A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ... A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

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ead, “If he wets again – take sheets off and don’t put clean ones on.” Hence, based onthe above-referenced documents alone, the Inspector General’s Office questions theveracity of CQC’s response.Further, the Inspector General’s Office finds the statement referencing noevidence of the Careys ever reporting this to CQC to be erroneous. The November 1,2004, letter from the Carey’s attorney to Taconic regional office, which was copied toCQC Investigator Bowser, explained the aforementioned allegations. Attached to thisletter was a copy of Lisa Carey’s handwritten statement read during the October 25,2004, CSE meeting which expounded on the allegations in greater detail. Furthermore, acop y of the November 1, 2004, correspondence was again provided to CQC DirectorKeegan by OMRDD officials via facsimile on November 3, 2004.When confronted with this seemingly inaccurate response, CQC ChairmanO’Brien offered, “Yeah, I don’t know what to say about that. You know, you’d have tospecifically ask Mark [Keegan] or Doreen [Bowser] if they would have gotten thatinformation. You know, I was not involved, so I don’t know.” O’Brien’s response thathe “was not involved” in CQC’s formal response to the governor, despite his position ashead of the agency, is startling. General Counsel Boehlert was also shown evidence inbehavior plans from CQC’s own files that seemingly supported the original allegation bythe Careys. He responded, “We did not do the investigation of that allegation.”Moreover, the Inspector General’s Office asked Director Keegan about the accuracy ofthe joint response statement that, “There was no documentary evidence to support theallegation and no evidence that the parents ever reported this to OMR[DD], CQCAPD, or194

CPS.” Keegan acknowledged that it was not accurate and that CQC did know about theconditions in Jonathan’s bedroom at that time.Cla im that CQC was unaware of a logbook documenting Jonathan’s mealsAnother example of imprecise information contained in the joint response relatedto the Careys’ claim that:OMRDD, CQCAPD and the State Education Departmentmiserably in the handling of Jonathan’s abuse and neglect.all failedIn addition to asserting its claim of having conducted two full investigations,CQC responded to the accusation with the following:CQCAPD’s investigator has no recollection of having been told by theparents of a ‘logbook’ documenting withholding of food, nor of havingtold the parents that ‘she absolutely considered what happened to Jonathanabuse and neglect.’As previously noted, Michael Carey told the Inspector General’s Office that heinformed Investigator Bowser during an October 29, 2004 telephone conversation that hehad in his possession a “logbook” which clearly said, according to Michael Carey, “mealswere being withheld.” When questioned by the Inspector General’s Office, almost threeyears later, Bowser said that she could not recall Michael Carey informing her about alogbook. Since Bowser failed to document the conversation, the Inspector Generalcannot verify these statements. However, she admitted that she was made aware of thelogbook during the course of the child abuse investigation in 2004, but not by the Careys.Nevertheless, she chose not to review it. She told the Inspector General, “I talked to theOMRDD [Taconic regional office] investigator about the logbook, but I did not look at itpersonally.”195

CPS.” Keegan acknowledged that it was not accurate and that CQC did know about theconditions in Jonathan’s bedroom at that time.Cla im that CQC was unaware <strong>of</strong> a logbook documenting Jonathan’s mealsAnother example <strong>of</strong> imprecise information contained in the joint response relatedto the Careys’ claim that:OMRDD, CQCAPD and the <strong>State</strong> Education Departmentmiserably in the handling <strong>of</strong> Jonathan’s abuse and neglect.all failedIn addition to asserting its claim <strong>of</strong> having conducted two full investigations,CQC responded to the accusation with the following:CQCAPD’s investigator has no recollection <strong>of</strong> having been told by theparents <strong>of</strong> a ‘logbook’ documenting withholding <strong>of</strong> food, nor <strong>of</strong> havingtold the parents that ‘she absolutely considered what happened to Jonathanabuse and neglect.’As previously noted, Michael Carey told the Inspector General’s Office that heinformed Investigator Bowser during an October 29, 2004 telephone conversation that hehad in his possession a “logbook” which clearly said, according to Michael Carey, “mealswere being withheld.” When questioned by the Inspector General’s Office, almost threeyears later, Bowser said that she could not recall Michael Carey informing her about alogbook. Since Bowser failed to document the conversation, the Inspector Generalcannot verify these statements. However, she admitted that she was made aware <strong>of</strong> thelogbook during the course <strong>of</strong> the child abuse investigation in 2004, but not by the Careys.Nevertheless, she chose not to review it. She told the Inspector General, “I talked to theOMRDD [Taconic regional <strong>of</strong>fice] investigator about the logbook, but I did not look at itpersonally.”195

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