A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ... A Critical Examination of State Agency Investigations into ...

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Documentation of investigatory activitiesBelow are forms from the file of Jonathan Carey’s care and treatment review thatare intended to document investigative activities. (The date February 18, 2005, appearsto be an error. It should read February 14, 2005.) While a separate investigation shouldhave resulted in a complete and distinct case file, the care and treatment file progressnotes and docket sheet were blank, as shown below.Actual CQC case file documents for Jonathan’s care and treatment review.Even if Bowser relied on documents and interviews related to the child abuseinvestigation, the documents she relied on to make her care and treatment findings shouldhave been recorded in the care and treatment file. Bowser told the Inspector General’s182

Office that progress notes and a document inventory related to the care and treatmentinvestigation were not completed because she did not do a care and treatmentinvestigation.Interview of witnessesCQC’s General Counsel Boehlert told investigators from the Inspector General’sOffice, “Our investigators would interview anyone who they thought may haveinformation relevant to care and treatment.” However, since CQC’s investigator onlyinterviewed four individuals at the Anderson School for her child abuse investigation, sherelied only on those interviews in making her care and treatment findings. In doing so,she missed issues related to Jonathan’s care and treatment that were identified by Taconicregional office Investigator Searle. Many witnesses interviewed by Searle voicedconcerns about the way Jonathan was treated at the Anderson School. Someacknowledged that they were uncomfortable about the way Jonathan was kept in hisroom and the practice of holding the door, that his regular meals were withheld if hewould not get dressed, and that he was observed lying in his own urine, among otherconcerns.Obtaining documentsCQC policies on care and treatment investigations require, “If possible, allinformation recorded for at least the past six months should be reviewed to ensure that anaccurate and thorough review is completed” (emphasis original). Bowser did not obtainall information recorded for the last six months regarding Jonathan for her child abuseinvestigation, and therefore did not have it for her care and treatment review.183

Documentation <strong>of</strong> investigatory activitiesBelow are forms from the file <strong>of</strong> Jonathan Carey’s care and treatment review thatare intended to document investigative activities. (The date February 18, 2005, appearsto be an error. It should read February 14, 2005.) While a separate investigation shouldhave resulted in a complete and distinct case file, the care and treatment file progressnotes and docket sheet were blank, as shown below.Actual CQC case file documents for Jonathan’s care and treatment review.Even if Bowser relied on documents and interviews related to the child abuseinvestigation, the documents she relied on to make her care and treatment findings shouldhave been recorded in the care and treatment file. Bowser told the Inspector General’s182

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