A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

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CQC investigator’s notes reflected that the examining nurse described Jonathan asappearing “thin but not malnourished.” She also told CQC that the Careys hadcomplaints about “possible malnutrition, abuse, and neglect.” She added that Michaeland Lisa Carey had informed her that Jonathan’s “demeanor has changed significantly.”Numerous records reviewed by the Inspector General’s Office revealed thatJonathan was admitted to the Anderson School weighing 61 pounds at a height of 53inches. During his placement there, Jonathan grew three inches to 56 inches. Recordsfrom the emergency room visit immediately following his removal from the AndersonSchool listed Jonathan’s weight as 70 pounds. Thus, Jonathan grew three inches andgained approximately nine pounds while at the Anderson School. According to weightcharts provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jonathan’s weight wascategorized as “a healthy weight” throughout the crisis period in September and October2004.On October 25, 2004, at a Bethlehem School District CSE meeting, the Careysread a 16-page handwritten statement outlining their numerous complaints against theAnderson School and requesting investigations. According to the statement, the Careysalleged the following (in summary):1. Jonathan was not provided with a casein-free diet.2. “Food was repeatedly withheld from Jonathan daily, over a period ofweeks, if he did not comply with staff directives to get dressed.”3. Food was used as part of Jonathan’s behavior plan and as “discipline”and the Careys did not “agree with,” or “consent” to, this technique.4. Jonathan lay “on his bed naked all day” and “was not allowed out ofhis room unless he would comply with the directive to get dressed.”5. These conditions were reportedly witnessed by the Careys on threeoccasions (October 10, 16 and 18, 2004) when they found Jonathan86

lying naked, uncovered, on his bed. On two of those occasions,October 10 and 16, the mattress was soaked with urine. The Careysbelieved that Jonathan had been left to lay naked for periods of 36hours or more.6. Jonathan’s “body was covered with extensive bruises” and the Careyswere told it was due to Jonathan “trying to get out the front or backdoor of the cottage repeatedly.”7. Jonathan missed between “one and two weeks of school. ”8. The Careys did not agree with, or consent to, “the school’s decision, tosuspend our right as Jonathan’s family to visit him” or to “restrict ourphone contact with our son, and the staff working directly with himeach day, so severely.”9. A “point-of-contact” person was implemented by the AndersonSchool, thereby filtering the Careys’ communication with their son.The Careys’ lawyer sent a letter dated November 1 with a copy of the statement tothe Taconic regional office. CQC also received a copy of the letter and the statement.SUBSEQUENT RESIDENTIAL PLACEMENTSWhile Jonathan’s experiences after the October 25 meeting are not the focus ofthis investigation, they merit mention. Records show the following:Jonathan lived with his parents and younger brother for several months, enteringthe Kevin G. Langan School in Albany as a day student in early 2005. In October, hisaide-to-student ratio was increased from one aide to two. Several attempts to findresi dential placement failed. After one interview with Jonathan, St. Colman’s in Lathamstated that it could not address his aggressive behaviors and that his presence there wasunsafe for children and staff.Subsequently, Jonathan was treated by a psychiatrist during sessions spanning theperiod August 18, 2005 to October 23, 2006. During his treatment, the psychiatristauthored a June 22, 2006 letter to then-OMRDD Commissioner Thomas Maul in which87

CQC investigator’s notes reflected that the examining nurse described Jonathan asappearing “thin but not malnourished.” She also told CQC that the Careys hadcomplaints about “possible malnutrition, abuse, and neglect.” She added that Michaeland Lisa Carey had informed her that Jonathan’s “demeanor has changed significantly.”Numerous records reviewed by the Inspector General’s Office revealed thatJonathan was admitted to the Anderson School weighing 61 pounds at a height <strong>of</strong> 53inches. During his placement there, Jonathan grew three inches to 56 inches. Recordsfrom the emergency room visit immediately following his removal from the AndersonSchool listed Jonathan’s weight as 70 pounds. Thus, Jonathan grew three inches andgained approximately nine pounds while at the Anderson School. According to weightcharts provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Jonathan’s weight wascategorized as “a healthy weight” throughout the crisis period in September and October2004.On October 25, 2004, at a Bethlehem School District CSE meeting, the Careysread a 16-page handwritten statement outlining their numerous complaints against theAnderson School and requesting investigations. According to the statement, the Careysalleged the following (in summary):1. Jonathan was not provided with a casein-free diet.2. “Food was repeatedly withheld from Jonathan daily, over a period <strong>of</strong>weeks, if he did not comply with staff directives to get dressed.”3. Food was used as part <strong>of</strong> Jonathan’s behavior plan and as “discipline”and the Careys did not “agree with,” or “consent” to, this technique.4. Jonathan lay “on his bed naked all day” and “was not allowed out <strong>of</strong>his room unless he would comply with the directive to get dressed.”5. These conditions were reportedly witnessed by the Careys on threeoccasions (October 10, 16 and 18, 2004) when they found Jonathan86

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