Exploring Bioethics - NIH Office of Science Education - National ...

Exploring Bioethics - NIH Office of Science Education - National ...

Exploring Bioethics - NIH Office of Science Education - National ...


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Activity 7: Guidelines for Ethical ResearchEstimated Time: 15 minutesDivide the class into small groups <strong>of</strong> three to four students. Give each group alarge sheet <strong>of</strong> paper and colored markers.Ask each group to write its own “Guidelines for Ethical Research.” It shouldinclude one or two rules related to each <strong>of</strong> the module’s two ethicalconsiderations—respect for persons and harms and benefits.Ask each group to share its rules with the class. Post the lists on the wall.Debrief the rules exercise as a whole class.Explain that scientists, ethicists, and regulatory agencies have developedguidelines for conducting research with human participants, which have evolvedover time. These include the Nuremberg Code, the Belmont Report, and theDeclaration <strong>of</strong> Helsinki.Tell students that IRBs and the federal Offce for Human Research Protections alsomonitor research.Closure: Remind students that they have explored both the benefits <strong>of</strong> research(improving human health in the future) and some <strong>of</strong> its challenges, such as risksto participants.Homework: Students prepare for Day 3 by reading pages 1 and 2 <strong>of</strong> Master 5.4and filling out page 1 <strong>of</strong> Master 5.5.Extension (optional): Students could compare their rules and regulations withthose <strong>of</strong> the Nuremberg Code, the Declaration <strong>of</strong> Helsinki, and other codes <strong>of</strong>medical ethics.Page 5-24, Steps 1–2Page 5-24, Steps 3–4Page 5-25, Step 5Page 5-25, Step 6Page 5-25, Steps 7–8Page 5-26, Step 9Page 5-26Page 5-27Page 5-27Involves copying a master12345Module 5 5-296

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