Policy Wording - Great Eastern

Policy Wording - Great Eastern Policy Wording - Great Eastern

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(b) damage to property belonging to or in the charge of or under thecontrol of the Insured or a member of the Insured’s Family and / ordomestic servant or of a person in and under a contract of serviceor contract for service verbal or otherwise with the Insured.(c) Bodily Injury or damage arising out of or incidental to:-(i) the Insured’s profession or business.(ii) the use of lifts, elevators, motor vehicles, watercraft, aircraftor aerial devices.(iii) any commodity, article or thing supplied, repaired, altered ortreated by or to the order of the Insured and/or his Familyand/or domestic servant (excluding food and beverageserved for consumption by the Insured and/or his Family and/or domestic servant in the Building).(iv) any dogs, or animals wild or domesticated kept by the Insuredand/or a member of his Family or household as pets.(d) any liability, which attaches by virtue of an agreement but whichwould not have attached in the absence of such agreement.(e) any liability resulting directly or indirectly from the transmissionof any communicable disease by the Insured or members of hisFamily, domestic maid or pets.(f) any liability in respect of bodily injury and loss or damage causedby or in connection with or arising from alterations, additions andrepairs to the Building and/or whilst the Building is undergoingrenovation or construction.(g) loss of or damage caused by or arising from or in connection withvibration or interference with support of land, building or otherproperty or subsidence or any earth movement.TERRITORIAL LIMITS(a) Anywhere in the Republic of Singapore(b) Worldwide excluding USA and/or Canada, its territories orpossessions in respect of travel abroad provided such travel shall notexceed ninety (90) consecutive days in any one period of insuranceJURISDICTION CLAUSEThe indemnity period provided by Section 2 shall only apply in respectof judgments, which are in the first instance delivered by or obtainedfrom a Court of competent jurisdiction in the Republic of Singapore.SECTION 3 – WORLDWIDE PERSONAL ACCIDENTFor the purpose of this Section the expression “the Insured” shallbe deemed to include the legal spouse of the Insured and up to 3biological or legally adopted Children.If the Insured shall sustain Bodily Injury caused by Accident whilst atthe Territorial Limits defined herein and if such Bodily Injury shall withinthree (3) calendar months and independent of any other cause resultin the death or permanent disablement of the Insured, the Corporationwill pay the Sum Insured stated in the Schedule in accordance with theTable of Benefits described hereunder. In the event of the death of theInsured, payment will be made to his legal representatives.The aggregate of all percentages payable under death andpermanent disablement benefit in respect of any Accident shall notexceed 100%. Any claim payable under Section 3 shall be reduced bya sum equal to any claim payable under permanent disablementbenefit in respect of the same Accident.The aggregate of all percentages payable under this Section inrespect of any one Accident shall not exceed 100%.AGE LIMITThe benefits under Section 3 shall be automatically terminated uponthe Insured attaining 70 years of age.Table of BenefitsDeath and Permanent Disablement BenefitPercentages ofCompensationor Sum Insuredas specified inSection 3 of theScheduleDeath100%ORPermanent Disablement1. Total paralysis 100%2. Total & Permanent Loss of all sight in one or100%both eyes3. Total Loss by physical severance or Total & PermanentLoss of use of:(a) one or both hands at wrist(b) arm at shoulder(c) arm between shoulder and elbow100%(d) arm at or below elbow(e) leg at hip(f) leg between knee & hip(g) leg at or below knee4. Total & Permanent Loss of(a) sight in one eye except perception of light(b) lens of one eye5. Total Loss by physical severance or Total & PermanentLoss of use of:(a) thumb & fingers of one hand(b) 4 fingers of one hand(c) thumb – 2 phalanges(d) index finger– 1 phalanx– 3 phalanges– 2 phalanges– 1 phalanx(e) middle finger – 3 phalanges– 2 phalanges– 1 phalanx(f) ring finger(g) little finger– 3 phalanges– 2 phalanges– 1 phalanx– 3 phalanges– 2 phalanges– 1 phalanx(h) all toes of one foot(i) great toe – 2 phalanges– 1 phalanx(j) any other toe6.Total & Permanent Loss of(a) hearing in both ears(b) hearing in one ear50%50%40%25%10%15%10%5%10%7%3%10%7%3%10%7%3%18%6%3%3%75%20%7. Total & Permanent Loss of Speech 50%MEDICAL EXPENSESThe Corporation will indemnify the Insured, his spouse and up to 3biological or legally adopted children up to an amount specified onthe Schedule for any one (1) Accident in respect of medical, surgical,hospital, nursing home and nursing fees and charges necessarily and4 ValueHome CoverMay 2013

easonably incurred as a result of Bodily Injury sustained by the Insuredin an Accident caused by any of the Insured Perils whilst in the Building.Provided that such medical or surgical treatment is administeredor prescribed by a Medical Practitioner and or a Chinese Physicianand that all such expenses is incurred by the Insured within twelve(12) months from the date of Accident causing the bodily injury withthe first such expense being incurred by the Insured within four (4)weeks of the date of the Accident causing the Bodily Injury.TERRITORIAL LIMITS(a) Anywhere in the Republic of Singapore(b) Worldwide excluding USA and/or Canada, its territories orpossessions in respect of travel abroad provided such travel shall notexceed ninety (90) consecutive days in any one period of insuranceEXCLUSIONS TO SECTION 3The Corporation shall not be liable for any claims caused by orresulting from any one or more of the following:(a) intoxication by alcohol, narcotics or drugs (unless administeredunder the order of a Hospital or a qualified Medical Practitioner).(b) suicide or any attempt thereat, intentional self-injury, insanityof any degree, conversion disorders, psychosomatic illnesses ornervous or mental disorders of any kind, intemperance, drughabit, venereal disease, acquired immuno deficiency syndrome(AIDS) or AIDS related complex or any consequence thereof.(c) deliberate exposure to needless danger (except in an attempt tosave human life) or pre-existing physical defect or infirmity ormedical condition.(d) pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or any complications thereof.(e) engaged in ice or winter sports, big game hunting, mountaineering(with the use of ropes or guides), polo-playing, hand-gliding,skiing, tobogganing, bob-sleighing, speed or endurance tests,rock-climbing, scuba or skin diving or any underwater activities,motor-rally or racing of any kind other than on foot, professionalsports, any aerial activities (whether suspended or not), and theoccupational use of power-driven woodworking machinery.(f) while traveling in an aircraft or seacraft as a member of the crewor for the purpose of undertaking any technical operation ornavigation therein or thereon.(g) active or direct participation in strike, riot and civil commotion.(h) any kind of disease, sickness, parasite or infection other than bacterialinfection occurring in consequence of an Accidental cut or wound.(i) direct or indirect consequence of any illness.(j) while on duty or service in any of the armed forces or armeduniformed groups (unless on reservist service within Singapore).(k) dental care or surgery, cosmetic or plastic surgery exceptnecessitated by Bodily Injury.GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (applicable to all sections)The Corporation shall not be liable in respect of :1. any Accident loss damage expense or liability directly or indirectlycaused by or arising from or in consequence of or contributed to by:(a) nuclear weapon material.(b) ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from anynuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustionof nuclear fuel and solely for the purpose of this GeneralExclusion 1 (b) combustion shall include any self sustainingprocess of nuclear fission.2. any loss (whether temporary or permanent) of the insured propertyor any part thereof by reason of confiscation requisition detention orlegal or illegal occupation of such property or any premises vehicleor thing containing the same by any government authorities.3. any Accidental loss damage expense liability or Bodily Injuryoccasioned by or through or in consequence directly or indirectly of:(a) war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlikeoperations (whether war be declared or not)(b) civil war, mutiny military or popular uprising insurrectionrebellion revolution military or usurped power martial law orstate of siege or any of the events or causes, which determine theproclamation, or maintenance of martial law or state of siege(c) any act of any person or persons acting on behalf of or inconnection with any organisation the objects of which are toinclude the overthrowing or influencing of any de jure or defacto government by terrorism or by any violent means.In any action suit or other proceeding where the Corporation allegesthat by reason of the provisions of this General Exceptionany Accidental loss damage expense liability or Bodily Injury is notcovered by this insurance the burden of proving that such Accidentalloss damage expense liability or Bodily Injury is covered shall beupon the Insured.4. any loss damage or liability which is insured by or would but forthe existence of this Policy be insured by other policy or policiesexcept in respect of any excess beyond the amount which wouldhave been payable under such other policy or policies had thisinsurance not been effected. This exclusion does not apply toSection 3.5. any consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever unlessotherwise stated.6. any loss or damage occasioned through the willful act of or withthe connivance of the Insured and/or any member of his Familyand/or domestic servants normally residing with him.7. pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial devicestravelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.8. landslip and subsidence.GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (applicable to all sections)1. INTERPRETATIONThis Policy and the Schedule shall be read together and any wordor expression to which a specific meaning has been attached inany part of the Policy or of the Schedule shall bear such meaningwherever it appears.2. DUTY OF CAREThe Insured shall:(a) use all reasonable diligence and care to keep the Building in5 ValueHome CoverMay 2013

easonably incurred as a result of Bodily Injury sustained by the Insuredin an Accident caused by any of the Insured Perils whilst in the Building.Provided that such medical or surgical treatment is administeredor prescribed by a Medical Practitioner and or a Chinese Physicianand that all such expenses is incurred by the Insured within twelve(12) months from the date of Accident causing the bodily injury withthe first such expense being incurred by the Insured within four (4)weeks of the date of the Accident causing the Bodily Injury.TERRITORIAL LIMITS(a) Anywhere in the Republic of Singapore(b) Worldwide excluding USA and/or Canada, its territories orpossessions in respect of travel abroad provided such travel shall notexceed ninety (90) consecutive days in any one period of insuranceEXCLUSIONS TO SECTION 3The Corporation shall not be liable for any claims caused by orresulting from any one or more of the following:(a) intoxication by alcohol, narcotics or drugs (unless administeredunder the order of a Hospital or a qualified Medical Practitioner).(b) suicide or any attempt thereat, intentional self-injury, insanityof any degree, conversion disorders, psychosomatic illnesses ornervous or mental disorders of any kind, intemperance, drughabit, venereal disease, acquired immuno deficiency syndrome(AIDS) or AIDS related complex or any consequence thereof.(c) deliberate exposure to needless danger (except in an attempt tosave human life) or pre-existing physical defect or infirmity ormedical condition.(d) pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or any complications thereof.(e) engaged in ice or winter sports, big game hunting, mountaineering(with the use of ropes or guides), polo-playing, hand-gliding,skiing, tobogganing, bob-sleighing, speed or endurance tests,rock-climbing, scuba or skin diving or any underwater activities,motor-rally or racing of any kind other than on foot, professionalsports, any aerial activities (whether suspended or not), and theoccupational use of power-driven woodworking machinery.(f) while traveling in an aircraft or seacraft as a member of the crewor for the purpose of undertaking any technical operation ornavigation therein or thereon.(g) active or direct participation in strike, riot and civil commotion.(h) any kind of disease, sickness, parasite or infection other than bacterialinfection occurring in consequence of an Accidental cut or wound.(i) direct or indirect consequence of any illness.(j) while on duty or service in any of the armed forces or armeduniformed groups (unless on reservist service within Singapore).(k) dental care or surgery, cosmetic or plastic surgery exceptnecessitated by Bodily Injury.GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (applicable to all sections)The Corporation shall not be liable in respect of :1. any Accident loss damage expense or liability directly or indirectlycaused by or arising from or in consequence of or contributed to by:(a) nuclear weapon material.(b) ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from anynuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustionof nuclear fuel and solely for the purpose of this GeneralExclusion 1 (b) combustion shall include any self sustainingprocess of nuclear fission.2. any loss (whether temporary or permanent) of the insured propertyor any part thereof by reason of confiscation requisition detention orlegal or illegal occupation of such property or any premises vehicleor thing containing the same by any government authorities.3. any Accidental loss damage expense liability or Bodily Injuryoccasioned by or through or in consequence directly or indirectly of:(a) war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities or warlikeoperations (whether war be declared or not)(b) civil war, mutiny military or popular uprising insurrectionrebellion revolution military or usurped power martial law orstate of siege or any of the events or causes, which determine theproclamation, or maintenance of martial law or state of siege(c) any act of any person or persons acting on behalf of or inconnection with any organisation the objects of which are toinclude the overthrowing or influencing of any de jure or defacto government by terrorism or by any violent means.In any action suit or other proceeding where the Corporation allegesthat by reason of the provisions of this General Exceptionany Accidental loss damage expense liability or Bodily Injury is notcovered by this insurance the burden of proving that such Accidentalloss damage expense liability or Bodily Injury is covered shall beupon the Insured.4. any loss damage or liability which is insured by or would but forthe existence of this <strong>Policy</strong> be insured by other policy or policiesexcept in respect of any excess beyond the amount which wouldhave been payable under such other policy or policies had thisinsurance not been effected. This exclusion does not apply toSection 3.5. any consequential loss or damage of any kind whatsoever unlessotherwise stated.6. any loss or damage occasioned through the willful act of or withthe connivance of the Insured and/or any member of his Familyand/or domestic servants normally residing with him.7. pressure waves caused by aircraft and other aerial devicestravelling at sonic or supersonic speeds.8. landslip and subsidence.GENERAL EXCEPTIONS (applicable to all sections)1. INTERPRETATIONThis <strong>Policy</strong> and the Schedule shall be read together and any wordor expression to which a specific meaning has been attached inany part of the <strong>Policy</strong> or of the Schedule shall bear such meaningwherever it appears.2. DUTY OF CAREThe Insured shall:(a) use all reasonable diligence and care to keep the Building in5 ValueHome CoverMay 2013

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