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Symposium Brochure - SERDP-ESTCP - Strategic Environmental ...

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PROJECT-OF-THE-YEAR AWARDSDuring the Plenary Session, <strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong> will recognize top researchers with theannual Project-of-the-Year Awards. Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee, Executive Director of <strong>SERDP</strong> and<strong>ESTCP</strong>, and Dr. Anne Andrews, Deputy Director of <strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong>, will present theseawards to Principal Investigators who, through their outstanding efforts, have helped DoDachieve its mission while improving its environmental performance.TECHNICAL SESSIONS AND SHORT COURSESDuring the three-day <strong>Symposium</strong> & Workshop, attendees will have the opportunity tochoose from among 11 technical sessions and five short courses. Technical sessions willhighlight research and innovative technologies that assist the Department of Defense inaddressing increasingly complex environmental and mission sustainability challenges. Shortcourses will offer unique training opportunities on recent advancements in selecttechnologies and approaches in environmentalrestoration and munitions management. Againthis year, Professional Development Hours(PDH) will be available for short courses.Be sure to review thetechnical program andlisting of short courses onthe pages that follow toidentify the offerings thatmatch your areas ofinterest. Space in shortcourses is limited, sowe encourage you toregister soon.EXHIBIT HALLThis year’s <strong>Symposium</strong> & Workshop willcontinue the highly successful poster andexhibit booth sessions showcasingtechnologies and scientific advancementsfrom a variety of environmental researchprograms. These sessions, featuring twogroups of posters, more than 450 in all,also will enable you to learn first-handabout many ongoing and recently completed<strong>SERDP</strong> research projects and <strong>ESTCP</strong>technology demonstrations.FUNDING OPPORTUNITIES BRIEFINGOn Thursday afternoon, <strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong> Executive Director Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee willpresent an overview of the proposal submittal processes and discuss opportunities forinterested scientists to conduct research and technology demonstrations. This “how toplay” briefing will offer valuable information about new funding opportunities in <strong>SERDP</strong>and <strong>ESTCP</strong>.EVENING TECHNICAL EXCHANGERECEPTIONSJoin your colleagues on December 1 and 2 at thepopular evening technical exchange receptionsthat will offer opportunities for attendees to tourposters and exhibit booths, exchange information,and discuss opportunities for technology transferand partnerships.www.serdp-estcp.org/symposium5

SYMPOSIUM TECHNICAL PROGRAMTUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 (9:00 – 11:30 a.m.)PLENARY SESSION<strong>Symposium</strong> OpeningDr. Jeffrey MarquseeExecutive Director, <strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong>Challenges the Department of DefenseFaces Managing Military InstallationsDr. Dorothy RobynDeputy Under Secretary of Defense forInstallations and EnvironmentU.S. Department of DefenseGoing from Good to Great in<strong>Environmental</strong> StewardshipLt. Gen. Robert Van AntwerpU.S. Army Chief of Engineers andCommanding General of theU.S. Army Corps of EngineersUsing Climate Adaptation to Get Aheadof the Next <strong>Environmental</strong> CrisisDr. Peter KareivaChief ScientistThe Nature ConservancyProject-of-the-Year AwardsDr. Jeffrey Marqusee andDr. Anne AndrewsDeputy Director, <strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong>Plenary Session ClosingDr. Anne AndrewsTUESDAY, DECEMBER 1 (1:45 – 5:00 p.m.)Afternoon Concurrent TechnicalSessions and Short CourseTECHNICAL SESSION 1ATopic: Field Applications of AdvancedDiagnostic ToolsChairs: Dr. Michael Kavanaugh andDr. Rula DeebMalcolm Pirnie, Inc.Keynote: Dr. Michael KavanaughAdvanced diagnostic tools, such as molecularbiological tools (MBT) and compound-specificisotope analysis (CSIA), are increasingly beingused at field sites to support remediationefforts. Recent research has explored howthese tools can be used to improve remedialdesign and operation. This session willhighlight technology advancements and theirapplication to the design, performance, andmonitoring of remedial systems.TECHNICAL SESSION 1BTopic: Challenges Associated with RegionalPredictions of Climate Change ImpactsChair: Dr. Christopher WeaverU.S. <strong>Environmental</strong> ProtectionAgency – Global Change ResearchProgramKeynote: Dr. Daniel SarewitzArizona State University – Consortiumfor Science, Policy & OutcomesCurrent climate models indicate the potentialchanges in climate that will occur at the globalscale. The capability to predict accurately howclimate will change on a regional basis—theminimum spatial scale at which DoD will needinformation to assess impacts and developadaptation strategies for its installations andother assets—has, however, not yet beenrealized. This session will address the currentstate of the science and future projections ofimprovement regarding downscaling theinformation from General Circulation Models,the limitations and appropriate use of currentlydeveloped downscaled climate information,and how to appropriately assess risk andconsider adaptation strategies under thecurrent uncertainties associated with regionalclimate projections of interest to DoD.TECHNICAL SESSION 1CTopic: Emerging Contaminants –From Assessment to ActionChairs: Ms. Shannon CunniffU.S. Department of Defense –Chemical and Material RiskManagement DirectorateDr. Rominder SuriTemple University – Water and<strong>Environmental</strong> Technology CenterKeynote: Ms. Shannon CunniffThis session will provide an overview of currentemerging contaminant issues relevant to theresearch, development, and testingcommunities. The processes DoD uses toidentify and assess its interests in and optionsfor proactive management of emergingcontaminants will be described. Specific riskmanagement options—focusing on researchneeds—will be discussed for several emergingcontaminants, including hexavalent chromium,sulfur hexafluoride, RDX, and nanomaterials.Criteria developed to enhance understanding ofrisks from new materials and chemicals lackingEPA toxicity values also will be presented. Timewill be allocated for audience dialogue onexpanding effective communication onemerging contaminant issues.6

SHORT COURSE 1Topic: Geophysical System Verification –Alternative to GeophysicalProve-Outs (GPO)(This half-day course will be held from1:45 – 5:00 p.m. Refer to page 10for more information.)WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 (8:30 – 11:45 a.m.)Morning Concurrent TechnicalSessions and Short CourseTECHNICAL SESSION 2ATopic: Amendments for ContaminatedSediment CapsChair: Dr. Charles MenzieExponent, Inc.Keynote: Mr. Stephen EllsU.S. <strong>Environmental</strong> ProtectionAgency – Office of SuperfundRemediation and TechnologyInnovationWhile traditional capping techniques are a lessinvasive approach to sediment remediation,they do not address the concern of reducingcontaminant mass. Active approaches tosediment capping technologies have beendemonstrated that are capable of sequesteringand degrading contaminants in situ throughthe application of amendments. This sessionwill examine the use of amendments andamended capping as a contaminated sedimentmanagement tool and present recentadvancements in understanding biological andchemical processes in treated sediments.TECHNICAL SESSION 2BTopic: Classification Methods for MilitaryMunitions Response (Part I)Chair: Mr. Robert SadorraNaval Facilities EngineeringCommandKeynote: Mr. Christopher EvansU.S. Army Corps of Engineers,Baltimore DistrictInnovative munitions response technologies aremaking a transition to the field throughdemonstrations on live munitions response sites.Presentations in this two-part session will focuson recent classification demonstration results atthe former Camp San Luis Obispo, California.TECHNICAL SESSION 2CTopic: <strong>Environmental</strong>ly SustainableEnergeticsChairs: Dr. Robin NissanNaval Air Warfare Center –Weapons DivisionMr. William RuppertHughes Associates, Inc.Keynote: Mr. Anthony MelitaU.S. Department of Defense –Portfolio Systems Acquisition, LandWarfare and MunitionsTo prepare for combat operations, thewarfighter must “train as they fight.” Thismeans that real or realistic munitions arerequired to simulate the stress of combat andto allow the warfighter to understand thecapabilities and limitations of their weapons.These munitions use energetic materials withthe potential for environmental, safety andoccupational health impacts. In order forwarfighters to continue to train to standard,environmentally sustainable energeticmaterials are required for their weaponsystems. This session will highlight efforts toaddress this need, which also encompassessafer insensitive munitions.www.serdp-estcp.org/symposium7

Topic:8SYMPOSIUM TECHNICAL PROGRAMWEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 (8:30 – 11:45 a.m.)SHORT COURSE 2Long-Term Monitoring Optimization(This half-day course will be held from8:30 – 11:45 a.m. Refer to page 10for more information.)Afternoon ConcurrentTechnical SessionsTECHNICAL SESSION 3ATopic:Risk-Based ContaminantManagement on ActiveTraining RangesChairs: Dr. Thomas JenkinsPrivate ConsultantMs. Catherine VogelNoblis, Inc.Keynote: Dr. Thomas JenkinsThe long-term sustainability of the Departmentof Defense’s operational ranges is crucial formission-critical testing and training activities.Such testing and training activities may beendangered if release and migration ofmunitions constituents from ranges occurs.This session will address recent advances inunderstanding the fate of energetic materialsin the environment and improving samplingand assessment strategies.TECHNICAL SESSION 3BTopic: Classification Methods for MilitaryMunitions Response (Part II)Chair: Mr. Guy WarrenAlaska Department of <strong>Environmental</strong>ManagementKeynote: Ms. Stephanie CappaU.S. House of Representatives – Officeof the Honorable Earl BlumenauerPlease refer to the description for the TechnicalSession Classification Methods for MilitaryMunitions Response (Part I) on page 7.Topic:Chairs:WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 (1:45 – 5:00 p.m.)TECHNICAL SESSION 3CDoD Greenhouse Gas Emissions:Land Use and the Installation CarbonFootprintMs. Maureen Sullivan andMr. William Van HoutenU.S. Department of Defense –<strong>Environmental</strong> ManagementDirectorateKeynote: Dr. Richard BirdseyU.S. Department of Agriculture –Forest Service, Northern GlobalChange ProgramWithout a complete understanding of aninstallation’s carbon footprint, it will not bepossible to target the most cost-effective andenvironmentally friendly mitigation strategies.Various protocols are now available to assist aninstallation in estimating its direct emissions,those emissions that arise indirectly through itspurchase of energy, and those emissions thatarise from its purchase of products, travel, andother indirect sources. What is largely missing isan understanding of how land use andmanagement on the installation can eithercontribute to greenhouse gas emissions or actas a mitigation mechanism through appropriatemanagement of the carbon cycle commensuratewith other land management goals. This sessionwill focus on the role of land use in an overallstrategy for understanding and managing aninstallation’s carbon footprint, how appropriatemanagement may differ by ecosystem,and important data, tool development, andscience gaps.TECHNICAL SESSION 3DTopic: Aircraft Emissions: Future Impactsand Alternative FuelsChairs: Dr. Mel RoquemoreAir Force Research LaboratoryDr. Richard Miake-LyeAerodyne Research, Inc.Keynote: Dr. Ian WaitzMassachusetts Institute ofTechnology – Department ofAeronautics and AstronauticsIncreasing costs of aviation fuel and thegrowing dependence on foreign sources ofpetroleum are driving the development ofhigh fuel efficient gas turbine engines andalternative fuels. High engine operatingpressures and temperatures are critical forhigh fuel efficiencies but are conducive to theformation of nitrogen oxides (NOx) andparticulates (PM 2.5). Alternative fuels can affectaircraft emissions but not always in predictableways, especially at high pressures. Modelingand measurements of emissions of NOx,hydrocarbons, and particulate emissions areadvancing rapidly, in parallel with theunderstanding of how these emissions, inconcert with the primary emission of carbondioxide, affect air quality and the globalatmosphere. This session will provide anoverview of future impacts of gas turbineengine technology and alternative fuels onaircraft emissions.

Morning Concurrent TechnicalSession and Short CoursesTECHNICAL SESSION 4ATopic: Ecology and Management of DoDCoastal and Estuarine EcosystemsChair: Dr. William BoicourtUniversity of Maryland – Center for<strong>Environmental</strong> ScienceKeynote: Dr. W. Michael KempUniversity of Maryland – Center for<strong>Environmental</strong> ScienceDoD assets include a number of installationsthat occur along the coastline. Some of theselocations also are associated with estuarineecosystems. The importance of theseinstallations extends beyond their proximityand access to blue water. The physical featuresthat define these areas—barrier islands,marshes, and shore-upland interfaces—areimportant backdrops for military training andtesting. These ecosystems also containsignificant biodiversity, are otherwisethreatened by development outside theinstallation boundary, and are susceptible toadditional adverse impacts from climatechange. This session will address the currentimportance and vulnerability of theseecosystems, ongoing research that isinvestigating ecosystem-based approaches tounderstanding and managing theseecosystems within a military context, andfuture information needs associated with theseecosystems, especially under the threat ofclimate change.Topic:THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 (8:30 – 11:45 a.m.)SHORT COURSE 3Tools for Management of ChlorinatedSolvent-Contaminated Sites(This full-day course will be held from8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Refer to page 10for more information.)BRIEFING/Q&A SESSIONTopic: <strong>SERDP</strong>/<strong>ESTCP</strong> Funding OpportunitiesSpeaker: Dr. Jeffrey Marqusee<strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong> Executive DirectorDuring this briefing, Dr. Marqusee will providean overview of <strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong> investmentstrategies, funding levels, and areas ofemphasis as well as a summary of opportunitiesfor interested scientists to conduct research andtechnology demonstrations. This “how to play”briefing will offer valuable information on thesolicitation processes for those who wish tounderstand how to submit proposals forupcoming funding opportunities.Topic:Topic:Topic:THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 (12:15 – 12:45 p.m.)THURSDAY, DECEMBER 3 (1:00 – 5:30 p.m.)Afternoon ConcurrentShort CoursesSHORT COURSE 3(Course continued, 1:00 – 5:30 p.m.)Tools for Management of ChlorinatedSolvent-Contaminated SitesSHORT COURSE 4(Course continued, 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.)Visual Sample Plan – UnexplodedOrdnance ModuleSHORT COURSE 5Multi-Increment Sampling (MIS)Applications for <strong>Environmental</strong>Remediation(This half-day course will be held from1:00 – 5:30 p.m. Refer to page 11for more information.)Topic:SHORT COURSE 4Visual Sample Plan – UnexplodedOrdnance Module(This full-day course will be held from8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Refer to page 11for more information.)www.serdp-estcp.org/symposium9

TUESDAY AFTERNOONShort Course 11:45 – 5:00 p.m.Geophysical System Verification –Alternative to Geophysical Prove-Outs (GPO)SYMPOSIUM REGISTRATIONSHORT COURSE REGISTRATIONSpace is limited for short courses and will be made available on a first-come, first-served basis.The list of short course titles is provided below to assist you in completing the Registration Formon page 15. When making your selections, note that the short courses often run concurrently withtechnical sessions. Please refer to pages 6-9 for the full technical program agenda.THURSDAY ALL DAYShort Course 38:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.Tools for Management of ChlorinatedSolvent-Contaminated SitesWEDNESDAY MORNINGShort Course 28:30 – 11:45 a.m.Long-Term Monitoring OptimizationShort Course 48:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Visual Sample Plan –Unexploded Ordnance ModuleTHURSDAY AFTERNOONShort Course 51:00 – 5:30 p.m.Multi-Increment Sampling (MIS)Applications for <strong>Environmental</strong> RemediationProfessional Development Hours (PDH) will be available for all short courses.WHO SHOULD ATTEND THIS SYMPOSIUMWith approximately 1,000 participants last year, this annual event is anationally recognized conference focusing on DoD’s priority environmental issues.Attendees span the military services; academic and research institutions; private sectortechnology and environmental firms; and federal, state, and local regulatory/policymakingorganizations.By registering for this event, you will have access to: Networking opportunities with approximately 1,000 environmental professionals Eleven technical sessions highlighting the latest in environmental research andtechnological innovations Five short courses providing unique training opportunities on recent advancements inscience and technology Information about world-class research and demonstrations being conducted onpersistent environmental challenges More than 450 posters supporting the technical program theme Booths offering information about funding opportunitiesin related research programsRegister Now!Registering is easy...Advance RegistrationDeadline isNovember 18.ONLINE MAIL FAXwww.serdp-estcp.org/symposium HydroGeoLogic, Inc. <strong>SERDP</strong>/<strong>ESTCP</strong> Support Office<strong>SERDP</strong>/<strong>ESTCP</strong> Registrar (703) 478-052611107 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 400Reston, VA 2019014

SYMPOSIUM & WORKSHOP REGISTRATION FORM(Please type or print clearly) Mr. Ms. Mrs. Dr. Preferred salutation ______________________________________Name ________________________________________________ Title _____________________________________Company/Organization ____________________________________________________________________________Mailing Address __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________City ______________________________________ State/Province _____________ Zip/Postal Code ____________Country ______________________________________Telephone ________________________________________E-Mail __________________________________________________________________________________________Preferred Name for Badge __________________________________________________________________________Is this the first time that you will be attending our <strong>Symposium</strong> & Workshop? Yes NoHow did you first learn about this <strong>Symposium</strong> & Workshop? This mailing The <strong>SERDP</strong> or <strong>ESTCP</strong> web site The <strong>SERDP</strong>/<strong>ESTCP</strong> Information Bulletin Another conference (please specify) _______________ Colleague Other (please specify) ___________________________Type of Organization (check one) Government Employee Industry/Contractor Academia PressType of Registration Attendee (including poster presenters) Booth PresenterBooth Name _____________________________ Session Chair/Keynote/Technical Presenter/InstructorSession/Course Name ___________________________ Tuesday/Wednesday Exhibit Tour OnlyHave you made your hotel reservations? Yes No Not ApplicableIf you have a special need that requires assistance, check here and we will contact you. <strong>Symposium</strong> Registration (check one)Check, credit card, or purchase order information must accompany your registration. Full Three-Day Registration ($290) One-Day Registration ($150) Student Registration ($50)(through November 18) (through November 18) (Student ID required)_____ Tues _____ Wed _____ ThurShort Course RegistrationThere is a $25 materials fee for each short course. Refer to page 14 for the schedule of short courses, and checkbelow each course that you plan to attend. Short Course 1 Short Course 2 Short Course 3 Short Course 4 Short Course 5Payment<strong>Symposium</strong> Fee____________ + Total Short Course Materials Fee ____________ = Total Due ____________Method of Payment (check one) Check # _____________________(Checks must be drawn on a U.S. bank and payable in U.S. funds to HydroGeoLogic, Inc., Federal ID # 54-1404852.) Purchase order or SF 182 (Make payable to HydroGeoLogic, Inc.)Please charge my Visa MasterCard American Express Discover(Note: HydroGeoLogic, Inc. will appear as the “payee” on your credit card statement.)Account # ______________________________________________________________ Security Code ____________Name Imprinted on Card _____________________________________________________Exp. Date ____________Cardholder Billing Address (including zip code), if different from above ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Signature ________________________________________________________________________________________www.serdp-estcp.org/symposium15

PARTNERS IN ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGYTECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM & WORKSHOPMarriott Wardman Park Hotel Washington, D.C.December 1–3, 2009S CHEDULE AT A G LANCEMONDAY, NOVEMBER 30 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 33:00 – 7:00 p.m.Registration OpenTUESDAY, DECEMBER 17:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Registration Open7:30 – 8:45 a.m.Morning CoffeeExhibits Open(Poster Group 1)9:00 – 11:30 a.m.Plenary Session11:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Buffet Lunch12:30 – 1:45 p.m.Exhibits Open(Poster Group 1)1:45 – 5:00 p.m.Afternoon ConcurrentTechnical Sessions andShort Course 15:00 – 7:00 p.m.Technical ExchangeReceptionExhibits Open(Poster Group 1)7:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.Registration Open7:30 – 8:30 a.m.Morning CoffeeExhibits Open(Poster Group 2)8:30 – 11:45 a.m.Morning ConcurrentTechnical Sessions andShort Course 211:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Buffet Lunch12:30 – 1:45 p.m.Exhibits Open(Poster Group 2)1:45 – 5:00 p.m.Afternoon ConcurrentTechnical Sessions5:00 – 7:00 p.m.Technical ExchangeReceptionExhibits Open(Poster Group 2)PRESORTFIRST CLASS MAILU.S. POSTAGEPAIDRESTON, VAPERMIT NO. 63427:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.Registration Open7:30 – 8:30 a.m.Morning Coffee8:30 – 11:45 a.m.Morning Technical Session8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.Short Course 38:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.Short Course 411:45 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.Buffet Lunch12:15 – 12:45 p.m.<strong>SERDP</strong>/<strong>ESTCP</strong> FundingOpportunities Briefing/Q&A1:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.Short Course 5For the most up-to-date<strong>Symposium</strong> & Workshopinformation, visitwww.serdp-estcp.org/symposium.<strong>SERDP</strong> and <strong>ESTCP</strong> Support Officec/o HydroGeoLogic, Inc.11107 Sunset Hills Road, Suite 400Reston, VA 20190Did you receive more than one brochure?Please pass the extra along to a colleague.MAIL ROOM: Please forward this brochure to this person’s manager orreplacement if he/she is no longer with the organization.Register Now!

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