Quality Manual - KSS Deanery

Quality Manual - KSS Deanery

Quality Manual - KSS Deanery

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Constitution/Terms of Reference/Membership<strong>KSS</strong> <strong>Quality</strong> Assurance of GP Appraisal Working Group1.2 To create a forum for consolidation and further development of a robustquality assurance process for GP appraisal.1.3 To share resources including expertise and findings from PCTs’ activities intoGP appraisal e.g. selection of GP appraisers, reselection, initial training andupdating of GP appraisers, training of PCT staff key to the GP appraisal andrelicensing processes, detection and clarification in relation tounderperformance of doctors and feedback process1.4 To share information relating to GP appraisal, giving and receiving feedbackto PCTs1.5 To support PCTs with their GP appraisal work on individual basis, inparticular helping them to deal with performance issues uncovered in appraisaland equally providing appropriate appraisal opportunities for those subject toperformance review.1.6 To facilitate improvement in practice in the selection and reselection of GPappraisers (ie test communication skills and report writing abilities). Provideon going support and training for GP appraisers, PCT Lead appraisers, leadadministrative staff.1.7 To monitor the quality of GP appraiser training; to evaluate and review localquality control measures and reports and ensure that these are used to drivecontinuous improvement to meet the standards that will be set by the RoyalCollege of General Practitioners and the GMC for recertification andrelicensing respectively.2. The <strong>KSS</strong> <strong>Deanery</strong> will:2.1 Identify trends in the quality assurance of GP appraisal.2.2 Develop the shared learning across the QAWG on all aspects of GP appraisal.2.3 Pilot or put into practice initiatives related to revalidation locally andnationally as opportunities arise e.g. the national tools – multisource feedback,RCGP managed CPD scheme of CPD credits.2.4 Help with local sector meetings to look at QA process in PCTs.2.5 Share and work with “hot topics” relating to GP appraisal, derived from withinthe group, as a means of promulgating good practice.2.6 Facilitate delivery of appraiser training and development across the healtheconomy.2.7 Recognise and share good practice derived from within the group andnationally; link to national leads<strong>KSS</strong> QAWG TOR (final version).doc 8th December 08Page 2

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