contract data requirements list - Air Force Freedom of Information Act

contract data requirements list - Air Force Freedom of Information Act

contract data requirements list - Air Force Freedom of Information Act


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CONTRACT DATA REQUIREMENTS LISTForm ApprovedOMB NO. 0704-D188(1 Data Item)Public reporting burden for this collection <strong>of</strong> information is estimated to average 440 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searchingexisting <strong>data</strong> sources, gathering and maintaining the <strong>data</strong> needed, and completing and reviewing the collection <strong>of</strong> information. Send comments regarding thisburden estimate or any other aspect <strong>of</strong> this collection <strong>of</strong> information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department <strong>of</strong> Defense, WashingtonHeadquarters Services, Directorate for <strong>Information</strong> Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to theOffice <strong>of</strong> Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either <strong>of</strong> theseaddresses. Send completed form to the Government Issuing Contracting Officer for the Contract/PR No. <strong>list</strong>ed in Block E.A. Contract Line Item No. B. Exhibit: A C. Category:TDP _________ TM ____________ OTHER ____X____D. System/Item: 554 ELSG/KSL Technical Services E. Contract/Pr No. F. Contractor:1. Data Item No.:A0012. Title <strong>of</strong> Data Item:STATUS REPORT3. Subtitle:Monthly Status Report4. Authority (Data Acquisition Document No.):DI-MGMT-803687. DD 250Req: LT9. Dist. StatementB10. Frequency:Monthly5. Contract Reference:PWS Paragraph 6.312. Date <strong>of</strong> FirstSubmission: See Blk 1614. Distribution:b. Copies:6. Requiring Office:554 ELSG/KSL8. APPCode: N/AN/A11. As <strong>of</strong> Date:See Blk 1613. Date <strong>of</strong> SubsequentSubmission: See Blk 16Finala. Addressee: Draft Reg Repro16. Remarks: 554 ELSG/KSL 0 1 075 CONS/PKA 0 1* 0BLOCK 4: Contractor format is acceptable., however the report shall be segmented byTask Order.BLOCK 9: All documentation shall be marked as follows: “Distribution authorized toU.S. Government Agencies only, Proprietary <strong>Information</strong>, 27 Aug 2007. Other requests forthis document shall be referred to 554 ELSG/KSL. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy byany method that will prevent disclosure <strong>of</strong> contents or reconstruction <strong>of</strong> the document.”BLOCKS 11, 12, & 13: An initial status report shall be delivered after the first full calendarmonth <strong>of</strong> performance. Subsequent reports shall be delivered within 5 working days <strong>of</strong> theend <strong>of</strong> each subsequent month.BLOCK 14: Unless otherwise specified, submission will provided electronically (s<strong>of</strong>t copy)In Micros<strong>of</strong>t Word Document format.Approval automatic unless notified in writing by the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> within 10 calendar days afterdelivery. If disapproved, the <strong>contract</strong>or shall resubmit within five (5) working days.*Letter <strong>of</strong> submission onlyG. Prepared By:Tag Choate554 ELSG/KSLH. DATE27 Aug 200715. TOTAL 0 2 0I. Approved By: J. Date:1

CONTRACT DATA REQUIREMENTS LISTForm ApprovedOMB NO. 0704-D188(1 Data Item)Public reporting burden for this collection <strong>of</strong> information is estimated to average 440 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searchingexisting <strong>data</strong> sources, gathering and maintaining the <strong>data</strong> needed, and completing and reviewing the collection <strong>of</strong> information. Send comments regarding thisburden estimate or any other aspect <strong>of</strong> this collection <strong>of</strong> information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department <strong>of</strong> Defense, WashingtonHeadquarters Services, Directorate for <strong>Information</strong> Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to theOffice <strong>of</strong> Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either <strong>of</strong> theseaddresses. Send completed form to the Government Issuing Contracting Officer for the Contract/PR No. <strong>list</strong>ed in Block E.A. Contract Line Item No. B. Exhibit: A C. Category:TDP TM OTHER X____D. System/Item: 554 ELSG/KSL Technical Services E. Contract/Pr No. F. Contractor:1. Data Item No.:A0022. Title <strong>of</strong> Data Item:PERFORMANCE & COST REPORT3. Subtitle:4. Authority (Data Acquisition Document No.):DI-FNCL-809127. DD 250Req: LT8. APPCode: N9. Dist. StatementB10. Frequency:MONTHLY11. As <strong>of</strong> Date:See Blk 165. Contract Reference:PWS Paragraph 6.412. Date <strong>of</strong> FirstSubmission: See Blk 1613. Date <strong>of</strong> SubsequentSubmission: See Blk 1614. Distribution:b. Copies:6. Requiring Office:554 ELSG/KSLFinala. Addressee: Draft Reg Repro16. Remarks 554 ELSG/KSL 0 1 075 CONS/PKA 0 1* 0Block 4: Performance & Cost <strong>data</strong> shall be entered into a tracking spreadsheet available on ashared drive.BLOCK 9: All documentation shall be marked as follows: “Distribution authorized toU.S. Government Agencies only, Proprietary <strong>Information</strong>, 27 Aug 2007. Other requests forthis document shall be referred to 554 ELSG/KSL. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy byany method that will prevent disclosure <strong>of</strong> contents or reconstruction <strong>of</strong> the document.”BLOCKS 11, 12, & 13: An initial cost report shall be delivered after the first full calendarmonth <strong>of</strong> performance. Subsequent reports shall be delivered within 5 working days <strong>of</strong> theend <strong>of</strong> each subsequent month or billing period (if other than monthly).BLOCK 14: Approval automatic unless notified in writing by the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> within 10calendar days after delivery. If disapproved, the <strong>contract</strong>or shall resubmit within five (5)working days.*Letter <strong>of</strong> submission onlyG. Prepared By:Tag Choate554 ELSG/KSLH. DATE27 Aug 200715. TOTAL 0 2* 0I. Approved By: J. Date:2

CONTRACT DATA REQUIREMENTS LISTForm ApprovedOMB NO. 0704-D188(1 Data Item)Public reporting burden for this collection <strong>of</strong> information is estimated to average 440 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searchingexisting <strong>data</strong> sources, gathering and maintaining the <strong>data</strong> needed, and completing and reviewing the collection <strong>of</strong> information. Send comments regarding thisburden estimate or any other aspect <strong>of</strong> this collection <strong>of</strong> information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to Department <strong>of</strong> Defense, WashingtonHeadquarters Services, Directorate for <strong>Information</strong> Operations and Reports, 1215 Jefferson Davis Highway, Suite 1204, Arlington, VA 22202-4302, and to theOffice <strong>of</strong> Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduction Project (0704-0188) Washington, DC 20503. Please DO NOT RETURN your form to either <strong>of</strong> theseaddresses. Send completed form to the Government Issuing Contracting Officer for the Contract/PR No. <strong>list</strong>ed in Block E.A. Contract Line Item No. B. Exhibit: A C. Category:TDP TM OTHER X___D. System/Item Legacy Contracting System Support E. Contract/Pr No. F. Contractor:1. Data Item No.:A0032. Title <strong>of</strong> Data Item:CONFERENCE MINUTES3. Subtitle:Trip Report4. Authority (Data Acquisition Document No.):DI-ADMIN-81250A7. DD 250Req: LT8. APPCode: NA9. Dist. StatementB10. Frequency:See Blk 1611. As <strong>of</strong> Date:See Blk 165. Contract Reference:PWS Paragraph 6.512. Date <strong>of</strong> FirstSubmission: See Blk 1613. Date <strong>of</strong> SubsequentSubmission: See Blk 1614. Distribution:b. Copies:6. Requiring Office:554 ELSG/KSLFinala. Addressee: Draft Reg Repro16. Remarks 554 ELSGKSL 0 1 075 CONS/PKA 0 1* 0Block 4: Contractor format is acceptable. The Trip Report shall identify the significant,work related activities taken while traveling, any significant issues, and the final total cost.BLOCK 9: All documentation shall be marked as follows: “Distribution authorized toU.S. Government Agencies only, Proprietary <strong>Information</strong>, 27 Aug 2007. Other requests forthis document shall be referred to 554 ELSG/KSL. DESTRUCTION NOTICE: Destroy byany method that will prevent disclosure <strong>of</strong> contents or reconstruction <strong>of</strong> the document.”Block 10, 11, 12, 13: Report shall be provided 5 business days after returning from each tripApproval automatic unless notified in writing by the <strong>Air</strong> <strong>Force</strong> within 10 calendar days afterdelivery. If disapproved, the <strong>contract</strong>or shall resubmit within five (5) working days.Block 14: Unless otherwise specified, submission will provided electronically (s<strong>of</strong>t copy)In Micros<strong>of</strong>t Word format.*Letter <strong>of</strong> submission onlyG. Prepared By:Tag Choate554 ELSG/KSLH. DATE27 Aug 200715. TOTAL 0 2* 0I. Approved By: J. Date:3

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