TotalCare Spo2rt Brochure EN - Hill-Rom

TotalCare Spo2rt Brochure EN - Hill-Rom

TotalCare Spo2rt Brochure EN - Hill-Rom


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Products<strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ®Pulmonary Therapy SystemA unique therapy systemfor the acutely ill, immobile patientwhich revolutionisesthe caregiver environment.

<strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ®- Pulmonary Therapy SystemAt a glance:• Integrated pulmonary therapieshelp to improve patient outcomes.• Ergonomically designed for caregiverefficiency and safety.• Provides effective pressureulcer prevention.<strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ® Therapy System offers acombination of frame and surface that makestreating the most dependent patients easierand improves safety.At the heart of the system is the integratedTherapy-on-Demand ® concept, which allows caregiversto easily commence treatment modalities such ascontinuous lateral rotation therapy, percussion andvibration therapies as required or to treat the patientin the prone position. As the patient’s acuity improvescaregivers can commence rehabilitation programmesutilising FullChair TM position to aid respiratorymechanics and ease the weaning process. At laterstages, to enhance mobility and rehabilitation further,the Chair Egress TM position can be utilised to encourageweight bearing.<strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ® Therapy System is suitable forpatients with or at risk of pulmonary complicationsdue to immobility and those at moderate to high riskof tissue damage.This winning combination of therapeutic bodypositioning and pressure relief makes a real differenceto both patients and caregivers. By reducing the needfor patient moving and handling, <strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ®Therapy System increases caregiver efficiency andimproves patient outcomes.

The Impact of NosocomialInfections in Critical CareThe complications of immobilitysuch as nosocomial pneumoniaare amongst the most commonlyacquired infections in critical care 1 ,with statistics showing affectedpatients have higher morbidityand mortality rates 2 . However,the effects reach far beyondthe patient, increasing caregiverworkload with higher dependencyrates, and exacerbating the financialburden on the hospital as the costsof caring for the patient rise withlength of stay in both the criticalcare department and the hospitalincreasing 3 .The ideal support system,for managing youracutely ill, immobile patients.Breakdown of Nosocomial Pulmonary Infectionsin Critical CareINT<strong>EN</strong>SIVE CAREPATI<strong>EN</strong>TSINFECTIONS45% of intensivecare patients 13NOSOCOMIALINFECTIONS50% of infections 13 V<strong>EN</strong>TILATORACQUIREDPNEUMONIA25% of nosocomialinfections 14Increased length of stay,costs and resource consumption 3Most common infectionin the critically ill 14

ProductsContinuous Lateral Rotation TherapyContinuous Lateral Rotation Therapyas delivered by <strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ® TherapySystem utilises <strong>Hill</strong>-<strong>Rom</strong>’s patented rotationsystem using sequential deflation of the airsacs to provide passive but effective bodymovement, resulting in continuouschanges to areas of lung dependencyand mobilisation of pulmonary secretionsand blood flow.The impact of this non-invasive therapy is now recognised as being effectivein reducing the incidence and severity of nosocomial pneumonia and lowerrespiratory tract infections, and in aiding in the management of patientswith oxygenation based disorders. 4,5Continuous Lateral Rotation Therapy has been demonstrated to be effectivein helping to reduce the number of ventilator days and length of stay inboth the critical care department and the hospital. 6,7,8Prone PositioningThe prone position is becoming commonly used to manage patients withacute lung injury and adult respiratory distress syndrome 9 , reports suggestusing the prone position can improve oxygenation 10,11 . <strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ®Therapy System allows patients to be nursed in the prone position.Percussion and Vibration TherapiesA “hands off” option to aid in the mobilisation of retainedsecretions when “hands on” chest physiotherapy is contraindicated.Proven effective and well tolerated 12 , it has been suggested that whencombined with continuous lateral rotation therapy secretion clearancein patients with large secretion volumes is increased 12 .Turn Assist TM feature<strong>Hill</strong>-<strong>Rom</strong>’s Turn Assist TM feature safely and gently turns the patientonto his/her side for care procedures thus reducing the numberof caregivers required and the resultant risk of injury.Turn Assist TMfeatureAdvanced zoned pressure relief<strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ® Therapy Systemhas a two-layer surface that providesoptimal zoned pressure relief evenduring continuous lateral rotationtherapy.Optirest ®This therapy mode offers a wavelike motion to enhance comfort andprovide a calming relaxing sensationfor patients at risk of sensory overload.

The <strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ® Therapy System isdesigned for the caregiver,head to foot.FullChair TM PositionAs the patient’s acuity improvescaregivers can gradually increasethe head of bed elevation until chairpositioning can be utilised. Using theunique one-button chair positioning,a single caregiver can place thepatient in the FullChair TM position,ideal for:• enhancing respiratorymechanics to aid in weaningfrom ventilation or to preventventilation being required• improving psychological status,the upright position enhancesorientation and awarenessthereby effectively acceleratingpatient recovery.Chair Egress TM PositionAt later stages to enhance mobilityand progress rehabilitation furtherthe Chair Egress TM position canbe used, simply by removing thefootboard, the caregiver can aidthe patient to weight bear or egressthe bed reducing the risk of injury.

ProductsPoint-of-Care ® side rail controlsAll controls, information and alarm systems are conveniently placedaround the Point-of-Care ® controls by the patient’s side. The therapycontrols, optional Patient Weigh Scale and bed exit alarm can also beconsulted from the Point-of-Care ® side rail controls via the GraphicalCaregiver Interface feature (GCI ® ) - a simple to use interactive controlsystem.IntelliDrive TM SystemThis optional facility offers powerassistedtransport and enhanced bedmanoeuvrability reducing the risksof injury to members of the multidisciplinary team during transport.The OneStep TM design side rails can be released using a single hand,tucking away to allow unrestricted access to the patient anda zero transfer gap.OneStep TM side rails Caregiver Controls Patient ControlsFlexAfoot ® Retractable Foot MechanismThe foot section of bed and surface can be retracted and extended in bothchair and supine positions, this allows for the patients feet to be correctlypositioned in the supine position to help prevent footdrop or to providethe support in the FullChair TM position.FlexAfoot ® RetractableFoot MechanismShearless Pivot TMHandsFree TM featuresHandsFree TM emergency CPR and Trendelenburgrelease mechanism for instant care, even fromthe FullChair TM position.This unique mechanismcombines the articulation of the frameand the surface minimising shearforces, reducing migration of thepatient towards the foot of the bed.Repositioning is minimised reducingmoving and handling risks whilepatient comfort is maximised.

Products<strong>TotalCare</strong> SpO 2RT ®- Pulmonary Therapy SystemTechnical DataOverall length (with roller bumpers)FlexAfoot ® fully retracted...........................................81.5” (207.0 cm)FlexAfoot ® fully extended ..........................................93.5” (237.5 cm)Overall widthSide rails stowed.........................................................36.5” (92.7 cm)Side rails up ....................................................................40” (102 cm)Bed height without mattressHeight from floor to top of deck Minimum .................17.5” (44.5 cm)Maximum ...................................................................36.5” (92.7 cm)Maximum side rail height (without mattress) ........14.75” (37.5 cm)Side rail opening size......................................... < 4.34” (

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