mandrel T812 - Hainbuch GmbH

mandrel T812 - Hainbuch GmbH

mandrel T812 - Hainbuch GmbH

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Installation manualSegmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>.english6 Assembly...............................................................................................................256.1 Preparations...............................................................................................256.2 Assembling of the clamping device...............................................................266.2.1 Assembling the draw tube adapter....................................................266.2.2 Assembling the flange......................................................................276.2.3 Assembly of the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>..................................................286.2.4 Checking and adjusting the face run and the concentricity...................286.2.5 Assembly of the segmented clamping bushing....................................306.2.6 Assembling of the work piece end-stop..............................................316.3 Inspections.................................................................................................316.4 Control of the stroke position........................................................................326.5 Activities after production is concluded.........................................................327 Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposal...............................................................337.1 Safety........................................................................................................337.2 Disassembling the clamping device...............................................................347.2.1 Disassembling the work piece end-stop..............................................347.2.2 Disassembling the segmented clamping bushing.................................357.2.3 Disassembling the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>...............................................357.2.4 Disassembling the flange..................................................................367.2.5 Disassembling the draw tube adapter................................................367.3 Subsequent storage of the clamping device...................................................367.4 Disposal.....................................................................................................378 Maintenance..........................................................................................................388.1 General.....................................................................................................388.2 Cleaning....................................................................................................398.3 Preservation...............................................................................................408.4 Maintenance schedule.................................................................................418.5 Bolt torque.................................................................................................429 Trouble shooting....................................................................................................439.1 Safety........................................................................................................439.2 Trouble shooting table.................................................................................449.3 Start-up after corrected fault........................................................................4510 Appendix............................................................................................................4610.1 Service Hotline..........................................................................................4610.2 Representatives in Germany and Europe.....................................................4610.2.1 Germany......................................................................................4710.2.2 Europe..........................................................................................4811 Index...................................................................................................................51»Translation of original installation manual«Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 3

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. General1 General1.1 Information about this manual1.2 Explanation of symbolsThis manual enables safe and efficient handling of theclamping device.The manual is a component of the clamping device andmust be kept in the immediate vicinity of the clampingdevice where it is accessible for personnel at all times.Personnel must have carefully read and understood thismanual prior to starting all tasks. The basic prerequisitefor safe work is compliance with all the safety instructionsand handling instructions in this manual.Illustrations in this manual are provided for a basic understandingand may deviate from the actual model of theclamping device.It is assumed that the reader is familiar with standard procedures,such as cleaning the mounting surfaces.Safety instructionsSafety instructions are indicated by symbols in this operatingmanual. The safety instructions are introduced bysignal words that express the scope of the hazard.The safety instructions must be strictly adhered to, youmust act prudently to prevent accidents, personal injury,and material damage.DANGER!… indicates an imminent dangerous situationthan can result in death or serious injury if it isnot avoided.WARNING!… indicates a possible dangerous situation thatcan result in death or serious injury if it is notavoided.4 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. GeneralenglishCAUTION!… indicates a possible dangerous situation thatcan result in minor or light injury if it es notavoided.NOTE!… indicates a possible dangerous situation thatcan result in material damage if it is not avoided.Tips and recommendations… indicates useful tips and recommendations, aswell as information for efficient and trouble-freeoperation.1.3 Limitations of liabilityAll information and instructions in this operating manualhave been provided under due consideration of applicablestandards and regulations, the current state of technology,as well as our many years of experience.The manufacturer assumes no liability for damage due to:➢Failure to follow the instructions in the manual➢Non-intended use➢Deployment of untrained personnel➢Unauthorized conversions➢Technical changes➢Use of non-approved spare partsThe actual scope of delivery can vary from the explanationsand graphic representations provided in this manualin the case of special versions, if supplemental order optionsare desired, or on the basis of the latest technicalchanges.The agreed obligations in the delivery contract, the generalterms and conditions, as well as delivery conditions ofthe manufacturer, and the statutory regulations valid atthe time the contract was concluded, apply.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 5

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. GeneralCAUTION!Our clamping devices are balanced with balancequality G = 4, in one level n = 1.The data on the rotation balance refers to rotationallysymmetrical work pieces.The clamping of not rotationally symmetricalwork pieces may not be clamped and/or only beclamped after consultation with the manufacturer.Balancing bolts and balancing weights at theclamping devices may not be removed / disassembled!1.4 Max. RPMCAUTION!The maximum permissible RPM of the clampingdevice must be redetermined in every applicationcase, on the basis of the clamping forces requiredfor machining.Of all RPMs of the groups specified, the lowestgiven RPM must always be used.1.5 CopyrightThis manual is protected by copyright and is provided exclusivelyfor internal purposes.Delivery of the operating manual to third parties, duplicationin any form – including excerpts – as well as exploitationand/or communication of the content, are not permitted[except for internal use] without written approvalfrom the manufacturer.Actions to the contrary make damage compensation mandatory.We reserve the right to enforce additional claims.6 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Generalenglish1.6 Scope of deliveryAll tools and accessories that are not included inthe scope of delivery are marked as optional.In scope of delivery of the clamping device: 1 segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> 1 couplingOptionally the scope of delivery of the clamping deviceincludes: Spindle flange Trimming sleeve for SAD segmented clamping bushing Segmented clamping bushing Work piece end-stop Eye bolts1.7 Spare partsWARNING!Safety risk if the wrong spare parts areused!Incorrect or defective spare parts can cause damage,malfunction, or total failure; they can alsoimpair safety. Only use manufacturer's original spare parts.1.8 Warranty termsOnly purchase spare parts from authorized dealers or directfrom the manufacturer. Addresses are in the appendix.The warranty terms are included in the manufacturer'sterms and conditions.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 7

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Safety2 SafetyThis section provides an overview o fall the importantsafety aspects for optimal protection of personnel, aswell es for safe and trouble-free operation.2.1 Responsibility of the customerThe device is used in industrial applications. Consequentlythe owner of the device is subject to legal industrialsafety obligations.In addition to the safety instruction in this manual, generallyvalid safety and accident protection guidelines, andenvironmental protection guidelines must be adhered toand complied with for the area of implementation of thedevice.2.2 Personnel requirementsWARNING!Danger of injury due to insufficientqualification!Improper handling of the clamping device cancause serious injury or material damage. Only have activities performed by personnelwho are qualified to perform these activities.The following qualifications are cited in the operatingmanual for the various activity areas. Specialized personnelare personnel who due to their specialized training,skills, and experience, as well as knowledge of the applicableregulations, are capable of executing the tasksassigned to them and of recognizing and avoidingpossible hazards on their own. Hydraulic specialistThe hydraulic specialist has been trained for the particulartask area in which he is active and is familiar withthe relevant standards and regulations. Due to his specializedtraining and experience the hydraulic special-8 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Safetyenglishist can perform tasks on hydraulic equipment and recognizeand avoid possible dangers on his own. Electric specialistThe electric specialist has been trained for the particulartask area in which he is active and is familiar withthe relevant standards and regulations.Due to his specialized training and experience theelectric specialist can perform tasks on electric equipmentand recognize and avoid possible dangers on hisown.Only persons from whom it can be expected that they reliablyexecute their work are considered as personnel.Persons whose capability to react is impaired, for instancethrough drugs, alcohol, or medication, are notapproved. Comply with age-specific and job-specific regulationsthat are applicable at the installation site when selectingpersonnel.2.3 Intended useThe clamping device is designed for installation in a machinetool. Within the machine tool the clamping deviceis designed exclusively as a through-bore chuck for barwork and / or as an end-stop chuck for chuck work.The clamping device should only be mounted, operated,maintained, and cleaned by instructed, specialized personnel.Intended use also includes compliance with all the instructionsin this manual.The clamping device is to be used for the case of applicationcontractually agreed between the producer/delivererand the user, as well as such cases of applicationdescribed in the product description which are also inaccordance with the technical values.The safe function of the clamping device is, as far as itcan be foreseen, guaranteed when it is used for the intendedpurpose in accordance with the appropriatesafety regulations.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 9

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. SafetyAny use that extends beyond the intended use, or anyother use of the clamping device is considered to be misuseand can cause dangerous situations.WARNING!Danger due to misuse!Misuse of the clamping device can cause dangeroussituations.Particularly refrain from the following uses of theclamping device: Use in machines other than machine tools. Use in machine tools with technical data otherthan that specified on the clamping device.Claims of any type due to damage arising from non-intendeduse are excluded.Unintended and improper use of the Power Chuck is forexample If workpieces are not clamped properly If safety regulations are disregarded and persons areworking at the Power Chuck without additional protectivedevices e.g. for machining. If a Power Chuck is used for machines or tools forwhich it is not intended.2.4 Personal protective equipmentWearing of personal protective equipment is required tominimize health hazards when working with the device. Always wear the protective equipment necessary forthe respective task when working with the device. Follow the instructions that have been posted in thework area.10 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. SafetyenglishAlways wearFor all tasks always wear:Protective work clothingis tight-fitting work clothing with low resistance to tearing,with tight sleeves, and without projecting parts. It isprimarily used to protect against entanglement by movingmachine parts.Do not wear rings, chains, or other jewelry.Safety footwearfor protection against heavy falling parts and slipping onslippery substrates.For special taskswearSpecial protective equipment is required when executingspecial tasks. Separate reference is made to this equipmentin the specific sections of this manual. This specialprotective equipment is explained below:Hard hatto protect against falling and flying parts and materials.Protective gogglesto protect eyes from flying parts and liquid splashes.Protective glovesto protect hands from friction, abrasion, puncturewounds, or deeper injuries, as well as from contact withhot surfaces.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 11

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Safety2.5 Special dangersIn the following section residual risks are cited that occurdue to installation of the clamping device in a machinetool. In each case the residual risks that have been determinedbased on a risk analysis of the machine mustbe specified by the customer. Follow the safety instructions listed here and the warningsin the other sections of this manual to reducehealth hazards and to avoid dangerous situations.Suspended loadsWARNING!Life-threatening danger due to suspendedloads!Some clamping devices must be lifted with acrane. When lifting the clamping device there is alife-threatening hazard due to falling parts orparts swinging out of control. Never step under suspended loads. Comply with the instructions concerning the intendedattachment points. Ensure that the slinggear is securely seated! Do not attach lifting gear in projecting components. Only use approved hoists and sling gear withsufficient bearing capacity. Do not use rope and belts that are torn orfrayed.Horizontal partsWARNING!Danger of injury due to horizontalparts!Before transporting the clamping device in horizontalcondition: Put the clamping device on a non-slip pad Screw in the eye bolts12 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. SafetyenglishMoving partsWARNING!Danger of injury due to moving parts!Rotating parts of the clamping device can causeserious injuries. Do not reach into moving parts or handle movingparts during operation. Do not open covers when the device is in operation. Be aware of afterrun time:Prior to opening the covers ensure that all partshave come to a standstill. Wear tight-fitting protective work clothing in thedanger zone.O-rings / sealsWARNING!Risk of injury due to damaged or missingo-rings / seals!Make sure that all o-rings / seals for hydraulicand/or pneumatic connection are present and inundamaged condition.Wrong clamping ofthe work pieceWARNING!Danger of injury due to incorrect clampingof the work piece!Incorrect work piece clamping may lead to theejection of the work piece and result in serious injuries.Too low supply pressure can lead to the reductionof clamping force!Too high supply pressure can lead to damage ofthe components of the clamping device! Check and adjust, if necessary, the supply pressureregularly. Do random checks of the unmachined workpieces on dimensional accuracy.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 13

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. SafetyMissing changingpartsWARNING!Danger of injury due to missing changingparts!When operating the clamping device withoutchanging parts [segmented clamping bushing,clamping heads, work piece end-stops] there is ahigher danger of crushing injuries due to thestroke of movable components of the clampingdevice. The clamping process may not be initiatedwithout assembled segmented clamping bushingand/or work piece end-stop.WARNING!Risk of injury!When screwing in individual components such asfor example work piece end-stops, threaded adaptersand similar devices that are equipped withan external thread or wear caused by burrs,there is risk of cutting. The operation must be done only by qualifiedpersonnel. Wearing of gloves / [PSA] is required!2.6 Clamping forceThe specified maximum radial clamping force can varydue to lubrication status and the degree of contamination.CAUTION!Damages due to excessive draw andcompressive force!An excessive draw force and/or compressiveforce may damage the clamping device. The max. draw force and compressive forcemay not be exceeded.14 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Safetyenglish2.7 ScrewsMoving partsWARNING!Danger of injury due to screws andstud screws being accelerated out ofthe device!!Screws and stud screws radially attached to theclamping device can be accelerated out of thedevice and cause severe injuries. After assembly and maintenance tasks. Alwaysretighten all bolts and stud bolts radially attachedon the clamping device with the prescribedtightening torque. All screws or stud screws that are not markedwith a tightening torque specification aretightened with the prescribed tightening torquein the factory and should only be unscrewedafter consultation with the manufacturer.Moving partsATTENTION!All screws or stud screws that are not markedwith a tightening torque specification aretightened with the prescribed tightening torqueand locked [medium-strength bonding] in thefactory and should only be unscrewed after consultationwith the manufacturer. If in doubt youmust contact the manufacturer immediately dodetermine the subsequent procedure.The tightening torque is shown in the assemblydrawing of the clamping device or it is engravedon the device itself in the direct vicinity of thescrew or stud screw.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 15

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Safety2.8 FunctionalityNOTICE!With high contamination of the clamping devicethe functionality is no longer guaranteed. The cleaning and maintenance intervals must beobserved.2.9 Environmental protectionNOTE!Environmental hazard due to incorrecthandling!Incorrect handling of environmentally hazardoussubstances, particularly improper disposal, cancause significant environmental damage. Always comply with the instructions cited below If environmentally harmful substances should inadvertentlyget into the environment, initiatesuitable measures immediately. If in doubt notifythe responsible municipal authority about thedamage.The following environmentally harmful substances areused:LubricantsLubricants like greases and oils can contain toxic substances.Ensure that they do not get into the environment.The device must be disposed of by a specialized disposalcompany.To achieve trouble-free operational performance of theclamping device only use HAINBUCH lubricants. See theappendix for reference addresses.16 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Technical dataenglish3 Technical data3.1 General informationThe clamping device is available in different sizes andvariants.Information about e.g. dimensions weightyou will find on the corresponding drawing that you canorder at HAINBUCH.3.2 Operating conditionsEnvironment Specification Value UnitTemperature range 15 - 65 °C3.3 Power specificationsNOTE!Material damage if the power specificationsdo not agree!If the power specifications of clamping deviceand machine do not agree, severe damage extendingto total damage can occur to the clampingdevice and machine. Only install clamping devices in machines withthe same power specifications.Information on maximum clamping force and drawtubeforce is provided on the clamping device.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 17

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Technical data3.4 Dimensional sheetDimension sheets for the respective clamping device canbe requested from HAINBUCH.3.5 Type designationThe type designation is on the clamping device and includesthe following information:1 ID no. [marked with the # symbol]2 Maximum speed [rpm]3 Maximum clamping force [kN]Fig. 118 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Structure and functionenglish4 Structure and function4.1 Overview and brief description12354Fig. 21. Flange2. Mandrel body3. Allen screwsBrief description4. Work piece end-stop [optional]5. Segmented clamping bushing[optional]The MANDO <strong>T812</strong> functions according to thedeadlength principle.By vulcanized segmented clamping bushing made ofhardened steel and the deadlength principle at the workpiece end-stop, there's no pulling effect to the subspindle.4.2 Optional AccessoriesThe accessories described here are not included in thescope of delivery.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 19

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Structure and functionSpecially developed segmented clamping bushingsmatch to the respective maximum RPM are available foreach clamping device. Trouble-free and precise functionof HAINBUCH clamping devices is only ensured whenusing original HAINBUCH segmented clamping bushings.Lubricating grease and grease gun are required forcleaning and preservation of the clamping device. Thelubricating grease is also specially matched for protectionof the vulcanized segments of the segmented clampingbushings and increase their service life and elasticityby a significant factor.4.2.1 Segmented clamping bushingThe segmented clamping bushing is offered with aclamping diameter manufactured according to the customersneeds.Fig. 34.2.2 Work piece end-stopThe work piece end-stop is manufactured with a endstopdimension according to the customers request. Incombination with the segmented clamping bushing andthe segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> it provides a functional unit.Fig. 44.2.3 GreaseFig. 5The universal grease for chuck and <strong>mandrel</strong> lubricationis supplied in a 1000g can. The order number for theuniversal grease is 2085/0003; it can be ordered fromHAINBUCH.20 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Transporting, packaging and storingenglish5 Transporting, packaging and storing5.1 Safety instructions for transportingUnbalanced packageWARNING!Danger of falling due to an unbalancedpackagePacked goods can have an unbalanced package.If attached incorrectly the package can tip andcause life-threatening injuries. Note the markings on the packages. Attach the crane hook in such a manner that itis located above the center of gravity. Carefully lift and see if the load tilts. If necessarychange the attachment.5.2 Symbols on the packagingFragileIdentifies packages with fragile or sensitive contents.Handle the packed goods with care; do not allow themto fall, and do not subject them to impact.Protect from moistureKeep packed goods dry and protected against moisture.5.3 Transport inspectionCheck delivery immediately upon receipt to ensure thatdelivery is complete, and to identify any transport damage.Proceed as follows it there is apparent external damage: Do not accept the delivery, or only accept it with reservation. Note the extend of transport damage on the transportdocuments or on the transport company's delivery ticket.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 21

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Transporting, packaging and storing Submit a complaint.Report any defect as soon as it is detected.Claims for damage compensation can only beenforced during the applicable periods for givingnotice of lack of conformity.5.4 Unpacking and inner-company transportThe clamping device is packed vertically and hasthreaded bores in the end face.In these threaded bores lifting eye bolts can bescrewed in.To safely lift the clamping device out of the packageit must be hooked into a crane depending onthe weight.For transporting with transport trolley the clampingdevice must be positioned in standing condition.Make sure that a non-slip pad has beenlaid.All tools and accessories which are not in scopeof delivery are marked as optional in the operatinginstructions. Two people are required for this task. Special tools required: Crane from weight 15 kg Lifting eye bolts6. xxFig. 61. Screw lifting eye bolts into the thread in the circumferenceof the clamping device.2. Hook the load-handling equipment into the lifting eyebolts.3. Use a crane to carefully lift the clamping device out ofthe transport packaging and put it down on a stable,level substrate.4. Prevent the clamping device against rolling away.22 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Transporting, packaging and storingenglish5.5 PackagingAbout the packagingIndividual packages are packed according to the expectedtransport conditions. Environmentally-friendly materialshave been used exclusively for the packaging.Packaging should protect the specific components fromtransport damage, corrosion, and other damage until installation.Therefore do not destroy the packaging, removeit just before installation.The packed goods are sealed in foil airtight andpacked in cartons. See the »Technical Data« sectionfor the specific weight of the respective sizes.Handling packagingmaterialsDispose of packaging materials in accordance with therespectively valid statutory regulations and localguidelines.NOTE!Improper disposal causes environmentaldamage!Packaging materials are valuable raw materialsand in many cases they can be reused, or theycan be effectively treated and recycled. Dispose of packaging materials in an environmentallyresponsible manner. Comply with locally applicable disposalguidelines. If necessary commission a specializedcompany to dispose of packaging.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 23

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. AssemblyFig. 82. Remove the flange from the clamping device.3. Clean the mating surfaces at flange and clampingdevice with a soft, lint-free cloth and remove all oiland grease residues.4. Hone the mating surfaces on the spindle flange withan oil stone.6.2 Assembling of the clamping deviceWARNING!Danger of injury due to unintentionalstartup of the tool spindle!Unexpected start up of the tool spindle can causesevere injury. Prior to switching on automatic mode close allprotective doors or hoods that are present onthe machine tool. Unscrew all eye bolts from the clamping deviceand remove them from the interior of the machine. Only run the machine in set-up mode or jogmode.6.2.1 Assembling the draw tube adapterFig. 95. xxx1. Put the machine in set up mode.2. Wipe off the mating surfaces of the machine spindlewith a soft, lint-free cloth and remove all oil andgrease residues.3. Screw the draw tube adapter on the draw tube of themachine till end stop.26 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Assemblyenglish6.2.2 Assembling the flangeNOTE!Material damage due to wrong tighteningtorque of the allen screws in thespindle flange!The tightening torque of the allen screws is prescribedby the spindle or machine manufacturer.Incorrect tightening torque of the allen screws inthe flange can cause significant material damageon the clamping device and on the machine. Only tighten the allen screws of the spindle withthe torque prescribed by the spindle or machinemanufacturer.Fig. 106. xxx4. Put the machine in set up mode.5. Wipe off the mating surfaces of the machine spindlewith a soft, lint-free cloth and remove all oil andgrease residues.6. Lift the flange into the machine by hand or with theaid of a crane and place it on the machine spindle.Position the flange on the machine spindle with theaid of the bores.7. Screw all allen screws into the flange wit an allenwrench and hand tighten in a cross pattern.NOTE!Material damage is possible if the ringnuts are left in the spindle flange!Ring nuts that are left in the clamping device cansignificantly damage or even destroy lathe,clamping device and work piece. Always remove ring nuts immediately aftermounting the clamping device in the lathe.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 27

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Assembly6.2.3 Assembly of the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>Two people are required for this task!Special tools required: Allen wrench Crane Ring nutsFig. 111. Put the machine in set up mode.2. Remove all tools from the interior of the machine.3. Set the clamping pressure of the machine tool on thelowest setting.4. Move the draw tube of the machine tool into frontstop position.5. Put the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> on the pre-assembledflange on the machine spindle by using a crane.6. Screw in all allen screws into the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>with an allen wrench and tighten them only fingertightin a cross pattern.6.2.4 Checking and adjusting the face run and the concentricityNOTE!Material damage due to insufficientface run and concentricity!Due to insufficient face run and concentricitywork pieces can be damaged during processing. After each mounting check, and if necessary readjust,the face run and concentricity of theclamping device.28 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. AssemblyenglishChecking face runSpecial tools required: Dial indicator Plastic tip hammerFig. 121. Place the magnetic bas of the dial indicator on theinside of the machine.2. Place the dial indicator for face run on the face of theclamping unit.3. Use a plastic tip hammer to carefully knock theclamping unit into position.4. Tighten the allen screws with a torque wrench in across pattern [see section »Screw tightening torque«].For exact adjustment, if necessary loosen the allenscrews several turns and retighten in a crosspattern.5. Wipe off the taper of the the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> witha soft, lint-free cloth and remove all oil and greaseresidues.Checking concentricitySpecial tools required: Dial indicator Plastic tip hammer Torque wrenchFig. 131. Place the magnetic base of the dial indicator on theinside of the machine.2. Place the dial indicator [2] for concentricity on theclamping taper [1].3. Adjust the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> in such a manner thatthe dial indicator shows the value »0«.For exact adjustment, if necessary loosen the allenscrews several turns and retighten in a crosspattern.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 29

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Assembly6.2.5 Assembly of the segmented clamping bushingSpecial tools required: Allen wrenchFig. 1411. Put the machine in set up mode.2. Remove all tools from the interior of the machine.3. Set the clamping pressure of the machine on the lowestsetting.4. Move the drawtube of the machine tool into the frontstop position.5. Open the coupling rings [1] and remove the coupling.2Fig. 156. Put the segmented clamping bushing [2] on the segmented<strong>mandrel</strong>.7. Put the coupling rings over the segmented clampingbushing [2] and close the coupling.WARNING!Risk of injury due to ejected parts!When operating the clamping device withoutchanging parts [segmented clamping bushing,work piece end-stop] the coupling rings can beejected. Operate the clamping device always with assembledchanging parts.30 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Assemblyenglish6.2.6 Assembling of the work piece end-stop8. x Special tools required: Torque wrenchFig. 161. Put the machine tool in set up mode.2. Remove all tools from the interior of the machine.3. Set the clamping pressure of the machine tool on thelowest setting.4. Move the drawtube of the machine tool into the frontstop position.5. Put the work piece end-stop on the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>.6. Screw in all allen screws into the work piece end-stopwith an allen wrench and tigten them clockwise withan allen wrench [see section »Screw tighteningtorque«].6.3 InspectionsNOTE!Material damage due to damaged clampingdevices!A damaged, incomplete, or unbalanced clamping devicecan significantly damage or even destroy the machinetool and the work piece. Only install undamaged, complete, and precisely balancedclamping devices. If in doubt contact the manufacturer.Ensure the following points prior to each installation andstart-up of the clamping device: All allen screws of the clamping device must be presentand tightened with the proper tightening torque. The balance screws of the clamping device must all bepresent and undamaged. All rubber segments must be intact; this means thatthey are neither torn, nor are they porous at any point. All edges and bearing surfaces are intact; this meansthat they are neither broken nor do they show anysigns of wear.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 31

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Assembly The set speed of the machine tool should not exceedthe maximum permissible speed of the clampingdevice. The maximum drawtube force specified on the perimeterof the clamping device must not be exceeded. The clamping pressure of the machine must be sufficientlyhigh. All mounting tools must be removed from the interior ofthe machine. Clamping device and work piece must be compatible –check the clamping diameter regularly. The work piece must be clamped into the clampingdevice with sufficient work piece tension.6.4 Control of the stroke positionWARNING!Crushing danger from moving parts!Crushing danger from moving parts during controllingthe stroke position!Gaps, caused while controlling the stroke position,can cause severe injury. Only do the controlling of the stroke positionwith assembled changing parts. Only run the machine in set-up mode or jogmode.6.5 Activities after production is concluded7. x 1. Move the clamping device into unclamped position.2. Switch off the machine tool and safeguard it frombeing switched on again.3. Open the protective door or hood.4. Clean the clamping device of chips and productionresidues with a soft, lint-free cloth.5. Close the protective door or hood.32 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposalenglish7 Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposalIf there is break in production that lasts longer than 3days, or if the machine will be changed ver for otherwork pieces, the clamping device must be disassembledand properly stored in accordance with the manufacturer'sspecifications [see section »Transport, packaging,storage«].Prior to disassembling: Put the machine in set up mode. Remove fuels and auxiliary materials, as well as residualprocessing materials and dispose of these items inan environmentally-responsible manner.7.1 SafetySafeguardingagainst restartDANGER!Life-threatening danger if restartedwithout authorizationWhen disassembling there is danger of the energysupply being switched on inadvertently. Thisposes a life-threatening hazard for persons in thedanger zone. Prior to starting the tasks switch off all energysupplies and safeguard them from beingswitched on again.DANGER!Risk of injury by released energy!Risk of injury during the disassembling of the balanceweight due to released energy. Pay attention to the safety instruction during thedisassembly of the stroke limit screw.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 33

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposalCAUTIONRisk of injury!Pollution can cause a significant loss of clampingforce of the clamping device. Pay attention to the maintenance and cleaningintervals of the clamping device. As part of this service intervals a regular reviewof the maintenance status of the adapter due tostatic tension-measuring devices is absolutelynecessary!7.2 Disassembling the clamping device7.2.1 Disassembling the work piece end-stopSpecial tools required: Allen wrenchFig. 171. Put the machine tool in set up mode.2. Remove all tool from the interior of the machine.3. Set the clamping pressure of the machine tool on thelowest setting.4. Move the drawtube of the machine tool into the frontstop position.5. Loosen, unscrew and remove the allen screws.6. Remove the work piece end-stop from the segmented<strong>mandrel</strong>.34 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposalenglish7.2.2 Disassembling the segmented clamping bushing7. x Special tools required: WrenchFig. 18121. Put the machine tool in set up mode.2. Remove all tool from the interior of the machine.3. Set the clamping pressure of the machine tool on thelowest setting.4. Move the drawtube of the machine tool into the frontstop position.5. Open the coupling rings [1] and remove the coupling.6. Remove the segmented clamping bushing [2] from thesegmented <strong>mandrel</strong>.7.2.3 Disassembling the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>7. x Two people are required for this task!Special tools required: Allen wrench Crane Ring nuts1. Put the machine tool in set up mode.2. Remove all tools from the interior of the machine.3. Set the clamping pressure of the machine tool on thelowest setting.4. Move the drawtube of the machine tool into the frontstop position.5. Loosen, unscrew and remove the allen screws.6. Remove the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> from the flange byusing a crane.Fig. 19Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 35

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposal7.2.4 Disassembling the flange7. xxx1. Put the machine tool in set up mode.2. Loosen, unscrew and remove the allen screws.3. Remove the flange by hand from the machine spindle.4. Wipe off the mating surfaces at the machine spindlewith a soft, lint-free cloth and remove all oil andgrease residues.Fig. 207.2.5 Disassembling the draw tube adapterFig. 218. xxx1. Put the machine in set up mode.2. Wipe off the mating surfaces of the machine spindlewith a soft, lint-free cloth and remove all oil andgrease residues.3. Unscrew the draw tube adapter from the draw tubeof the machine.7.3 Subsequent storage of the clamping deviceThe clamping device must be cleaned and treated withcorrosion protection for subsequent storage [see section»Cleaning«].NOTE!The storage conditions are specified in the section»Transport, packaging and storage«.36 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Disassembly, subsequent storage, disposalenglish7.4 DisposalIf a return or disposal agreement has not been concluded,then recycle disassembled components.Risk of injury due to leaking fluids!Hydraulically or pneumatically operated clampingdevices may contain residues of liquids. Uncontrolledleakage of fluids can lead to severe injuries. Open the pressure relief screw and drain remainingliquid. Discard the liquid.NOTE!Improper disposal causes environmentaldamage!Lubricants and other auxiliary materials are subjectto treatment as special waste, and shouldonly be disposed of by approved specialist companies!Local municipal authorities or specialized disposal companiesprovide information on environmentally-responsibledisposal.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 37

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Maintenance8 MaintenanceEnvironmental protectionComply with the following instructions for environmentalprotection when performing maintenance work: At all lubricating points where lubricant is applied byhand, remove escaping, used, or excess grease, anddispose of it in accordance with applicable local regulations. Collect used oil in suitable containers and dispose of itin accordance with applicable local regulations.8.1 GeneralCleanliness of the appropriate end-stop as well as theguidance diameters are conditions for reaching the concentricityand perpendicularity tolerances. Clean thesesurfaces with an appropriate cleaner.NOTE!Don't use solvents containing ester or polarsolvents for the cleaning of the clamping means.Seals and clamping element can be damagedthereby.For your own safety the hazard instructions of therespective manufacturer are to be considered.NOTE!For cleaning of the chuck components polarsolvents should not be used, as this solvents coulddamage the rubber moulded section of theclamping heads or seal rings installed.CAUTION!Before the machine spindle is set in rotation allinstallation tools or measuring tools must be removedfrom the working area of the machine.Installation and measuring tools, flung off fromthe machine spindle, can cause serious injuries.38 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Maintenanceenglish8.2 Cleaning9. x NOTE!Material damage if cleaned with compressedair!Cleaning the clamping device with compressedair can force metal chips into thread andgrooves. This can damage or even destroy theclamping device. Never clean the clamping device with compressedair! Auxiliary material required: Ester-free, non-polar cleaning agent Soft, lint-free clothFig. 221. Disassemble the clamping device [see section »Disassemblingthe clamping device«].2. Clean all components listed below with cleaningagent and a cloth; remove all oil and greaseresidues: Flange Taper, reception and inner thread of the segmented<strong>mandrel</strong> Segmented clamping bushing Coupling rings Work piece end-stop Allen screwsOrder Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 39

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Maintenance8.3 Preservation Special tools required: Universal grease 2085/0003 Grease gun Oil stone Soft, lint-free clothFig. 233. xxx1. Disassemble the clamping device [see section »Disassemblingthe clamping device«].2. Hone all the bearing surfaces of the clamping devicewith an oil stone.3. Lightly grease all allen screws. Remove excess greasewith a cloth.4. Remount the clamping device.5. Screw all allen screws into the clamping device againand tighten them finger-tight.For subsequent storage tightening the allenscrews finger-tight suffices. This facilitates re-commissioningand protect the allen screws.6. Use the lubricating nipple to grease the <strong>mandrel</strong> bodyof the segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> type 212 SE with a greasegun and universal grease.7. Lightly grease all interior and outer surfaces of theclamping device. Remove excess grease with a cloth.8. Pack the clamping device airtight in foil. Place it on alevel, impact-free storage location and safeguard itfrom falling.40 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Maintenanceenglish8.4 Maintenance scheduleMaintenance tasks are described in the sections belowthat are required for optimal and trouble-free operation.If increased wear is detected during regular inspections,then reduce the required maintenance intervals accordingto the actual indications of wear.Contact the manufacturer, [see the service address on theback] if you have questions concerning maintenance tasksand intervals.IntervalDailyEach 36 operating hourEvery 6 monthsMaintenance taskVisual inspection and complete cleaning in case ofheavy contamination [see section »Cleaning«], especiallyat the clamping and end-stop face to avoid damagesat the clamping device and the clamping elementsearly.Clean the clamping device and the clamping unit [seesection »Cleaning«].Clean the clamping taper [see section »Cleaning«].Grease the clamping device [see section »Preservation«].Completely disassemble and clean the clamping unit [seesection »Cleaning«].Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 41

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Maintenance8.5 Bolt torqueMetric ISO threadThe guide values for bolt tightening torque for achievingthe highest permissible pre-tension for metric ISO threadare specified in Nm in the table. Total friction coefficient μ tot = 0,12 90% utilization of the apparent limit of elasticityDiameter[mm][mm]Torque forscrew quality10.9[Nm]M 4 7 3 4M 5 8 4 7M 6 10 5 12M 8 13 6 25M 10 17 8 50M 12 19 10 100M 16 24 14 220M 20 30 17 400M 24 36 19 600The table shows the maximum permissible values anddoes not include any other safety factors. Knowledge ofthe applicable guidelines and configuration criteria arethe prerequisites.42 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Trouble shootingenglish9 Trouble shootingPossible fault causes and the tasks to correct these faultsare described in the following section.If faults occur more frequently, the maintenance intervalsmust be shortened to correspond to the actual systemload.Contact the manufacturer if there are faults that cannotbe corrected by following the instructions below; see theservice address on the back of this operating instruction.9.1 SafetyTrouble shootingThe following always applies:4. xx1. For faults that pose a direct danger for personnel andor property immediately execute the emergency-stopfunction.2. Determine the cause of the fault.3. If correction of the fault requires work in the dangerzone, put the machine in set-up mode.4. Immediately inform the responsible parties at theinstallation site of the fault.5. Depending on the type of fault, either have authorizedspecialized personnel correct the fault, or correctit yourself.The trouble shooting table provided below listspersonnel who are authorized to correct the fault.6. If there is a fault that was not caused by the clampingdevice the cause of the fault may be in the machinearea. See the operating manual for the machine inthis regard.Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 43

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Trouble shooting9.2 Trouble shooting tableFault Possible cause Fault correction Corrected byClampingdevice doesnot open orreleasestroke isinsufficientFouling between thedraw mechanism andthe clamping unitRemove the clampingunite, move the drawtubeback and clean thecoupling area [seesection »Disassemblingthe clamping unit«].SpecialistDimensional deviationof the drawtubeadapterCheck the dimensions ofthe drawtube adapterand correct them ifnecessary.SpecialistClampingforce is toolowWork piece is overdimensionedInsufficient hydraulicpressure on theclamping cylinderReplace with a suitableclamping unitCheck the machine sidehydraulic aggregateSpecialistHydraulicspecialistDefective clampingcylinder or blockeddrawtubeContact the machinemanufacturerMachinemanufacturerEccentricdimensionaldeviation onthe workpieceConcentricity error ofthe segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>Check the concentricity atthe taper of thesegmented <strong>mandrel</strong>,correct if necessary [seesection »Checking andadjusting the face runand the concentricity«].SpecialistDimensional Contaminated couplingareaClean the coupling areaof the clamping device[see section »Cleaning«].Specialist44 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Trouble shootingenglishFault Possible cause Fault correction Corrected bydeviation onthe workpieceContaminatedclamping taperDisassemble the clampingunit and clean theclamping taper[see section »Cleaning«].SpecialistFormal defecton the workpieceElastic deformation offeedstock that is subjectto formal defects. Aftermachining theworkpiece returns to itsoriginal form.Use feedstock with fewerformal defects.If technically justifiablyreduce the clampingpressure.SpecialistMarks on theclampingsurfacePoint or linear workpiece clampingReplace with a clampingunit that has a smootherclamping surfaceSpecialistExcessive dimensionaldifference between thework piece diameterand the clamping boreReplace with a clampingunit that has a suitableclamping boreSpecialist9.3 Start-up after corrected faultAfter correcting the fault execute the following steps tostart up again:5. xxx1. Reset the emergency-stop device2. Acknowledge the fault on the machine tool controller3. Ensure that no one is in the danger zone4. Start the machine toolOrder Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 45

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Appendix10 Appendix10.1 Service HotlineOrder HotlineQuickly ordered and delivered. A call is all it takes:+49 [0]7144. 907-333Schedule HotlineCurrent status of your order? Just call:+49 [0]7144. 907-22224h emergency callHas there been a crash or other technical emergency?Our experts are at your service around the clock:+49 [0]7144. 907-44410.2 Representatives in Germany and EuropeThe sales partners and service employees listed beloware available for further consultation or support.Overview of German postal codes:010 – 049 400 – 479 710 – 719 868 – 879060 – 089 480 – 499 720 – 729 880 – 899090 – 189 500 – 549 730 – 739 900 – 914190 – 289 550 – 559 740 – 479 915 – 918290 – 319 560 – 569 750 – 799 919320 – 339 570 – 599 800 – 839 920 – 949340 – 349 600 – 659 840 – 851 950 – 979350 – 369 660 – 699 852 – 866 980 – 999370 – 399 700 – 709 86746 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Appendixenglish10.2.1 GermanyWerner Bock KGCommercial AgencyNeue Reihe 2DE-33699 BielefeldPhone +49 [0]521. 92458-0Fax +49 [0]521. 92458-99E-mail: bockkg@gmx.deInternet: www.werner-bock-kg.deBock & Strothmann <strong>GmbH</strong>Commercial AgencyBerliner Allee 49DE-30855 LangenhagenPhone +49 [0]511. 781068Fax +49 [0]511. 782960E-mail: vertrieb@bockundstrothmann.deInternet: www.bockundstrothmann.deJörg FedtkeSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHKunkelsberg 2DE-45239 EssenPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-661Fax +49 [0]201. 2463-839E-mail: joerg.fedtke@hainbuch.deUwe FischerSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHIm Apfentäle 25DE-72525 Münsingen-AuingenPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-662Fax +49 [0]7381. 183783E-mail: uwe.fischer@hainbuch.deThomas Helfer GbRCommercial AgencyGerwigstraße 4DE-76437 RastattPhone +49 [0]7222. 916231Fax +49 [0]7222. 916240Mobile +49 [0]171. 2032559E-mail: helfer.industrievertretung@t-online.deAnika HensenSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH <strong>GmbH</strong>Erdmannhäuser Straße 57DE-71672 MarbachPhone +49 [0]7144. 9070Fax +49 [0]7144. 18826E-mail: anika.hensen@hainbuch.deThomas HummelSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHWaldstraße 22bDE-93197 ZeitlarnPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-674Fax +49 [0]7144. 907-874E-mail: thomas.hummel@hainbuch.deMichael KoppSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHGögginger Straße 98DE-86199 Augsburg-GöggingenPhone +49 [0]7144. 907672E-mail: michael.kopp@hainbuch.deKünne ZerspanungstechnikCommercial AgencyGrootkoppel 45DE-23858 ReinfeldPhone +49 [0]4533. 208100Fax +49 [0]4533. 208116Mobile +49 [0]170. 9621139E-mail: info@kuenne-zerspanungstechnik.deInternet: www.kuenne-zerspanungstechnik.deHenry MierschSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHFeldstraße 51DE-06917 JessenPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-664Fax +49 [0]3537. 200455E-mail: henry.miersch@hainbuch.deUlrich RemmelCommercial AgencyGildestraße 18DE-58791 WerdohlPhone +49 [0]2392. 9383-0Fax +49 [0]2392. 9383-17E-mail: info@remmel.deInternet: www.remmel.deRenee ReuterSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHBrühlstraße 7DE-73252 LenningenPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-670Fax +49 [0]7026. 371871E-mail: renee.reuter@hainbuch.deOrder Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 47

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. AppendixJörg SchlagSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHHopfenweg 2DE-04420 FrankenhainPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-665Fax +49 [0]341. 9456468E-mail: joerg.schlag@hainbuch.deMichael SimonSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHAm Tannenberg 8DE-63776 MömbrisPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-667Fax +49 [0]6029. 994932E-mail: michael.simon@hainbuch.deThomas KlumppTechnical ConsultantHAINBUCH GMBHHahnbergweg 15DE-72270 BaiersbronnPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-663Fax +49 [0]7144. 291131E-mail: thomas.klumpp@hainbuch.deJörg TittelSales RepresentativeHAINBUCH GMBHWunnensteinstraße 10DE-71711 Steinheim/MurrPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-668Fax +49 [0]7144. 819864E-mail: joerg.tittel@hainbuch.deCarsten ZanderTechnical ConsultantHAINBUCH GMBHFriedrich-Ebert-Straße 9DE-31848 Bad MünderPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-669Fax +49 [0]5042. 506751E-mail: carsten.zander@hainbuch.de10.2.2 EuropeAustriaGGW Gruber & Co. <strong>GmbH</strong>Kolingasse 61090 ViennaPhone +43 [0]1. 3107596-0Fax +43 [0]1. 3107596-31E-mail: ggw@gruber-ing.atInternet: www.gruber-ing.atCzech Republic, SlovakiaTMC CR s.r.o.Masná 27/960200 BrnoPhone +420 548214572Fax +420 548217219E-mail: info@tmccr.czInternet: www.tmccr.czBelgiumBIS Technics bvba/sprlZevenputtenstraat 203690 ZutendaalPhone +32 89518890Fax +32 89518899E-mail: info@bistechnics.comInternet: www.bistechnics.comDenmarkJørn B. Herringe A/SRamsømagleSyvvejen 314621 GadstrupPhone +45 46170000Fax +45 46170001E-mail: sales@jbh-tools.dkInternet: www.jbh-tools.dk48 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. AppendixenglishEstonia, Latvia, LithuaniaDV-Tools OÜPeterburi tee 34/411415 TallinnPhone +372 6030508Fax +372 6030508E-mail: info@dv-tools.eeFranceHAINBUCH France SNCEquipements de machines-outilsZI Lons-Perrigny1600, Route de la Lième39570 Lons-le-SaunierPhone +33 384876666Fax +33 384876677E-mail: info@hainbuch.frInternet: www.hainbuch.comGreat BritainHAINBUCH UK Ltd.6 NewmarketKeys Business Village, Keys Park RoadHednesford, StaffordshireWS12 2HAPhone +44 1543 478710Fax +44 1543 478711Mobile +44 7980212784E-mail: nick.peter@hainbuch.co.ukInternet: www.hainbuch.comGreecePAPET Papadopoulos GbRHauptstraße 75DE-73061 Ebersbach/FilsPhone +49 71635858/530668Fax +49 716352265E-mail: paris@papet-technologies.deIrelandMachine Shop & Engineering Supplies Ltd.11 Vale View Lawn - The ParkCabinteely, Dublin 18Phone +353 12847003Fax +353 12857955E-mail: machshop@indigo.ieFinlandOy Maanterä AbPL 70 Keinumäenkuja 201510 VantaaPhone +358 29006130Fax +358 290061130E-mail: maantera@maantera.fiInternet: www.maantera.fiFranceRepresentative for: Haute SavoieUtilis France Sarl597, Avenue du Mont Blanc74460 MarnazPhone +33 450963630Fax +33 450963793E-mail: contact@utilis.comInternet: www.utilis.comGreat BritainLeader Chuck Systems Ltd.9 Century ParkBirmingham, B9 4 NZPhone +44 1217714843Fax +44 1217710966E-mail: information@leaderchuck.comInternet: www.leaderchuck.comHungaryGGW Gruber & Co. <strong>GmbH</strong>Kolingasse 61090 ViennaPhone +43 [0]1. 3107596-0Fax +43 [0]1. 3107596-31E-mail: ggw@gruber-ing.atInternet: www.gruber-ing.atItalyHAINBUCH Italia srlVia Caduti di Nassiriya 522036 Cantu [Co]Phone +39 0313355351Fax +39 031611570E-mail: info@hainbuchitalia.itInternet: www.hainbuchitalia.itOrder Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 49

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. AppendixNetherlandsBIS Specials[Brandenburg Industry Service Dongen BV]Dreef 76996 BA DremptPhone +31 313482566Fax +31 313482569E-mail: info@bisspecials.comInternet: www.bisspecials.comPolandBIM Sp.z.o.o.ul. Wysogotowska 962081 PrzezmierowoPhone +48 616232041Fax +48 616232040E-mail: bim@bazafirm.plRussiaLLC Rosna EngineeringMelnichnaya 4192019 St. PetersburgPhone +812 4129213Fax +812 4125586E-mail: rosna@rosna.spb.ruInternet: www.rosna.spb.ruSwedenHAINBUCH Svenska ABKemistvägen 1718379 TäbyPhone +46 87327550Fax +46 87327650E-mail: hainbuch@hainbuch.seInternet: www.hainbuch.comTurkeyHidkomOrganize Sanayi Bölgesi75. Yil CD. Demirciler Sit. B Blok No.216159 Nilüfer / BursaPhone +90 2242438292Fax +90 2242436365E-mail: hidkom@tr.netInternet: www.hidkom.comNorwayOnstad Maskin A/SChr. H. Blomsgt. 133717 SkienPhone +47 35532373/74Fax +47 35532375E-mail: postmaster@onstadmaskin.noInternet: www.onstadmaskin.noRomaniaBanatech srlCarasului Str. 26325400 CaransebesPhone +40 255517175Fax +40 355814125Mobile +40 749220553E-mail: office@banatech.roInternet: www.banatech.roSpainATM Asistentes Tecnologicos delMecanizado, S. L.Isaac Albeniz, 2908402 Granollers [Barcelona]Phone +34 938606572Fax +34 938791689E-mail: atm.sl@atmbarcelona.comSwitzerlandUtilis Müllheim AGPräzisionswerkzeugeKreuzlinger Strasse 22CH-8555 MüllheimPhone +41 [0]52. 7626262Fax +41 [0]52. 7626200E-mail: nfo@utilis.comInternet: www.utilis.com50 Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333

Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong> <strong>T812</strong>. Indexenglish11 IndexAAccessories.............................................optional.........................................19Assembly................................................Concentricity and face run...............28Draw tube adapter....................26, 36Flange............................................27Preparations...................................25Segmented clamping bushing...........30Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>........................28Work piece end-stop.......................31BBolt torque..........................................42Brief description..................................19CCleaning............................................39Control of the stroke position................32DDimensional sheet...............................18Disassembly............................................Flange............................................36Segmented clamping bushing...........35Segmented <strong>mandrel</strong>........................35Work piece end-stop.......................34Disposal.............................................37EEnvironmental protection......................16GGrease...............................................20IIntended use.........................................9MMaintenance schedule.........................41OOperating conditions...........................17Overview...........................................19PPackaging..........................................23Personal protective equipment..................Hard hat........................................11Protective gloves.............................11Protective goggles...........................11Protective work clothing...................11Safety footwear...............................11Personnel requirements..........................8Power specifications............................17Preservation........................................40RRepresentatives.......................................Europe...........................................48Germany........................................47SScope of delivery..................................7Segmented clamping bushing...............20Spare parts...........................................7Special dangers..................................12Storing...............................................24Structure.............................................19Subsequent storage.............................33Symbols on the packaging...................21TTransport inspection............................21Transport, inner-company....................22Trouble shooting.................................43Trouble shooting table.........................44Type designation.................................18UUnpacking..........................................22WWork piece end-stop...........................20Order Hotline +49 [0]7144. 907-333 51

SPANNENDE TECHNIKHAINBUCH GMBHSPANNENDE TECHNIKPO Box 1262 · DE-71667 MarbachErdmannhäuser Straße 57 · DE-71672 MarbachPhone +49 [0]7144. 907-0Fax +49 [0]7144. 18826verkauf@hainbuch.dewww.hainbuch.com24h-Emergency call +49 [0]7144. 907-44403.2012 Part no.: 80001/0174 Subject to technical modifications

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