScott B. Perlman, MDNimmi Ramanujam, PhDMark A. Ritter, MD, PhDHoward A. Rowley, MDBruce R. Thomadsen, PhDWolfgang A. Tome, PhDPatrick A. Turski, MDDavid M. Vail, DVMAjit Kumar Verma, PhDJamey P. Weichert, PhDTracey Weigel, MDJames A. Zagzebski, PhDIMMUNOLOGY &IMMUNOTHERAPYProgram Leader:Paul M. Sondel, MD, PhDThe goal of the Immunology &Immunotherapy Program is tounderstand how the immunesystem recognizes cancer and usethis knowledge to create strategiesfor effective cancer treatment andprevention.Mark R. Albertini, MDDavid J. Argyle, BVMS, PhDRobert Auerbach, PhDBehnam Badie, MDWilliam J. Burlingham, PhDSteven S. Clark, PhDJoseph P. Connor, MDCharles J. Czuprynski, PhDKenneth B. DeSantes, MDJames E. Gern, MDMajed M. Hamawy, PhDJacquelyn A. Hank, PhDColleen E. Hayes, PhDStuart C. Helfand, DVMAnna Huttenlocher, MDBruce S. Klein, MDIlene D. Kurzman, EdDMary J. Lindstrom, PhDDavid M. Mahvi, MDMiroslav Malkovsky, MD, PhDJames S. Malter, MDJoseph H. Matloub, MDDonna O. McCarthy, PhDDouglas G. McNeel, MD, PhDDaniel Muller, MD, PhDDonna M. Paulnock, PhDAlexander L. Rakhmilevich,MD, PhDErik A. Ranheim, MD, PhDMatyas Sandor, PhDJoan H. Schiller, MDChristine M. Seroogy, MDAimen F. Shaaban, MDGary A. Splitter, DVM, PhDM. Suresh, DVM, PhDDavid I. Watkins, PhDSharon M. Weber, MDJon A. Wolff, MDJon Pointon Woods, MD, PhDCLINICALINVESTIGATORSPARTICIPATING ACROSSPROGRAMSTara M. Breslin, MDCarol A. Diamond, MDRichard R. Dubielzig, DVMEllen M. Hartenbach, MDJohn P. Heiner, MDCharles P. Heise, MDDavid M. Kushner, MDCatherine P. Leith, BChir, MBWalter L. Longo, MDPeter A. Mahler, MDTimothy D. Moon, MDStephen Y. Nakada, MDT. Michael Nork, MDDiane M. Puccetti, MDM. Shahriar Salamat, MD, PhDGary R. Shapiro, MDEileen P. Smith, MDRichard A. Steeves, MD, PhDDouglas H. Thamm, VMDEliot C. Williams, MD, PhDRobert D. Woodson, MD

donor and financial information

AR 2002-03 • PAGE 18d o n o r sThe University of Wisconsin ComprehensiveCancer Center would like to thank alldonors who help our organization maintainits leading role in innovative researchinitiatives, compassionate cancer care,and education for the public and healthcare professionals.Donors listed on the following pages arefrom January 1– December 31, 2002.$100,000 & ABOVEAnonymousCaP CURECindy Crawford$10,000 - $99,999Donald & MarilynAndersonAnonymousEstate of Ruth S. ButlerJ.P. & Marianne CullenKathy DeanRoger & Jeanne DeMerittDonald & Jeanne DoyleJohn J. Frautschi FamilyFoundationAlbert & Sherry GoldsteinGolf Fore WolfeGrand Aerie Fraternal Orderof EaglesRobert & Mona HartyJohn & Deidre KingKenneth J. Lay EstateSteve Leuthold FamilyFoundationOur Hope of Burlington,Inc.Pleasant T. RowlandFoundationPrecision Plus, Inc.Harry & Marjorie TobiasTomorrow’s HopeUniversity <strong>Health</strong> Care, Inc.Jerry & Nancy Wolfe$1,000 - $9,999Daniel & Eleanor AlbertAmerican Academy ofMatrimonial LawyersAnonymousLeonard & Claire ApfelbachDean ArnoldAstraZeneca LPDouglas & Diana BackusBadger Jim Beam ClubGerald & Kathleen BarbianBarr Laboratories, Inc.Georgia BarreBarron Community Fund,Inc.Theodore & MarilynBattermanPeter BeattyAllan & Paulette BeerkircherH. Mel Benstead, Jr.Harvey & Thelma BergmanMaureen BetzRobert & Donna BetzigRobert & Martha BeyerKathleen BingerRobert BraunRaymond BrownGeorge T. Bryan, Jr. &Patricia WickehamCaritas FoundationCarol CarrChoose Hope, Inc.Community ShoppersCondon Oil CompanyLoeta CressCulver’s Frozen Custard –Madison, Todd Dr.George & Dorothy DaniyBob DavisPeter DavisPatrick & Kathryn DalyDavid & Kathryn DeMetsEmmett J. Doerr CharitableUnitrustWilliam & Jo AnneDoppstadtDry Bean Saloon, Inc.Roger DuhlJohn DuncansonCharles EisNeil & Arlene EpsteinJohn & Gloria EtterJohn FaturaFred FensterKirt Fiegel FamilyFoundationJoyce FrankPatricia FoxRobert & Nancy FoxPeter & CatherineFrischmannGraham Hunter FoundationMary GrangerJudith GreenMargaret GreenEdward & Nancy HansonLewis HansonPhilip & ElizabethHendricksonNelson & Vera HicksCharitable FoundationPhilipp L. Hunkel MemorialResearch FundArdys JankeAlice JohnsonETA Chapter of KappaKappa GammaKaukauna High SchoolFundBrian KayeAudrey KeckTerry & Mary KellyKikkoman FoodsFoundation, Inc.Thomas & Barbara KilgoreLois KilmerW.E. KinneyAvis KolpinDirk Korth & Lisa WinklerThe Viola Krahn EstateDonald & JoAnne KrauseKris & Penelope KublyCharlotte LaCombJames & Vicki LarsonCharles LentzIrving & Dorothy LevyL. Michael & Susan LynchBernard & Sally KilloranJohn & ElizabethMacDonaldErnest & Dorothy MacVicarMadison Musicians AgainstCancerWilliam MansfieldEstate of Elaine MarksEugene MayernickOscar & Geraldine MayerNellie McCannonVerda McFarlaneEmily McKayBrian & Carole McKnightJean MohrhauserCharles & CarolynMowbrayNational OncologyAlliance, Inc.Joseph & Stephanie NicholsRosemarie NovacheckThomas & Regina OberlinRobert & Lois OlsonOncology TherapeuticsNetworkOne Fund Barron County,Inc.Ian OppenheimNancy OrbisonOur Lady Queen of PeaceParishThe Patey FamilyRichard & Louanne PauleyJanice PennauJane PerlmanMr. & Mrs. Richard PerssonPharmacia CorporationKenneth & Janet PikeCharles & PatriciaQuentel IIIQuixote Foundation, Inc.Elliott ResneckGloria RiceRonda RichardsRoche LaboratoriesRichard & Nancy RoloffPauline RuschDonald & Diana RyanWendell SagendorfSchering Sales CorporationPeter & Colleen SchmitzScott & Peggy SampsonCharitable Fund, Inc.Carolyn SchwartzKenneth SheltonGeorge SmallPhilamae SonntagJoseph & Jamie SteuerSteven & Susan StoddardPamela SulimaSwedish American HospitalGreg & Mary TadychYvonne TannerJames TaylorT.E.A.M.S.George & Catherine TesarJulius TeubertJames ThiedeJames & Debra ThomasDavid & Delia TittleJ. Paul & Lois Van NevelSusan VeatchVeterans of Foreign Wars –Ladies AuxiliaryWalter VollrathLeone VoigtMary VossRichard VowlesNorma WamplerJohn & Jacalyn WarczakFrances WeinsteinJohn & Joyce WestonMary WickhemDavid WilkinsonWisconsin Dells Area UnitedFund, Inc.Gail Wurtzler

W.W. Grainger, Inc.Sol ZaichickHassan ZoroufyErwin & Joan Zuehlke$500 - $999Joanne AhrensSanford AltschulNancy AndersonASCOMary Ellen & Goff BeachFamily FoundationNiles & Linda BermanDonald & Gladys BlancharDavid Hanson & LindaBochertAlfred BothumBowdoin Group, Inc.Bristol Myers-SquibbBrown Family FoundationGeorge T. Bryan & SandraSchwartz BryanFrank BurgessRichard & Mary ButlerThomas & ElizabethButterbrodtMary CarboneDonna CasperRaymond & Memee ChunMarvin & Mildred ConneyRobert & Muriel CurryStephen & Melanie DvorakBruce & Rosemary EhrJames & Jan EisnerJane EisnerEli Lilly and CompanyFoundationDonald & Susan EmerichWilliam & Gail EnglerThe Falk CorporationRichard & Tina FariaRalph FarnsworthMichael & Vivian FeenMichael & Susan FinnaneJames & Jeanne GinterOlga GrkavacGlenice HalfmanJohn HartPhilip & Barbara HarveyMike HealdLouise Heberlein MemorialFrank & Catherine HeiderHans & Marjorie HellandVernon & DonnaHellenbrandWalter & Mary HenshawRichard & Sharon HodgeCharles & Julia HowellPhilip & Mary HudsonIMSJansport, Inc.A. Paul & Aileen JensenSteve & Nancy KailasBarbara KarlenFrederick Kelcz & SherylPopuchPatrick & Mary KelleherJohn & Andrea KelleyJohn KellySharon KnoppEllen KochJulia KotschevarGary & Edna LachmundLaFollette Class of 1981James & Shirley LakeMichael LeitzMichael Lemberger &Gloria VanDixhornMarvin LevyInternational OncologyNetwork, LLCCharles & Marian LoefflerFred & Anne LuberPaul & Tracy LuberWilbert & Joanne MaassCharlotte MacDonaldMarion MansfieldGregory & Linda MeierMary MeierMGI Pharma, Inc.Chad & Donna MilneJohn MoldenDan & Vickie MulkerinRobert & Katherine MusolfNational Carcinoid SupportGroupSteven NelesenStephen NelsonIvan & Helen NodolfJohn OwenCharles & Barbara PerkinsJohn PetersonRobert PettiboneQuad Graphics, Inc.Robert & Elizabeth RaganEric & Sylvia RamseyL. Randall & Janice MoteBruce RavidThomas & MarthaRombergKathryn RouseLucille RoystonJohn & Margaret RunnellsSafari Club InternationalCarolyn SchererGary SchulzeWinton & Ruth SchumakerSteven & Judith SchusterAgnes SchwoeglerGary & Kay SeltznerRichard & Lynn ShallbergKathleen ShrakeRichard Sloan & JessieGrumanF. James SmartCharles & Jean SmootsPhilip & Mary JaneSouthworthJay & Lou Ann SpaanemEloise SpargerJames & Judith StewartRobert & Dorothy TalbottCharles TarasovicBenton & Mary TaylorNorman & Nancy TeboTopin & AssociatesSarita TrewarthaJerry & Denise Tribbey<strong>UW</strong> Medical FoundationWilliam VogelRuth WagnerRobert & Elaine WaldoArlin & Evelyn WalshShirley WattsFrederick & MaryWehmeyerTheresa WeiheMrs. Clyde WelchThomas & Susan WelchWhite, O’Connor, Curry &Avanzado, LLPJane WillPenelope WilliamsClark & Beatrice WinnLester Witthuhn MemorialFundBen W. Wuerch TrustGary Young & LindaRobersonMary YeakelDonald & Clare ZachPatricia ZieglerSylvester & Margie ZieglerMarian ZimbricJohn & Mildred Zimdars$100 - $499Creed AbellAbelson-Taylor Inc.Seymour & ShirleyAbrahamsonACE Sauk PrairieAction Heating & AirConditioningSharon AdlerAgri-King, Inc.Ronald & Sonja AhlertPeggy AhlgrenThe annual Golf Fore Wolfe golf outing was held on June 21, 2003 at SilverSpring Country Club in Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin. Since its inception, theevent has raised $157,000 for brain tumor research at the <strong>UW</strong>CCC.Gregory & Christine AlbertMargaret Van AlstyneMadelyn AltGary AmarosoJoey AmbergAmgen, Inc.Virgil AmundsonArnold & Sally AndersonClifford & GenevieveAndersonDonald AndersonHoward AndersonJerome & Edith AndersonLouis & MargueriteAndersonNorman AndersonTherese AndersonJohn & Faye AndrewsAntonneau-Wood Builders,Inc.Thomas Archdeacon &Marilyn LavinThomas & Diane ArenbergJames & Sandra ArmstrongWayne & Joanne ArmstrongJohn & Suzanne ArnostRemzi & Andrea Arpaci-DusseauTodd & Mary AshbyMichael & Dorothy AtkinsHerbert & Patricia AtwaterMelvin AvanzadoJonathan & Susan AxelrodAzco IntegratedConstructionCarl & JoAnn BachhuberBadgerland Supply, Inc.Tom & Doreen BadtkeJoel & Leigh BahrErnest & Diana BakerMark Ballweg & Vicki SpattBarbie’s HomemadeChocolate Chip CookiesLisa BarmanP.S. & Joanne BarnesRichard BarryThomas BartschMichele BassettThomas & Sally BastingHirak & Aparajita BasuDaniel & Karen BaumannVivian BaumannHenry & Lorraine BeasterBruce & Barbara BeckerJohn BeckerMary BeckerRobert & Faye BeckerScott & Susan BeckerDorothy BehlingConstance BehmAlbert & Mary BehrensBeverly BelauBemis CompanyFoundationAbdulrouf & Natalie Ben-ZikriJanice BenderRobert BeningerLawrence & Janice BenskyDouglas BergeDavid & Jan BergeRobert & Aurelia BergmannJon BergquistLeonard & NormaBerkowitzAR 2002-03 • PAGE 19

AR 2002-03 • PAGE 20Craig Robida, <strong>UW</strong>CCC External Relations Manager,receives a $6,200 check from Jennifer Rhude ofthe Madison Curling Club for their Curl for a CureBonspiel held February 22, 2003.$100 - $499Morton & BarbaraBerkowitzRobert & Eva BermanBruce BernardClark & Sheri BernardRobert Bernardoni &Charlotte DohertyJames & Edith BernerBethel Republican TownCommitteeMargaret BevingtonMarie BewickRuth Ann BeyersShyam & Sushil BhatiaShampa BhattacharyaRobert & Ann BielefeldtDale & Barbara BiglerAngelica BilkeySandra BlauertBeverly BlockHarold & Suzanne BlotnerMr. & Mrs. Ewald BlumRodney & Jeanne BlumJean BobwichRuth BockCatherine Bock-WeissBarbara BoelterPaul & Joan BollenbachMr. & Mrs. Albert BoltonJohn BolzRobert BolzRichard BondLyle & Marilyn BoneckSteve & Nancy BooksArnold & Catherine BorcherLester Vander BoschAlfred & Frieda BothumRichard & ConnieBrachmanWilliam & Ruth BrashElizabeth BrashiRobert & G. Kathryn BrayGeraldine BreitDonald & EvelynBreitenbachHoward & Caryl BremerSusan BrennanMary BrennanF. & Susan BrewsterEdmund & Lois BrickRichard & Myra BrienHarland BrightWesley & Sonja BrillWilliam & Joan BrockPhillip & Marilyn BrockishRobert & Louise BrockmanGilbert & Janet BrooksLynndon & Norma BrooksMary Kay BrooksBrookshire Brothers, #10Andrew BrownJane BrownVito & Barbara BrunettiJames & Bev BrunnerBarry & Mary BrunsDennis & Barbara BrushStephen & Jacqueline BrussBryan & Klein, LLCHenry & Stella BuchholzRobert & Lyn BuchtaHariette BugbeeRichard & Susan BulgrinDennis & Jerilyn BullockJeannine BultmanButtonwood Partners, Inc.George & Ruth BurdeyThomas & Suzan BureshLuella BurgessRobert & Geraldine BurtonEdward & Lois BusbyDarrell & Lorraine BusjahnMark BussMarvin & Susan BustaThomas ButlerLarry & Sheryl ButsonBill & Joan ByramByrnes Marketing GroupRichard & Sandra BystedMartin & LorraineCadwalladerKent & Lynn CallowayAngela CanellosPaul & Barbara CannellCapital Square OptimistClubAlan R. Caplan MemorialFundGerald & Patricia CardoCharles CarpenterStephen & Susan CarpenterWilliam & Susan CarpenterCarolinas <strong>Health</strong>careSystemStanley & Susan CarrWilliam & Louise CarrKimberly CarrollColyn CarterVirginia CashbaughJerome & Delphine CasperArthur & Beverly CastroDale CattanachDaniel & Mary CaulfieldCedar Grove Area UnitedFundWilliam CernyLora ChadwickDonald & GeraldineChaltryWunching ChangChesebro ElementarySchoolRay & Janet ChesnerChrist The King LutheranChurchRoberta ChristianWalter & MarilynChristiansenMartin & LisaChristoffersonAnthony & Linda ChvarakOrla CichDan ClearyMr. & Mrs. James CleasbyJeanne ClelandMargaret ClemonsJames & Cynthia ClumJames & Judith CoenenMarcus & Sheila CohenEdward & Toby CohnRobert & Patricia CollinsRalph & Jane ColrudColumbus TownshipCharitiesRobert ColvinAnthony & ElizabethConnorJames & Zoe ConnorStuart & Anne CooganDouglas & Dianne CookJohn & Rosanne CookCoon Creek Sod FarmsJohn & Judy CoppJoan CorellaRonald CorporaKathleen CorriganMaribeth CousinSandra CowenPaula CraftRobert & Jeannine CrahenWilliam & Judith CraigCramer, Multhauf &Hammes, LLPGerald & Donna CribbenElvin & Nancy CrispellMarvin & Loreen CrowleyFrances CrumptonTanja CukCharles & Sandra CullenJim & Jean CullenTimothy & Kathleen CurranRobert & Jean CurtinE. Bowden & Ruth CurtissMartin & Shirley DableEleanor DahleHerbert & Brenda DahlmanJean DahmBette DalebrouxDamer & Cartwright, Inc.Dane County TitleCompany, Inc.Daniel & Patricia D’AngeloRafael DanielsJerome & Annette DanielsScott & Yoshiko DantonioRobert & Donna DarlingRichard & Rose DavisViolet DavisLuther DearbornWilliam DekkerDelta Consulting Inc.Mary Jo DeMezaTimothy DempseyVivian Dennis<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong>–Department ofSurgeryRichard & Nancy DeraufRose DercksAlfred & BerniceDe SimoneJohn & Susan DickensPatrick & Barbara DinanAllen DinesFrank & Mary Di NovoAlfred & Helen DiotteJohn & Nancy DirlamThomas & Joy DoepkeDale & Alice DoeringRoberta DolezalRobert & Mary AnnDomannDonlen CorporationDavid DonnerDon’s Hydro, Inc.Gloria DonsingRobert & Nancy DottThe Douglas StewartCompanyDousman SnowTroopers, Inc.George & MargaretDowningDoylestown Charities FundSteven DraceGary & Kimberly DraegerGordon & Maureen DrakeAlice DravesHarold DrecktrahJohn & Dorothy DreherDaniel DreisJoseph & Laura DresenJames & Jane DrillDouglas & Lorraine DruryRichard & Doris DubielzigLinn DuesterbeckJ. Hubert DunnDupaco Community CreditUnionLoyal & Bernice DurandCherie Durfee-SmithMarty DuvallKenneth & Janelle DvorakEdward & Ruth DworskyJudith EarlingPaul & Constance EberlyRaymond Eiben & MarilynMyersGregory EckertEdgewater Stock FarmThomas & J. Carol EhrsamSusan EichnerArline EilemanDarren & Lisa EiselLaurence EisemanHenry & Laurel EllingsonCharles & Mary ElliottMargueritte ElliotArthur & Lois EllisEarnie & Jean EllisWilliam Elman

George & Lola ElorantaRobert & Linda ElvesJanet EmbretsonOliver & Jane EngeSteven EpsteinLeon & Shirley EpsteinKevin & Jennifer ErbJoanne EricssonNoreen EsserMark Etzel & ReginaMurphyBetty EvansEvergreen ToolCompany, Inc.Donald & Nancy EveritzEldrue & Ethell FaanesRobert & Eileen FahrenkrugAllan FalkRandall & Mary FarahJames & Leslie FarmerSarah FaustStuart Feen & CarolSonnenscheinFeingold, Bates &Vogel, LLPWilliam & Colleen FeistKenneth & Eleanor FeistSidney & Betty FelderGary & Mary FeldtRussell & Janet FerrisCharles & Nancy FetterKristin FicksRonald & Joanne FiedlerNancy FielderFinancial AdvisoryService, Inc.Kendall & Shirley FingerPatrick & Marilyn FinnFirst National Bank andTrust CompanyMichael & Haze FischJanice FisherFitness for Her, LLCAllen & Mary Jo FlemingLester & Janet FloeterHelen ForrestalNorman FostEdwin & Winona FosterDavid Foulkes & SusanMatzke FoulkesRolland & Barbara FoxAlfred & Marian FrancourJean FrankJune FranklinArthur & Lisa FratamicoViola FrederixonJannan FreiburgerThomas & Mary FrenchNorman FrenzelRoger FriedePaul FuerstenauCynthia FugereMary FulwilerJohn FurmanMark FurthSam GabeltThe Gage Corporation, Inc.William & Ruta GartmanTodd & Barbara GartzkeRamona GasserRussell & Bernadine GasserGerald & Betty GastJohn & Lisa GastJames & Patricia GaugertArne & Deloris GausmannNancy GeeBarbara GehlMatthew GeigerJohn GentDavid & Velma GeraldsonAlfred & Lorena GerbitzThomas & Marcia GerhartzThomas & Beth GieseKennedy Gilchrist &Heidi WildeJames & Kim GilmoreMartha GilpinCarol GiltzWilliam & Julie GladbachArthur & Evelyn GleasonKathleen GleesonGlen Hills United FundRichard & Judith GlesnerRoy & Jean GliseAllen & Martha GoddingCharles & Janice GoergLydia GoerzPhillip GohlkeKenneth & Sandra GoldDebra GoldsteinNerma GollinMark Gonzalez &Elizabeth LynchTheodore Goodfriend &Mary Lou BirkettGoodfriendEdna GorderJack GorskiSteve & LeAnn GorskiCheryl GraceyCarrie GrackMr. & Mrs. David GradyCarl & Nancy GrafKaete GranickFrank Graziano, Sr.Charles & Carol GreenCharles & Colleen GreenDouglas & Marie GriesbachMaryln GrimmGeorge GrkavacPaul & Dorothy GroganMr. & Mrs. B.H. GrommesJeffrey GrossmanGrover Cleveland HighSchoolEdward & VirginiaGschwindMary GuayJoseph & Sandra GuerardJoyce GustFrank GuthThomas & Mary Haak-FrendschoWilliam & Harva HachtenHeidi HaeberliDonald & Eloise HagedornRuben & Ramona HagenShirley HahnJerry & Jean HaldemanJohn & Irma HallGeorge & Lois HallamThomas & SusanHallingstadJerry & Marlene HalronRonald Hammerstrom &Clarice SpeckTerry Hampton & AliceDoherty HamptonHand Doctors of MilwaukeePhilip HandkeEvelyn HanischCarlton & Mary HansenScott & Christine HansenDavid & Mona HansonLowell HansonLynene HarmonRobert & Darlene HarmonMary Jo HarrisTurner & Mary HarshawThomas & Elizabeth HartChristopher HarvathJoseph & Norma HarvathColleen HaslerEric & Linda HatlebergThomas & Diane HayeClaude & Virginia HazlettDavid & Sandra HealyVeronica HeartyRussell & Berneva HebbH. Edward & KristineHeckmanCarolyn HeftyRoger & Judy HeilertDavid & Charlene HeinEugene & Veryl HeinQuentin & Carrol HeinPaul Heiser & Patricia JooSharon HelbigRaymond & Barbara HeldtPeter HellandJill Bohn HellerMarsha HelterGeraldine HemmerlingPhilip & SuzanneHendersonEllen Jane HendersonRobert & Marjorie HenkelPaul & Molly HenryAnne HerbGregg & Susan HermanKeith HernkeHoward & Lillian HerriotMark & Patricia HerrlingHerslof Optical, Inc.John HessMark & Robin HessefortJohn & Barbara HewittKevin & M.K. HilbertRaymond HildebrandRoger & Emily HillCarolyn HillardHilldale MerchantsAssociationJoseph & Betty HilmerCynthia HitemanDavid & Sheila HixonMr. & Mrs. James HobelJames & Sheri HoerchnerJeanette HoffmannMary HoidaJanet HollatzMarian HoltanHonold Family TrustArnold HopeDennis HorneRobert & Sheri HornikJames & Lucille HornungMichael Horowitz &Greta KesselWilliam & Carolyn HortonAnn HoskeWilliam & Susan HotzAlbert & Lois HoughJ.A. Houle, Jr.Glenn Hovemann &Muffy WeaverHomer HowardMuriel HowellsJames & Cheryl HoytJoanne HuekstaedtJames & Leonette HufferDiana HuibregtseMarvin HumphreyThomas & Linda HupfJohn & Cynthia HurtenbachFrank & Kathleen HuszarCharles & Joyce HydeDale & Elinor IhlenfeldtImage IncorporatedImperial Garden, Inc.Integrated FinancialSolutionsGordon & Geraldine IscheIn September 2003, Tommy Thompson, U.S. Secretary of <strong>Health</strong> and HumanServices presented a $7 million federal grant to the <strong>UW</strong>CCC. The grant willprovide funding for interdisciplinary prostate cancer research on one of fournew Cancer Center floors planned for the Interdisciplinary Research Complex.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 21

Brian & SimoneMcLoughlinJohn & Margaret McMahonTimothy & SarahMcMahonJohn Mc NamaraMichael McManusAudrey McNeilFlorence McNettHoward & Nancy MeadWalter Meanwell & JeanDopp MeanwellWalter MeierMelvin & Roxane MeilickeDavid & Jennifer MelinDavid & Dana MelnickMarvin & FrancesMengelingJanet MertzGary & Susan MessnerIrmgard MetzHarold & Norma MetzenEugene & Maxine MeyerJames & Barbara MeyerPaul & Elise MeyerLeonard & Beverly MeyersMidland BuildersMidwest EquipmentDealers AssociationRichard & JanetMikklesteadtDonald MillerEthel MillerGene & Marjorie MillerJill MillerRobert & Nancy MillerWilliam & Iris MillerMarilyn MilliganStanly & Sandra MinnickelMichael MiskellaJames & Rita MitchellKevin & Leslie MitchellMary Ann MitchellCarolyn MiyasakiSally MoeArnold & Aletha MohlmanMichael & DeanneMonaghanTull MonseesPhillip MontgomeryCharles & Jill MontoureBurnell & Marilyn MoonPatsy MoonGuy & Judith MooreJohn & Elizabeth MooreTimothy & Linda MooreKevin & Julie MoranDiane MorgenthalerLee & Mari Lynn MoritzMichael & Judy MormanSteven MorrickJohn & Eileen MorrisStuart & Janet MorseBenny & Brenda MotenLinda MoyArlie & Maryalice MucksE.W. MuehlhausenArvilla MuellerLawrence & Judith MulkerinDouglas & Shirley MullenRichard & De De MunzJohn & Janice MurphySusan MurphyAriane MurrayGene & Beatrice MusolfJon & Patricia MyersDonovan NagelNational Catholic Society ofForesters, ILNational Catholic Society ofForesters, WIMilton & Marie NeherDuane & Elaine NeitzelJohn & Shirley NelesenJess & Darlene NelsonMichael NelsonMichael & Kathleen NelsonTimothy & Linda NelsonJames & Shirley NeshekLois NeveuElizabeth NewellJeff & Leslie NewmanBrian & Melissa NicholsCharles & Rachel NicholsHarold NicholsRoger & Judith NitzscheJohn & Lori NolanMark NolenEugene & Olive NordbyJames & Harriette NormanIsabel NorsmanNorthern Trust Bank,CaliforniaFrancis & Judith NovacheckTom & Gail NovacheckJohn OberstarTimothy O’BrienAnthony OcchiettiMary OdellRuth OetzmanPatrick & Amaria O’LearyGreg & Brenda OllermanWilliam OlsonGreg OnkenPeter & Artie OrlikOtsego Charity FundsHarold OttensteinJoseph OttoMarcia OuchakofJoseph & Mary OusleyGary OverbeeLouis & Leslie OwensMary Jo OyerAlbert & Delia PachecoElizabeth PaddockThomas & Elaine PagedasGeorge PahiosNorman & Valeria PakesHarry & Virginia PapckeChuck & Kristin PaschkeKathleen PastorRichard & Rachel PaullVjekoslav & Emily PavelicJohn & Maria PawlySteve & Janet PayneVirginia PayneLouis PearlmanBruce & JeanettePeckermanAnn PeckhamMaxine PeckhamEdward & Judy PeirickDonald PellettAlan PennRobert & Judith PenrodHenri & Patricia PensisMerle & Barbara PerkinsBarbara PetermanDavid & Donna PetersLinda PetersenClarence & Vilma PetersonGerald & Carol PetersonFred & Sharon PettitCharles & Jeri PhillipsDelores PhillipsJerry PicucciMarie Ann PierceLouise PinkPipe Vine, Inc.Cecil & Katheren PittackJames Pitt & KathleenShumway-PittPamela PloetzPati PofahlFrederick & Lois PolenzArthur & Elizabeth PopeMary PoserRichard & Ann PoseyR.H. PostweilerRichard & Shirley PreisselJohn Prestigiacomo & CarolJensJerome PribbenowSteven & Kathleen PriceThomas & Nancy ProsserR. James & Shirley PuhlJohn & Alice QuallRoy & Lisa QuamQuarter Century ClubSteven & Joanne QuerolJ. Douglas & Karen QuickRadke & Schlesner, S.C.Richard & Laurita RadtkeRoger RadloffLincoln Ramirez &Carolyn BellDana & Corinne RandKeith & Arla RandallJean RappoldDouglas & DonnaRasmussenJames RathJerome & Marsha RatherRoger & Nancy RathkeKay RathmanThelma ReadMichael Redmond &Irene TempleGeorge & Susan ReedDon & Carol ReederRobert ReeseTimothy Reilley &Janet NelsonAlan & Lisa ReinickeRobert & Kyla ReisingRosemary ReuschleinMargaret RewaldDonovan & Mary RichardsGerald & Lorraine RichterStanley & Marla RichterMarguerite RietveldKenneth & Joan RiggsGerald & Armella RingHelen RingRichard & Mary Kay RingLila RitchiePeter & Carrie RitzThomas & Susan RobelMr. & Mrs. Tom RobelDoris RobertsJames & Patricia RobertsKyle & Mary RobertsDavid & CharmianRobinsonRichard & BarbaraRobinsonPaul & Phyllis RockJohn RoetheRolland & MargaretRoggensackDelphine RoghersPhillip & Ruth RollJacqueline RossRichard & Louise RossmillerRichard & Joann RostSonia Sue RotarHershel & Arlene RotterRoy & Muriel RotterMichael & BernadetteRoutheauxRobert & Geraldine RoykoFrederick & PatriciaRuegseggerJames & Carol RuhlyHelen RundhammerJohn & Kathleen RussertMarilyn RyanMary Carbone (center) is pictured with four of her children (left to right)Matthew, Karen, Kathy and David at the annual Cancer Center donor dinnerat Monona Terrace on May 14, 2003.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 23

AR 2002-03 • PAGE 24$100 - $499Nancy RyanRonald & Mary Lee RyanClayton & Joan RyderR. Thomas & KatherineSaetherLeo & Martha SakowskyGlenn & Lucille SalterSummit & P.J. SandersonDaniel Sapiro & SuzanneLaFleurAnthony Scaperlanda &Mary Lee RyanJames & Barbara SchaeferPaul & Eleanor SchatzJanice SchefelkerStanley & Renee ScherEarl SchiefelbeinJane SchiefelbeinKirk & Elizabeth SchlaeferFred SchlaterRoth SchleckRoberta SchlesingerErnst & Faith SchlieterMartha SchmidtPaul & Cecilia SchmidtJoseph SchmiedickeGlenn & Mary SchnadtRonald & ConstanceSchneiderSchober & Radtke, S.C.Dolly SchoenbergCindy SchoeppThomas & Gail SchomischMargaret SchoonhovenJames SchroederJames & Jean SchuenkeCharles & Linda SchulerGeorge & Dorothy SchultzHoward & Patricia SchulzFrieda SchurchDorothy SchwartzSteven & Doris SchwartzJacob Schwei & MarjorieWendtThomas & Donna SchwenkBetty ScottMark & Victoria ScottRobert & Lana ScottGerald & Mary Ann SecorBruce & Patricia SeedsIlse SeeligerLeonard SeidlMr. & Mrs. Allan SeidmoreBarbara SeifrizDiane SelzRobert & Monica SenkbeilRoger & Margery SennPaul & Beth Ann SeverJames & Deborah SextonMarjorie ShaftonVinod & Dhami ShahDoris ShainBassam & June ShakhashiriJames & Betty ShalbrackJames & Jean SharerGwendolyn SharrattDavid & Barbara SharrockJeremy & Ann SheaRobert & Rosemary SheaWilliam & Martha SheatsCarol ShierNeil & Jacqueline ShivelyFrank SiegelMarie SiegristWilliam & Jodi SiewertStanley & Audrey SikorskiMark & Diane SilverbergSilver Spring House, Inc.Francis & RosemarySimonisMary SimonsonCarl Sinderbrand &Maryann SumiR.E. & Glenda SingiserKathryn SinskeRichard & Lise SkofronickWarren & Kathleen SkrakeEugene & Kathryn SkrochDorothy SledgeL. & Marlys SloupCharles & Barbara SmithClayton & Mary Jane SmithGordon & Shirley SmithHarland & Darlene SmithMary Anne SmithMichael & Debra SmithNorma SmithSheri SmithSheri SolbergMore than 150 cancer survivors attended the Cancer Center’s Celebrating Life and Progress Picnic onMay 15, 2003 at High Point Church, Madison. This is one of several events held during the annual CancerHope, Cancer <strong>Health</strong> Week each May.Orville & Lorraine SolieMark & Cynthia SolverudPeter SommerhauserJames SommersCarol SorgJack & Helen SorgChristine SorknessSouthern Wisconsin OldTime FiddlersAssociationCyril SpaudeSpeerschneider RevocableTrustHarry & BonnieSpiegelbergLilah SprecherSpringvale Charities FundDavid & Lois SpudeRosemary StareCharles & Shirley StathasStayinfront, Inc.Henry & Kathie SteareJames & Coleen SteffenGeorge & Mavis SteilCharlotte SteinRobert SteiningerGeorge SteinmetzSterling MeetingServices, Inc.Deborah StewartMargaret StilesMarjory StixEmily StoddardPhil & Marcy StoddardRichard StollJeffrey StorchStowe Woodward ResearchMary Kay StrachotaGeorgene StratmanDavid & Sandy StreetVelma StreiffKirk & Sharon StremkeFred StreyRobert & Anne StrieterSeward & Margaret StroudStudent OccupationalTherapy AssociationRodney & Catherine SturmDavid Stute &Margaret RaschJames & Judith St. VincentHiroshi & Yuri SugiyamaFrederick SuhrJames & Judith SullivanMichel & June SullivanLeon & Beverly SummMagda SutherlandSuzen Sez, Inc.Marlene SwankRonald & Frances SwannMargorie SweetRonald & Mary LeeSwiatnickiPhilip & Penelope SymesMichael Szulczewski &Barbara TeschWian TaberMarjorie TaktonTapcoHarold & Ethel TarkowJulie TeclawTelevision Wisconsin, Inc.Robert & Marilyn TeperFred & Betty TerbilcoxMarilyn TerwilligerJerry & Carol TessenAnthony & MarlayneTestolinHarriet TewsEarl & Alice ThayerJane ThielekeCarl Thiry & VickiSchneiderUrsula ThomasBarbara ThompsonCraig & Jewelle ThompsonMarion ThompsonMarvin & DoloresThompsonJack & Elisabeth ThorpeMargaret TicknerGregory & Joy TicsayEdgar & Wendy TimberlakeTomotherapy, Inc.Victoria ToppTom & Dianne TottenChristopher & Susan TrickleRobert & Norma TrojanA. Scott & Susan TurnerWilliam & Mary TurnerTwigsLeonard TysverJon & Susan UdellUnited Fund of BarronTownshipUnited Fund of TroyTownshipUS MotivationValleycast, Inc.Jeane VanderveerPhilip VangsnesVance Van LaanenJohn & Lorraine Van LiereFranny Van Nevel-BachBart Van RooRon Van RossumDiane VargaNeil & Eileen VassauBetty VaughnDavid & Nancy VeenendaalGeorge VerhovenVerizonMartha VestlingBrian & Mary VickRoger & Mary VilwockFrank & Carolyn VineyardMiriam VinjeMark VlcekHoward & Alice VoegeliDorcas VolkVerne & LaVerne Vollrath

Ralph Von BriesenStuart VonderlohVrakas, Blum &Company, S.C.Antons & TheresaVrublevskisErwin & Joyce WaedowDean & Susan WagnerRobert & Edna WagnerStanley & Mary WagnerWayne & Debby WagnerDavid Waite & AnneSova-WaiteVirginia WalkerRobert & Charlotte WaltersTed & Rudy WaltonEdward & Marle WankeHarold WarmkePatrick & Noreen WatersRaul & Victoria WatersLyle WatsonJames & Julie WattLester & Karen WattersEverett WeaverWilliam WeaverDarin WeberWilliam WebsterRobert & Shirley WegenkeJamey & Judith WeichertDorothy WeigleWilliam & BarbaraWeindanzRuth WeisenselWeiss, Berzowski,Brady, LLPFrank & Patricia WeissJames & Ann WeissLarry & Amy WeissRobert & Joyce WeissClinton WentzRoger & Frances WentzJohn WernerMark WernerPaul Werner & PatriciaWooleverDavid & Sybil WestlakeDennis & Carolyn WestlingMarsha WetmoreAndrew WhiteFlorence WhitefieldJoanne WhitingHelen Whitman-ObertNeil WienkeAndrew & Melinda WilcoxGlenn & Betty WilcoxRobert & Mary WilcoxWild Rose One Fund DriveBerl & Helen WildermuthMark WilkeDonald & ElizabethWilkinsonGerald & Judith WilleAnna Maria WilliamsElyn WilliamsRuth WilliamsClifford WillsWilson Law Group, LLCDavid & Elise WilsonWinneconne Civic LeagueRandy & Kathy WittmanBarbara WoessnerBrett & Kristine WoessnerPaul & Lynn WolfRichard & Marilyn WolfRon & Barbara WolfeLawrence & SusanWolfinsohnMartin & Anne WolmanGeorge & Frances WoodPeter & Karen WoodWOW LogisticsHarry & Joan WrightWilliam & MardelleWuergerPaul & Ruth WuethrichRobert WustmannMichael & Nancy YaffeLeo YagerKenneth YarnellTroy YarolinekMargaret YesseRobert & Mary YostH. Edwin YoungJack & Sharon ZahnDoug ZanderDavid Zepecki & Diane DielWillis ZickMary ZieglerRichard ZiemannKaren ZienertH. Williams ZilischFrank & Diane ZillnerZimmerman ConstructionDonald & CynthiaZimmermanAlvin & Donna ZivenBrian & Sandra ZunkerBrownWe have made every effortto list all $100 + giftsreceived during 2002. If yourgift was inadvertentlyomitted, or if there is anerror on our part, weapologize. If you have anyquestions, please call(608) 263-1677.IN-KINDCONTRIBUTIONSAmgenArbor HouseAstraZenecaAtlanta Bread CompanyAurora Sinai Medical CenterAventisBadgerland Bar & GrillBiaggi’s Ristorante ItalianoBig Mike’s Super SubsBlue Moon Bar & GrillBowl-A-Vard LanesBristol-Myers SquibbOncologyCancer Information Service–North Central RegionCapital City Floral & GiftsThe Cashbah Restaurant &LoungeCharles SchwabChi-Chi’s MexicanRestauranteChipotle Mexican GrillChoose Hope, Inc.CJ’s Food & SpiritsClear ChannelCommunications (1310WIBA AM)Concourse HotelCopa Cabana ResortCrowne PlazaCulver’s of MiddletonDamon’s Grill – MadisonWestKen DeSantesDorf HausDouglas Stewart CompanyDream LanesEconoprintEli Lilly OncologyEntercom (WOLX)Erickson Printing - DaneCounty KidsFrancie’s Casual Café &LoungeGenentechGreenbush BarMary Ann Harr–HarpistHigh Point Church–MadisonHilton MadisonHobby LobbyHoliday Inn Madison–EastHong Kong CaféHootersJ.T. Whitney’s Pub &BreweryJosie’s Italian RestaurantKneaded Relief SpaMadison Civic CenterMadison Komen Race forthe CureMadison Marriott WestMadison Top CompanyMarshfield ClinicMedtronicMidwest Division–AmericanCancer SocietyNancy’s NotionsNBC15-WMTVNitty GrittyNoodles & CompanyNovartis OncologyOlbrich Botanical GardensOlive GardenOutlook WebsitePanera BreadPark PrintingPedro’s MexicanRestaurantePharmacia OncologyPizza Di RomaPizzeria UnoThe Prime Quarter SteakHouseReinhart, Boerner,Van Deuren, S.C.Roche PharmaceuticalsSanofi-SynthelaboSchwoegler’s Park TowneLanesSelect InnSouth Madison <strong>Health</strong> &Family Center–HarambeeZachary Straus (age 4) of Middleton, Wisconsin,who is clearly a budding artist, met with othercancer survivors at the Kids With Courage event inNovember, 2003.Star CinemaSunroom Café & GallerySupreme <strong>Health</strong> & FitnessTarget CorporationTommy Bartlett, Inc.Tommy Bartlett’s RobotWorldTully’s IIThe Ultimate Spa & Salon<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Center forIntegrative Medicine<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong> InformationSystems–Kristi Bartos<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Marketing &Public Affairs<strong>UW</strong> Hospital & Clinics<strong>UW</strong> Medical School–Milwaukee ClinicalCampusW ClubWisconsin CancerReporting SystemAR 2002-03 • PAGE 25

AR 2002-03 • PAGE 26IN MEMORY OFMemorial gifts are given inmemory of a loved onewho is deceased. Aminimum gift of $100 hasbeen made in memory ofthe individuals listed.Jonathan AkedCarolyn AlbertMike AltShirley M. AmbergEllie AndersonJay W. AndersonRuth AndersonEdgar ArmstrongMelissa ArnoldValerie ArvesonDonald AxelrodBarbara BachhuberJames BachmannJeff BadtkeRonald BarrettRichard BassmanAimee BauersWilliam C. BaumannElizabeth BaxterKaren BeattyGeorge BeckerThomas B. BeckerMassage therapist Diane Kahler, CMT of <strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong>Integrative Medicine demonstrates her techniqueduring the Integrative Medicine <strong>Health</strong> Fair onMay 13, 2003. The event was part of the CancerCenter’s annual Cancer Hope, Cancer <strong>Health</strong> Week.Roger BehlingDuane BehmChris H. BelauOlis L. BeningerHarris BergRuth BergeSusan BergquistHarold E. BewickCharles F. BeyerTyler BierenbaumHoward BlauertDonald BoelteLarry BohJane BohnFrieda BothumJeanne BraamCarlie BraunIrene BrellenthinThomas S. BrennerDonald F. BreyGloria BrightMary Linthicum BryanJanet BrownConnie BugbeeDale K. BultmanMildred BurdeyLee N. BurnsJoan BussGlenn ButtersLarry ButtonJoe CamesAlan R. CaplanPaul P. CarboneRobert CarrRoger CarrollDuane CasperAlice CattanachDebbie CaldwellZygmunt ChelminskiCarol Jean ChristensonCynthia M. ClumArlington ColeMary Allice ColvinJudy CoppHoward L. CorrellGene CraftTom CristFrank & Lucille CurranTheodore CzebotarHelen DahlkeRichard DalebrouxMac DarlingSue DavisSusan Jean DavisSally DearbornEarl C. DennisMarcia DennisRobert A. DolezalLisa DomackJohn DouglasLorraine DraceGladys DrakeMary DrecktrahWayne & Marjorie DuffyJean DuncansonMary M. DunnRichard F. Durfee, Jr.Jean DvorakJohn J. EbertLoren EckertBob EcklandRobert E. EcklandMarilyn EdwardsJudith EisemanJean E. EllisJames EnderlinThomas EsserJulie Knight EthunHarry EttingerRichard O. EvansCarl FaganMarjorie FaitJanice FaturaRuth FeenValmai FensterJoyce FlahertyRobert FoleyMary FossAnn FoulkesJay FoxSuzanne M. FrancoisJames P. FrankJames FrederixonEldon FreiburgerMary Ellen R. FrenzelGerald FritzPeter FrommerDick FullerJeff GailRobert GallagherPatsy R. GarloughRobert GasserNancy GaugertEugene O. GehlMiriam GerowGeorge GieseRose GladbachSherry GoldsteinDavid L. GorskiLeAnn GorskiJack GraceyJanice GraneyWilliam GrangerFrederick GravesMerlin GrayRuth E. GreenO. Dan GriffithClifford F. GustCletus HahnWilliam HalfmanBarnard HallJoan Carolyn HallRonald HammerstromJudy HancuhMary Jane HandkePeter HaslerMelanie HealdRussell S. HebbLouise M. HeberleinRuth HeffronSandra HeinPatricia HellandVernon HellenbrandG. Robert HendersonRoberta HendersonRonald HilliardDonald HoidaJill HollenzerDaniel H. HonoldBruce HubbellNatalie I. HuberVera JagielskiDonald R. JankeJames JansenKathleen C. JareckiEileen M. JohnsonLila JohnsonWillard JohnsonDorothy KahlertKenneth KarlenGladys D. KauffmanArthur J. KautzaGerald L. KendellLouise KennedyKeith KindschiHelen KinyonThomas KlausmeierDaniel KleimanDelores KleistBernice KliebardDonald KnoxGary KochMargaret KotschevarJennifer KotzElton KrafftRobert M. KraftWilfred J. KrajcoElmo KriewaldtKarin KromenakerBartholomaw K. KunnyJerry KuypersMargaret LamontLouis LanzendorfDonna LawhornKirby LawlisRonald LeibCelia LemensSandra LentzJanice LevineMartha LippittAlice LukkenLeo L. LunenschlossNathaniel LynchElizabeth MacDonaldAlfred MackJohn H. MaierBill Mansfield, Jr.Blanche MargolisPhyllis MarksCathy MartinWilliam MartinJohn J. MattRobert MatzkeMelvin MayAndrew McBeathMichael McCannonThomas McCartneyLinda McCormickRobert S. McFarlaneE. Richard McGinnTom McGuireElaine McLeodRobert M. McNeilMax McQuadeJames MeierSally MendenhallArletta C. MillerBeth Ann MillerColleen MillerJames MitchellDouglas E. MoeKaren MoldenCharles E. MoschelLloyd MuellerLisa MullenHelen NagelRobert E. NajemCarol NelsonKent NewellJeanette R. Nichols

Gerald F. NieberTracey NiederhuberErvin NovachekJerome NowinskiPatricia O’ConnorRoger OlejniczakRemore OlsenMagdalena OrlikCharles OtstotRuth OttensteinDonna OverboeDonna PascheJoseph R. PastorSherrin PateyEllenor PellettKarl PennauRuth F. PerssonStanley W. PerssonCarolyn J. PetersonHerman & Carol PetersenMarc T. PetersonEleanor PettibonePete PienciakGary L. PikeRobert R. PikeClement PinkElsie M. PribbenowJames PriceEmil PucelyHarold QuickTheresa RaatzDannielle RadtkeBettie RaduePaul G. RappRose RavidKathleen ReaderDeborah ReeseDory ResneckJim RiceWayne RichieCristi RoachAlex J. RoseJoan P. RosenbergElmer RouseRobert J. RoystonDoris RupnowRoger O. RuschRichard RyanG. Irving SchefelkerJohn O. SchererAdeline SchiefelbeinHerbert E. SchlaterGrace P. SchmitzKenneth SchneiderLorraine SchoonhovenGeorge A. SchultzLois SchulzeAlan B. SchwartzDonna SchwenkeRobert J. ScottDotty SeidlAli SeiregW.G. Sexton, Jr.Darryl O. ShainEdna ShivleyJoyce ShowersWarren ShrakeJeffrey SiegelElsie SiegelEsther SkrochDorothy SladeHazel SmallArvilla SmitAlan J. SmithAnita R. SmithArthur SmithBruce SmithJohn L. SmithMarjorie SmithDawn SomaMarvin SonntagKarl SouthworthJohn SovaMax SpargerLeslie SprecherRuth M. SprecherJackie StarkDarlene StatzDavid J. StatzRuth Ann StaufferIrvine SteinVicki StempleFrank StilesVirginia StollRonald P. StorchFrederick W. StratmanFrank StreckenbachKathleen E. StreyRodney StrussSteve SullivanMarsha SuttonErwin F. SweetDawn TannerCarolyn L. TaylorRichard TerwilligerMarguerite TeubertAllen ThielekeAndrew ThompsonBarbara ThompsonRobert TortensonPaul C. TracyKin Lop TseKathryn Vander BoschFrances Van NevelJay VanSloanJohn W. VeatchLaruabelle VinjeCarol VlcekRudolph VokovanOtto R. WagnerNancy WalchCaroline WalshParkis George WaterbuyNathan WatersSusan WatsonJohn L. Watts, IIISlyvia WeberLois WedanHazel WelchJoan E. WellsJung WernerFred WestFlorence WickershamFlorence WilleBill WilliamsMaurice WilliamsRichard WilliamsDaisy WilliamsonLavonne WinklerLester WitthuhnKarl WoessnerEric WolfeEmma WustmannDonna YagerJoseph YesseCharles R. YoungNancy YoungClarice ZellErich ZiemannThomas O. ZillerKenneth R. ZimmermanJudith Clark ZimnyIN HONOR OFHonor gifts are given inhonor of a loved one whois living. A minimum gift of$100 has been made inhonor of the individualslisted.Aparajita BasuDianne BingerNancy BlindauerLynndon BrooksJanet BrownAmy E. BryanGeorge T. Bryan, Jr.Joseph BryanKathryn BryanGlenn ButtersNathan ByramAndrew CarrLouise CarrSandy ColrudDonald ConnorErica O'Hearn, Peggy Wiederholt, Tiffany Brower, Stephanie Olson and MichelleHoward participated in the 2nd Annual Bowlin’ for Colons on March 2, 2003.The event raised more than $20,000 for colon cancer research at the <strong>UW</strong>CCC.Rosalind CookeJohn & Marianne CullenJennifer J. DegarmoMary Ann DomannSteve DraceLehman Drug EmployeesJohn EbertKate EmerichGary FeldtMrs. Joe FonsAl GoldsteinJessie GrumanSandra GuerardMary HanrattyJoseph & Norma HarvathEllen Jane HendersonSharon HodgeRobert JohnsonLani JustusKotaro KanekoDr. Christopher KearnsDr. Robert KuskeJames R. LarsonGerri LavineNancy LembckeDorothy LevyDr. Walter LongoDr. Eberhard MackKaren MackLester MarshallRichard McCormickAletha MohlmanMatt & Heather MorrisSharon MorrisonDr. C. Emil MuellerLaura MuellerTed E. NewmanLindsay A. NolanDaria OnsrudGay PelockRonald & Dorothy PetersonRichard QualeSteve ReuschleinBarbara SchaeferJohn SchererTiffany ScocoDr. James A. StewartSusan StoddardPamela S. SulimaMary Lee SwiatnickiGregory TadychDr. Scott TannehillNancy TeboDiane WeinerJames H. WeissTom & Susan WelchTom & Lynn WiesnerJoel WishAR 2002-03 • PAGE 27

f i n a n c i a l i n f o r m a t i o n120<strong>UW</strong>CCC MEMBERSUPPORTCore Grant 5.39%Cancer Control &Population Science 13.04%10080KEY■ All othersExperimentalTherapeutics16.69%Cell Signaling &Growth Control 13.29%AR 2002-03 • PAGE 28$ MILLIONS60■ NIH■ <strong>NCI</strong>40200FY2000 ($58.8) FY2001 ($77.4) FY2002 ($85.8) FY2003 ($98.5)MEMBER SUPPORTDuring the fiscal year endedJune 30, 2003, Cancer Centermember annual external researchand training support reached$98.5 million. The growth inoutside support during the fiscalyear was equal to an increase of15% over the annual support atJune 30, 2002. Since fiscal 2000,the annual support from externalsources has grown by more than$39 million or 67%.Subsequent to June 30, 2003,Cancer Center members havereceived several significantnew awards that bring thecurrent annual support to over$100 million. These new awardsinclude a <strong>NCI</strong> planning grant of$403,000 annually to establish aCancer Center Aging and CancerProgram, a <strong>NCI</strong> contract forPhase I and II cancer chemopreventiontrials of $851,000annually and a NIH grant of$559,000 annually for a GeorgeO’Brien Urology Center to studyprostate growth regulation.In addition the Cancer Centerhas received a NIH constructiongrant of $7 million for prostatecancer research.Human CancerVirology 7.15 %Imaging &Radiation Services8.14%<strong>UW</strong>CCC PROGRAMSImmunology &Immunotherapy 12.34%The Cancer Center’s annual supportof $98.5 million is very evenly spreadacross its program areas. The largestdollar amount is found inExperimental Therapeutics with$16.4 million (16.7%), followed byCancer Genetics with $13.7 million(13.9%), Cancer Control andPopulation Science with $12.9 million(13.0%), Cell Signaling and GrowthControl with $13.1 million (13.3%),Etiology &Chemoprevention 10.03%Cancer Genetics 13.92%Immunology & Immunotherapy with$12.2 million (12.3%), Etiology andChemoprevention with $9.9 million(10%), Imaging & Radiation Serviceswith $8 million (8.1%) and CancerVirology with $7.1 million (7.2%).The Cancer Center’s Core Grant at$5.3 million represents just under5.4% of its annual support.

2 0 0 2 - 2 0 0 3Overhead to <strong>UW</strong>23.02%All Others 23%Medicine 22%Salaries & benefits50.81%Surgery 3%Human Oncology 3%Other expenses14.06%Travel 1.18%LINE ITEM EXPENSESServices &supplies 9.18%During fiscal 2003, annual expenditurestotaled $73.7 million. (Actual expensesusually are less than the budgeted expenseamounts. There are several reasons for thisdifference with the two most significantbeing the increase in the budgets of outsidesupport between years and the fact thatactual expenses are incurred incrementally).Equipment1.75%During fiscal 2003, just over 50% of theexpenses were for faculty and staff salariesand benefits. The other large component ofCancer Center expenses was found inoverhead support to <strong>UW</strong>-Madison at 23%.Biostatistics 3%Ophthalmology 3%Pediatrics 3%Chemistry 4%Pharmacology 6%EXPENSES BY MEMBER DEPARTMENTSDuring fiscal 2003, expenditures by CancerCenter members were incurred in more than40 <strong>UW</strong> schools and departments. TheCancer Center member departments covera wide spectrum of disciplines across thecampus. The top two departmentsMcArdle Lab 15%Population<strong>Health</strong> Sciences 8%Pathology7%by expenses are the Department of Medicineand the McArdle Laboratory for CancerResearch.AR 2002-03 • PAGE 29

AR 2002-03 • PAGE 30d o n o r s

y o u r c o n t r i b u t i o n i s a c o m m i t m e n t t o t h e f u t u r eYour gift to the <strong>UW</strong> ComprehensiveUNRESTRICTED GIFTS areMEMORIAL & HONOR GIFTSENDOWMENTS to sustainThe University of WisconsinCancer Center supports greatertruly valuable because they provideallow contributors to recognizeprogrammatic development are anFoundation is the officialinnovative research initiatives,the flexibility needed for researchloved ones in a special way.option to create a lasting legacy infundraising and gift-receivingcompassionate cancer care, andto move quickly in unexpectedMemorial gifts are made inthe benefactor’s name.organization for the <strong>UW</strong>CCC. Foreducation for the public and healthcare professionals.Your contribution also enables ourresearchers to explore new ideas,purchase new technology foreffective cancer research, anddevelop better methods ofdiagnosing, treating andpreventing cancer.Funding for the Cancer Center’sresearch, outreach and treatmentprograms is more important thanever. There are many ways tosupport the <strong>UW</strong> ComprehensiveCancer Center:directions and to swiftly pursuepromising clinical applications.Unrestricted funds also provide theresources to cover the costs ofcritical services not entirely fundedby other support.RESTRICTED GIFTS benefitspecific programs of your choice.Funds may be designated forinitiatives in specific research,patient care and educational needs.CORPORATE MATCHINGGIFTS are an excellent way toincrease your giving potential tothe Center. For more information,please contact your humanresources office or our developmentoffice, (608) 263-1677.memory of family members,friends or colleagues who havepassed away. Honor gifts showsomeone in your life a measure ofaffection, admiration or gratitude.When such gifts are made, aspecial notification is sent to thefamily or the individual.MAJOR GIFTS are a specificway for individuals, organizations,corporations or foundations tocontribute to the University ofWisconsin Medical School’s<strong>Health</strong>Star campaign. Funds fromthis campaign will help build theInterdisciplinary Research Complex,which will prominently feature the<strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Centerand innovative research. Please call(608) 265-2922 for moreinformation.OTHER EXAMPLES includepurchasing research equipment,funding fellowship or researchprograms, sponsoring specialevents, or underwriting programsfor the community or health careprofessionals.PLANNED GIVING, in the formof gift annuities, charitableremainder trusts, or designatingthe Center in your will, is also anoption. The <strong>UW</strong> ComprehensiveCancer Center can also be namedas a beneficiary of retirementplans, trusts or life insurancepolicies. The Office of PlannedGiving at the University ofWisconsin Foundation can assist inplanning these gifts. Please call(608) 263-4545.specific information about thesegiving options, visit the<strong>UW</strong> Foundation website:www.uwfoundation.wisc.edu.FOR MORE INFORMATIONabout contributing to the<strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Center,please contact:Ann Johnson<strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive Cancer Center600 Highland Avenue, K4/658Madison, WI 53792-6164(608) 263-1677ajohnson@uwccc.wisc.eduAR 2002-03 • PAGE 31

c r e d i t sEDITORSCraig Robida, <strong>UW</strong>CCCMichael Felber,<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Marketing& Public AffairsGRAPHIC DESIGNChristine Klann,<strong>UW</strong> <strong>Health</strong> Marketing& Public AffairsCONTRIBUTORSAshley BuellGayla Garlick-HansenPaula GoodeAnn JohnsonJohn LimPatty PorterJerome RatherTeresa SmithRick StricklandJane WegenkeKathy WieseGeorge Wilding, MDPHOTOGRAPHYMary LangenfeldMichael LembergerTom McInvailleDavid NevalaGreg SutterCONTRIBUTED PHOTOSGolf Fore Wolfe<strong>UW</strong> Hospital and ClinicsFOR MOREINFORMATIONFor patient services at the<strong>UW</strong> Comprehensive CancerCenter, contact:Cancer Connect1-800-622-8922 or(608) 262-5223 or e-mailuwccc@uwccc.wisc.eduFor information on the latestresearch initiatives, news andupcoming events, pleaseview the <strong>UW</strong> ComprehensiveCancer Center’s website:www.cancer.wisc.eduCOPYRIGHT© 2004<strong>UW</strong> ComprehensiveCancer Center600 Highland AvenueMadison, WI 53792(608) 263-8600www.cancer.wisc.edu

PAGE 2Christopher Bradfield, PhDis a researcher within theMcArdle Laboratory for CancerResearch on the University ofWisconsin-Madison campus.Bradfield’s laboratory isinterested in understandinghow and why organismsrespond to adverse physicaland chemical environments.His current area of researchfocus is on a family oftranscriptional regulatorsknown as PAS proteins.PAGE 4Robin Carufel, Tribal <strong>Health</strong>Director, Lac du FlambeauBand of Ojibwe, and vicepresident, Wisconsin Tribal<strong>Health</strong> Director’s Association,discusses with Rick Strickland,North Central Spirit of Eagles(SOE) Project Coordinator forthe <strong>UW</strong>CCC, the developmentof a tribal cancer profilefor Lac du Flambeau and therecent North Central SOEproject report, BuildingCancer Surveillance Capacity:PAGE 6Daniel Mulkerin, MD andnurse practitioner RosemaryNeider, work together withinthe gastrointestinal oncologymultidisciplinary clinic. In2003, <strong>UW</strong> Hospital and Clinicswas ranked 20th out of50 hospitals in the nationproviding the best cancercare in U.S. News and WorldReport’s "America’s BestHospitals." More than 15,000cancer patients are seenannually for diagnosis,PAGE 8Cindy Crawford poses in frontof the <strong>UW</strong> ComprehensiveCancer Center’s donor wallbefore visiting pediatriconcology patients at <strong>UW</strong>Children’s Hospital inNovember 2003. The followingday, Cindy attended KidsWith Courage III, a reunion forchildhood cancer survivorsthat is held every five years inMadison. More than 1,000people, in which 200 werechildhood cancer survivors,PAGE 30F. Michael Hoffmann, PhD isthe faculty advisor for theSmall Molecular ScreeningFacility and the programleader of the ExperimentalTherapeutics Program of the<strong>UW</strong>CCC. The Small MolecularScreening Facility’s mission isto provide <strong>UW</strong> investigatorswith cost-effective access tohigh throughput screening ofstructurally-diverse, drug-likechemicals in biological assaysprovided by the investigators.AR 2002-03 • PAGE CWisconsin Tribal and Urbantreatment, follow-up careattended the event. In 1975,Indian Clinics.or second opinions.when Cindy was 10, her fouryear-oldbrother Jeff lost atwo-year battle with leukemia.

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