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Approved: 20 April 2010Present : Mr. BlumenthalMrs. Cooper (6:15 pm)Mrs. DavyMr. de VriesMr. KraprayoonMr. MaMs. NourMr. Sertthin (6:30 pm)Mr. SypoltMr. ToomeyAbsent : Mr. ChansrichawlaDr. ChiaravanondMr. KimparaMr. Sonderby<strong>MEETING</strong> <strong>MINUTES</strong><strong>ISB</strong> <strong>BOARD</strong> <strong>OF</strong> <strong>TRUSTEES</strong><strong>REGULAR</strong> SESSIONMPB 3March 23, 2010Administration : Dr. Gerritz, Head of SchoolDr. Costessi, Deputy Head of School, Chief Financial OfficerMr. Davies, Deputy Head of School for LearningMs. Oor, SecretaryGuests : Ms. Tananone, Community/Global Issues Service CoordinatorMr. Conner, HS Dean of AthleticsMr. Vaughan, MS PE TeacherMrs. Davy opened the meeting at 6:00 pm in the absence of Mr. Sertthin and Mrs. Cooper.I. APPROVAL <strong>OF</strong> <strong>MINUTES</strong>The minutes of the February meeting were approved as presented.II. CARING, GLOBAL CITIZENSMs. Tananone briefed the Board on the progress made on <strong>ISB</strong>’s Global Citizenship Program from2008 to this year. Global Citizenship is the 3 rd part of <strong>ISB</strong>’s Mission. Past years’ milestonesconsists of: the development of a “working definition” of a global citizen, developing standardsand benchmarks for Global Citizenship from worldwide sources, developing an action plan forGlobal Citizenship targets, increased coordination between HS, MS, and ES service clubs andactivities, “Advocacy” weeks in HS, shift from WWW to Global Citizenship Week, ServiceLearning project in Pre-K and Grade 2, and increased use of local contacts for ES field trips. TheProgram plans for next year are to: include Global Citizenship Standards and Benchmarks in thenew Curriculum Mapping System, begin to embed GC standards and benchmarks in thecurriculum through curriculum review process and unit development, and implement GlobalConcerns Week.Mrs. Cooper took over chairing the meeting.III. SILC COMMITTEE REPORTA. Co-Curricular Program ReviewMr. Toomey gave an update on the <strong>ISB</strong> co-curricular program review with the help of Mr. Connerand Mr. Vaughan. The vision for the program has been developed, the framework has beenestablished which defined goals and identified gaps using an interschool and intraschoolcontinuum. He stressed that for the meantime, the focus is on the sports co-curricular program.

- 2 -The Arts and the Community Programs, although included in the overall vision will have to bereviewed in depth at a later date. The remaining tactical work and execution of the vision will becompleted by the <strong>ISB</strong> Leadership Team and the Athletics Department staff. Dr. Gerritz added thatthe quality of coaching for these activities is one of the more important areas where in-depthfocus is needed.Mr. Sertthin took over chairing the meeting.B. Scholarship ProgramMr. Ma reported on the progress made regarding the scholarship program which included:identifying the scholarship eligibility requirements, selection process and the cost estimate. Theplan is for <strong>ISB</strong> to initially fund the program (cost estimate of 1,681,400 Thai Bht for 2 students)and it is hoped that future scholarships’ funding may come from other donors. After a clarifyingdiscussion:It was movedThat the BOT approves the offer of 5-year <strong>ISB</strong> scholarships, from Grades 8 – 12 to twonon-<strong>ISB</strong> students who are identified and proven to be in financial need.The motion was approved unanimously.C. Leaver SurveyDr. Gerritz presented and explained the leaver survey which was conducted among all theleaving students’ parents up to grade 11. The survey results reflected a high level of satisfactionamong the parents across the 3 grade levels. It is to be noted that one major issue of satisfactionis the ES Math Program which prompted the institution of a new Math program last year. Adiscussion ensued following a suggestion that the survey report be posted on the Parent Portal. Itwas decided that public posting of such material which may not be properly understood may notbe prudent at the moment as it may prove to be a negative factor for <strong>ISB</strong>’s marketing purposes.IV. BUSINESS COMMITTEE REPORTMr. De Vries reported that the Cultural Center construction progress is 94.36% completed as ofMarch 8, 2010. The contractor is given until end of April 2010 to deliver the building in good orderand furnishing is scheduled from mid May to mid June. He also updated the Board on the majorsummer projects which includes Field A, the Track Field, a new drainage system and new grassfor the ES playground.It was movedThat the BOT authorizes the Administration to move forward with the renovations to FieldD.The motion passed with 7 approvals, 1 opposed and I abstention.V. COMMITTEE ON <strong>TRUSTEES</strong> REPORTMrs. Davy reported that the COT did not receive any input for changes to the proposed Sections1 and 5 of the revised Policy Manual. The last section to be presented at the April BOT meeting isthe Finance Section, and the full manual will be presented for full Board approval at the MayBoard retreat.The BOT Meetings’ Calendar for SY 2010-2011was also presented and approved by the Board.Mrs. Davy reminded the Board of the email sent by the COT proposing to contract the services ofKPMG to man this year’s BOT elections.It was moved

- 3 -That the BOT authorizes the administration to contract the services of KPMG to man theBOT elections this year to not exceed the amount of 25,000 Thai BHT.The motion passed with 8 approvals and 1 abstention.VI. GUESTS’ QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS1. A suggestion was made whether it’s possible for guests to pose questions regarding agendaitems at the end of the item discussion instead of at the end of the meeting so that guests arenot made to wait for up to 2 hours when the meeting ends.2. Is it possible to ask questions on issues which are not on the meeting’s agenda? The parentwas advised to email the BOT Chair on any issue that s/he thinks should be on the agendaand the Chair will consider whether it’s a Board issue or not to be then included or notincluded in the agenda.3. With the increase in facilities, is there a plan to increase the number of students? Themaximum student capacity of <strong>ISB</strong> is 2,000 students and there is no plan to increase thenumber beyond the maximum.4. A suggestion was made to include current students (Grade 12) in the leavers’ survey.VIIADJOURNMENTThe meeting was adjourned at 8:40 pm.Verified as approved by the Board at itsmeeting of April 20, 2010.Secretary, <strong>ISB</strong> Board of Trustees

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