Open Letter - Open Campus - Uwi.edu

Open Letter - Open Campus - Uwi.edu

Open Letter - Open Campus - Uwi.edu


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Framework. The Case Study was based on The UWI and the <strong>Open</strong><strong>Campus</strong>. “Many of our colleagues in leadership and managerial roleswere very cooperative and participated in the data-gathering stagethrough responding to surveys, being interviewed or participating infocus groups” said Dr. Longsworth. “I wish to thank them for theirsupport and willingness to be a part of this study.”An excerpt from the acknowledgements section of Dr. Longsworth’sThesis:“At home in the Caribbean, I have been blessed with a support basethat has been my fortress. I wish to thank sincerely and humbly mycolleagues all over the region who so gladly agreed to beinterviewed, surveyed, “focus grouped” and generally examin<strong>edu</strong>nder the microscope of this thesis. I hope that I have done justiceto your words, views and ideas and that this work will help us togrow from strength to strength. Warmest thanks to Francis, Cheryland Anneshia for covering for me during my time away working onthe thesis and to Jennifer for fiercely protecting my time off as wellas doing a wonderful job of transcribing several of the interviewsalong with my daughter Marissa. To the Chancellor, Vice Chancellor,the Principals, the rest of the Executive Management team of theUWI and the Management Team of the <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Campus</strong>, I also say aspecial thank you for your constant encouragement and interest inmy progress. I hope that I will be able to share with all of the <strong>Open</strong><strong>Campus</strong> staff, some of my findings in due course.”responsibility for overseeing distance <strong>edu</strong>cation when the Board forDistance Education was set up. Professor Brandon had, in fact, beenparticipating in distance <strong>edu</strong>cation from the beginning of UWIDITE,by teaching a course in the Certificate in Education. When the Officeof Academic Affairs succumbed to the last major restructuring of theUniversity, it found itself reborn as the Office of the Board for Non-<strong>Campus</strong> Countries and Distance Education. When that Board wasitself transfigured and the <strong>Open</strong> <strong>Campus</strong> was born, he remained inthe Principal's Office, contributing to planning and theadministration of the new campus. Professor Brandon’s publicationshave, over the years, reflected his early engagement in the trainingof teachers. While many were concerned with what Philosophymight contribute to improving teachers’ performance in theclassroom, his main focus was on improving their grasp of goodreasoning and on getting a clearer picture of the nature of thesubject they were teaching. At Cave Hill, he was able to assist with anew Philosophy Major that began in 2000 and actually taught anumber of straight Philosophy courses that later led to his writing afew related publications. His interests in Philosophy have alwaysreflected the wide range pursued by his first teacher, the late JohnMackie, whose introductory courses at the University of York inEngland diverted Professor Brandon from the Linguistics he hadoriginally gone there to study.WOW! EVEN LOWER “FLASH FARES” FOR CRUISE!Congratulations toProfessor Ed BrandonPrincess Cruise lines have just published EVEN LOWER “flash fare”rates for our April 17-24, 2011 cruise. Unfortunately, these lastminutespecial fares are only available for NEW bookings, so those ofyou who have been on the fence, now is the time to jump! This isincredible value for money!Congratulations to Professor Ed Brandon who became a Professor inNovember 2010. Professor Brandon thinks of himself as a student ofPhilosophy more than anything else - and true to one of thefounding fathers of that discipline, Socrates, who is notorious forknowing only that he didn't know most of the important answers –could not claim to be able to say how he had ended up with aprofessorial title. One thing, however, that was very important wasthe opportunity provided by the internet to let the world, and inparticular Principal Hazel Simmons-McDonald, view his work overthe years. Professor Brandon is very grateful to her for suggestingthat his list might seem sufficient to the University, despite his lackof several normal ingredients.Professor Brandon’s current position within the Principal’s Officebegan many years ago (1992), when he left the then Faculty ofEducation at Mona to come to work in the Office of AcademicAffairs, headed by PVC Woodville Marshall. That Office was chargedwith advising on academic policies for the University and that didn'tseem too remote from general reflections on what <strong>edu</strong>cation,teaching, and learning were all about, which was what he had beenpaid to do at Mona. The Office of Academic Affairs, was also givenDouble occupancy (US$) Single Occupancy (US$)Interior 399 Interior 798Ocean View(Obstructed)429Ocean View(Obstructed)858Ocean View 499 Ocean View Not AvailableBalcony 699 Balcony 1.398.00Mini Suite 1,798.00Plus Government Fees – US$54.20 per personPlease be reminded, however, that these “flash fare” rates:ARE SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION AT THE TIME OF BOOKINGREQUIRE PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARDARE NON-REFUNDABLE IF YOU CANCEL FOR ANY REASONDO NOT ALLOW NAME CHANGESIt is not too late to consider a wonderful, unique Easter Getaway – sobook early via the Scholar Ship website:www.open.uwi.<strong>edu</strong>/adventures before you miss the boat!

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