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(415) 822-1000 HOME (415) - San Francisco Police Officers ...


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December 1982 - SAN FRANCISCO POLICEMAN Page 19<br />

Feinstein wants police to take f ill) 4 A .1-t 9 4;<br />

a lesson from.Tokyo<br />

ByJii.n Kelly they use individual shields. no sprinkler system." grant gay and lesbian couples<br />

They may not have to learn Most of the squad cars looked In a news conference yester- the same standing with City<br />

Japanese, but Mayor Dianne new:' day that ranged over four agenices as husbands and wives<br />

Feinstein wants the <strong>San</strong> Fran- Kobans - "Two years ago issues. Feinstein also said: - "I want to meet first with<br />

cisco police force to take the Japan Trade Center here 'She would veto a total ban public health officials who say<br />

lessons from their Tokyo urged that we consider these on condominium conversions if they have information on how<br />

counterpart in just about mini police stations for our the Board of Supervisors the measure would affect that<br />

everything else. neighborhoods. We didn't have yesterday stuck with its deci- department."<br />

Feinstein returned to her the manpower then, and now sion of last week to halt all con- Short of copying Tokyo's<br />

desk yesterday, rested after a we have 300 more officers. I'm versions except those applied kobans, Feinstein said she<br />

week in Japan, to sing the going to have our department for in 1982 and community- would "speak to the <strong>Police</strong><br />

praises. of Tokyo's police for study the system works so owned and stock cooperative Commission about an increase<br />

their: well." (The mayor had earlier units. Reluctant to embrace it in the number of police walking<br />

Supervision - "Each disclosed she would send Chief entirely, the mayor saw merit beats in our neighborhoods.<br />

supervising officer is held Cornelius Murphy to Tokyo.) in another proposal "if it is I'm a great believer in beats.<br />

responsible for the per- I"For instance, one of our amended." She said a two-year "The value of kobans is that<br />

formance of his own men." party had his pocket picked. moratorium on conversions officers assigned to them know<br />

Crowd control - "It's the We went to the nearest koban, went too far in asking a limit of the immediate area and the<br />

finest I've ever seen. We saw reported it, and an undercover 200 per year through 1984. people in it. They walk around,<br />

demonstrations and how they unit was sent out immediate- - 'Reported Japanese tour knock on doors, make<br />

were handled. We can learn ly," the Mayor commented., operators impressed with her themselves known, learn<br />

from them." Attribution - "While we personal appeal to revive <strong>San</strong> what's going on. It's a different<br />

Training - "Each police were there, TokyO police ar- <strong>Francisco</strong>'s lagging trade from culture, but we, can learn from<br />

officer has to spend a full year rested the 'manager and staff that country— "I was the first it."<br />

in school before going out on of the New Japan Hotel, where mayor ever to come and thank Feinstein added, "No questhe<br />

streets." a fire killed 33 people. The them for what they've done for tion, the system makes for less<br />

Equipment - "Tokyo staff and manager were charg- us. They were appreciative." of an adversary relationship<br />

police were superbly equipped. ed with involuntary 'Declined comment on between people and police.<br />

Each officer seemed to have' a manslaughter for failing to Supervisor Harry Britt's pro- The public cooperates when<br />

walkie-talkie radio. For riots help the guests and for having posed ordinance that would there's an investigation."<br />

Editor's Report<br />

People and the <strong>Police</strong><br />

By Chuck Wilfong<br />

Managing Editor<br />

Having lived in Japan for more than four years, I became<br />

very much aware of the merits of the "koban" system of<br />

police protection as referenced by Mayor Feinstein upon<br />

her recent return from Tok yo. Mayor Feinstein is interested<br />

in a closer look at the system with possible implementation<br />

in <strong>San</strong> <strong>Francisco</strong>.<br />

Like tiny match boxes scattered throughout heavily.<br />

populated areas of Japan's big cities, police occupy these<br />

structures containing only the minimum of security protection<br />

and personal needs: chair, small desk, light, telephone - -<br />

and heater.<br />

Manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week, the "koban"<br />

system maintains a close-in watch over a prescribed small<br />

area of the general residential section of the city.<br />

The system serves a dual purpose- It providesthe<br />

residents with 24-hour survelliance close at hand, for per.<br />

sonal and property security, in addition to watchful eyes in<br />

ease of fire.<br />

With these small police stations manned continually,<br />

residents get to know the neighborhood police on a first<br />

name basis. The 'koban" thus becoes m an integral part of<br />

the people, their neighborhood and the police.<br />

Should a crisis arise at any hour of the day and night,<br />

residents know immediately where to go. The response<br />

time for help is a matter of minutes.<br />

Even children, at, a very early age, are taught the importance<br />

of the system and become aware of the police<br />

locations<br />

The "koban" system is very effective in Japan as it<br />

builds daily a closer relationship between the poepie and<br />

police.<br />

Trust and awareness are the inherent values of<br />

"koban."<br />


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Reprinted from S.F. Progress November 23, 1982,<br />

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REMEMBER - When you retire, contact the P.O.A. Insurance Department<br />

and notify them. They will instruct you as What to do about your<br />

Insurance Coverages.<br />

11<br />


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