Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge

Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge
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Chapter 2Administering Sugar2. To enable a connector for a module, on the connector tab, drag the module fromthe Disabled list to the Enabled list.To disable a connector for a module, on the connector tab, drag the module fromthe Enabled list to the Disabled list.3. Click Save to saving the settings.Mapping Connector FieldsYou can map connector fields to fields in a Sugar module to determine which fieldsdisplay the pop-up window for the data source. For example, a mapped field forLinkedIn displays the LinkedIn icon. When users point the cursor at this icon, a popupwindow displays the LinkedIn data for the field.To map connector fields1. On the Connector Settings page, click Map Connector Fields.Each connector tab displays a list of fields in the connector and a correspondingdrop-down list of fields in connector-enabled Sugar modules.2. To change a default mapping or to add a new mapping, select the Sugar field fromthe drop-down list corresponding to the field in the connector.3. Click Save to save the mappings.Sugar uses these field mappings when merging data.48 Sugar Community Edition Installation and Administration Guide

UsersUsersUse this sub-panel to manage users, and roles for your organization.User ManagementUse the User Management option to create, edit, activate, and deactivate users inSugar. You can create a Sugar user, a System Administrator, a Group User, or a Portalonlyuser. When you create a user, by default, the system creates a Sugar user unlessyou specify Administrator, Group User, or Portal Only User.A Sugar user can access and use Sugar modules but does not have administrativeprivileges.A System Administrator is a user who has administrative privileges in Sugar toperform tasks such as creating users. The System Administrator has the rights toaccess all modules and records.A Group User is a bucket that is used for inbound emails, and does not count towardthe number of Sugar licenses that you purchase for your organization. For example,when you create a group mail account for Support, a group user named Support iscreated to handle customer support issues. Users can then distribute the emails toother users from the group inbox. Users can create a group user with the UserManagement option or when you create a group for inbound emails as described in“Inbound Email” on page 61.A Portal Only User is used by portals created in Sugar to access the system. Portalusers do not count towards the number of Sugar licenses that you purchase for yourorganization.You can activate the Offline Client status for any user to allow that individual to usethe Sugar application on their local machines without connecting to the Sugar server.For more information on the Offline Client, see the Sugar Offline Client InstallationGuide.After you create a regular Sugar user, administrator, or portal-only user, the user namedisplays in the list on the Users Home page and the employees list on the EmployeesHome page. Group user names display in the users list as group users and does notdisplay in the employees list.You can assign users to roles depending on the tasks they perform for the organization.Note:You cannot delete users but you can deactivate them. Inactive users do notcount towards the number of Sugar licenses you purchase for yourorganization.Sugar Community Edition Installation and Administration Guide49

Chapter 2Administering <strong>Sugar</strong>2. To enable a connector for a module, on the connector tab, drag the module fromthe Disabled list to the Enabled list.To disable a connector for a module, on the connector tab, drag the module fromthe Enabled list to the Disabled list.3. Click Save to saving the settings.Mapping Connector FieldsYou can map connector fields to fields in a <strong>Sugar</strong> module to determine which fieldsdisplay the pop-up window for the data source. For example, a mapped field forLinkedIn displays the LinkedIn icon. When users point the cursor at this icon, a popupwindow displays the LinkedIn data for the field.To map connector fields1. On the Connector Settings page, click Map Connector Fields.Each connector tab displays a list of fields in the connector <strong>and</strong> a correspondingdrop-down list of fields in connector-enabled <strong>Sugar</strong> modules.2. To change a default mapping or to add a new mapping, select the <strong>Sugar</strong> field fromthe drop-down list corresponding to the field in the connector.3. Click Save to save the mappings.<strong>Sugar</strong> uses these field mappings when merging data.48 <strong>Sugar</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Administration Guide

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