Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge

Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge
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Chapter 2Administering Sugarview only specific folders from your Google mail account, ensure thatyou select them in the Monitored Folders list.Trash Folder. Click Get Trash Folder to add a trash folder to the Emailsmodule. Select the Trash folder from the Folders’ list, and click OK.Sent Folder. Click Get Sent Folder to add a folder to store outbound emailsin the Emails module. Select the folder from the Folders’ list, and click OK.Mail Server Port. Enter the server port number.Status. From the drop-down list, select Active to activate the Group mail accountor Inactive to deactivate it. Users cannot view emails from a deactivated account.User Name. Enter the username to access the mail server.Password. Enter the user’s password.Use SSL. Select this box to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) when connecting tothe mail server.3. In the Email Handling Options sub-panel, enter information for the followingfields:Assign To Group Folder. If you want to assign a Group folder to the mailaccount, select an existing email group from the drop-down list or click Create tocreate one as described in “To create and edit Group folders from the Emailsmodule” on page 65.Possible Actions. Optionally, you can select an action that the user is permitted toperform. If you assigned a Group folder, you can select Create Case. You canselect Bounce Handling to use the mail account for handling bounced emailsfrom campaigns.To automatically create cases from inbound emails, select Create Case. Whenyou select this option, you will need to specify how the emails are distributed inthe Distribution Method field. You can select Round-Robin or Least-Busy. Withthe Round-Robin option, the system distributes cases evenly amongst all users.With the Least-Busy option, the system distributes cases to the least busy userassigned to the Group folder.If you run campaigns and want to create an inbox to route bounced campaignemails, select Bounce Handling. You can create a bounce-handling inboxseparately for each campaign or you can create one that is common to allcampaigns. The system tags every bounced campaign email with a uniqueidentifier that enables you to identify the campaign.Create Case Reply Template. Optionally, you can use the Create Case Replytemplate to set up an automated response notifying email senders that a case hasbeen created to resolve their issue. The response contains the system-generatedcase number in the Subject line of the email. The body of the email for which thecase was created displays below the template text.Auto-Reply Template. Optionally, use this template to set up an automatedresponse notifying email senders that you received their email. From the dropdownlist, select an existing template, or click Create to create a new one.64 Sugar Community Edition Installation and Administration Guide

EmailsIf both templates are selected, Sugar will respond to the sender with the CreateCase Reply template instead of the Auto-Reply template.For information on creating email templates, see “Creating Email Templates” inthe Sugar Community Edition User Guide.From Name. Enter the name of the user who is sending out the email.From Address. Enter the email address of the user.Reply-to Name. Enter a name to receive bounced emails.Reply-to Address. Enter an email address for bounced emails.No Auto-reply to Domain. To exclude a domain from receiving the automaticemail response, enter the domain name.It is common to specify your organization’s domain to prevent auto-replies frombeing sent to your organization’s members.Assign to Group Folder. To route emails to an existing group folder, select anexisting one from the drop-down list or create a new folder as described in “Tocreate and edit Group folders from the Emails module” on page 65.4. Click Test Settings to ensure that the settings are accurate.5. Click Save to save the settings.The system creates the mail account and displays its detail page.To create and edit Group folders from the Emails module1. In the Emails module, click Settings.2. In the Settings window, click the Folders tab.Existing user folders and Group folders display on this tab.3. Beneath the Edit Group Folder drop-down list, enter information for the followingfields:New Folder. Enter a name for the Group folder.Sugar Community Edition Installation and Administration Guide65

Chapter 2Administering <strong>Sugar</strong>view only specific folders from your Google mail account, ensure thatyou select them in the Monitored Folders list.Trash Folder. Click Get Trash Folder to add a trash folder to the Emailsmodule. Select the Trash folder from the Folders’ list, <strong>and</strong> click OK.Sent Folder. Click Get Sent Folder to add a folder to store outbound emailsin the Emails module. Select the folder from the Folders’ list, <strong>and</strong> click OK.Mail Server Port. Enter the server port number.Status. From the drop-down list, select Active to activate the Group mail accountor Inactive to deactivate it. Users cannot view emails from a deactivated account.User Name. Enter the username to access the mail server.Password. Enter the user’s password.Use SSL. Select this box to use Secure Socket Layer (SSL) when connecting tothe mail server.3. In the Email H<strong>and</strong>ling Options sub-panel, enter information for the followingfields:Assign To Group Folder. If you want to assign a Group folder to the mailaccount, select an existing email group from the drop-down list or click Create tocreate one as described in “To create <strong>and</strong> edit Group folders from the Emailsmodule” on page 65.Possible Actions. Optionally, you can select an action that the user is permitted toperform. If you assigned a Group folder, you can select Create Case. You canselect Bounce H<strong>and</strong>ling to use the mail account for h<strong>and</strong>ling bounced emailsfrom campaigns.To automatically create cases from inbound emails, select Create Case. Whenyou select this option, you will need to specify how the emails are distributed inthe Distribution Method field. You can select Round-Robin or Least-Busy. Withthe Round-Robin option, the system distributes cases evenly amongst all users.With the Least-Busy option, the system distributes cases to the least busy userassigned to the Group folder.If you run campaigns <strong>and</strong> want to create an inbox to route bounced campaignemails, select Bounce H<strong>and</strong>ling. You can create a bounce-h<strong>and</strong>ling inboxseparately for each campaign or you can create one that is common to allcampaigns. The system tags every bounced campaign email with a uniqueidentifier that enables you to identify the campaign.Create Case Reply Template. Optionally, you can use the Create Case Replytemplate to set up an automated response notifying email senders that a case hasbeen created to resolve their issue. The response contains the system-generatedcase number in the Subject line of the email. The body of the email for which thecase was created displays below the template text.Auto-Reply Template. Optionally, use this template to set up an automatedresponse notifying email senders that you received their email. From the dropdownlist, select an existing template, or click Create to create a new one.64 <strong>Sugar</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Administration Guide

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