Geography Final Exam 2011.pdf - CommunityNet: DeKalb County ...

Geography Final Exam 2011.pdf - CommunityNet: DeKalb County ...

Geography Final Exam 2011.pdf - CommunityNet: DeKalb County ...


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World <strong>Geography</strong> <strong>Final</strong> <strong>Exam</strong>NGS 12.1NGS 12A.2NGS 12B.2NGS 12.4NGS 12E.3NGS 12B.1NGS 11.0NGS 13A.1NGS 4A.1NGS 12A.1NGS 12B.3NGS 10D.3NGS 10AThe functions, sizes, and spatial arrangements of urban areasExplain how the functions of cities differ from those of towns andvillages (e.g., they offer more specialized economic and socialactivities, greater concentration of services, greater availability ofthe same services)Analyze and compare the shapes of cities to identify factors thatinfluence urban morphology (e.g., transportation routes, physicalbarriers, zoning regulations)The evolving forms of present-day urban areaDescribe the cultural imprints of increasing urbanization (e.g., theincreasing numbers of ethnic enclaves in urban areas, thedevelopment of legislation to protect the rights of ethnic and racialminorities)Use aerial photographs, topographic maps, and census data tolearn about land uses in the students own city or in another city in thesame region and then speculate about the citys primary functionwithin its region (e.g., commercial center, university community,transportation hub)The patterns and networks of economic interdependence on earthssurfaceExplain how cooperation and/or conflict can lead to the allocation ofcontrol of Earths surface (e.g., the formation and delineation ofregional planning districts, regional school districts, countries,free-trade zones)Describe the same place ar different times in its history (e.g., Londonas a Roman outpost in Britain, as a medieval trading center, and asthe seat of a global empire in the nineteenth century or Tokyo in thethree decades immediately before and after the Meiji Restoration)Analyze the site and situation of selected cities in different regions ofthe world (e.g., Sydneys harbor location, Denver as the Mile HighCity, Montreal as an island city)Identify those ways in which a city has remained the same for manyyears, as well as those ways it has changed (e.g., on the basis ofhistories, old newspapers, public records, maps, aerialphotographs, census data)Predict how evolving political and economic alliances affect thetraditional cohesiveness of world culture regions (e.g.,post-reunification Germany and its economic effect on theEuropean Union, NAFTAs effect on trade relations among the UnitedStates, Canada, and Mexico)Compare the role that culture plays in incidents of cooperation andconflict in the present-day world, as exemplified by being able to<strong>Geography</strong> 2011 28

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