Section 7 - Peabody Energy

Section 7 - Peabody Energy

Section 7 - Peabody Energy


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Metropolitan Coal Project – Environmental AssessmentTomkins, K.M. and Humphreys, G.S., (2006)Technical Report 2: Upland swampdevelopment and erosion on the WoronoraPlateau during the Holocene. SydneyCatchment Authority and MacquarieUniversity, Sydney Collaborative ResearchProject.World Commission on Environment andDevelopment (1987) Our Common Future.Young, A.R.M. (1986) The geomorphicdevelopment of dells (upland swamps) on theWoronora Plateau, N.S.W., Australia. Zeitscriftfur Geomorphologie 30: 317-327.Tozer, M.G., Turner, K., Simpson, C., Keith, D.A.,Beukers, P., MacKenzie, B., Tindall, D. andPennay, C. (2006) Native vegetation ofsoutheast NSW: a revised classification andmap for the coast and eastern tablelands.Version 1.0 NSW Department of Environmentand Conservation and NSW Department ofNatural Resources, Hurstville.Turak, E. and Bickel, D. (1994) Using biologicalindicators to monitor the health of freshwaterecosystems. Technical Report 94/69, NSWEnvironment Protection Authority.United Nations (2008) United Nations FrameworkConvention on Climate Change: ConventionOverview.Website: www.unfccc.int/essential_background/convention/items/2627.phpDate Retrieved: July 2008.United States Department of the Interior (1994)Environmental Impact Statement – RobinsonProject. Bureau of Land Management,Nevada.Waring, C., Hankin, S., and Peterson, M. (2007)Longwall 10 Goaf Hole Hydro-Geophysicaland Hydro-Geochemical Investigations.ANSTO Report C-949 for MetropolitanColliery, June 2007.Wesson, S. (2005) Murni, Dhungang, Jirrar: Livingin the Illawarra – Aboriginal People and WildResource Use.Western Research Institute and BiosphereEnvironmental Consultants (2008) TerrestrialVertebrate Fauna Survey. Report prepared forHelensburgh Coal Pty Ltd.WorkCover (2005) Storage and Handling ofDangerous Goods – Code of Practice 2005.World Business Council Sustainable Developmentand World Resources Institute (2004)Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A CorporateAccounting and Reporting Standard.7-9

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