A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...


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Governor Pataki’s Response to the Careys’ ComplaintsAccording to ORMDD and CQC records and e-mail correspondence betweenthose agencies and the Governor’s Office, former Governor Pataki’s staff had requestedthat OMRDD and CQC prepare a response to the Careys’ June 2, 2006 letter to thegovernor. The final joint response entitled “Confidential Draft – Internal Document(8/11/2006) Combined OMRDD and CQCAPD response to Michael Carey’s letter toGovernor Pataki <strong>of</strong> June 2, 2006” was provided to the Governor’s Office via e-mail onAugust 14, 2006. Although the document contained information from both agencies, anOMRDD Associate Commissioner Gatens combined the responses for transmission to theGovernor’s Office, as requested. The joint response identified 13 separate concernsraised by the Careys in their letter to Governor Pataki with point-by-point explanationsand/or rebuttals by CQC and OMRDD. In previous sections, this report has discussedsome inaccuracies or misrepresentations in the information provided by OMRDD andCQC to the Governor’s Office. The Inspector General found no evidence that theinformation in the document was disseminated beyond the Governor’s Office.In September 2006, the Careys were invited to the Governor’s Office to meet withseveral staff members <strong>of</strong> the Governor’s Office <strong>of</strong> Health and Humans Services. CQCGeneral Counsel Boehlert and an OMRDD representative also attended the meeting. TheDirector <strong>of</strong> Human Services for the Secretary <strong>of</strong> Health and Human Services told theInspector General that the Careys provided a “stack <strong>of</strong> documents that they wanted tobring to our attention, go over all <strong>of</strong> it, and see if there was anything that could be done.”She added that the Careys were upset that they “had not had the opportunity to meet with[OMRDD] Commissioner Maul and [CQC Chairman] O’Brien.” At the conclusion <strong>of</strong>223

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