2006 NBAA Annual Report

2006 NBAA Annual Report 2006 NBAA Annual Report


SUPPORTING BUSINESS AVIATION WITH WORLD-CLASS INDUSTRY EVENTSHosting industry-leading Conventions, Regional Forums, Seminars andother events is at the heart of NBAA’s mission.Taken together, the events coordinated by NBAA bring togethera global community of business leaders, government officials, manufacturers,corporate aviation department personnel, single-pilotoperations and all manner of people involved in nearly every aspectof business aviation.Time and again, NBAA Members tell the Association that theseevents provide unmatched opportunities for buying and selling,networking, education and other benefits.Members also recognize NBAA’s work to locate the events in cities withsufficient airline service and adequate, value-oriented transportation andlodging accommodations. Furthermore, Members place a high priority onthe compelling speakers and topics featured at NBAA venues.In 2006, NBAA continued in this tradition, holding dozens of eventsin all corners of the U.S. and overseas. The business aviation communityagain showed record levels of support for NBAA’s offerings –attendance, exhibitor and other records were shattered at nearly all ofthe venues. The following is just a sampling of highlights from NBAA’sevents over the past year.NBAA 58th Annual Meeting & ConventionNBAA’s Annual Meeting & Convention is the premier event andannual meeting place for the business aviation community. Despitea last-minute date and location change for the NBAA 58th AnnualMeeting & Convention in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, theshow drew an excellent turnout, with a final total of 28,269Attendees. During the show, a record-setting 1,142 ExhibitingCompanies displayed their products and services in 4,815 10-footby 10-foot exhibit spaces in Orlando’s Orange County ConventionCenter. The Static Display of Aircraft at Orlando Executive Airport alsofeatured 110 state-of-the-art business aircraft, and many of the 75Informational Sessions drew overflow crowds.6th Annual European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition(EBACE2006)EBACE, which is jointly organized by NBAA and the EuropeanBusiness Aviation Association (EBAA), is the only European eventfocusing exclusively on business aviation. Despite its European location,EBACE Attendees come from as far as Africa, Asia, the Middle Eastand North America.EBACE posted its strongest-ever showing in 2006. Held from May 3 to5 in Geneva, the event, in its sixth year, was the strongest in the show’shistory. EBACE2006 drew 9,743 Attendees, a 27-percent increase overthe previous year’s attendance figure. A total of 292 Exhibitorsdisplayed their products and services in 1,206 booth spaces on nearly22,000 square meters of indoor exhibit space at Geneva Palexpo, and52 static aircraft were displayed at Geneva International Airport.NBAA 17th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers ConferenceThe Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, NBAA’s largest Seminar,gives business aviation schedulers and dispatchers the most up-to-dateinformation on issues related to their role in corporate flight departments.A record-breaking 2,200 people were in attendance at theNBAA 17th Annual Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, heldJanuary 25 through 27, 2006, in San Antonio, TX – the attendancefigure represented an increase of more than 45 percent over the 2005total. The event’s Exhibitor count also grew significantly, from 275exhibits in 2005 to 322 in 2006, a 17-percent increase. The venueoffered 30 distinct workshops and breakout sessions designed to helpschedulers and dispatchers – from beginners to seasoned pros –enhance their professionalism.NBAA Business Aviation Regional ForumsNBAA’s Business Aviation Regional Forums bring business aircraftowners, operators, manufacturers, customers and other industrypersonnel together for a one-day event at some of the best airportsand FBOs in the nation and abroad. These day-long learning andnetworking experiences are designed to meet the needs of theregional business aviation community and to provide an introductionto local business leaders interested in learning more about businessaviation. Over the past year, the Regional Forums were in highdemand as exemplified in the following three events:• Washington, DC, June 8, 2006 – More than 800 people attendedNBAA’s Business Aviation Regional Forum held June 8 at theLandmark Aviation facility on Washington Dulles International Airport(IAD). The event featured more than 50 Exhibitors, 20 static aircraftand several briefings of interest to the business aviation community.• Dallas, TX, April 13, 2006 – The Dallas Regional Forum was thelargest Regional Forum NBAA has ever held. The event drew morethan 1,100 people to the Business Jet Center facility on Dallas LoveField (DAL) in Texas, where over 80 Exhibitors and 25 businessaircraft were on display.• Denver, CO, September 15, 2005 – Approximately 800 Attendeesparticipated in the Denver Regional Forum held at the TAC Airfacility on Centennial Airport. Altogether there were 72 Exhibitorsand 18 static aircraft on display.10 2006 NBAA ANNUAL REPORT


SUPPORTING BUSINESS AVIATION WITH WORLD-CLASS INDUSTRY EVENTSHosting industry-leading Conventions, Regional Forums, Seminars andother events is at the heart of <strong>NBAA</strong>’s mission.Taken together, the events coordinated by <strong>NBAA</strong> bring togethera global community of business leaders, government officials, manufacturers,corporate aviation department personnel, single-pilotoperations and all manner of people involved in nearly every aspectof business aviation.Time and again, <strong>NBAA</strong> Members tell the Association that theseevents provide unmatched opportunities for buying and selling,networking, education and other benefits.Members also recognize <strong>NBAA</strong>’s work to locate the events in cities withsufficient airline service and adequate, value-oriented transportation andlodging accommodations. Furthermore, Members place a high priority onthe compelling speakers and topics featured at <strong>NBAA</strong> venues.In <strong>2006</strong>, <strong>NBAA</strong> continued in this tradition, holding dozens of eventsin all corners of the U.S. and overseas. The business aviation communityagain showed record levels of support for <strong>NBAA</strong>’s offerings –attendance, exhibitor and other records were shattered at nearly all ofthe venues. The following is just a sampling of highlights from <strong>NBAA</strong>’sevents over the past year.<strong>NBAA</strong> 58th <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting & Convention<strong>NBAA</strong>’s <strong>Annual</strong> Meeting & Convention is the premier event andannual meeting place for the business aviation community. Despitea last-minute date and location change for the <strong>NBAA</strong> 58th <strong>Annual</strong>Meeting & Convention in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, theshow drew an excellent turnout, with a final total of 28,269Attendees. During the show, a record-setting 1,142 ExhibitingCompanies displayed their products and services in 4,815 10-footby 10-foot exhibit spaces in Orlando’s Orange County ConventionCenter. The Static Display of Aircraft at Orlando Executive Airport alsofeatured 110 state-of-the-art business aircraft, and many of the 75Informational Sessions drew overflow crowds.6th <strong>Annual</strong> European Business Aviation Convention & Exhibition(EBACE<strong>2006</strong>)EBACE, which is jointly organized by <strong>NBAA</strong> and the EuropeanBusiness Aviation Association (EBAA), is the only European eventfocusing exclusively on business aviation. Despite its European location,EBACE Attendees come from as far as Africa, Asia, the Middle Eastand North America.EBACE posted its strongest-ever showing in <strong>2006</strong>. Held from May 3 to5 in Geneva, the event, in its sixth year, was the strongest in the show’shistory. EBACE<strong>2006</strong> drew 9,743 Attendees, a 27-percent increase overthe previous year’s attendance figure. A total of 292 Exhibitorsdisplayed their products and services in 1,206 booth spaces on nearly22,000 square meters of indoor exhibit space at Geneva Palexpo, and52 static aircraft were displayed at Geneva International Airport.<strong>NBAA</strong> 17th <strong>Annual</strong> Schedulers & Dispatchers ConferenceThe Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, <strong>NBAA</strong>’s largest Seminar,gives business aviation schedulers and dispatchers the most up-to-dateinformation on issues related to their role in corporate flight departments.A record-breaking 2,200 people were in attendance at the<strong>NBAA</strong> 17th <strong>Annual</strong> Schedulers & Dispatchers Conference, heldJanuary 25 through 27, <strong>2006</strong>, in San Antonio, TX – the attendancefigure represented an increase of more than 45 percent over the 2005total. The event’s Exhibitor count also grew significantly, from 275exhibits in 2005 to 322 in <strong>2006</strong>, a 17-percent increase. The venueoffered 30 distinct workshops and breakout sessions designed to helpschedulers and dispatchers – from beginners to seasoned pros –enhance their professionalism.<strong>NBAA</strong> Business Aviation Regional Forums<strong>NBAA</strong>’s Business Aviation Regional Forums bring business aircraftowners, operators, manufacturers, customers and other industrypersonnel together for a one-day event at some of the best airportsand FBOs in the nation and abroad. These day-long learning andnetworking experiences are designed to meet the needs of theregional business aviation community and to provide an introductionto local business leaders interested in learning more about businessaviation. Over the past year, the Regional Forums were in highdemand as exemplified in the following three events:• Washington, DC, June 8, <strong>2006</strong> – More than 800 people attended<strong>NBAA</strong>’s Business Aviation Regional Forum held June 8 at theLandmark Aviation facility on Washington Dulles International Airport(IAD). The event featured more than 50 Exhibitors, 20 static aircraftand several briefings of interest to the business aviation community.• Dallas, TX, April 13, <strong>2006</strong> – The Dallas Regional Forum was thelargest Regional Forum <strong>NBAA</strong> has ever held. The event drew morethan 1,100 people to the Business Jet Center facility on Dallas LoveField (DAL) in Texas, where over 80 Exhibitors and 25 businessaircraft were on display.• Denver, CO, September 15, 2005 – Approximately 800 Attendeesparticipated in the Denver Regional Forum held at the TAC Airfacility on Centennial Airport. Altogether there were 72 Exhibitorsand 18 static aircraft on display.10 <strong>2006</strong> <strong>NBAA</strong> ANNUAL REPORT

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