Section 7 - Peabody Energy

Section 7 - Peabody Energy

Section 7 - Peabody Energy


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Metropolitan Coal Project – Environmental Assessment7 REFERENCESAlgers, B., Kesbo, I. and Strömberg, S. (1978) TheImpact of Continuous Noise on Animal Health.Acta Scandinavica, Suppl. 67.Allaire, P.N. (1978) Effects on Avian PopulationsAdjacent to an Active Strip Mine. Symposiumon Surface Mining and Fish/Wildlife Needs inEastern United States, West Virginia.Allan Watson Associates (2007) Metropolitan CoalProject Rejects Disposal Strategy for ProjectExpansion. Report prepared for HelensburghCoal Pty Ltd.Ames, D.R. (1978) Physiological Responses toAuditory Stimuli. In Fletcher, J.L and Busnel,R.G. (1978) (eds.) Effects of Noise onWildlife.Anderson, R.H. (1968) Introduction. Contr. NewSouth Wales Natl. Herb. Fl. New South WalesNos 1-18, pp. 1-15.Australia and New Zealand Environment CouncilCommittee (1990) Technical Basis forGuidelines to Minimise Annoyance due toBlasting Overpressure and Ground Vibration.Australian and New Zealand Environment andConservation Council (2000) Australian andNew Zealand Water Quality Guidelines forFresh and Marine Water Quality.Australian Greenhouse Office (1998) The NationalGreenhouse Strategy. Commonwealth ofAustralia, Canberra.Australian Greenhouse Office (2004) AGO Factorsand Methods Workbook.Australian Greenhouse Office (2005) State andTerritory Greenhouse Gas Inventories 2005.Australian Greenhouse Office (2007) NationalGreenhouse Gas Inventory 2005.Australian Museum (2007) Database records withinthe following search area -34 o 00' 00", -34 o 23'00”, 150 o 45', 151 o 10'. Data receivedAugust 2007.Bangalay Botanical Surveys (2007) MetropolitanColliery: Longwall 18, 19 and 19A FloraSurvey and Assessment. Report prepared forHelensburgh Coal Pty Ltd.Bangalay Botanical Surveys (2008) MetropolitanCoal Project Baseline Flora Survey - ProposedLongwall Mining Area. Report prepared forHelensburgh Coal Pty Ltd.Berger, L., Speares, R. and Hyatt, A. (1999) Chytridfungus and amphibian declines: Overview,implications and future directions. InCampbell, A. (1999) (ed.) Declines andDisappearances of Australian Frogs.Environment Australia, Canberra.BHP Billiton – Illawarra Coal (2006) Processing andLogistics 2006- Coal Wash Data and ProductSpecification: Fill.BIO-ANALYSIS Pty Ltd (2007 to 2008) MetropolitanColliery Longwalls 14-17 Aquatic EcologyMonitoring Programme. Reports prepared forHelensburgh Coal Pty Ltd.Biosphere Environmental Consultants (2007)Amphibian Survey - Longwalls 14 -17Metropolitan Colliery. Report prepared forHelensburgh Coal Pty Ltd.Birds Australia (2007) Database records within thefollowing search area -34 o 00' 00", -34 o 23'00”, 150 o 45', 151 o 10'. Data receivedAugust 2007.Brasher, R.E. and Pittock, A.B. (1998) AustralasianImpacts of Climate Change. An Assessment ofVulnerability. In Watson, R.T., Zinyowera,M.C., Moss, R.H. and Dokken, D.J. (Eds.)(1997) The Regional Impacts of ClimateChange: An Assessment of Vulnerability.IPCC Report, Australian Greenhouse Office,Canberra.Briggs, J.H. and Leigh, J.D. (1996) Rare andThreatened Australian Plants. AustralianNational Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra.Bruce, A., Growns, I. and Gehrke P. (2001)Woronora River Macquarie Perch Survey,NSW Fisheries Final Report Series No. 32,ISSN 144-3544.Bureau of Meteorology (2008) Climate AveragesAustralia.Website: www.bom.gov.auBusnel, R.G. (1978) Introduction. In J.L. Fletcherand R.G. Busnel (1978) (eds.) Effects of Noiseon Wildlife.7-1

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