Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge

Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge

Sugar Community Edition Installation and ... - SugarForge


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<strong>Installation</strong> Prerequisites <strong>and</strong> GuidelinesIf the SQL Server instance is listening to connections on a port other than thedefault (1433), modify the freetds.conf file accordingly. Even if your ProgramFiles folder that runs SQL Server or Apache resides in another directory (forexample, in d: or e:), the freetds.conf file should still go in the c:\ directory.c. Copy ntwdblib.dll <strong>and</strong> msvcr71.dll to the Windows/SYSTEM32 folder forruntime extension support <strong>and</strong> verify the accuracy of the ntwdblib.dll file.The msvcr71.dll file is also included in the freetds.zip file <strong>and</strong> should becopied into the Windows/SYSTEM32 folder as well. The subdirectories ofyour Apache installation directory may also contain copies of the ntwdblib.dllfile. Ensure that the versions of the ntwdblib.dll file in those folders match theone you have placed in Windows/SYSTEM32. If you are unsure, you mayalso rename the ntwdblib.dll files under the Apache directories to be safe.8. Restart Apache.9. From the comm<strong>and</strong> line where the apache.exe file resides enter the followingcomm<strong>and</strong> from a DOS or SHELL terminal:>apache.exe –k restartAlternatively, use any Apache management tools that you are familiar with torestart the Apache Web server.The configuration is now complete <strong>and</strong> you can proceed to the <strong>Sugar</strong> installation page.If you have problems connecting to the SQL Server database Express edition duringthe database configuration installation process, do the following:• Try alternating the use of the IP Address of the host name with <strong>and</strong> without anexplicit port number. For example:localhostlocalhost, 1433• In the SQL Server Configuration Manager, enable TCP/IP to communicate withSQL Server.To migrate <strong>Sugar</strong> to FreeTDS driver1. Backup the <strong>Sugar</strong> database using tools such as the MS SQL Server ManagementStudio application.If using this application, do the following:a. Log into MS SQL Server Management Studio application.b. Ensure that the SQL Server Agent service is running.c. Select the database you want to copy (Tasks->Copy Database). This will takeyou to a wizard application that will complete the process of making a backupof the existing database.2. Run the upgrade_mssql.php script in the root directory of the <strong>Sugar</strong> installation.Run this file through the Comm<strong>and</strong> Line Interface. Ensure that your PATHsettings are setup properly to allow for PHP comm<strong>and</strong> line execution. Your PHPexecutable may reference another php.ini file.<strong>Sugar</strong> <strong>Community</strong> <strong>Edition</strong> <strong>Installation</strong> <strong>and</strong> Administration Guide3

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