Credit Cards – Bankinginfo

Credit Cards – Bankinginfo

Credit Cards – Bankinginfo


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GLOSSARY<strong>Credit</strong> Card IssuerOrganisations such as financial institutions,which issue the credit cards.<strong>Credit</strong> Card Payment SchemeA credit card association (e.g. Visa andMasterCard) which provides the necessarycredit card infrastructure that facilitatesauthorisation and settlement of credit cardtransactions.Expired <strong>Credit</strong> CardA credit card on which the embossed, encodedor printed expiration date has passed.MerchantAny business that accepts credit cards as one ofthe payment modes for the purchase of theirproducts/services.PINPersonal Identification Number – A sequenceof digits used to verify the identity of thecardholder. It is a kind of password.RevolverCardholder who keeps paying at least theminimum amount of payment required by thecredit card issuer but not fully repaid the totaloutstanding balance.Fraudulent TransactionA transaction unauthorised by the cardholder.Such transactions may occur as a consequenceof credit cards that are lost, stolen, not received,issued on a fraudulent application, counterfeitor other fraudulent conditions as defined bythe credit card issuer.16

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