Exploring Bioethics - NIH Office of Science Education - National ...

Exploring Bioethics - NIH Office of Science Education - National ...

Exploring Bioethics - NIH Office of Science Education - National ...


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• With respect to performance enhancers in sports, someinterventions could be considered unethical even if they are not yetillegal and vice versa.• The law typically sets the minimum standards to which people mustadhere; ethical standards sometimes focus on ideals or what wouldbe the best thing to do, and not just the minimum or what would bemerely acceptable to do.Round 3: Ethical Questions vs. Personal Preferences, Customs,and Habits1. Ask students to put aside the cards from Round 2 but to keepthem in two piles for later.122. Give pairs <strong>of</strong> students the cards made from Master 1.3: WhatType <strong>of</strong> Question? Round 3—Ethical Questions vs. PersonalPreferences, Customs, and Habits.3. Ask students to sort this next group <strong>of</strong> cards into two piles.Remember not to reveal the types <strong>of</strong> questions present.4. Ask the students within each pair to identify, together, what twotypes <strong>of</strong> questions they think they have been sorting.35. Call on students to share with the class their two types<strong>of</strong> questions.6. Read the list <strong>of</strong> Round 3 questions from the Round 3 Answer Key(below) aloud, and ask students to raise their hands to indicatewhether they thought each question was ethical or a matter <strong>of</strong>personal preference, custom, or habit.Round 3 Answer Key: Ethical Questions (E) vs. Personal Preferences,Customs, or Habits (P) (Master 1.3)Type QuestionPPPPEEE/PEPEWhat kind <strong>of</strong> ice cream flavor is the best?Should your school pick yellow and green as school colors?At what time should students brush their hair?What hairstyle looks best on boys?Should someone kill one person to save many?Is it fair to punish every cheater to the same degree, no matter whatthe circumstances?How should parents discipline their children?*Is it fair to require everyone to wear a school uniform?Which band’s music to you like the most?Should athletes be allowed to take steroids?Module 1 1-13456

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