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DISCOVER MOUNTAIN LIFEfall 2007GUIDEacowboy’scallingmeet Boone Campbelland discover the lureof the Wild WestPerfect OrganizationKitchen KarmaPerfect OrganizationSisters in SurvivalPrue, Shelly, Karen &Carol on their battleswith bre<strong>as</strong>t cancerThis spud’s for youWhy Idaho and the potatoare beneficial bedfellowsone copy FREE

Boone, 22,h<strong>as</strong> choices.He couldgo to college.Or service thetourists who pourinto the gildedtowns of theWood River <strong>Valley</strong>,becoming a centralc<strong>as</strong>ting cowboyfor awestruckboys usuallypreoccupied withhandheld games.Boone Campbell, cowboy, takes his time fordingthe stream, allowing his horse an extra ration ofcoolness. It is miles to the high camp and in thestretches above the trees; it will be a challengekeeping the horses together. Boone, wrangler fora big-game hunting outfit, is high in the SoldierMountains, north of the Cam<strong>as</strong> Prairie, west ofthe resort towns of Ketchum and <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.Boone, 22, h<strong>as</strong> choices. He could go to college.Or service the tourists who pour into the gildedtowns of the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>, becoming a centralc<strong>as</strong>ting cowboy for awestruck boys usuallypreoccupied with handheld games.But Boone, who w<strong>as</strong> raised in Hailey, wherehis father and paternal grandparents still live,rejected both, throwing in his lot with the lifeand dusty romance of the calloused, hardscrabblecowboy. And so he lives, amidst the wonderfulisolation and beauty of daunting mountain rangesthat most people see only from scenic highways orjets, from which those arrowhead granite peaksgive way to impenetrable forests with the blueveins of water coursing toward magical waterwayssuch <strong>as</strong> the Snake and the Boise and the BigWood and the Clearwater—waterways writ largewith history and romance. And blood.12 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

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oads. They might have seen each otheronce a week.Boone pulled 12-hour shifts, marshallinghis section, sometimes on ahorse, sometimes in a truck, always onthe lookout for cows in trouble, particularlythose having difficulty calving.Some shifts he helped deliver fiveor six calves; others, just one.But it’s shift upon shift. A break inthe routine might be a traveling ministervisiting one of the area ranches.Boone tries to make the makeshiftservices. “We don’t have TV here,” hesays. “Anyway, I’m just fine not beingpart of that world.”Boone senses that some people arestunned by the simplicity and yet theincredible texture of his life. “I likethe freedom,” he explains. “You’re nottied down. You can just pack up andmove on when you feel like it. I likeopen country.“It’s not a good place unless youlike working with horses. With cows.And you gotta love learning. There isso much to learn out here. Never ends.”Neither does the vulnerability.This p<strong>as</strong>t winter, a horse fell onBoone, breaking his leg in two places.A broken leg is treacherous on a skimountain. On a remote ranch, in thebackcountry, it can be fatal. Fortunately,he w<strong>as</strong> working with anothercowhand, who constructed a splintout of some large wrenches wrappedin canv<strong>as</strong>. He loaded Boone—no e<strong>as</strong>yt<strong>as</strong>k in itself—into the back of a truckand drove him 40 miles to the nearesthospital. He w<strong>as</strong> then airlifted toa more sophisticated hospital. Boonerecovered on a ranch near the Oregontown of Adel, working <strong>as</strong> an apprenticeto an area artisan who weavesvery elaborate horsehair-and-rawhidebracelets and hatbands. Boone is nowback in the saddle, working cows.What does the future hold forBoone?It brings to mind those old blackand-whiteWestern movies in whichthe cowhand ultimately must decidebetween moving to town and courtingthe schoolmarm, or going on withthe cattle drive to the Kans<strong>as</strong> Cityrailhead.It is not a simple choice. And onesenses that in coming years the pressureof ranch life versus town life willfall heavily upon Boone. But one isinclined to believe that, say, five yearsfrom now, Boone will be workinga dusty spread in Oregon or Idaho,perhaps his own, riding at dusk, lookingout from a ridgeline at the lightsof a distant town or an interstatehighway, maybe a few vague glimpsesof emblematic neon—the signs of thecomfort and indulgences and companionshipof town life. The line cabinwhere he probably spends the night h<strong>as</strong>no electricity. No running water, nor,in the morning, the gentle presence of acaring woman and the aroma of baconand flapjacks.Again, the question.But most likely he will pause onlymomentarily on that ridgeline, beforeturning his horse away, away from theflickering lights and seductive neon,back to the herd and the business ofbeing a cowboy. sVg w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 15

16the stateidahoof thepotato

For more than 70 years, Idaho and potatohave been synonymous the world over.And, in spite of endless battles with fungi,worms and Dr. Atkins, the much-malignedspud is still the Gem State’s best-knownexport. Matt Furber investigates theimportance of the potato to Idaho.Photos by Chris Pilaro and David N. Seelig.Since 1928, when Idaho first put the spudon its license plates, Idaho and potato havebeen synonymous the world over.The official amb<strong>as</strong>sador for Idaho’sfavorite spud, the Russet Burbank, is namedSpuddy Buddy. A bald, two-dimensionalpotato with an animated face, Spuddy h<strong>as</strong>jauntily advocated for the Idaho potatoaround the globe for more than a decadenow, promoting his “World Famous Potatoes.”Considering he helped sell the 12 billionpounds of potatoes Idahoans wrestledfrom the desert l<strong>as</strong>t year, Spuddy is workingat le<strong>as</strong>t <strong>as</strong> hard <strong>as</strong>the “Famous Potatoes”license plate.The humblepotato may havenever <strong>as</strong>ked for thejob, but Spuddy ispart of perhaps thegreatest vegetablemarketing campaignever, next toPopeye’s efforts tomake children eatspinach.The architect ofthis campaign, theIdaho Potato Commission,is currently celebrating its 70th yearof plugging the Idaho potato (“Idaho” and“potato” both being registered trademarks).Today, Idaho collects more in agriculturalrevenues from dairy and livestock than it doesfrom potatoes, but the vibrancy of Idaho’seconomy still h<strong>as</strong> the spud to thank.Potatoes accounted for $664 million, or15 percent, of the $4.5 billion collected inagricultural tax revenues in 2006. Potato concernsaltogether employ more than 40,000people in the state.The legacy of the potato in Idaho is apparentin many ways. The world’s largest potatosculpture sits atop a flatbed truck betweenVictor and Driggs, Idaho, while J.R. SimplotCompany’s backing of Micron TechnologyInc., the Ester Simplot Performing Arts Academyand countless other potato-sponsoredevents and organizations have been a boonto the citizens of Idaho.But how did a land full of desert scrubbrush become the most famous area in thenation for producing potatoes?The soil of the SnakeAs with many tales of the taming of the WildWest, water w<strong>as</strong> central to the establishmentof Idaho <strong>as</strong> the Potato State.It all began with“Idaho Potato King”Demand for organic produce is growing, benefiting Idaho’s smallnumber of organic potato farmers, such <strong>as</strong> Buhl farmer Mike Heath.Joe Marshal andhis impoundmentand diversion ofwater flowing intothe Snake River. Inthe early 1900s,the self-educatedcivil engineer andpotato farmer w<strong>as</strong>influential in muchof the early irrigationdevelopment.Having workedwith the MilnerBrothers (who builtthe dam that precipitated agriculture on theTwin Falls plain), Marshal helped line upother dams and canals that watered cropsinitially by flood irrigation.Consequently, Idaho potatoes are grownmostly in the southern half of the state alongthe Snake River. The heart of production is insouthe<strong>as</strong>tern Idaho, with most seed potatoes(new potato plants are not grown from traditionalseeds but from pieces of potato known <strong>as</strong>seed potatoes) raised along cooler and typicallymore dise<strong>as</strong>e-resistant stretches of land nearAshton, at the head of the Snake River Plain.The soil in the crescent of the Snake RiverPlain, along with its volcanic elements, is idealfor potatoes. “It h<strong>as</strong> never been determined17

exactly what the soil contains that makes anoutstandingly successful potato crop,” the IdahoPotato Commission states in its book Aristocratin Burlap: A History of the Potato in Idaho.“When new land is brought under cultivationafter centuries of ‘desert’ conditions where sagebrush,bitterbrush and a variety of gr<strong>as</strong>ses andforbs have been its only production, the first yearusually produces an exceptionally fine crop.”Even with continuing application of chemicalfertilizers, continues the book, “it never seemspossible to duplicate the first-year crop when thepotatoes are planted for the first time in desertsoil and all of thetrace minerals andnative organismsare present.”The fact remainsthat, althoughsoils and temperaturesin Idaho aregood for potatoes—Idaho’sclimateof warm daysand cool nightsprovides idealconditions for thegrowing and productionof potatoes—theydon’tmake it on theirown. Irrigation must be vigorously regulatedand nutrients must be continually added forconventional potato farming to succeed.About 30 potato varieties are grown inIdaho—whittled down over a century frommore than 1,000 natural varieties—but they allget the same conventional mono-crop treatmentfrom farm to farm. Some potatoes make betterbakers and others are best for the huge diversityin processed potato products. The Russet Burbankis great for making chips and fries, andFrench fries make up about 60 percent of theIdaho potato market.The J.R. Simplot Company—the most wellknown of the more than two dozen firms thatproduce, process, pack and ship potatoes inIdaho—stopped selling fresh, whole potatoesin the 1990s, but markets about 200 processedpotato products. Although Simplot farms andranches on much of its 300,000 privately ownedacres, most of its potato supply comes fromindependent growers in the Northwest, whocontract with thespud mogul.It w<strong>as</strong> with ahandshake that, in1967, Simplot corneredthe McDonald’sFrench-frymarket, with itsbillions served.By the 1970s, thePacific Northwesthad overtaken theNorthe<strong>as</strong>t <strong>as</strong> thecountry’s leadingpotato producer.In 1971, potatochip sales topped$1 billion, and theU.S. per capita consumption of processed potatoproducts surp<strong>as</strong>sed fresh potato demand.Bellevue potato farmer Mark Johnson displays his seed potatoes. Potatoesare grown from potato pieces, such <strong>as</strong> these, not from traditional seeds.The potato’s downfallThen dis<strong>as</strong>ter struck. In 1972, Dr. Robert Atkinsintroduced his low-carbohydrate, high-protein,high-fat diet. Potato sales bottomed out.“The demand for fresh potatoes h<strong>as</strong> gonelike this,” said Mark Johnson, tilting his armChronologyof theidahoSpudInformation in this timeline w<strong>as</strong> mostlygleaned from A Potato Chronology byRichard E. Tucker. Images courtesyIdaho Potato Commission.1836 Idaho’s first potato grower w<strong>as</strong> not a farmer at all,but a Presbyterian missionary, Henry Spalding (right). Hetaught the Nez Perce Indians how to raise agriculturalcrops in the Lapwai area.1840s “French fried” potatoes (pommes frites) appear inParis, France, and begin to achieve popularity.1871 Luther Burbank plants high yielding hybrid of EarlyRose in his garden, later called Burbank.1895 Potato chips are shipped in barrels, displayed in gl<strong>as</strong>sc<strong>as</strong>es and sold in paper bags.1903 The process for hydrogenation of fats (trans fats) is patented.1909 January 4 John Richard (J.R.) Simplot (opposite page) is born in Iowa.1914 Lon Sweet, a Colorado grower, selects a mutation of Burbank and calls it theRusset Burbank variety.18

at a downward angle. “When w<strong>as</strong> the l<strong>as</strong>t timeyou ate a fresh potato?” Johnson, co-owner ofSilver Creek Seeds in Picabo, is the only potatofarmer in the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>.However, with the help of Spuddy—whonow promotes the plentiful health value ofthe potato, which h<strong>as</strong> more vitamin C thana Florida orange—the potato is clawing backsome of its lost ground. Consumer demand forprocessed potatoes is incre<strong>as</strong>ing, especially <strong>as</strong>companies such <strong>as</strong> Frito-Lay swear off transfats to make potato snacks healthier. Brushingthe soil off the eyes of a certified virus-freeseed potato imported from Canada l<strong>as</strong>t spring,Johnson beamed <strong>as</strong> hesaid prices have goneup in the p<strong>as</strong>t twoyears, especially fordehydrated potatoes.Restaurants stillserve heaps of Idahopotatoes. One certainlydoesn’t need totravel very far to enjoythe potato and a bitof culture. Down thestreet from the J.R.Simplot Companyheadquarters in Boise,the chef at Bombay Grill on West Main Streetmakes his Aloo Gobi with the Russet Burbank.Sometimes all it takes is a little spice to giveSpuddy a little flair.Constant peaks and valleys in an ever-changingmarketplace, such is the life of the Idahopotato. This fall, Johnson will harvest 600acres of Russet Burbank, Ranger Russet, Shepody,Norcoda and Altur<strong>as</strong> seed potatoes in theBellevue Triangle. The area is a good place toraise seed potatoes for three re<strong>as</strong>ons. The fieldsThe organic 1% ofpotatoes raised inIdaho this year,which did not evenregister on thestate’s economicradar screen justfour years ago, couldpromise the future ofthe Idaho potato.are away from the dise<strong>as</strong>e, pest or fungal contaminationthat plagues most potato growers;they have a shorter growing se<strong>as</strong>on and coolertemperatures help control viruses, which is keyto grower success.Dise<strong>as</strong>e and pests have plagued the potatosince it w<strong>as</strong> first cultivated by the Inc<strong>as</strong> inthe Andes. The father of the Russet Burbankpotato, Luther Burbank, w<strong>as</strong> born in 1849, theyear after late blight, Phytophthora infestans,destroyed the Irish potato crop. The progenyof Burbank’s potatoes showed resistance to thepathogen in Idaho, but late blight w<strong>as</strong> in theUnited States to stay by the 1980s, arriving inIdaho in 1997.The Colorado potatobeetle, which madeits way from NorthAmerica to Europe(a parting legacy ofWorld War I) alsoruins potato crops.In addition to fungi,scabs, mildews andother pests and dise<strong>as</strong>esthat compromisethe potato, lateblight and the Coloradopotato beetle areannual challenges all Idaho potato farmers face.All but 1 percent of the state’s potatoes aregrown conventionally, with heaps of chemicalfertilizers, pesticides, fungicides and herbicidesapplied according to integrated pest- and dise<strong>as</strong>e-managementprinciples. The University ofIdaho Extension Office will gladly sell youa 426-page, glossy book to help guide youthrough the puzzle of how and when to applypesticides when Mother Nature unle<strong>as</strong>hes herpestilence and dise<strong>as</strong>e.1923 J.R. Simplot quits school and goes into business(raising hogs) at Declo, Idaho.1928 Simplot and Lindsay Maggart buyan electric potato sorter, a “remarkablemachine,” to sort their tubers. Simplot buyspotato sorter from Maggart and sets up SimplotProduce Co. He stops growing potatoesand instead begins buying, selling, sorting andshipping them.1934 Idaho ships 466 carloads of potatoes to NewYork City for about 2 percent of the New York Citymarket.1937 The Idaho Fruit and Vegetable Advertising Commission(IFGAC), precursor to today’s Idaho Potato Commission,is founded.1942 The U.S. government declares potato chips tobe an “essential food.”1942-45 Simplot furnishes over 50 million poundsof dehydrated potatoes to the U.S. Army. Germansstudy potential offensive uses of Colorado potatobeetle against Great Britain. Simplot chemist RayDunlap begins experiments with freezing of potatoesfor French frying.1946 Simplot begins production of the first frozenFrench fries.1948 Dick and Mac McDonald introduce milk shakesand French fries at their Los Angeles hamburger stand.1950 E<strong>as</strong>t Germany accuses U.S. of scattering Coloradopotato beetles over its potato crops.w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 19

Each year, industrial agriculture works toimprove ways to grow potatoes. Most notoriousw<strong>as</strong> Monsanto’s genetically modified New Leafpotato, engineered to resist the Colorado potatobeetle. Though New Leaf potatoes were intendedto resist pests, it w<strong>as</strong> the fry industry and foreign,then domestic, consumers who were repelled.“(In 2001) We did take the position that wewould not accept GMO (genetically modifiedorganism) potatoes,”said Fred Zerza, Simplotvice president ofpublic relations. “Wemet resistance fromJapanese and Europeancustomers andto some extent in theUnited States.”GMO is not overfor Simplot. It is currentlyexploring itsown GMO research.However, Zerza addedthat anything thatmight result in a “betterpotato” or “greentechnology” is at le<strong>as</strong>tfive years away. Untilscientists can selectgenes for a potato thatwill be palatable to the consumer, have a betterflavor, or be less susceptible to bruising—makingit more suitable for processing—farmers continueto produce potatoes with conventional methods,which is incre<strong>as</strong>ingly harder on the environment.A familiar sight along the highways of Idaho, potato trucks carry thestate’s most precious bounty to consumers nationwide.An organic future?Mike Heath, an organic farmer who sells his potatoesand other produce at farmers’ markets in theWood River <strong>Valley</strong>, is b<strong>as</strong>ed in Buhl, southwestof Twin Falls. His M&M Farms is a collection offarming plots owned by people who want to seetheir land farmed organically.Heath would like to start his potatoes fromorganic Idaho seed, but he h<strong>as</strong>n’t found a dependablegrower, andorganic rules allowhim to start with conventionalseed. Butboth Heath and Johnsonhave their eyes onthe future. “I wouldgrow organic seed if Icould find a market,”Johnson said. For now,after dealing with regularproblems such <strong>as</strong>fixing flat tractor tiresand working aroundthe weather, weedsand water, Johnson’schallenge is simply tofind relatively dise<strong>as</strong>efreeare<strong>as</strong> in which toraise seed potatoes.While it seems thereis no e<strong>as</strong>y ride in the Idaho potato business, Heath h<strong>as</strong>been successful in his bid to market potatoes <strong>as</strong> anorganic farmer. He raises his potatoes on a seven-yearrotation cycle that includes several years with potatofields planted in nitrogen-fixing alfalfa.Continued on page 281952 Marilyn Monroe (left) wears a burlap potato bagfor “You’d look good even in a potato sack” shoot.1961 Production value of potatoes tops all other cropsin Idaho.1967 Simplot and Ray Kroc agree to sole use ofSimplot frozen French fries at McDonald’s with ahandshake.1970 Potato chip sales top $1 billion.1971 Per capita consumptionof processed potato productssurp<strong>as</strong>ses that of fresh potatoesin the U.S.1972 Dr. Robert Atkins introduceshis high-protein, high-fat, lowcarbohydratediet program.1976 The phr<strong>as</strong>e ‘couch-potato’is coined by a cartoonist.1990 Northe<strong>as</strong>t and Midwest farmers produce 29percent of the U.S. potato crop. Pacific Northwestfarmers produce 65 percent of the U.S. potato crop.Idaho Potato Exposition opens at Blackfoot, Idaho, <strong>as</strong>a museum to promote potato industry.1992 Vice President Dan Quayle fails to correctly spellpotato at a Trenton, NJ, elementary school.1994 The character of Potato Buddy(left), later re-christened SpuddyBuddy, w<strong>as</strong> created by the IdahoPotato Commission to helppromote the Idaho potato.1997 Idaho produces 5.6 millionmetric tons of potatoes, mostly RussetBurbanks.2000 Russet Burbank represents 74 percentof Idaho’s total potato production.20

French friedIdaho prideAbout 15 years before Lewis and Clark p<strong>as</strong>sedthrough Idaho on their exploration of the LouisianaPurch<strong>as</strong>e, Thom<strong>as</strong> Jefferson w<strong>as</strong> servingFrench fries in W<strong>as</strong>hington, D.C.The availability of inexpensive cookingoil in the late 1800s incre<strong>as</strong>ed the popularityof the deep-fried dish. However, it w<strong>as</strong> localpotato magnate J.R. Simplot’s refrigerationexperiments with Ray Dunlap (a food technicianat Simplot’s Caldwell plant) during WorldWar II, and a 1967 handshake with McDonald’sf<strong>as</strong>t-food entrepreneur Ray Kroc, thatfirmly connected Idaho with the potato.Simplot’s agreement w<strong>as</strong> for the sole useof his pre-cut frozen French fries at the f<strong>as</strong>tfoodchain. The e<strong>as</strong>e of shipping, storingand cooking the pre-packaged frozen friesat home or in restaurants fueled a subsequentincre<strong>as</strong>e in popularity of French friesaround the world, skyrocketing the Idahocompany’s profits.In 1990, the U.S. consumption of frozenpotato products per capita surp<strong>as</strong>sedfresh potato demand. As the f<strong>as</strong>t-food trendexpanded with drive-thru service, so did thestandard American waistline.The cooking method, using the processof hydrogenation of fats (trans fats) patentedin 1903, gave the fries that distinct, flavorfult<strong>as</strong>te. But it would be almost a century beforea mounting cadre of processed potato producerswould abandon use of those risky fatsfor healthier methods. In 2004, J.R. SimplotCompany introduced the Infinity Fry; a zerograms-of-trans-fatfrozen French fry.An unwelcomeguestA strain of the worm-like organismsthat fe<strong>as</strong>t on the nutrients taken up bypotato root tips found a new home inIdaho in 2006.L<strong>as</strong>t spring, 1,000 acres werefumigated with methyl bromide in aneffort to eradicate potato cyst nematode(PCN), a species of nematodethat h<strong>as</strong> followed the potato on itscenturies–long migration from Peru toEurope and finally to North America.The nematode does not harm humans,but it is dev<strong>as</strong>tating to potato crops.“This is a bad nematode,” saidFrank Muir, president of the IdahoPotato Commission, explaining thatthe PCN infestation in Idaho is thefirst time this particular nematode speciesh<strong>as</strong> been found in the UnitedStates. Researchers found PCN in onesample out of 3,000, ultimately discoveringthat seven fields near Shelley,Idaho, were contaminated.“We were very forthright in communicatingthis thing,” Muir said. “Eventhough four countries shut their doorsto us, it w<strong>as</strong> us telling them, not themtelling us.”Mexico and Canada are againaccepting fresh Idaho potatoes, butJapan and South Korea still have aban on them. It may be four years ormore before sterilized fields can benourished again for potato crops.4TH ST. & LEADVILLE AVE.KETCHUM, IDAHOAtkinsons’ MarketLanette’s Hair SalonIMAGE CONSULTINGDiane JamesINTERIOR DESIGNChateau DrugChicken LippsCHILDREN’S TOYS & CLOTHINGR.S.V.P.BEAUTIFUL PAPERS,BEAUTIFULLY ARRANGED2001 Per capita utilization of frozen potatoproducts in U.S. is estimated at 29.4 poundsper person.2002 McDonald’s USA announces plan toreduce trans fat from French fries. U.S. is fourthbehind China, Russia, and India in potato productionwith 21,011,030 metric tons.2004 The low-carbohydrate diet vilifying theconsumption of potatoes, promoted by Dr. RobertAtkins, peaks. J.R. Simplot Co. introducesInfinity Fry, a zero-grams trans fat frozenFrench fry.2006 Canada, Korea, Mexico ban Idahopotatoes and soils after potato cyst nematode(PCN) is found at an Idaho grading plant.2007 J.R. Simplot, 97, cr<strong>as</strong>hes scooter atBoise State University football game in Phoenix,Arizona, but recovers after surgery.JanesART • COPY • PARTYOFFICE • GIFTSKetchum KitchensFINE CULINARY EQUIPMENTShades of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>SUNGLASSES SHOPSHOP THESEFINE MERCHANTSw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 21

Battlingthebe<strong>as</strong>tbre<strong>as</strong>tsin ourIn honor ofBre<strong>as</strong>t CancerAwareness Monththis October,Dana DuGan revealsthe life-affirming storiesbehind four women’sstruggles with the dise<strong>as</strong>e.Photos by Kirsten Shultz.When cancer strikes, any kind of cancer, itis death knocking on the door. It changesyour life. It becomes all about survival.Thankfully, helping hands exist. In theWood River <strong>Valley</strong>, Expedition Inspirationfor Bre<strong>as</strong>t Cancer Research, a Ketchumb<strong>as</strong>ednonprofit, brings some of the mostrenowned researchers and oncologistsfrom across the country to meet in <strong>Sun</strong><strong>Valley</strong> each spring. The event includes apublic symposium at which people canpose questions to the experts. Awarenessis also advanced by such promotions <strong>as</strong>National Bre<strong>as</strong>t Cancer Month, observedeach October.In the United States, bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer isdiagnosed in more than 200,000 womenannually. In their search for its cause,researchers have focused on a number ofvariables including environmental factors,diet, exercise, age of first menstrual period,age at childbirth, bre<strong>as</strong>t feeding, smoking,family history and age at menopause.Despite the incre<strong>as</strong>ing beneficialresearch, being an advocate for one’s healthis still the best form of preventative medicine.Pap smears, which can detect ovarianand cervical cancer, become a yearly necessityfor women of, and over, child-bearingyears. As a woman reaches 40, an annualmammogram should be a required chore,just <strong>as</strong> renewing insurance and changingbatteries in the smoke detector is.According to the U.S. Census, in 2005roughly a quarter of the 21,000 residentsof Blaine County were women over theage of 18. According to the Idaho HospitalAssociation, 15 bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer diagnoseswere made that year in Blaine County.Put another way, approximately three outof every 1,000 women in the county werediagnosed with bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer in 2005.St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Centerprovides 1,800 to 2,000 mammograms peryear. In 2008, the hospital will providedigital mammography, with an expectationof more early cancer diagnoses.Each woman’s experience with the dise<strong>as</strong>eis different. Yet similar strains ofhope and life affirmation run throughtheir stories. Being a bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer survivoris a club one doesn’t want to join, but<strong>as</strong> survivor and Ketchum resident RenataBeguin put it, “It’s helped me remember tobe grateful every day, to be thankful for mytotally blessed life and look for the gracein everything.”22

Prue HemmingsACancer doesn’tdiminish your life—it aligns youmore correctly in your life.s the millennium began, Prue Hemmings, art director,mother and, at the time, businesswoman, w<strong>as</strong> diagnosedwith Stage II met<strong>as</strong>tatic bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer. She w<strong>as</strong> 52, aprime age for a woman to contract bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer.“I hadn’t had a mammogram for 10 years,” she said.“I had no insurance at the time and I saw something inthe paper about a free mammogram and a nurse foundit. I w<strong>as</strong> going through a divorce and didn’t have muchmoney. I hadn’t been feeling well, sort of a low-gradeillness. I w<strong>as</strong> working very, very hard.“I don’t know what caused it, but I had a cyst onmy bre<strong>as</strong>t after William (her youngest of four children)w<strong>as</strong> born,” continued Hemmings. “We (she and her exhusband,the late British actor David Hemmings) werefilming in Tunisia. I w<strong>as</strong> on antibiotics and had to stopbre<strong>as</strong>t-feeding. That may have caused a weakness in thatmilk duct. The tumor w<strong>as</strong> in that exact spot.”Fortunately, her tumor, which had spread into herlymph nodes, w<strong>as</strong> slow-growing.“They told me I had to have chemo and radiation. Ihave four children, and I wanted the best possible chanceto survive. I needed it out that week. I had a partialm<strong>as</strong>tectomy in California, and I had chemo in TwinFalls every three weeks while still working at That’sEntertainment (a Ketchum party rental business). Thatw<strong>as</strong> followed by seven weeks of radiation. I wore wigsfor a while, but finally said, ‘Oh, the hell with it.’“After my treatment, I told my partner in That’sEntertainment, Janet (Fleming), that my values hadchanged. The pressure w<strong>as</strong> too much, so I gave up myjob. I w<strong>as</strong> re-evaluating my life and didn’t want to workevery day. I wanted to see my children, to read and write.I made a list of things I wanted to do in my life.“Just making money w<strong>as</strong> not what I wanted to bedoing. I wanted to work every day for something fulfillingthat validates my life, which is why I am nowworking for a nonprofit (Ketchum’s nexStage Theatre).I wanted to make sure my kids got through college, andthey have, amazingly.“I wanted to be financially secure again and buy ahouse; and I did. I bought a house in Fairfield, and Icommute. It w<strong>as</strong> just because of the positiveness of thewhole thing. What changed w<strong>as</strong> my whole perception. Iw<strong>as</strong> just more aware of my true value and started enjoyingmyself. Cancer doesn’t diminish your life—it alignsyou more correctly in your life.“I feel very confident now. I’m one year cancer-free.That’s huge. It’s such a blessing. Such a feeling to knowI’ll be here to enjoy the rest of this incredible life. Itsharpens your ability to enjoy things. It’s amazing howmuch I can enjoy waking up to birds singing. I love mylife. It’s brilliant.”23

Carol TessierIn 1999, when Carol Tessier’s young son Connorw<strong>as</strong> still crawling, she found a lump in herbre<strong>as</strong>t. At age 36, she’d yet to have a mammogram.Shortly thereafter, she w<strong>as</strong> diagnosedwith bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer.“First, I felt shock,” Tessier said. “Secondof all, I had a small child. I had to do everythingI could. He w<strong>as</strong> only a year old. I wentright into survival mode.”A lumpectomy, two rounds of chemotherapyand seven weeks of radiation in TwinFalls followed, ending in spring 2000. Notlong after, Tessier’s marriage also ended. “It’sreally tough on the husbands,” she said. “Itchanges the relationship dynamics. You’rethinking of surviving. It’s way bigger.”Fortunately, Tessier had a good job managingThe Galleria in Ketchum, where shew<strong>as</strong> not only needed, but cherished. “I hadthe most awesome friends and employers—Inever drove myself to Twin. Someone droveme every day, five days a week.”But, because her surgical scars didn’t healproperly, the journey continued and the fearremained. “It hurt, so I kept after the doctors.Finally, Dr. Alice Police realized it needed tobe re-excised. It w<strong>as</strong> done three separate timesand each time proved to be scar tissue.“You are your only advocate,” she continued.“Doctors don’t have time. That’s nottheir job. If you have a feeling something’swrong, you need to go with your gut. Youneed to keep on it.”More than anything, Tessier’s cancer clarifiedissues in her life.“I have the best friends. I’m much healthier.I exercise a lot, and I make better lifechoices. I don’t live the dise<strong>as</strong>e. I don’t wantto, and I’m not going there again.”As for her diet, she said she eats lean proteins,vegetables and no wheat. She exercisesregularly and can be found at the gym everyday of the week. “I try to lower my stress.That’s my focus.”In November, she will participate in the60-mile, Susan B. Komen Bre<strong>as</strong>t Cancer 3-Day Walk in San Diego. In order to simplifyher life, Tessier also recently opened her ownbusiness in Ketchum, Carol’s Bookkeeping.Her cozy office is sunny and plant-filled, aplace that’s quiet and, yes, stress free.“It’s really tough on the husbands.It changes therelationship dynamics.“You’re thinking of surviving.It’s way bigger.”24 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

“I w<strong>as</strong>scared to deathat first, but I didn’tlet it get me down.”Karen RossiBellevue resident Karen Rossi w<strong>as</strong> 42, and the motherof two young children, when she found a hard, pe<strong>as</strong>izedlump in her left bre<strong>as</strong>t.“It w<strong>as</strong> a small tumor,” she said. “I had my yearlymammogram in October 1998; in January I went toDr. Kathryn Woods for a check up. And in May Ifound the lump. That’s how f<strong>as</strong>t it w<strong>as</strong>.”Dr. Alice Police, who now works in California,did the lumpectomy at the former Moritz Hospital in<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. B<strong>as</strong>ed on several recommendations fromdoctors, in and out of state, Rossi opted for radiationonly. For five years following, she took the estrogenblockingdrug tamoxifen. Nine years later, Rossi is thepicture of health: fit, busy and happy. She’s never hada recurrence and said she barely thinks about it.When Dr. Police told Karen her about her diagnosis,her reaction w<strong>as</strong>, “I have a four- and a six-yearold.I can’t have cancer.”Tracing the genetic source of her cancer w<strong>as</strong> difficult.“I have no family history,” she said. “I tellmy daughter, ‘We don’t have a family tree. We’re alimb.’” Her late mother had always refused to speakabout her p<strong>as</strong>t to Karen.She said her now-former husband found the situationdifficult. “He w<strong>as</strong> scared he would lose the motherof his children–communication w<strong>as</strong> a factor.”But she never let the situation depress her.“My mental attitude w<strong>as</strong> good. In cancer terms itall went well. I’d done my homework. You have to doit. You get Dr. Susan Love’s Bre<strong>as</strong>t Book, and when Iwent into the oncologists I had a huge file with me.”After her surgery, Rossi made a daily trip toMagic <strong>Valley</strong> Regional Medical Center 70 milesaway in Twin Falls for “one minute on the table forradiation,” she said with a laugh. “I w<strong>as</strong> the oncologydepartment’s poster child. They said they wishedeveryone did <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> I did.”A hairstylist, Rossi worked every morning andquit at noon to drive to Twin Falls. “Sure, I w<strong>as</strong>tired,” she said. “I w<strong>as</strong> scared to death at first, but Ididn’t let it get me down. I entertained (the oncologynurses), but that’s my nature.“My cancer is in my p<strong>as</strong>t; it really is. I still havemy bre<strong>as</strong>ts, my hair and my period,” she said witha laugh. “It’s been a pretty simple go of it. Wherewe live makes such a difference. People are in shape.They’re fit. If you’re not healthy to begin with, it’sharder to recover from this. The other day in mysalon, there were four women, and we were all survivors.There’s an overall awareness here, and it’se<strong>as</strong>ier to get help.”w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 25

Shelley KuderShelley Kuder, 50, h<strong>as</strong> lived in the WoodRiver <strong>Valley</strong> since 1975. Unlike most peoplehereabouts, she’s next to a native, havingbeen born and raised in Jerome. Her fatherw<strong>as</strong> a logger in Stanley, and her motherlived in Jerome with her eight brothers andsisters. Ketchum w<strong>as</strong> their meeting place.L<strong>as</strong>t summer, Kuder felt a lump the sizeof a quarter and thought, “Something isgoing on here.” She called a doctor in Boise,who could not see her for two weeks, andeven then would only do a consultation atthat time.“I wanted it out, so I called Dr. RalphCampanale at St. Luke’s Wood River MedicalCenter. He removed it two days laterright there in his office. It w<strong>as</strong> triple negativemet<strong>as</strong>t<strong>as</strong>ized bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer. It couldn’tbe treated with hormone therapy such <strong>as</strong>tamoxifen. Two weeks later, Campanaleremoved lymph nodes and the sentinel nodethat proved free of cancerous cells.”Kuder, who is a single mother to one son,Sam, w<strong>as</strong> determined not to submit herselfto chemotherapy or radiation. So, she foundan alternative treatment center nearby, withnaturopath Harold Kl<strong>as</strong>sen, who runs abiomechanics clinic in Aberdeen, Idaho (“ofall places,” said Kuder).He put her on a strict diet of herbs, minerals,vitamins, chelation and essiac tea.She cut her hair off, which w<strong>as</strong> down toher back, and had it sent to Locks of Love,a program that uses donated hair to makehair pieces for people with cancer.“I lost 30 pounds and felt great,” shesaid. But at the urging of her family she wentto Boise oncologist Dr. Norman Zuckerman.“They call him Stormin’ Norman. Hetalked to me about being there for little Sam.He said, ‘Why not do all three—alternative,radiation and chemotherapy.’ It’s a met<strong>as</strong>taticdise<strong>as</strong>e; you have to do everything youcan. You don’t know if a little teeny cancer “I’ve really had tocell got away.”rely on my faith.Her family agreed. With Kl<strong>as</strong>sen’sapproval, and the approval to continue heralternative treatment, she began a fourmonthcourse of chemotherapy in Meridian,It seemed those versesfollowed by radiation in Twin Falls. Shefinished her treatment in June.I’d get my bible out and read.were written for me.”26 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

“I am 99.9 percent convinced thatI’m done with it. The chemo w<strong>as</strong>n’t toobad, I think because I w<strong>as</strong> so healthyfrom the alternative stuff. But I hadmy chemo days, when you get up andvomit and are tired and don’t want tosee anyone. I had a lot of help betweenmy family and my church, the LifeChurch. Sam really came through andhelped me; he’s very independent.”For Kuder, the hardest <strong>as</strong>pect of theentire ordeal w<strong>as</strong> dealing with insurance.She is a bookkeeper with her ownbusiness and had a healthy-person typeof plan through Regence Blue Shield.“It’s not for people with bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer,”she said. “Wood River Insurancecalled me and said I could switch backto my earlier program, which w<strong>as</strong> abetter policy. From July to December2006, I w<strong>as</strong> still on my old plan. But Iw<strong>as</strong> racking up doctor bills. There w<strong>as</strong>something like $20,000 that insurancedidn’t cover. People <strong>as</strong>sume things.”She called her life insurance policyholderand found that they would paydisability because she w<strong>as</strong> unable towork full time.“Call people. Talk to your insurancecompany. You have to make sureyour insurance will cover things. Therewere travel costs, food, hotels when Iw<strong>as</strong> getting chemo, $120 a week in g<strong>as</strong>.I did get a donation from the church,but the financial burden is so great.You think, ‘Oh my gosh, how am Igoing to get through this?’ I’ve reallyhad to rely on my faith. I’d get my Bibleout and read. It seemed those verseswere written for me.”This p<strong>as</strong>t summer, a benefit w<strong>as</strong>held for her by friends in the valley tohelp defray the reminder of her medicalbills, which were close to $60,000.“It’s amazing, once again, howpeople will offer help,” she continued.“Our community h<strong>as</strong> brought forthpeople that are very caring. I’m gratefulto have the friends I have in thisvalley, to have my son who’s been atrooper, and my church, who I call theprayers of the saints. That’s what gaveme the courage to go on.“I’m not glad I got bre<strong>as</strong>t cancer,but I’m grateful I got to go on this journey.You have to live your life everyday<strong>as</strong> best you can.” sVgOne mission of excellence.www.stlukesonline.orgw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 27

I N T E R N E T A C C E S SOFFICE SUPPLIES • FURNITURE • COPY CENTERDISCOUNT PRICES AT A LOCAL STORE28151 W<strong>as</strong>hington Ave. Ketchum726-3130Custom Silk Screening for your...EMPLOYEE UNIFORMS • SCHOOLSPORTS TEAMS • PARTY720-2854 • 727-6757 • 151 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road, Ketchum“THE YELLOW BUILDING”The state of the Idaho Potatofrom page 20“I took my time learning, which theconventional farmer can’t do,” Heathsaid, explaining that his operationis expanding with the help of consumerdemand for organics. “We’renot ‘crazy’ anymore.”Dale Butler, who farms near Nampa,said an order for 240 acres worth oforganic potatoes fell through in February,so he decided to plant the field inconventional pinto beans instead. Butlersaid that for organics, he is goingto try to raise some seed potatoes on amore isolated plot of land in Nevada.Butler, Johnson and Heath all agreethere are great risks to growing organicin are<strong>as</strong> surrounded by conventionalfarms. If something happens, such <strong>as</strong>pest or dise<strong>as</strong>e infestation, the organicfarmer can be held responsible. Conversely,the organic farmer’s producecan be contaminated by conventionalover-spray. Even government-regulatedspraying for problems like West Nilevirus could be a problem. Heath said it isbecoming important to establish organicmanagement zones that would be protectedfrom chemicals that disqualifyfarmers from organic certification. TheIdaho State Department of Agricultureh<strong>as</strong> designated some farmland <strong>as</strong> seedpotato management are<strong>as</strong>, which aresupposed to help control viruses thatharm Johnson’s seed crop, for example.“I like organic,” said Butler, describingwhat he feeds his own family. “Ihave four little people who call medaddy and they like to eat. I believeorganic is best for the land.”In the face of promising biotechnologies,organic farmers and some scientistsare looking at sustainable farmingpractices and the promotion of diversity,both for g<strong>as</strong>tronomic interest and foreconomic vitality. The organic 1 percentof potatoes grown l<strong>as</strong>t year, whichdid not even register on the state’seconomic radar screen four years ago,could promise the future of the Idahopotato. “I am encouraging (farmers)to raise more reds, yellows, fingerlingsand other premium price potatoes,”said Frank Muir, president of the IdahoPotato Commission, adding that theCommission’s Russet Burbank amb<strong>as</strong>sadorwould not be offended. “Spuddyis 100 percent supportive. He’s willingto share the wealth with his cousins.” sVg

livinga slack state of mind?Signs, such <strong>as</strong> this one outsideBuffalo Bites restaurant, tellingpatrons why the business is closed,decorate the somewhat desolatelandscape of downtown Ketchumduring the two slack se<strong>as</strong>ons.Twice each year a hushed silence fallsover <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> and the surroundingcommunities. In local parlance, theseeconomic valleys are called slack.Longtime local writer Greg Stahlexplores the echoing recesses ofthese se<strong>as</strong>ons between se<strong>as</strong>ons.Photos by David N. Seelig.w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 29

Local merchants depend on the surrounding mountainsto bring them customers, but it’s the peaks andvalleys of tourist se<strong>as</strong>ons that determine whetherbusinesses live or die. In mountain towns throughoutNorth America, the summer and winter tourist se<strong>as</strong>onsare the peaks. Spring and fall are the valleys.They are the se<strong>as</strong>ons between se<strong>as</strong>ons, and they’recalled slack for a re<strong>as</strong>on.Rob Santa, owner of outdoor equipment stores Sturtevantsand Sturtos, said the se<strong>as</strong>onal nature of sellinggoods to tourists is his biggest obstacle <strong>as</strong> a businessowner. What w<strong>as</strong> formerlyknown <strong>as</strong> fall slack, he said,h<strong>as</strong> turned into a fair businessse<strong>as</strong>on. His businessesalways do well in summer.Winter depends on MotherNature and how much snowshe brings, but spring slackcontinues to be a very badbusiness se<strong>as</strong>on.Despite a history of dismalspring numbers, Santah<strong>as</strong> seen a slight incre<strong>as</strong>e inApril, May and June over thep<strong>as</strong>t eight years. He simultaneouslysuspects his incre<strong>as</strong>ingcomfort with the springse<strong>as</strong>on is an exception to therule.“I’ve not heard many peoplejumping up and downwith enthusi<strong>as</strong>m comingout of the second quarterof 2007,” he said. “Springis always going to be tough.Normally spring is mud se<strong>as</strong>on,and there can be somemodest events taking place,but I just think it’s a crossthat we have to bear to alarge extent.”During spring slack, aperson could literally lie inthe street for a while withoutmuch concern. Tourists don’tcome, and locals close upshop to travel.But slack in the WoodRiver <strong>Valley</strong> is less conspicuous than it once w<strong>as</strong>, and thatis in large part due to a handful of new events, most ofwhich have been around for less than a decade.L<strong>as</strong>t spring, the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>-Ketchum Chamber & VisitorsBureau launched what it hopes will become an annualevent, the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Food & Wine Festival. Spring alsowelcomes the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Wellness Festival, a celebrationof all things holistic. In the fall, events such <strong>as</strong> the ErnestHemingway Festival—now in its third year honoring Ketchum’smost famous resident, The Trailing of the SheepFestival, and the 18-years-and-running Swing ’n’ DixieNo one goes here. The se<strong>as</strong>ons of spring and fall are characterized byempty sidewalks and car-free streets throughout the cities of Ketchumand <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. The up-side? Many local residents are happy to reclaimtheir town during these slower periods, delighting in the lack of linesat the checkout counters and the excellent incentives offered by localshops and restaurants.Jazz Jamboree all help shore up these se<strong>as</strong>ons betweense<strong>as</strong>ons.“Really, our goal is to get people here who wouldn’tnecessarily have come during that time of year,” saidCarrie Westergard, marketing director for the Chamber& Visitors Bureau. “We’re intentionally aiming events atthe shoulder se<strong>as</strong>ons. We wanted to give people a re<strong>as</strong>onwhy they should come during that time of year.”Longtime Ketchum real estate agent Dick Fenton saidthere are also incre<strong>as</strong>ing numbers of second-home ownerswho are sticking around during slack. More people are livinghere for larger blocks oftime. “Slack is really noticeable,but it’s not <strong>as</strong> pronounced<strong>as</strong> it used to be,”Fenton said.Historically, slack w<strong>as</strong> atime when a hushed silencefell over the area <strong>as</strong> skiersquietly waxed their boardsor cyclists tuned-up theirbikes. The majority of thebusinesses closed—a trendthat h<strong>as</strong> been slowly reversingover the l<strong>as</strong>t decade.“It used to be that dogs werelying in the street in front ofthe Pioneer,” Fenton said ofa local eatery on Ketchum’sMain Street. “And that w<strong>as</strong>one of the only businessesthat stayed open.”For those uninitiated toresort-town living, the gistof slack is that the times ofhighest retail sales coincidewith the times when the mostpeople are visiting the area.Lodging statistics providedby the Chamber & VisitorsBureau show that tourist occupancyh<strong>as</strong> held steady since2001. It is clear, however, thatthree months of the year aremore challenging than others:November, just before BaldMountain opens for the skise<strong>as</strong>on, and April and May,just after the mountain closesto skiing but before the weather stabilizes for other outdooractivities. In 2005-2006 those three months saw 34, 36 and35 percent occupancy rates, respectively. That compares with66 percent in July, 67 percent in August and 60 percent inFebruary, the three most occupied months.The significance is that when the rooms are full of visitorsattending local events and enjoying the outdoor recreationofferings, there are people shopping, eating out andquaffing at local watering holes. When rooms are empty,so are the businesses and restaurants. There is a directcorrelation between tourism and the local economy.30 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

A look at sales tax receipts fromKetchum and <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> is alsorevealing. Retail sales are strong inDecember, February and March.They are also strong in July andAugust. The weakest three monthsof the year are, <strong>as</strong> with lodging,November, April and May, followedonly by September and October. It’sa trend that’s changed little over theyears, even though the valleys ofthese slack se<strong>as</strong>ons aren’t <strong>as</strong> deep <strong>as</strong>they once were.“If you look at the numbers from25 years ago, our shoulder se<strong>as</strong>onsnow have four or five times thebusiness they used to,” said Jack Sibbach,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Company’s marketingand public relations director.“But it’s still less business than weused to do in the peak se<strong>as</strong>ons.We’re talking hotel rooms here, butthat trickles downto all the otherbusinesses in thevalley. There’s lesspeople, less moneyto trickle throughthe valley.”The other side ofthe coin, however,is that local residentscan use slack<strong>as</strong> an opportunityto go on vacationsto far-away locations.Many residentsare employedin tourism or touris m - d e p e n d e n tindustries. When the tourists stopcoming to town, local residentsbecome tourists. So perhaps themost outwardly obvious symptomof slack is the relative calm thatsettles over the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>.No people, no business, no stress.“You’ve got to like it becauseyou get your town back for a fewmonths,” Fenton said.The quiet slack se<strong>as</strong>ons might bea welcome change of pace for somearea residents, but the core of theconundrum remains that businessowners watch their bottom lines slipnear, or into, the red. Many chooseto close for weeks, or even months,when slack settles over <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.During one previous spring slackse<strong>as</strong>on, the sign in the front doorPerhaps the mostoutwardly obvioussymptom of slack isthe relative calmthat settles over theWood River <strong>Valley</strong>.No people, nobusiness, no stress.of (the now closed) Expressions inGold on Main Street in Ketchumproclaimed: “Gone Fishin’ OpeningJune 10th, Cya.” Similar signs canbe found in the windows of manylocal businesses, particularly duringthe slower spring se<strong>as</strong>on. For businessesthat don’t choose to close upand lock their doors, special slackhours are often instituted. The CoffeeGrinder and Gallery in Ketchum,<strong>as</strong> one example, operates on reducedhours during the slack se<strong>as</strong>ons.Another important distinctionis that slack is more of aNorth <strong>Valley</strong> phenomenon, affectingKetchum and <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>.“Hailey isn’t affected <strong>as</strong> muchbecause we’re not exactly a touristdestination,” said Hailey CityAdministrator Jim Spinelli, whois also the former director of theHailey Chamberof Commerce.“The majority ofthe population inthe Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>lives in Hailey.So our little cottageindustry here is tosupport the homeresidences in theSouth <strong>Valley</strong>.”Nonetheless, Spinellisaid, the effectsof slack are apparentin Hailey, too.The ripple effect oftourism throughoutthe entire valley isunmistakable. “Commonsensically,I know that if we’re not skiing, we’regoing to have less traffic in here.”There is a difference betweenspring and fall, acknowledged CarolWaller, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>-Ketchum Chamber& Visitors Bureau executivedirector. “Fall h<strong>as</strong> a few advantages.The weather is good. It is good formeetings and conferences, and itis enhanced by special events. TheTrailing of the Sheep, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Jazz and Ernest Hemingway festivalshave economically and culturallyrevitalized our fall slack se<strong>as</strong>on.”In the spring, there is still relativelylittle to do, Waller said. TheWellness Festival is “very successful,”but the chamber generallyContinued on page 36w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 31

32 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

the girls of summer<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Community School graduate Lexi duPont left behind herprivileged lifestyle to work with girls at risk in the slums of Cambodia.Text by Jon Duval. Photos by Emilie duPont<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> resident Lexi duPont (topcenter) and her sister Emilie (far left)worked with young girls at M’LopTapang, a center for street children inSihanoukville, all of whom are consideredat risk of resorting to prostitutionto feed themselves and their families.Lexi duPont w<strong>as</strong> in an enviable position.The middle daughter of an affluent family, she hadan excellent education—attending The CommunitySchool, a private school in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>. She w<strong>as</strong> affordedthe chance to pursue extracurricular activities usuallyrestricted to the realm of the privileged: ski racing in thewinter and sailing in the summer. Like the surroundingmountains that cut off the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong> from the restof the world, she enjoyed a protective insulation createdby family, teachers and friends.DuPont is no longer sure she’s in an enviable position.w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 33

“It’s hard toconvince themthat they have achance for abetter life, whenyou can hardlyconvince yourselfthat they havea chance.”Lexi duPontThese advantages have an inherent caveat:Complacency leads to an absence of self-discovery.This she found out after spending fiveweeks in Sihanoukville, a city on the southernco<strong>as</strong>t of Cambodia, described by one travelguide <strong>as</strong> “a charmless town.” Alongside therequisite tourist beaches, Sihanoukville’s primary“attractions” are large tr<strong>as</strong>h-coveredslums and rampant drug use.“Here in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> we don’t have realproblems,” said duPont a month after herreturn to the United States. “We’re not worryingabout where our next meal is goingto come from, worrying if you have AIDSbecause your parents have AIDS, or havefour–year–olds taking care of babies becausetheir parents are doing drugs.”The paradox of her situation is not loston the 18-year-old. The absolute dearth ofprivation in her upbringing isresponsible for both her inexperienceand the means to herenlightenment.For her senior project, duPont,accompanied by her sister,Emilie (a 2001 CommunitySchool graduate), volunteeredat M’Lop Tapang, a center forstreet children in Sihanoukville.The center, founded in 2003 byBritish traveler Maggie Eno, h<strong>as</strong>an ambitious goal. With approximatelytwo million Cambodianskilled by Pol Pot’s Khmer Rougeduring the l<strong>as</strong>t half of the 1970s,roughly 40 percent of the populationis under the age of 15.This dramatically imbalancedage demographic, combinedwith a Third World economy,h<strong>as</strong> led to a dire situation inwhich children are forced to work and live onthe streets to support their families or themselves.Since it opened four years ago withfour children, M’Lop Tapang h<strong>as</strong> grown toserve 600. Children aged two to 18 attend.During duPont’s stay, her t<strong>as</strong>ks rangedfrom teaching English to p<strong>as</strong>sing out booksfrom a mobile library <strong>as</strong> she visited smallvillages outside the city. However, the truerevelations came when working with girls atrisk—a group of five girls between the agesof 15 and 18 who face the daily temptationof turning to prostitution.Large, tr<strong>as</strong>h-covered slums (top) litter the streets of theCambodian city where duPont spent a summer workingwith street children. Her duties included manning theM’Lop Tapang center’s mobile library (bottom left) <strong>as</strong>she visited small villages outside of Sihanoukville.34 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Because the girls help support their families, it is acontinual struggle to keep them off the street. At thecenter, they create clothing and accessories to sell to tourists,earning $15 a month. While this seems a preferablealternative to entering the sex trade, it’s impossible to denythe lure of the red-light district, whereemployment can garner $15 a night.Because only one of the five couldspeak any English, duPont had to find away around both culture and languagebarriers. “We tried to change their outlooksby helping them have fun andrealize they can still be kids instead ofworking all the time,” said duPont, sittingin the sun outside a Ketchum coffeeshop, her face still dark from the intensetropical sun. “We were the first peopleto spend a lot of time with them, not <strong>as</strong>teachers, but <strong>as</strong> friends.”Despite the uplifting fact that the girlscontinued to return to the center dayafter day, duPont harbored no delusionsabout the opportunities available to them.Their naïveté saddened her. “When you<strong>as</strong>k them what they want to be and theysay doctor or teacher, you’re supposed toinspire them to reach that goal. But it’s hard consideringthey aren’t able to read or write. It’s hard to convince themthat they have a chance for a better life, when you canhardly convince yourself that they have a chance.”DuPont plans to return to Sihanoukville next summer,after her first year of college. However, she will not see thegirls from the program again; they are allowed only sixmore months there. Their final farewell w<strong>as</strong> heartbreakingbecause she knew it w<strong>as</strong> just that—final.While she is uncertain of her impact onthe girls, and if it will have any l<strong>as</strong>tingeffect, duPont is well aware of the lessonsthey imparted. “They were smiling allthe time even though they have nothing.I realized how happy you can be withnothing, living only on the necessities.”Back in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, duPont readies herselffor Endicott, a small, private schoolin M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts, and is excited for thechance to sail competitively against thelikes of Harvard. She admits that thepowerful emotion she felt during her firstweek home h<strong>as</strong> become diluted by theflow of regular life. But others who knowher noticed a distinct change.“The experience helped her understandher privilege and the responsibilities thatcome with being born into a family thatvalues education and service,” said RyanWaterfield, duPont’s English teacher. “Lexi’s world-viewh<strong>as</strong> shifted and I don’t imagine she’ll take her position inthis world for granted again.” sVgWARM SPRINGSTOWNHOMEConveniently located W.S. townhome, wellappointed with t<strong>as</strong>teful and quality built-insh<strong>as</strong> 2096 sq.ft. 3BD/3BA plus den/bonusroom. Featuring radiant heat/pavers, fullyfenced with views and sunshine. Warm andelegant feeling characterizes this property.Offered at$990,000MLS# 06-301706SUNNY WARM SPRINGSBENCH VIEW PROPERTYOne of the most desirable and upscaleneighborhoods in Warm Springs situatedon the bench with extraordinary views andnever ending sunshine. The cl<strong>as</strong>sic, wellappointed custom family home features 6bedrooms, 4.5 baths, 3 fireplaces, spaciousgourmet kitchen, formal dining room, largefamily room, gym/workout room and officearea. The large deck h<strong>as</strong> fabulous elevatedviews. Minutes from town.Offered at$3,995,000MLS#07-302632EDELWEISS CONDOWARM SPRINGSThe ideal “front row” location for the avidskier, unobstructed views of Warm Springsand Scorpion ski runs. If you ski, this is themost convenient location! MLS#05-209737Offered at $1,000,000Terry Palmertpalmer@sv<strong>as</strong>sociates.comwww.terrypalmer.com<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> AssociatesReal Estate Brokers700 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road, Ketchum • 622-4100w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 35

Slackfrom page 31CUSTOMHAND -DRAWN MAPSresorts to marketing shopping andweekend getaways.Westergard pointed out that duringthe annual fall jazz festival, theChamber & Visitors Bureau sells 7,500attendance badges. Assuming peoplestay for five to seven days and spendan average of $75 per person per day,that equals nearly $3 million pumpedinto the local economy during a se<strong>as</strong>onthat otherwise is relatively slow.“Yes, we do have a cyclical economy,and spring is the worst,” saidWaller. “But we’re also fortunate. Alot of ski are<strong>as</strong>, when they hit the closeof ski se<strong>as</strong>on, they have a nine-monthslack. We’re one of the lucky ones.”Sibbach remembered that the summerse<strong>as</strong>on used to be the Fourth ofJuly through Labor Day, “and thatw<strong>as</strong> it.” He agreed, too, that the eventshave been successful. “I’m all for theseevents. I think the chamber does a goodjob with them, and I think we’d like tosupport them <strong>as</strong> much <strong>as</strong> we can. Theybring people into the valley. They’re alot of work. But the jazz festival is agreat example of how we can extend.Twenty-five years ago, we made a commitmentto extend our se<strong>as</strong>ons. We’vebeen re<strong>as</strong>onably successful.”R E D F I S H M A P P R I N T S A V A I L A B L EEVELYN B. PHILLIPSA R T I S T & O W N E Rwww.quigleymapstudio.com208.788.3496 • 208.720.7278 cell20 QU IGLEY ROAD, HAILEY, IDAHOSUN VALLEY36Years“A lot of ski are<strong>as</strong>,when they hit theclose of ski se<strong>as</strong>on,they have anine-month slack.We’re one of thelucky ones.”Carol Waller,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>-Ketchum Chamber &Visitors Bureau executive directorTRANSFER & STORAGE, INC.1 0 4 1 A I R P O R T W A Y • H A I L E Y • 7 8 8 - 9 3 4 3• Full Service Packing, & Moving • The <strong>Valley</strong>’s Movers Since 1969• Heated Warehouse Storage• Locally Owned & Operated• Managing Over 800 Self-Storage UnitsThat said, Sibbach also cautionedthat slack is not going away. “It’s stilla shoulder se<strong>as</strong>on, a slower time of theyear for everybody,” he said. “There’salways room to improve, but I don’tthink we’ll ever eliminate the slowertimes of the year completely.” sVg36 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

artsartletlead thewayHailey is ensuring its futurethrough encouraging artsin the community.Text by Sabina Dana Pl<strong>as</strong>se.Photos by David N. Seelig.Art Alley, a street in the Hailey Market, offerslocal artists a place to display their work.Hailey artists Chris and Melissa Brown’sbooth (right) features his colorful woodworkand her large-scale tree paintings.w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 37

Hailey is quickly growing intoa bona-fide arts destination, adistinction once reserved locallyfor <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> and Ketchum. Whilenot yet at the level of its North <strong>Valley</strong>neighbors, the f<strong>as</strong>t-blossoming artscene in Hailey is a sign of good thingsto come.With the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for theArts creating a new space, and North<strong>Valley</strong> artists and gallery owners openinglocations in Hailey, added to thehugely popular Artists’ Market, opportunitiesare booming for local and visitingartists to display their works.What brought about this suddenattention to Hailey’s once-strugglingart scene? In 2006, the Idaho Commissionon the Arts awarded the city a$5,425 grant for public art in Hailey’snew Woodside Park. This first stepunited local arts advocates and ledto the creation of the Hailey ArtsCommission.The establishment of an arts commissionh<strong>as</strong> motivated city officialsto view art <strong>as</strong> an important businessentity; prompting much-needed planningfor public art and arts education.“Now we are looking at what rolethe city should be playing to support thearts,” said City Councilperson CarolBrown. City officials reviewed nationalstudies demonstrating that support forthe arts is good for economic development.Modeling itself after successfularts commissions in Boise, Jeromeand McCall, Hailey h<strong>as</strong> learned that“a vibrant arts community helps businessesto thrive,” Brown said.The Hailey Arts Commission’s aimis to enhance the culture of the communityby providing leadership, advocacyand support for the arts. Ide<strong>as</strong>generated so far include artist walkswith business sponsors and the integrationof art in new city buildings,which is a common practice nationwide,said Brown. The commissionwill fund projects through grants andtax incentives.“Arts have been cultivated here for along time, and <strong>as</strong> people move into thearea they are naturally exposed to it,”said Mark Johnstone, a member of theArts Commission. In addition, parentswant to participate in activities andevents with their children. “They wantto take the whole family,” he said.Alongside the family-friendly Back“Things are exploding,and it’s a domino effect.Area artists wereunderrepresented,Hailey needed it.”Alissa McGonigal, Artists’ Market DirectorThe <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts’ new Hailey location,poet Ezra Pound’s childhood home, affordsmuch-needed space for art exhibitions, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong>a cl<strong>as</strong>sroom for after-school art programs.Alley Parties at the Wicked Spud, theemergence of the Artists’ Market l<strong>as</strong>tyear provided such an opportunity.“Things are exploding, and it’s adomino effect,” said Artists’ MarketDirector, Alissa McGonigal. “Areaartists were underrepresented, Haileyneeded it.”In under a year, the Artists’ Market38 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

h<strong>as</strong> established itself <strong>as</strong> a vital part ofthe arts scene. Featuring a rotatingroster of artists and craftsman fromin and around Blaine County, includingHailey-b<strong>as</strong>ed fine artist MelissaGraves Brown, jewelry designer HeidiMexia and Bellevue river rock artistMike Baldwin, the market encouragesparticipation from one and all.In June, it merged with the HaileyFarmers’ Market to create the HaileyMarket, which offers 44 booths ata new location, next to the Bank ofAmerica on Main Street. The event,held every Thursday from June throughSeptember, also showc<strong>as</strong>es musiciansand offers face-painting for children.“There are so many talented peoplein the valley, and they are excited aboutbeing in Hailey,” McGonigal said.While it is b<strong>as</strong>ed in Ketchum, the <strong>Sun</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts long ago foresawthe need for a South <strong>Valley</strong> presence.The Center found the perfect locationat the childhood home of poet EzraPound, on Second Avenue in Hailey.“It’s really exciting,” said KristinPoole, The Center’s artistic director.“In the l<strong>as</strong>t three years Hailey is theplace to be. We saw it coming someyears ago.”The Center in Hailey providesspace for professional exhibitionsand public cl<strong>as</strong>ses, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> convenienthousing for artists in residence.“We are rooted here and morepeople are living here,” Poole said.“We showed a Hemingway film earlierthis summer, and half the people cameon foot or bike. Programming happeningin town is a sign of a healthycommunity.”The Center also provides an officefor the Wood River Arts Alliance,which encomp<strong>as</strong>ses all arts entities inthe valley. It plans to host an arts festivalin Hailey next January. The festivalwill focus on the performing arts, featuringlive music and the opportunityfor cl<strong>as</strong>ses and presentations.With the creation of its arts commission,Hailey h<strong>as</strong> the means to promoteand encourage community support forall types of cultural ventures, whichin turn will attract businesses that areinspired to support the arts. In themeantime, The Center and the successof the Artists’ Market enhance thedevelopment of Hailey <strong>as</strong> a viable artsdestination. sVg w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 39

serenity surprisinginplacesArtist and gallery directorDeb Gelet explores thestreets of Ketchum,discovering a bounty ofbeautiful art in somesurprising places.Photos by David N. Seelig.Curator Mark Johnstone <strong>as</strong>sembled sculptures, such <strong>as</strong> thispiece ????????, from local galleries for the official openingof the Sjer Fourth Jacobs’ Street welcoming Heritage statue Corridor. Girl Looking The redesign Up, is one of aof the two selection blocks from local Walnut galleries to Leadville that adorns avenues Ketchum’s is the newfirst part Fourth of a planned Street Heritage corridor Corridor. running through Permanent the and heart temporary ofdowntown art will Ketchum. be a fixture on Fourth Street <strong>as</strong> the renovationmoves forward over the next three years. Jacobs’ work ison loan from Gallery DeNovo.It is our human nature to surroundourselves with thingswe love: wildflowers, an interestingrock found on a hike, highridgelines, v<strong>as</strong>t open spaces—and art.No matter how long you’velived here, or how many timesyou have visited, it’s worth takinga closer look at this town. Tre<strong>as</strong>uresare everywhere, and moreare quietly added without muchfanfare. Art adorns the markets,bookstores, cafes, salons, parks,schools, churches, hospital, openspace in front and behind galleries,at the Sawtooth BotanicalGardens, along the highway and,now, along the newly designedHeritage Corridor on FourthStreet in Ketchum.Just <strong>as</strong> we express ourselvesindividually in the way we dress,in what we drive and how we createour homes, we express ourselves<strong>as</strong> a community, and shareour communal narrative, byplacing art in our shared spaces.40 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Some locations are more predictable, such <strong>as</strong> sculptureinstalled in front of a fine art gallery. But other settingsare not <strong>as</strong> obvious <strong>as</strong> residents rush through their days.The historical murals in Atkinsons’ markets may be e<strong>as</strong>ilyoverlooked in the frenzy of stopping for a few quick dinneritems after work.Idaho h<strong>as</strong> a surprising amount of art in public places,most of it reflecting the history and heritage of the state.Logically, most of this art is in the more populated are<strong>as</strong>of southwest and southe<strong>as</strong>t Idaho. But many pieces arefound tucked among tiny sagebrush- or pine-envelopedtowns of a few hundred people.Consider the little town of Leadore in the high-desertplains e<strong>as</strong>t of here near the Lost River Range. Muralsabound, faded and chipped, but they adorn nearly everybuilding there. On a wind-blown cold and desolate day,it seems there are more murals than residents.Ketchum may be a little different in its approach toexpressing itself. (No surprise there.) History and heritageartwork mixing with pieces simply about beautiful formis common. Sometimes, artists are just having a little fun,such <strong>as</strong> with those beloved painted Labrador retrieversculptures scattered all over town. The fibergl<strong>as</strong>s dogswere purch<strong>as</strong>ed by individuals and organizations, decoratedby local artists and auctioned <strong>as</strong> a community fundraiser.Though the auction w<strong>as</strong> six years ago, the paintedcanines still deliver smiles throughout the valley.Art in public spaces is not a new idea, of course.Murals have been painted on the sides of buildings herethroughout history. More recent works, though, have beenwisely placed in the safer environs of building interiors. Avisit to Atkinsons’ Market in Ketchum or Hailey is nicelyenhanced by Tom Teitge’s depictions of local historicalscenes, such <strong>as</strong> the harrowing journey of the ore wagonsbarreling over Trail Creek Summit. For Teitge’s moreesoteric view of our spiritual presence, see his mural overthe counter in Ak<strong>as</strong>ha Organics, located at the back ofChapter One Books on Main Street in Ketchum.Inside the St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center chapel,local artist Martine Drackett h<strong>as</strong> brushed gracefulmurals of serene mountain scenes, framed by arching<strong>as</strong>pen boughs in shapes suggesting church windows. Thescenes are peaceful and nondenominational.As historic murals in the valley are lost (except in photographs)to demolition, new murals are applied. Localpainter Ralph Harris recently reapplied his brush to theexterior wall of the Blaine County Historical Museum inHailey after the original mural depicting historical scenesw<strong>as</strong> destroyed during a remodel. And, while it may bea stretch to call it art, the sign restoration on the backexterior wall of the Mercantile Building (now Starbucks)on Ketchum’s Main Street, admonishing us to “Eat MoreLamb” w<strong>as</strong> vigorously supported by Millie Wiggins, localf<strong>as</strong>hion maven, until her death this p<strong>as</strong>t spring.Gallery Walk, a popular almost-monthly event in Ketchum,keeps outdoor sculpture revolving with so many finepieces luring strollers inside local galleries. Other pieces aresprinkled throughout parks, courtyards and gardens. Perhapsthe most subtle is the bronze replica of Jim Cimino’sLocal residents Mark Johnstone (front) and Teagan McAvoy enjoy the serenityoffered by artist Martine Drackett’s murals of mountain scenes, framed byarching <strong>as</strong>pen boughs in shapes suggesting church windows, tucked insidethe St. Luke’s Wood River Medical Center’s non-denominational chapel.Idaho h<strong>as</strong> a surprisingamount of art inpublic places, mostof it reflecting thehistory and heritageof the state.w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 41

Serene spaces abound in Ketchum, many accentuated byart. A paver-maze beside St. Luke’s (above) providesa place for visitors to calm themselves, while a bronzereplica of Jim Cimino’s hat (right) hangs on a bench inthe reflective Memory Park. A rainbow-colored biplane(far right) soars endlessly over Hemingway Elementaryschool’s green hills, in memory of student Barrette Admire.hat hanging on a bench in Memory Park,dedicated in part to his late wife Barbara, atMain and Sixth streets, quietly noting theCimino Foundation’s gift of open space indowntown Ketchum.Remembrance and thoughtfulness oftenbring art to our daily lives. The childrenat Hemingway Elementary School enjoya rainbow-colored biplane soaring atopa column of appliquéd bronze animal silhouettescreated in memory of cl<strong>as</strong>smateBarrette Admire, who died in a car accidentin 2005. The sculpture w<strong>as</strong> createdby local artist Larry Meyers and Barrette’smother, Lisa Admire. The pocket park across from KetchumCity Hall displays Michael Zapponi’s leaping fishsculpture, originally commissioned by Jack ThorntonWe expressourselves <strong>as</strong> acommunity—and share ourcommunalnarrative—by placing art inour shared spaces.for his former Evergreen Restaurant.On a more whimsical note, a giant winebottle made of steel, commissioned by The<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Wine Company, is enjoyed byp<strong>as</strong>sers-by on Leadville Avenue. ArtistsLarry Meyers and Michael Zapponi (previouslyknown <strong>as</strong> “2 Wild Guys”) had somuch fun with that project they added <strong>as</strong>urprise in the windows above the WineCompany’s entrance. From a vantage pointacross the street, sharp eyes notice a smallband of thieves absconding with theirfavorite bounty.Larger collections of art open to the publichang inside St. Luke’s hospital and decorate Ketchum’snewly designed Heritage Corridor on Fourth Street. Also,the Presbyterian Church of the Big Wood on Warm Springs42 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

D I S C O V E R M O U N T A I N L I F EY O U R E S S E N T I A L G U I D E T O L I F E I N S U N V A L L E YRoad in Ketchum offers a revolvingcollection of art by local artists in allmedia. These installations are possiblethrough the goodwill of artists, collectors,galleries and volunteer workers.The collection at St. Luke’s is extensive,now numbering nearly 300 pieces of artin permanent and rotating exhibitions.The essence of life in this valleyis anchored by its natural beauty. Itfollows that the members of this communityhave developed a strong inclinationto share with one another adifferent kind of beauty, one of self andcommunal expression. It is the mark ofa strong and vibrant community. Wecouldn’t be luckier. sVgPick up your free copy or visit www.svguide.comFor subscriptions, call 208.726.8060w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 43

art galleriesWA R M S P R I N G S ROA D675KetchumGiacobbiSquareTheCourtyardTheCommunityLibrary1TheColonnadeTo<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>“Crow Warriors” 18 x 24 Jim NortonDavid M. Norton fine artFine American Art and Collectibles...David M. Norton Gallery h<strong>as</strong> specialized inAmerican paintings, photographs and printsfor over 30 years. Currently featuringJim Nortion CAA, Maynard Dixon, J.H.Sharp,Carl Oscar Borg, plus photography byRobert Dawson and E.S Curtis.511 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road, lower level ofSheepskin Coat Factory, Ketchum, 726-3588.PostOffice1 DAVID M. NORTON FINE ART2 dream catcher gallery3 friesen gallery ■4 GAIL SEVERN GALLERY ■5 KNEELAND GALLERY ■6 SUN VALLEY CENTER FOR THE ARTS ■■ Indicates member of the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Gallery Association435gallery walksfall 2007• friday, october 12• Friday, november 232TrailCreekVillage75To Hailey,BellevueLinda Luccero Fraglia“Jemez Storyteller Doll”The Dream CatcherGalleryA collection of fine Native American art andcraft work including pottery, fetishes, paintings,traditional and contemporary jewelry,storytellers and ceremonial pieces of museumquality. Hand-carved, custom furniture, booksfor collectors and children. Member IACA.200 S. Main, Trail Creek Village, Ketchum.726-1305.dreamcatchergallery@hotmail.com,www.dreamcatchergallery.com.Lino Tagliapietra “Orgoglio” (the amber object)“Foca” (the yellow object)n Friesen GalleryFriesen Gallery exhibits contemporary paintings,gl<strong>as</strong>s, and sculpture by internationallyand nationally recognized artists JeanneBrennan, Christopher Brown, Ford Crull,Matthew Dennison, Ron Ehrlich, EnricoEmbroli, Dennis Evans, Gregory Grenon,Steve Jensen, Ann Mallory, Nancy Mee,William Morris, Trinh Nguyen, JennyPohlman & Sabrina Knowles, Jane Rosen,James Shay, Catherine Eaton Skinner, andLino Tagliapietra among others. <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Road at First Avenue, Ketchum. 726-4174,Seattle: 1200 Second Ave.friesen@friesengallery.com,www.friesengallery.comJack Spencer, Snow Ponies,Mixed media photograph 26½" x 39¾".n Gail Severn Gallery30 years exhibiting contemporary painting,sculpture, photography, including VictoriaAdams, Jan Aronson, Bo Bartlett, TonyBerlant, Squeak Carnwath, James Cook,Kris Cox, David deVillier, Woods Davy, DavidGiese, Morris Graves, Michael Gregory,Michelle Haglund, Rod Kagan, Jun Kaneko,Judith Kindler, Gary Komarin, Lynda Lowe,Robert McCauley, Cole Morgan, GwynnMurrill, Ed Musante, Marcia Myers, GaryNisbet, Deborah Oropallo, Luis GonzálezPalma, Christopher Reilly, Rene Rickabaugh,Sandra Sallin, David Secrest, Julie Speidel,Jack Spencer, Mark St<strong>as</strong>z, Therman Statom,Allison Stewart, Theodore Waddell. Alsofeaturing a 2 acre sculpture garden. Framingand installation services. 400 First AvenueNorth, Ketchum. 726-5079.www.gailseverngallery.com. See our ad onpage 28.44 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Dave McGary, The Honor Dress, bronze, ed. of 40n Kneeland GalleryExhibiting paintings and sculpture by artistsliving and working in the West. Artists includeSteven Lee Adams, Ovanes Berberian, JineenGriffith, Jennifer Lowe, Dave McGary, RobertMoore, Jean Richardson, Thom Ross, CarlRowe, Linda St. Clair, Sherry Salari Sanderand Andrzej Skorut.271 First Avenue North, KetchumP.O. Box 2070, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, ID 83353726-5512 fax 726-3490art@kneelandgallery.comwww.kneelandgallery.comC E L E B R AT I N G 2 9 Y E A R S O F P R O V I D I N G U N I Q U E T O Y S T O T H E W O O D R I V E R VA L L E YGrowing Up WithThe Toy Store!The Frank Rowland familyCostume ShopHoliday CatalogKetchum208-726-59663 generations of Toy Store friendsOpen Every DayTwo LocationsHailey208-788-4430pick up our holiday catalog or view it online at www.toystoresunvalley.comDan Mills, USAntarctica, 2005Courtesy Zolla Lieberman Gallery, Chicagon <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Centerfor the ArtsThe Center brings the arts into our communityby presenting exhibitions, concerts, lecturesand art cl<strong>as</strong>ses. This fall The Center presentstwo exhibitions: What We Keep and Lines in theEarth. Plus, Cowboy Poetry on September 11;lectures with Rob Satloff, Gregg Olsen and MaryOliver; performances with Zum, Perla Batalla,and Ensemble Galilei featuring Neal Conan.191 Fifth St. E, Ketchum314 2nd Avenue S, HaileyP.O. Box 656, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>, ID 83353Tel: 726.9491 • www.sunvalleycenter.orgSee our ad on Page 38.An inspirationin needlepointand yarn.Isabel’sNeedlepoint725-0408Upstairs atThe Galleriawww.isabelspocket.cominfo@isabelspocket.comw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 45

ecreation46 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

all about theRiding the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>’s backcountrytrails can be a challenging, hairraisingadventure—just <strong>as</strong>k Hailey’sJared Stoltzfus.On any given ride, the 18-year-old maycome across hidden tree roots, formidablerock gardens, loose sand and gravel,steep switchbacks and errant canines.Any one or a combination thereof h<strong>as</strong>the potential to send the tall, lanky riderspinning out of control.It’s a risky obstacle course for anyrider—but especially so for a riderminus one wheel. You see, for Jared,mountain biking apparently isn’t challengingenough—he travels the valley’ssingle-track trails on a unicycle.On a recent ride with Jared outAdams Gulch, the young adventureseeker gave me a glimpse into his onewheelingp<strong>as</strong>sion.For nearly two hours, I rode secondin line behind Jared. Whether it w<strong>as</strong>the steep, rocky stretches, the downhill,winding switchbacks or foot-deep creekcrossings, he skillfully negotiated eachimpediment on his beefed up, off-roadunicycle <strong>as</strong> e<strong>as</strong>y <strong>as</strong> you ple<strong>as</strong>e.A 2006 Wood River High Schoolgraduate, Jared h<strong>as</strong> been unicyclingsince he w<strong>as</strong> 11. His father, Joe Stoltzfus,h<strong>as</strong> been a unicyclist for nearly 40years, and it w<strong>as</strong> he who got the juniorStoltzfus into this challenging, albeitrelatively unknown, sport. Still, beyondhis father’s influence, Jared likes to rideon one wheel for another more personalre<strong>as</strong>on.“It’s very cathartic,” he said.Jared says he doesn’t focus well onother organized sports such <strong>as</strong> b<strong>as</strong>eball,but excels at the intense focus requiredfor unicycling. Simply put, lose yourfocus while riding a unicycle and you’llquickly fall flat on your face.“I can ride some really difficult rockydownhill, and I’ll get to a level road andI’ll just fall because I’ve lost my focus,”he explained.Unicycling is an individualistic sport,Jared said, while we rested for a momentat the top of <strong>Sun</strong>nyside Trail mid-waythrough our ride.1UnicyclistJared Stoltzfusexplores thevalley’s narrowtrails on onewheel. J<strong>as</strong>onKauffman joinshim on his hairraisingexploits.Photos byCraig Wolfrom.“It’s all about the one,” he quipped.A decidedly less-technical affairthan regular bicycles, unicycles have nobrakes, gears or controls beyond thoseyour hips and core strength naturallyprovide. On Jared’s mountain unicycle,a 26-inch tall, three-inch wide knobbytire designed for downhill mountainbikes provides the traction, while thesimple contraption’s padded hourgl<strong>as</strong>sshapedseat and small wooden handleunderneath gives the leverage needed tonegotiate rough, winding trails.Slowing down is achieved by pushingback on the pedals and cranks, whichare directly connected to the speciallymade unicycle hub. Because of the directcrank-to-hub connection, there’s also noco<strong>as</strong>ting. Think the constantly rotatingpedals of a fixed-gear bicycle.Despite his eye-popping, one-wheelingskills, Stoltzfus says he’s pretty goodat falling. “I tell people falling is my realhobby,” he said.But don’t let his modesty fool you.From what I could gather during ourride, he doesn’t fall all that often.Out on the trail, Jared’s presenceoften attracts inquisitive stares <strong>as</strong> well<strong>as</strong> humorous remarks. “The most commonis people <strong>as</strong>king me if I’ve lost awheel,” he said. “If I’m unicycling withsomebody who’s in front of me I can tellthe p<strong>as</strong>serby that they stole it.”Watching Jared mature <strong>as</strong> a unicyclist,since he began the sport <strong>as</strong> an 11-year-old, h<strong>as</strong> been enjoyable, his mother,Judy Stoltzfus, said. “I w<strong>as</strong> really proudof him.”For the p<strong>as</strong>t eight years, the Stoltzfusfamily h<strong>as</strong> attended the Moab MUniFest (www.moabmunifest.homestead.com), an annual get-together of mountainunicyclists in Moab, Utah.Judy said that in its first year, only 11people showed up at the event. Today,more than 200 mountain unicyclists typicallyattend, a significant number giventheir individualistic tendencies.“Someone once said it’s like herdingcats,” said Judy. “They’re pretty interestingpeople.” sVgw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 47

48a verybig adventure

L<strong>as</strong>t fall, Hailey’s Scott Dougl<strong>as</strong> joined a group offriends from the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong> to embark on thetrip of a lifetime: 18 days kayaking the mighty ColoradoRiver through the Grand Canyon. Battling wild turkeysand wilder rapids, he emerged with a keener sense ofplace in the American West. Photos by Chris Pilaro.There’s been a lot of waterunder the bridge since Iapplied for my permit to runthe Grand Canyon 13 years ago.Inspired by my first trip down theColorado River, in 1993, I committedmy name to the lengthywaiting list. In hindsight, it w<strong>as</strong>the first long-term commitment I’dever made. Where would I be in thedecade-plus when my number cameup? I did not <strong>as</strong>k. The only thingthat mattered w<strong>as</strong> getting back tothat wonderful place.November 11, 2006, w<strong>as</strong> ourdesignated launch date. Sixteen ofus (10 from the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>)had rendezvoused at Lee’s Ferry theprevious day to rig the expedition.About a hundred miles north ofFlagstaff, Arizona, and just south ofthe Utah border, Lee’s Ferry w<strong>as</strong> thel<strong>as</strong>t point of road access before theriver plunged into themile-deep ch<strong>as</strong>m of theGrand. It w<strong>as</strong> 226 rivermiles to our take-outat Diamond Creek, notfar from L<strong>as</strong> Veg<strong>as</strong>.Side by side on thebeach, our five raftswere buoyant undertheir loads. L<strong>as</strong>hed onboard were provisionsfor 18 days. Beside them,six kayaks were lined upready for takeoff.Day eight: mile 89—Located in the heartof the Canyon, at thehub of trails accessingboth north and south rims, PhantomRanch is the place to leave orjoin a river trip in progress. Today,we were swapping four for four. Mywife, Carrie, Anne Marie Gardner,and two others were leaving. PamThe birdsworked <strong>as</strong> ateam to cut offmy escape.I kicked andflailed, hopingthere were nowitnesses, <strong>as</strong> theypecked my shins.Street, Eric Boyer, Gary Boyer andPeter Boice were slated to arrive onthe beach by 11 a.m. Those leavingwould return to Hailey in the samevehicle the newcomers had arrivedin. Beyond this, I’d left the detailsto them, and b<strong>as</strong>ic questions such<strong>as</strong> which trail, vehicle location, typeand where to hide the key were notaddressed.That w<strong>as</strong> my first mistake.We hit the beach ahead of theincoming crew, and Carrie and AnneMarie (reluctant to leave yet eagerto return to their young children inHailey) wanted to get a jump on the5,000-foot climb to the south rim.Assuming they chose the same trail,they could meet en route and get theinfo they needed to get home. If not,I re<strong>as</strong>oned, they would recognizethe vehicle and know where to findthe key. I walked the first mile ofthe Bright Angel Trailwith them before sayinggoodbye. Then, onmy way back to theriver, I w<strong>as</strong> attacked bya couple of turkeys.The birds worked <strong>as</strong>a team to cut off myescape. I kicked andflailed, hoping therewere no witnesses, <strong>as</strong>they pecked my shins.Resisting the urge tocry out, I opted torun, thinking I couldget away, but everytime I looked over myshoulder, the turkeyssped up, so I kept running all theway back to the beach.Sweating and flustered, I sat downwith the guidebook to plot our nextmoves, opening to a blurb on JohnWesley Powell.w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 49

Using wooden boats, Powell led trips down the Green andColorado rivers in 1869 and 1871, through the heart ofterra incognita. His gr<strong>as</strong>p of the western climate andgeography, with particular respect to water, w<strong>as</strong> unpopularand prophetic. In the face of expansionist boomers insistingthat rain followed the plow, Powell’s sober analysis of the aridregion won him few friends in W<strong>as</strong>hington, D.C. But despitepowerful rivals, he went on to be a founding director of the U.S.Geological Survey, and is remembered for his bold explorationsand scientific integrity.Something w<strong>as</strong> wrong. The car keys dangling from an outstretchedfinger made no sense. If the car w<strong>as</strong> parked on therim, what were the keys doing downhere by the river? Carrie and AnneMarie were long gone. There w<strong>as</strong>Mark had a goodentry. He knew allthe lines and rarelymissed his. But Lavacan turn around thebest-oriented boater.no way to communicate with them.I ran a series of laps back and forthto the Phantom Ranch canteen totroubleshoot the problem. W<strong>as</strong> therea mule train heading to the southrim anytime soon? No. Could wecamp on the beach while we sentrunners up and back? No. Couldwe contact someone on the rim andhave them paged? Maybe. Finally, <strong>as</strong>ympathetic ranger agreed to let uscamp so we could run the keys outourselves. The 5,000-foot, up-anddown,20-mile roundtrip could be accomplished by midnight ifwe got moving right away.Mark and Aaron volunteered to accompany me. We stuffedpacks with water, snacks, headlamps and extra layers, and puton our running shoes. Mistakes <strong>as</strong>ide, the net positive w<strong>as</strong> <strong>as</strong>tunningly beautiful walk. We <strong>as</strong>cended the Kaibab Trail, themost direct route out, pausing only to g<strong>as</strong>p at the views.Vishnu Temple, Shiva Temple, Zoro<strong>as</strong>ter’s Pinnacle, Wotan’sThrone…the Canyon’s most dramatic features spread out indizzying array. Under Powell’s tutelage, Clarence Dutton wrotethe first detailed description of Grand Canyon geology in 1873.Taken by what he saw, Dutton aptly named many prominentfeatures for the deities of world religions. Jacked-up on endorphinsduring our speedy <strong>as</strong>cent, the Canyon expanded in multidimensionalform and scale until we were euphoric.We found Carrie and Anne Marie in the visitor’s center bar inGrand Canyon Village. After more hugs, apologies and farewells,they hit the road, and we ordered beers and burgers to fortify50

ourselves for the long walk back to theriver. We dropped below the rim at sunset.The canyon turned orange, violetand indigo before falling into shadowand darkness. Opting to descend thelonger, less-steep Bright Angel Trail,we got back to the boats at 11 p.m.,grateful that the turkeys were <strong>as</strong>leep.Day 15: mile 179—Though 99 percentscenic float, the Grand Canyon isfamous for its whitewater. The rapidsform at the mouths of side canyons,where flood debris shoots into theriver, obstructing the flow. The resultis a damming effect, producing flatwater and horizon lines above thedrops, and, given the heavy volumeand deep, constricted channel, bigwaves and hydraulics. A cl<strong>as</strong>sic testpiece, it combines powerful featureswith mostly good run-outs. Successdepends on setup, the ability to pivotand square your craft, and luck. Thereare lots of places to flip a raft in thecanyon. We managed it three times.Two of those involved our smallestraft. At 14 feet, it had the le<strong>as</strong>t marginfor error. The third flip occurredin Lava to a se<strong>as</strong>oned Grand Canyonboatman, who would be the first tosay the rest of the river is a warm upfor Lava Falls.The result of igneous boulders atthe mouth of Senate Creek, Lava Fallsis what remains of a flow that oncedammed the Colorado back to theconfluence of the Green, near Moab,Utah. It drops 37 feet, double theother big ones in half the distance.The approach is terrifying. The riverdisappears over the horizon line, itsonly evidence the puffs of mist shotup by the waves and holes explodingbelow. There is no sneak at this level,so kayaks and rafts cue off the burbleline on the rapid’s tongue, and run themeat. There is no other way through.You take your blows, and a good entryguarantees nothing.Mark had a good entry. He knewall the lines and rarely missed his. ButLava can turn around the best-orientedboater. I w<strong>as</strong> right behind him on thetongue, and saw him swept broadside.The first wave he w<strong>as</strong> slightly offsquare, the second a little more and thethird one flipped him like a pancake,hard into the whitewater maw. I didmy best to shut out Mark’s predicamentand row. Unable to see beyondthe next wave crest, I didn’t knowhe w<strong>as</strong> still trapped under his boat.I pulled through, my crew drenched,to see Mark swimming next to hisboat in the tail waves with his lipsturning blue.With help from Peter Boice in hiskayak and a couple of spare paddles,we got the upside-down boat to shoreabove the next rapids. I’ve knownMark a long time and, though he’sexcitable, I’ve never seen him overlytraumatized by an experience. Still, Ihad to insist he get out of the river andwarm up. For the rest of the day hestared into the middle distance, havingseen his elephant in Lava Falls.Alive below Lava, we drifted insilence and awe, the landscape cookedand cooled into shiny black formationsradiating heat and drying us out.To experience such a ride w<strong>as</strong> a gift,the sun warm on the white sand at theriver’s edge, barrel cacti and bighornsheep dotting the hillsides. Kayakerscame on board the rafts to lounge andjoin the party of old friends. In threedays we’d return to our separate lives. Aconvoy of two trucks overflowing withpeople and gear would drive north toIdaho, where the beauty of home wouldhelp e<strong>as</strong>e the pain of reentry. sVgOn the lake indowntownMcCallServingMcCall, Donnelly,Tamarack, C<strong>as</strong>cade andNew MeadowsEthicalExperiencedKnowledgeableEnergeticResourcefulInnovative208 634 2100McCallRealEstate.comw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 51

diningIdaho’sforbiddenfruitEach autumn, cider presses are rescuedfrom Wood River <strong>Valley</strong> cobwebs <strong>as</strong>neighbors gather for a se<strong>as</strong>onal traditionthat h<strong>as</strong> fallen c<strong>as</strong>ualty to modern life inmost of America. Photographer PaulettePhlipot captures the sights while MichaelAmes hunts the meaning of the modernAmerican apple, right here in Idaho.52 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Driving Idaho’s interstates, you are unlikely to spota single apple tree. Dairy farms, yes. Sod-coveredpotato huts rising out of flat farmland. Silverirrigation pivots, spraying arcs of water high over greencrops. Tumbleweed. All this you will see from a window,riding along the Snake River Plain at 80 miles per hour.Apple country, this is not.Now take a meandering course through the cottonwood-thickravines and up-valley farms of Idaho’sgem towns. Here, in the valley walls’ half-day shadows,between a fence and a sidewalk, or just in somebody’syard, are apple trees.There are apples here becausepeople have lived in these valleys forgenerations. More than old ranchstockades, more than gray, splinteredghost-town remains, apple trees markhuman territory.In his book, The Botany of Desire,Michael Pollan retraces the steps ofJohn Chapman, aka Johnny Appleseed.Pollan learned that the inspirationfor this storybook character w<strong>as</strong>a real (eccentric) man whose travelingapple seed business helped transformlarge swaths of the Midwest in theearly 19th century. This w<strong>as</strong> the westernfrontier, and Chapman w<strong>as</strong> instrumentalin its “taming.”In that country at that time, Pollanreports, the law required settlers toplant “at le<strong>as</strong>t 50 apple or pear trees”on purch<strong>as</strong>ed land. “Since a standardapple tree normally took ten years tofruit, an orchard w<strong>as</strong> a mark of l<strong>as</strong>tingsettlement.”At some point in the spread ofAmericans over their land, the question“Where will we plant our fruittrees?” ce<strong>as</strong>ed to arise. Maybe it w<strong>as</strong>the upkeep, all those mushy, rottingred and brown blemishes on an otherwisemanicured yard. Or maybeevangelism: What good Christianwants a constant reminder of the fallfrom grace?But <strong>as</strong> the country grew, so didapple demand. Turns out, we didn’tstop planting trees—we consolidated.Neighborhood orchards begat regional farms that in turnyielded to corporate apple distributors.Global food distribution helps feed millions, but consolidationh<strong>as</strong> its price. Pollan notes a shrinking rosterof apple breeds. Where<strong>as</strong> p<strong>as</strong>t generations had their pickamong Pippins, Russets and varying shades of Delicious,today’s supermarket aisles are dominated by a handful ofhardy breeds.In his 1922 book The Apple Tree, noted Americanhorticulturalist Liberty Hyde Bailey made an imp<strong>as</strong>sionedplea for fruit diversity. “Why do we need so many kindsof apples?” he wrote. “Because there are so many folks…There is merit in variety itself. It provides more contact withlife and leads away from uniformity and monotony.”It is doubtful Bailey could have predicted that by the endof the century, Americans would drift away from the apple.And yet, between 1996 and 2001, the U.S. Apple Associationreported “significant losses” due, in part, to “stagnantdomestic consumption.”Here in the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>, Kaz Thea works in herown small way to reverse the t<strong>as</strong>teless trend of travel-wearyfruit. Manager of the Hailey Farmers’ Market and founderof the Idaho’s Bounty program, Theais a poster-child for locally grownfood. She planted two apple trees(Pink Lady, Macintosh) beside hervegetable garden, and harvests bushelsfrom unclaimed fruit trees on thestreets of Hailey.In The Botany of Desire Pollanexplains the evolution of the apple<strong>as</strong> a tale of human tinkering. Withoutus to domesticate and breedt<strong>as</strong>ty specimens, the apple may havefizzled out <strong>as</strong> an ugly little berry,dropping ignominiously to forestfloors in Kazakhstan, the wild fruit’sindigenous home.Indeed, the modern apple tree <strong>as</strong>we know it (MALUS DOMESTICA)wouldn’t exist without the ingenuityof the ancient Chinese, who inventedthe technique of tree-grafting, or thelikes of “Granny” Ann Smith, whosetart green Australian apple becamean institution.Or, <strong>as</strong> Pollan also suggests, it’sthe apples that are using us. Were itnot for our predictable predilections(“Ooh look, a sweet shiny round redthing!”) the genetic code written intothe best apple seeds might have beenlost. But by enlisting animals in thecause—bees to cross-pollinate, crittersto spread the seeds, and craftyhumans to choose and replicate thechoicest offspring—the apple h<strong>as</strong> donequite well for itself.In her pilgrimage to Hailey’sorphaned trees and in the annualfarmers’ market cider press she organizes, Thea makesher own contribution to the apple’s cause. As do all thosefolks pressing cider this time of year, or letting that ciderferment to applejack, or on to apple cider vinegar.The forbidden fruit may have designs grander than weknow. After all, the apple wormed its way into a p<strong>as</strong>try soquintessentially American that the pie stands hand in handwith Mom <strong>as</strong> a national emblem. In muffins and cobblerstoo, the apple redefines itself, determined to sit steamingunder a frost-kissed windowpane, a piece of our owndomestication. sVgw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 53

chef’s specialtyFull Moon flair:grilled halibutCaterers and restaurateurs Brian and SueAhern embrace the versatility of fish.Text by Molly Kukachka.Photos by Paulette Phlipot.Pushing the envelope is what keeps Sue and BrianAhern, owners of The Full Moon Steakhouse &Catering in Bellevue, loving the chaotic and busyfood business. These local food gurus, who met in culinaryschool in Philadelphia, revel in the fact that there isso much more to food than eating. For them, food evokesemotions and creates fond memories <strong>as</strong> it is created,cooked and consumed.After years of practice <strong>as</strong> private chefs, caterers andrestaurant owners, the Aherns push the envelope withflair, whether they are preparing American cuisine, Indianspecialties, French p<strong>as</strong>tries or anything in between.Fish is a favorite choice with these chefs. Whetherpan seared, crusted, baked or grilled, it is always a treat.Brian’s forte is the preparation of seafood, something hegained an appreciation for while serving an apprenticeshipafter culinary school.Fish is a healthy choice and is generally an e<strong>as</strong>y dish tomake; grilling is possibly the simplest method, explainedBrian. And, unlike baking, “which is like chemistry,” thesimplicity of the grill allows room for error and more timefor whipping up some complementary sides, such <strong>as</strong> amango salsa or possibly a mint-and-olive-oil couscous.“It is the new chicken,” Brian said. “Everyone eatsfish.” And for those who still have a prejudice for theomega 3 and nutrient-rich food, Brian says, “If you don’tlike fish, you have never had good fish.” With so manytypes and endless ways to prepare it, Brian feels it is almostimpossible to dislike all fish.Grabbing a pineapple and peeling it with a few briskswipes of a knife, Brian expertly transforms the pricklyfruit into bite-size cubes in moments. Oranges, cilantro,ginger and jalapeño quickly join the pineapple creating at<strong>as</strong>ty salsa in a large silver bowl. Next, the chef moves tothe grill. After lightly oiling it with extra virgin olive oil,a slab of halibut is laid on the hot slats.While the fish sizzles, Sue and Brian toss out some hardearnedtips. It doesn’t require $500 skillets or lessons fromWolfgang Puck to be able to create flavorful meals, thecreative couple <strong>as</strong>sures novices. True to most everything,practice in the kitchen will determine success.l “Eat a lot and experiment. Most people who like to cookalso like to eat. When eating out, order something new andtake the time to savor and analyze the different t<strong>as</strong>tes, texturesand smells of the dish. Learn what can be combinedto create a tantalizing dish.”l “Use recipes <strong>as</strong> a starting point and add and subtractingredients. Cooking solely from a recipe is boring andconstricting. Tweaking a recipe provides excitement and thediscovery of new t<strong>as</strong>tes.”l “Develop a b<strong>as</strong>ic skill set. Imagine doing a cake decorating‘throw down’ with Bobby Flay. Not ready? Any type ofcooking requires practice and study. Cook, read and eat.Learn the lingo, practice different techniques, and sample,sample, sample!”l “Don’t be afraid to make mistakes. It is through theirmistakes that good cooks learn what will work. Don’t makedishes for the first time when entertaining. Planning to servean elaborate new recipe for the mother-in-law’s 80th birthdayparty? Give it one or two goes before the big day.”l “Be organized. Create an orderly process when cooking.With so many things going at once, it is possible that, withoutorganization, something may not turn out <strong>as</strong> planned.Have a plan of action and know how long each item requiresto prepare and cook—and, have a backup plan.”l “Most importantly, have fun! Food is a joy. Cookingshould be also. Allow time to enjoy the process of creatinga wonderful meal.” sVg54 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Grilled halibutwith fruit salsaIngredients—serves 44 halibut fillets, 6-8 oz each, 1-inch thickwith skin removed2 Tbsp. olive oilSalt and pepper to t<strong>as</strong>teSalsa1 small, ripe pineapple, diced2 large navel oranges, sectioned and diced1 bunch fresh cilantro, w<strong>as</strong>hed thoroughly,dried then finely chopped2 Tbsp. fresh ginger, minced1 tsp. fresh jalapeno, minced2 Tbsp. honey2 Tbsp. rice wine vinegarDirectionsTo prepare the salsa, cut the top and bottomoff the pineapple. Sit the pineapple uprightand remove the skin by using long knifestrokes following the shape of the fruit. Cutfruit off from around the core in 1/4-inchslabs. Stack the slabs and dice. Peel theoranges in the same manner. Remove sectionswith a sharp paring knife by slicingbetween the membranes and popping thesegments out into a bowl. Dice. Place fruit,ginger, cilantro and jalapeno into a bowl.In another bowl, dissolve the honey intothe vinegar then toss with the fruit mixture,set <strong>as</strong>ide. Drizzle the halibut with the oiland se<strong>as</strong>on with salt and pepper to t<strong>as</strong>te.Grill on a hot, clean, oiled grilled for 3 to 4minutes each side or until fish starts to flake.Do not overcook! Remove halibut to plateand spoon the salsa over the top. Serve witha garnish of an orange circle and a sprigof cilantro. Wine-pairing recommendation:Sauvignon Blanc—it is light and bright andcomplements the richness of the fish.CASINOTHE LAST ORIGINAL BAR IN KETCHUMTHETHE TRADITIONCONTINUES…“Best Drink In Town”...ONLY THE GAMESHAVE CHANGED!Pool Tables • Big Screen TV • Electronic Darts • FoosballFrom Beer & Wine to Top-Of-The-Line Premium LiquorsOpen 11:00 am - 2 am Daily • Main Street • KetchumFRIEDMAN MEMORIAL AIRPORTGood Neighbor Flying Program...Is in effect.Preferred hours of operation7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.Arrival and departure paths, aircraft warm-up locations andtime frames are all addressed in the voluntary noise abatementprocedures. Ple<strong>as</strong>e make certain that your pilot h<strong>as</strong> acopy of this brochure on board.Thank you!24-hour Airport Noise Abatement Center(208) 788-4956 • Airport Manager's Officewww.flysunairport.comw w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 55

dining guideRESTAURANT CUISINE TELEPHONE LOCATIONGOURMET & FINE DININGChandler’s Restaurant World cl<strong>as</strong>s dining served in a warm, rustic atmosphere 726-1776 200 S. Main St., Trail Cr. Village, KetchumCK’s Real Food Eclectic, organic cuisine. Book online at cksrealfood.com 788-1223 Corner of Pine & Main Street, HaileyFelix’s Hillside Restaurant Mediterranean cuisine. Fish, veal, steak & great wines 726-1166 380 1st Avenue N., KetchumGlobus C<strong>as</strong>ually elegant gourmet Asian fare with an eclectic wine list 726-1301 291 6th St. and Main Street, KetchumIl N<strong>as</strong>o Wine bar. Fine dining. Urban atmosphere 726-7776 5th & W<strong>as</strong>hington, KetchumKetchum Grill Contemporary American cuisine with Idaho flavors 726-4660 520 E<strong>as</strong>t Avenue, KetchumKnob Hill Inn Restaurant Alpine cuisine and French country specialties 726-8004 960 N. Main St., KetchumMichel’s Christiania Traditional French cuisine with a full-service Olympic Bar 726-3388 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Rd. & Walnut Ave., KetchumRiccabona’s Mediterranean cuisine. Fish, veal, steak & great wines 726-1166 380 1st Avenue N., KetchumThe Sawtooth Club Mesquite grilled meats, seafood, p<strong>as</strong>t<strong>as</strong> & salads 726-5233 231 N. Main Street, KetchumSTEAK & SEAFOODPioneer Saloon If you haven’t been to the Pio, you haven’t been to Ketchum 726-3139 320 N. Main Street, KetchumThe Roosevelt Tavern Grilled meats & seafood plus interpretations of comfort foods 726-0051 280 N. Main Street, KetchumThe Sawtooth Club Mesquite grilled meats, seafood, p<strong>as</strong>t<strong>as</strong> & salads 726-5233 231 N. Main Street, KetchumITALIAN & PIZZABaci Italian Cafe Italian café & wine bar. C<strong>as</strong>ual fine dining at its best! 726-8384 200 S. Main St., Trail Cr. Village, KetchumIl N<strong>as</strong>o Fresh, all natural Italian Cuisine, Wine bar 726-7776 5th & W<strong>as</strong>hington, KetchumMEXICANDesperado’s Cl<strong>as</strong>sic Mexican cuisine, fresh fish specials daily 726-3068 211 4th Street, KetchumMama Inez Southwestern cuisine. Daily and Weekly specials 788-4211 200 S. Main, BellevueASIANOsaka Sushi Japanese sushi cuisine, daily specials 726-6999 The Courtyard, E<strong>as</strong>t Avenue, KetchumSushi on Second The best restaurant for fresh seafood & sushi. Nightly specials 726-5181 260 Second Street, KetchumShanghai Palace Authentic Chinese cuisine. Lunch buffet 726-2688 531 N. Main Street, KetchumORGANIC & SPECIALTYAk<strong>as</strong>ha Organics Organic food, produce and supplements 726-4777 Chapter One Bookstore, Main St., KetchumKetchum Grill Contemporary American cuisine with Idaho flavors 726-4660 520 E<strong>as</strong>t Avenue, KetchumCAFÉ & DELI & BAKERYCiro Market & Wine Merchants Don’t cook tonight. Meals to go, wine, cheese & specialty items 622-4400 Walnut Avenue Mall, KetchumCristina’s Restaurant & Bakery Simple...good...organic...civilized food 726-4499 520 2nd Street, KetchumPerry’s Great breakf<strong>as</strong>ts, soup, sandwiches & grill selections. All to go! 726-7703 4th Street and First Avenue, KetchumBURGERSLefty’s Bar & Grill Killer burgers, hot sandwiches, salads and cold beer. 726-2744 231 6th Street E., Ketchumwe recommendDiscover an authentic t<strong>as</strong>te of Japan on Ketchum'sE<strong>as</strong>t Avenue. The valley's only Japanese owned andoperated sushi restaurant, Osaka bo<strong>as</strong>ts the best andmost affordable sushi in town. Be sure to try their greatlunch specials and wide selection of beer, wine andsake. The restaurant also offers an <strong>as</strong>sortment ofteriyaki dishes. Open seven days a week (lunch Mon-Fri only). Take out and catering available. 726-6999.56 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

PRICEDeck DiningBreakf<strong>as</strong>tLunchDinnerCocktailsBeer-WineEntertainmentCateringReservationsTake-outCredit Cards$$$ • $$$ • $$$• • $$ • $$$ • $$Lunch • Dinner • Take • Out$$$Outdoor Deck • Catering$$$ • $$$Japanese • Cuisine • $$• • • • •••OVER 200 DELICIOUS ITEMS$$ $$ $$• • • • •••Sushi • S<strong>as</strong>himi • Tempura • Suki YakiTeriyaki • Udon • Soba • Beer • Sake • Wine$$ LUNCH: Mon-Fri, 11:30-2:30$$$• • • •••DINNER: <strong>Sun</strong>-Thu, 5:00-10:00Fri & Sat, 5:00-11:00$ $$• 360 • E<strong>as</strong>t • Avenue • • N. •#5•In the Courtyard • Ketchum, ID$$726-6999 • • • 726-5593$$ • $$ Outdoor Deck • • • Catering •••Lunch • Dinner • Take OutJapanese Cuisine$$•• • $$• • • • • •OVER 200 DELICIOUS ITEMS$$ • $$ • • $• •• • ••Sushi • S<strong>as</strong>himi • Tempura • Suki YakiTeriyaki • Udon • Soba • Beer • Sake • WineLunch • Dinner • Take OutOutdoor Deck • CateringJapanese CuisineOVER 200 DELICIOUS ITEMSSushi • S<strong>as</strong>himi • Tempura • Suki YakiTeriyaki • Udon • Soba • Beer • Sake • WineLUNCH: Mon-Fri, 11:30-2:30DINNER: <strong>Sun</strong>-Thu, 5:00-10:00Fri & Sat, 5:00-11:00360 E<strong>as</strong>t Avenue N. #5In the Courtyard • Ketchum, ID726-6999 • 726-5593$• LUNCH: • • Mon-Fri, • • 11:30-2:30 ••$......entrées $10 & under$$....entrées $11 – 20$$$..entrées $21 & upDINNER: <strong>Sun</strong>-Thu, 5:00-10:00Fri & Sat, 5:00-11:00360 E<strong>as</strong>t Avenue N. #5In the Courtyard • Ketchum, ID726-6999 • 726-5593w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 57

W o o d R i v e rWine Bar . . . Fine Dining5th at W<strong>as</strong>hingtonin Ketchumring 208.726.7776fax 208.726.5904

F i n e D i n i n g

Great Breakf<strong>as</strong>ts! Soup & Sandwiches! Grill Selections!Full Breakf<strong>as</strong>t Menu! Fresh Bakery All Day!Muffins, Cookies, Great Sandwiches, Burgers, Fries,Salads, Espresso and Coffee Drinks!See our complete menu in the restaurant sectionof Names & Numbers phone book!Call ahead and we’ll have it ready for you!EVERYTHING AVAILABLE TO GO, too!Complimentary Wireless Internet Available!“Yeah, We’ve Got That!”4th Street at First Avenue - 726-7703Open at 7:00 a.m. DailyVoted One of the Top Restaurant Companies in the NationBy Pizza Today Magazine, 2001-2006• Award-Winning Pizza & P<strong>as</strong>ta•Incredible Hamburgers & Steak•Over 20 Hot & Cold Sandwiches•Amazing Salads, Appetizers & Desserts•Great Kids’ Menu•Game Room•Daily Lunch Specials•Patio Dining•Ice-Cold Beer on Tap•Wine Menu•Open 7 Days A Week For Lunch & Dinner•Dine In, Take Out & Delivery•Catering Service For Any Size Group200 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road (In the heart of Ketchum, one block west of the stop light) 622-5625Ketchum Boise Eagle MeridianNampa Mountain Home Sandy60 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

luxury livingLuxury Home on Trail Creek in KetchumThis 4 bedroom/ 4.5 bath home h<strong>as</strong> it all - location, elegance,privacy and views. Log and river rock accents, hardwoodfloors and three decks overlooking Trail Creek. Vaultedceilings, and a large caterer’s kitchen inspire entertaining orbeckon a retreat by the fire. Top line finishes, appliances andfurnishings complete the vision of rustic luxury. This home istruly unique and worth a personal tour. It also h<strong>as</strong> a strongrental history for investors seeking consistent income. Ple<strong>as</strong>ecall your broker or this office for a showing.MLS#06-301478 $3,950,000Pam ColesworthyHigh Country Resort Properties, Inc.High Country Realtors, LLC208-726-1256 or 208-720-4520pam@highcountryrealtors.comExclusive estate home on a pondin an elite neighborhoodPrivacy, serenity and views are yours from this estate homelocated in Flying Heart Ranch. This 4 bedroom, 4½ bath home,which is 4,720 square feet, features a gourmet kitchen, them<strong>as</strong>ter suite on the main level, and a mysterious and veryunique underground wine cellar. The backyard adjoins thelargest pond in Flying Heart Ranch, where you can launch yourcanoe or kayak, and enjoy the evening sunset.Ple<strong>as</strong>e call Marlow for a private showing. $2,595,000.Marlow Geuin, ABR, BrokerCl<strong>as</strong>sic Realty(208) 726-9161Illustration is artist’s depiction only and may differ from completed improvements.Trail Creek CrossingsFive minute walk to just about everything. Model homeopen Friday-Saturday from 1 pm - 5 pm or by appointmentOn Trail Creek in downtown Ketchum. 321 Leadville Ave. So.Prices from $1,295,000 to $1,990,000.2, 3 & 4 bedrooms, superior finishes, secure parking,heated storage rooms and private garages.For information call Angelika Jones,Rachel Cooper or Chris BurgetMcCann-Daech-Fenton(208) 906-3381 or (208) 726-3317 (Office)www.trailcreekcrossings.comThe Residences at ChilaliLocation and views sum up Home 13 – a corner, top-floorresidence with three bedrooms and over 2600 square feetA spectacular wraparound deck offers personal access toChilali's rooftop entertainment area Vaulted ceilings andoversized windows allow for unmatched views. Owners enjoya spacious fitness center, family-friendly recreation room, andheated underground parking. Plus, Chilali’s 24-hour conciergeservices ensure a luxury experience with every return.Visit our display suiteat 2nd Avenue and 3rd Streetin Ketchum or call 866-737-6060to schedule an appointment61

Phe<strong>as</strong>antHuntingTews RanchSouthern Idaho’s OriginalHunting RanchPhe<strong>as</strong>ant se<strong>as</strong>on is fromSeptember to April No out of state license required Special shooting preserve license $12.75 Or use your Idaho hunting license Memberships available Day hunts available to non-members www.tewsranch.com50 miles south of <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>40 miles north of Twin FallsShoshone, IdahoRusty & Carla TewsReservations Required208-886-2100augustExhibit: What We Keep: An Exhibition onBooks and Memory—A multidisciplinaryproject at the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts,Ketchum, through Sept. 28.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgExhibit: Silver Lining: P<strong>as</strong>s Mine Artists’Books—At the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for theArts, Hailey, through Oct. 11.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgPlay: Much Ado About Nothing—Presentedby <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Shakespeare Festival,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Festival Meadows, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Road, 6 p.m., Aug. 23 through Sept. 2.Details: 726-9124/nexstage.org<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Shakespeare Festival’sRenaissance Faire—Featuring jousting,archery, games, fe<strong>as</strong>ting, medieval vendors,music, dance and skits, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> FestivalMeadow. $8 for adults, $5 for seniors/students,children free. 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Aug. 2511 a.m.-5 p.m. Aug. 26.Details: 726-9124/nexstage.orgAntiques Fairs—Bill Summers AntiqueShow at the nexStage Theatre, Ketchum.Aug. 30&31 and Sept. 1&2. Details: 726-9124. Ketchum Art & Antique Show—Ket-calendarchum’s Forest Service Park Aug. 31-Sept.2. Details: (303) 570-6763. Hailey’s AntiqueMarket—Roberta McKercher Park, Hailey.Aug. 31-Sept. 2. Details: 788-9292.Ketchum Crit and Coors Light B<strong>as</strong>ecampMusic Experience—Ketchum Plaza, Aug.31-Sept. 2. Aug. 31 Michael Franti & Spearhead,Sept. 1 Matisyahu, Sept. 2 Chris Isaak.Tickets: Atkinsons’ Markets, (866) 468-7624/Ticketweb.com. Details: www.theskitour.comAtkinsons’ Market Ketchum Crit—TheSki Tour & Sawtooth Velo Cycling Club,features cycling stars from across the Northwest,purse of $10,000. Race is Sept. 2, noonto 1 p.m. Start/finish on <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road.Details: theskitour.comseptemberWagon Days Celebration—Annual LaborDay celebration honoring the area’s miningheritage, featuring the largest non-motorizedparade in the Northwest, at various locationsin Ketchum. Aug. 31-Sept. 3. Featuredevents include: Wagon Days Papoose ClubFlapjack Breakf<strong>as</strong>t—Giacobbi Square, Sept.1&2, Wagon Days Big Hitch Parade—Sept. 1at 1 p.m. begins on <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Road. WagonDays Blackjack Shoot-Out—Sept. 1 at 7 p.m.photo by steve platzer62 s u m m e r 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Main Street, Ketchum.Details: (866) 305-9899/wagondays.comWagon Days Duck Race—Rotary Park,Warm Springs Rd., party from 1-4 p.m., riverrace starts at 3 p.m., Sept. 2.Details: 720-8618/rotaryduckrace.orgAnnual <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Collector CarAuction—<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Resort Sept. 1&2.Details: (800)-255-4485 or (509) 326-4485Bellevue Labor Day Parade and JazzFestival—Sept. 2&3.Salmon Symposium—Screening of SmokeSignals, 6 p.m., Sept. 4 at the CommunityLibrary, Ketchum. Free donations accepted.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgSawtooth Botanical Garden Fall GardenWorkshop—Sept. 8 from 3-5 p.m. $7 formembers and $10 for non-members.Details: 726-9358/sbgarden.orgHoward Preserve Picnic—Wood RiverLand Trust celebrates community membersSept. 8, 4-7 p.m., Howard Preserve, Bellevue.Details: 788-3947Concert: Spudapalooza—Live music withFarmdog, 812 band and Red Headed Fiddler<strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> raffle, games and more all daylong. Wicked Spud, Main St., Hailey, Sept. 8.Details: figgleafproductions.comCowboy Poetry Event—A Sense of Placewith world renowned cowboy poets, WallyMcRae and Paul Zarzyski, nexStage Theatre,Ketchum, 7 p.m., Sept. 11.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgACT II—Acting cl<strong>as</strong>ses for ages 62 andup, from Company of Fools, Liberty Theatre,Hailey, 1-3 p.m., Sept. 11, 18, 25 and Oct. 2,9 and 16.Details: 788-6250/companyoffools.orgExhibit: David Edwards Slide Show andPhotographs—Community Library in Ketchum,6 p.m., Sept. 13. Free.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgSawtooth Botanical Garden M<strong>as</strong>terGardener Program—Every Thursday,Sept. 13 to Nov. 15, 1-4 p.m. $150. Details:324-757823rd Sawtooth Quilt Festival—StanleyCommunity Center, Sept. 14-16. $3 generaladmission, children under 12 free.Details: (208) 774-2165<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Spiritual Film Festival—Adiverse collection of films from around theworld that celebrate and explore differentspiritual traditions through film. Sept. 14-16,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Opera House, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Resortand Liberty Theatre, Hailey.Details: svspiritualfilmfestival.org.Workshop: Travel Sketching inWatercolor with Susan Perin—<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Center for the Arts, Hailey, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.,Sept. 15.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgFly Girls Fly-Fishing School—Sept. 15-16.Details: 726-4501Concert: Carit<strong>as</strong> Chorale—It’s a GrandNight for Singing fund raising dinner, Sept. 16at 6:30 p.m. Details: carit<strong>as</strong>chorale.orgExhibit: The Art of Mixing It All Up—Mixed Media/Collage workshop with InezStorer, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts, Haileyfrom 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Sept. 18-20.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgLecture: The Boy Who Would Be Tsar:The Art of Prince Andrew Romanoff—Andrew Romanoff discusses his work at theCommunity Library, Ketchum, 6 p.m., Sept.20. Free, donations accepted.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgErnest Hemingway Festival—Thetheme of the third annual Ernest HemingwayFestival is Hemingway in Paris. Activitiesinclude lectures, a book fair, guided tours ofHemingway hangouts and the opportunity tohave dinner in Hemingway’s l<strong>as</strong>t home. Sept.20-23, Ketchum, various locations. Featuredevents include: Hemingway’s grandson, JohnHemingway, keynote address “Hemingwayin Paris: The Crazy Years,” 7 p.m., Sept. 20,Carol’s Dollar Mountain Lodge. Book readingand signing with Ben Fountain, author of BriefEncounters with Che Guevara, 7 p.m., Sept.22, Community Library, Ketchum.Details: ernesthemingwayfestival.orgStanley Firefighters’ Ball—Redfish LakeLodge, Sept. 22. Details: (208) 774-3512Workshop: Favorite Family PhotosFamily Day—<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts,Hailey from 3-5 p.m. Sept. 23.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgLecture: Gregg Olsen—Book discussionon The Deep Dark explores the human toll ofIdaho’s worst dis<strong>as</strong>ter; a 1972 fire in a minein Kellogg, Idaho, which killed 91. <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Center for the Arts, Hailey, 7 p.m., Sept. 27.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgLecture: Arion Press Andrew Hoyem—Hoyem discusses Arion Press’ aims to matchthe finest contemporary art with the finestliterature p<strong>as</strong>t and present, 6 p.m., Sept. 27,Community Library, Ketchum. Free.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgCrosstoberfest 2007—Featuring 2007Idaho State Championships for Cyclocross.Live music, Bavarian food and drink, ski andclothing sales and bike demos, Sept. 29-30,River Run Plaza, near Ketchum.Workshop: Encaustic Painting with Eve-Marie Bergren—Two-day workshop at <strong>Sun</strong><strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts, Hailey, 10 a.m. to 5p.m., Sept. 29-30.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgoctoberOn the Spot Improv Cl<strong>as</strong>s—Presented byCompany of Fools, Liberty Theater, Hailey,Oct. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and Nov. 5 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. for ages 16 and up.Details: 788-6520/companyoffools.orgACT II—Acting cl<strong>as</strong>ses for ages 62 and up,Company of Fools, Liberty Theatre, Haileyfrom 1-3 p.m. Oct. 2, 9 and 16.Details: 788-6250/companyoffools.orgExhibit: Lines in the Earth—A multidisciplinaryproject at the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center forthe Arts, Ketchum, Oct. 5 through Dec. 7.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgCar W<strong>as</strong>h/Vacuumand DetailsPick up andDelivery AvailableRental Vehicles atDiscounted RatesCourtesy Safetyinspections at every visitShuttle service anywherein the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong>Factory AccessoriesName Brand TiresFactory TrainedTechniciansWe service nearly all makesand models including importsMake your appointment today!788-2225 • 800-672-2225711 North Main Street Hailey, ID 83333w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 63

Stay inEly, Nevada61 Room Hotel/C<strong>as</strong>ino• 1 Restaurant:Prospector's Coffee Shop• Lounge• Convention Facilities• Enclosed Heated Pool & Spa• Exercise Room• 22 Space R.V. Park withfull hook-ups.• Ample Parking1501 E<strong>as</strong>t Aultman(Hwy 50, Hwy 93 alternate)Ely, Nevada775-289-8900800-750-0557The UPS Store • Shipping Services• Packaging Services• Mailbox & Postal Services• Moving & Packing Supplies• Copying Services• Fax sending & receiving• Notary Services• Greeting cards220 E<strong>as</strong>t AvenueKetchum, ID 83340Tel 208-726-6896Fax 208-726-6897store2444@theupsstore.com131 N Main (Bullion Square)Hailey, ID 83333Tel 208-788-8885Fax 208-788-8810store2444@theupsstore.com©2003 United Parcel Service of America, Inc.Workshop: Lampwork Gl<strong>as</strong>s Beads withMike Ausman—Teen workshop, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Center for the Arts, Hailey, 3-5 p.m., Oct. 5.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgSawtooth Botanical Garden Fall BulbSale—Featuring unique and hardy bulbs notusually available that grow well in the WoodRiver <strong>Valley</strong>, Oct. 6.Details: 726-9358/sbgarden.orgCommunity School Garage Sale—Sagewillow Barn, Elkhorn, Oct. 6.Workshop: Lampwork Gl<strong>as</strong>s with MikeAusman—At the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for theArts, Hailey from 4-7 p.m., Oct. 9&11.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgLecture: Rob Satloff—Executive directorof The W<strong>as</strong>hington Institute for Near E<strong>as</strong>tPolicy speaks at 7 p.m., Oct. 11, nexStageTheatre, Ketchum.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgTrailing of the Sheep Festival—Featuringa Folk-life Fair, with sheep shearing andherding demonstrations, <strong>as</strong> well <strong>as</strong> music,dancing, food and games. The Grand Finaleis a sheep parade down Ketchum’s MainStreet. Oct. 12 through 14.Details: trailingofthesheep.orgSt. Luke’s Medical Center AutumnGala—Dining, dancing, entertainment byFive Guys Named Moe, silent auction andraffle. Limelight Room, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Inn, Oct.13. Details: 727-8406Concert: Zum—E<strong>as</strong>tern European gypsyfiddle music with the hot-blooded p<strong>as</strong>sion ofArgentinian Tango, 7:30 p.m., Oct. 14., PresbyterianChurch of the Big Wood, Ketchum.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgWorkshop: Oil Painting with ConnieBorup—A week-long workshop exploringthe oil painting medium, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Oct.15-19, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts, Hailey,Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.org18th Annual Swing and Dixie Jazz Jamboree—Themusic flows at venues throughout<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> and Ketchum, featuring morethan 40 acclaimed musicians from across theUnited States and Canada. Oct. 17 through21. Free community concert, 7 p.m., Oct. 16,<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Ice Rink.Details: (877) 478-5277/sunvalleyjazz.comPlay: Doubt—2005 Pulitzer Prize Winnerpresented by the Company of Fools, Oct. 17through Nov. 4 at The Liberty Theatre, Hailey.Details: 788-6520/companyoffools.orgLecture: Duncan Hill on Uganda—Presentsa film and talk, 6 p.m., Oct. 18, CommunityLibrary, Ketchum. Free.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgSawtooth Botanical Garden Fall HarvestFestival—Oct. 21 from 2-6 p.m.Details: 726-9358/sbgarden.orgWorkshop: Folding Memories—With GayWeake, 5:30-7:30 p.m., Oct. 23, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Center for the Arts, Ketchum.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgHemingway Halloween Kids Party—Oct.28 from 1-3 p.m., sponsored by the KetchumPolice Department and YMCA.novemberYMCA Grand Opening—Nov. 3,Details: 726-6260/woodriverymca.orgBusiness Showc<strong>as</strong>e—Sponsored by SVK-CVB, Nov. 8, 5-7 p.m. Details: 725-2105Workshop: Card-Making—5:30-7:30 p.m.,Nov. 13, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Center for the Arts, Ketchum.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgReading: Mary Oliver—Award-wining poetreads at 7 p.m., Nov. 15, St. Thom<strong>as</strong> EpiscopalChurch, Ketchum.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgHeart of the <strong>Valley</strong> Contest SubmissionDeadline—Nov. 16. Share your photographsand short writings about the WoodRiver <strong>Valley</strong> in Wood River Land Trust’sFourth Annual Heart of the <strong>Valley</strong> Contest.Details: 788-3947/woodriverlandtrust.org.Lecture: Ensemble Galilei with NealConan—First Person: Stories from the Edgeof the World, collaboration between NationalGeographic, National Public Radio’s NealConan and Ensemble Galilei. PresbyterianChurch of the Big Wood, Ketchum, Nov. 17.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgGalena Lodge opening day—The winterse<strong>as</strong>on and ski school opening Nov. 17, 9a.m. to 5 p.m. (weather depending).Details: 788-2117.decemberGalena Lodge Nordic Demo Days—10a.m., Dec. 1. Details: 788-2117Papoose Club Holiday Bazaar—Shop forgifts Dec. 1&2 at Hemingway ElementarySchool, Ketchum. Details: 726-6642.Galena Lodge Wednesday Workouts—Dec. 5, 3:30-5 p.m. Ski clinics, $15 perperson, offer a different focus each week.Details: 788-2117Film: Austrian Ski Legacy Ian Scully—6p.m., Dec. 6, the Community Library, Ketchum.Free, donations accepted.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgPlay: The Little Mermaid—Presentedby the <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Ballet School, Dec. 7-9 atnexStage Theatre, Ketchum. Details: 726-9876/directors@sunvalleyballet.comReading: Judith Freeman—Book readingand signing, 6 p.m., Dec. 13., The CommunityLibrary, Ketchum. Free.Details: 726-3493/thecommunitylibrary.orgLearn to ski clinic—Free clinic for skateand cl<strong>as</strong>sic skiing. Participants must havea trail p<strong>as</strong>s. Galena Lodge, 1 p.m., Dec. 15.Details: 788-2117Ski Free Day—North <strong>Valley</strong> Trails, Dec. 15.Details: 788-2117Concert: Perla Batalla—Grammynominated vocalist, composer, and arrangerperforms at Presbyterian Church of the BigWood, Ketchum, 7:30 p.m., Dec. 15.Details: 726-9491/sunvalleycenter.orgPlay: Snowflake—By and starring GaleLaJoyce, Dec. 19 through 30, at the Liberty64 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

Theatre, Hailey.Details: 578-9122/companyoffools.orgChristm<strong>as</strong> Eve in <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>—<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Resort celebrates Christm<strong>as</strong> Eve with an iceskating exhibition, torchlight skiing parade,visit from Santa and fireworks, Dec. 24.Details: 622-2097.Concert: Paul Tillotson Trio—Traditionaljazz music with the Paul Tillotson Trio, Dec.26 through Jan. 5, 4-7 p.m., at the DuchinRoom, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Lodge.Details: sunvalley.comT T E R S & G U I D E SWinter Holidays Antique Show—10 a.m.to 5 p.m., Dec. 28-30, nexStage Theatre,Ketchum. Details: 720-5547ongoingGallery Walks—<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Gallery Associationmembers and others stay open 6-9p.m., serving wine and snacks on Friday,Aug. 31, Oct. 12, Nov. 23 and Dec. 28.Details: svgalleries.orgSummer Lift Rides—River Run Lodge inKetchum from 9 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. throughSept. 3. Details: 622-6136/sunvalley.com.<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Ice Shows—Aug. 25, Sept. 1(S<strong>as</strong>ha Cohen) and Sept. 15. Dusk, <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Outdoor Ice Rink. $29 to $55, buffet $67to $92. Details: 622-2135/sunvalley.com.Wood River Farmers’ Market—Locallygrown produce, 4th St., Ketchum. Tuesdays,2:30-6 p.m. through Oct. 10.Wood River Farmers’ Market/Artists’Market—Locally grown produce andhandcrafted art work, Main Street, Hailey,Thursdays through Sept. 27 from 2:30-6:30p.m. Details: 788-7052Dinners at Galena— Galena LodgeThanksgiving Dinner, 7 p.m., Nov. 23. FullMoon dinners, 7 p.m., Nov. 30-Dec. 3. WineDinners—Dec. 14&15. Holiday Dinners—7p.m. Dec. 23 through 31. Details: 788-2117Community Library—Stop by the Libraryat 3 p.m. every Thursday for a tour withExecutive Director Colleen Daly. Story Timeat the Children’s Library, Saturdays at 10 a.m.Science Time at the Children’s Library Tuesdaysat 11 a.m. Details: 726.3493 ex. 116Business After Hours—Meet and greetwith local business people. 5-7 p.m., Sept.13 at Hawley Graphics, Hailey. Sept. 27 atHigh Country Resorts, Ketchum. Oct. 11 atFriedman Memorial Airport, Hailey. Oct. 25at <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Shutters & Shades, Ketchum.December, at The Answering Service,Ketchum. Details: 725-2105<strong>View</strong> the calendaronline at svguide.comAll submissions for theWinter 2007 calendarshould be sent tocalendar@mtexpress.comor 726-8060.Deadline: October 12, 2007O U T F I T T E R S& G U I D E Sguided fishing pack backpack horsehiking trips trips rideshunting mtn. river kayaking rockbiking rafting climbingE Q U I P M E N Tr e n t a l sbike kayak in-lineskateLboat/floattubesS/Rcamping skateboard lessons service/repairP R O P E R T YMANAGEMENTW Steweekly/long termpool/hot tubsuite condo houseACfireplace kitchen aircond.208-622-9305bmoinfo@sunvalley.netwww.billm<strong>as</strong>onoutfitters.com<strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong>Village1 <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Rd., <strong>Sun</strong> <strong>Valley</strong> Village208-622-2279petelanesbike.sunvalley.competelanesbike@sunvalley.comS/RBox 357 • Ketchum, Idaho 83340800-371-9178www.resortquestsunvalley.comWACKetchumIdahoL<strong>as</strong>er Hair Therapy Treats Men and WomenREVAGEHAIR SOLUTIONofferedbyTom Crais,M.D., F.A.C.S.RevolutionaryL<strong>as</strong>er TechnologyCALL FOR A FREE CONSULTATIONBEFOREAFTERACTUAL CLIENT • 6 MONTHS RESULTS1-208-788-7700TOMCRAIS@APS.SVCOXMAIL.COMAS SEEN ON NBC, CBS & ABC315 South River Street, Hailey, Idaho 83333w w w . s u n v a l l e y c e n t r a l . c o m 65

valley humorain theyear WestBoston transplant Jon Duval revealsthe perils of life in the Wood River<strong>Valley</strong>. Illustration by Gavin McNeil.Growing up in M<strong>as</strong>sachusetts, you come to take certainthings <strong>as</strong> indelible facts of life: You will sweatprofusely in summertime, even if your most strenuousactivity is opening the top of a cooler. Drivers have theun<strong>as</strong>sailable right to cut you off then give you a one-fingeredsalute for getting in their way. A powder day consists ofthree inches of laboriously heavy snow lying on a three-footsheet of ice. It’s perfectly acceptable to wear a blazer overa button-down shirt to breakf<strong>as</strong>t. And, unless your licenseplate reads “Live Free or Die,” a gun rack is not a suitableaccessory for your car.So it is not a surprise that when I moved to Ketchum l<strong>as</strong>tAugust in search of my own manifest destiny, I experienceda good deal of culture shock, often at the expense of mypride. Within my first six months of Idaho residency I sufferedmore public humiliations than Paris Hilton.Being altruistic, or perhaps impertinent,by nature, I believe I have a moral obligationto share my hard-earned knowledge <strong>as</strong>a way of sparing fellow E<strong>as</strong>t Co<strong>as</strong>t transplantsand visitors similar tribulations.While I cannot guarantee to keep localsfrom laughing at your pronunciation of“Rivah Run,” I do have a few suggestionsthat should at le<strong>as</strong>t earn you a modicumof respect: Start sleeping in a hyperbaric chamber. Find thenumber to Floyd Landis’ pharmacist. Trade in silk ties andsupple leather loafers for tight-fitting shorts and Gore-Texhiking boots.While the elevation of the Wood River <strong>Valley</strong> differsslightly from, say, Machu Picchu, the effects of oxygendeprivation on those arriving from sea level are noticeable.Walk down Main Street hoping to catch a glimpse of Demior the Governator and you’ll feel fit <strong>as</strong> a fiddle. Hike up toPioneer Cabin and you’ll start wondering if it’s possible foryour heart to jump out of your chest like that alien from themovie, um, Alien.I moved to the mountains a mere two months after havingcompleted the Boston Marathon and working <strong>as</strong> a bicyclemessenger. I w<strong>as</strong> indisputably in the best shape of my life.Imagine my disconcert when grade-school children boundedp<strong>as</strong>t me with smiles on their faces <strong>as</strong> I sat by the side of the“Tragically, I’ve givenup all hope of everfeeling comfortablein cowboy boots.”trail, pretending to admire the surrounding beautywhile sucking wind like a sumo wrestler playing doubleDutch.Compounding the adverse effect of the oxygenimpoverishedair is the fact that residents of the areatend to regard athletic pursuits the way Rain Man feltabout watching Wapner—fanatical.Regardless of efforts to the contrary, city living h<strong>as</strong>a way of forcing indolence upon inhabitants. Thoseaccustomed to subways and elevators have little hopeof keeping up with people who willinglyhike up a ski mountain whenthere’s a perfectly good chairlift inplain view.I routinely floundered like a badvaudevillian actor in a 1920s silentfilm in both waist-deep powder—searching for buried skis—andplacid pond water—trying to flip akayak to the decidedly preferable oxygenated side. I’mon the verge of contracting carpal tunnel <strong>as</strong> a resultof clutching the brake levers on my mountain bike tootightly. And, tragically, I’ve given up all hope of everfeeling comfortable in cowboy boots.Ple<strong>as</strong>e, prior to arrival make every attempt to gainsome semblance of proficiency for any athletic undertakingyou might engage in here—get on a bike, grab apaddle or get to the nearest gun range—perhaps you’llleave with your ego, and hopefully your bones, intact.However, it may be this treacherously steep, bruiseinducinglearning curve that keeps me here, spendingthe majority of every meager paycheck on new ways ofinviting serious bodily and mental injury. And someday, maybe I will be the one lithely p<strong>as</strong>sing a hyperventilatingyoung man lying in a crestfallen heap, wearinga tattered Red Sox shirt. sVg66 f a l l 2 0 0 7 • s u n v a l l e y g u i d e

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