Kurdish-Turkish ties stronger than ever - Kurdish Globe

Kurdish-Turkish ties stronger than ever - Kurdish Globe

Kurdish-Turkish ties stronger than ever - Kurdish Globe


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The <strong>Kurdish</strong> <strong>Globe</strong> No. 349, Monday, April 23, 2012 14Feb. 28 Military coup investigation in Turkey:Achievement of political IslamBy Mehmed Sabri AkgönülIn Turkey, most addressesraided in Ankara and Istutanbul in the scope of theongoing Feb. 28 militarycoup investigation wereconducted by the specucially authorized AnkaraRepublic Deputy PublicProsecutor. Cevik Bir,one of the generals whoplanned the Feb. 28 militutary coup that overthrewa government led by thetraditional Islamist Welfufare Party (RP) in 1997,and 30 other officers fromthe <strong>Turkish</strong> Army weredetained for their rolesin this coup on April 16.Also, <strong>Turkish</strong> police raideued 12 addresses and moremilitary officers, includiuing retired army memberGen. Erol Ozkasnak, whoplayed a major role in theFeb. 28 coup, were arresteued. According to lobbies,detentions will continueand most military officersare suspects in the ongoiuing investigation.On Feb. 28, 1997, the<strong>Turkish</strong> National SecurityCouncil (MGK) organizeda meeting in which it mades<strong>ever</strong>al decisions and miliuitary elites submitted theirviews on issues regardingsecularism and politicalIslam in Turkey to the RPgovernment. The MGKargued that these decisusions have to be implemumented in order to protectthe Kemalist-secularistideology. Prime MinisterNecmettin Erbakan wasforced to sign those decisusions. A group named theWest Study Group wasestablished by the <strong>Turkish</strong>military during the Feb.28 coup to control Islamicactivi<strong>ties</strong>.Former Chief of Geneueral Staff Gen. HuseyinKivrikoglu had said "theFeb. 28 process will lasta thousand years." Howeu<strong>ever</strong>, the great changes inboth social and politicalstructure of Turkey wereenough to refute Kivriuikoglu. Recep Tayyip Erdudogan and his party, theAKP, whose backgroundis formed by the targetparty of the coup, the RP,was in charge of governmument after five years ofthe Feb. 28 military coup.According to s<strong>ever</strong>al analulysts, AKP gained a highprofile taking advantageof the frustration in theFeb. 28 military coup andthen participated in theliberal world system byconverting <strong>Turkish</strong> politicucal Islam.Political party leadersin Turkey have expressedtheir views on the last detutainees. <strong>Turkish</strong> PM Erdogugan welcomed arrests andstated that he supports theongoing investigation. Hereferred to Kivrikoglu'sstatement by saying "Feb.28 is now on trial -- not1,000 years later, but after15 years. Today is the dayjustice and democracygains strength." Moreouover, Erdogan stated thathe and his friends had hardtimes during those daysand slammed the supportgiven the <strong>Turkish</strong> militaryand secular elites by muchof the mainstream media,judiciary and NGOs gaveduring the time of the Feb.28 coup and after.The leader of the mainopposition party (CHP),Kemal Kilicdaroglu, expupressed his and his party'ssupport for Feb. 28 investutigation, but he assertedthat the AKP looks forjustice with feelings ofrevenge. He also said thatAKP government uses theFeb. 28 probe to changeTurkey's political agenda.The far-right oppositionNationalist MovementParty (MHP) leader Devlulet Bahceli also welcomedthe investigation, sayingthat the judiciary shouldtake action against anyouone who played a role inthe coup, but shouldn't begiven attritional loss tothe <strong>Turkish</strong> Armed Forces(TSK).Pro-<strong>Kurdish</strong> Peaceand Democracy Party(BDP) co-chair Selahattutin Demirtas is skepticalabout the situation. Hesaid that AKP does notsettle scores with the entutire coup mentality andtradition; it just confrontscoup perpetrators. In thisregard, Demirtas argued,AKP want to consolidateits own power--not reinfuforce democracy.The <strong>Turkish</strong> media hasplayed an important roleon behalf of the Turkiuish power elites since thefoundation of the <strong>Turkish</strong>Republic. Even thoughthere were rarely someopponent journalists tothe government, in geneueral, newspapers and TVchannels have alwaysbeen shaped in accordudance with the wishes andexpectations of the Turkiuish government. The highprofile leading actor of theFeb. 28 military coup wasthe <strong>Turkish</strong> media rather<strong>than</strong> weapons or militarytanks because the mediahad a crucial role in prepuparing the ground for thecoup and operating it. The<strong>Turkish</strong> military forcesand Kemalist elite tookadvantage of the mediaproficiently to blame theexistence of Islamic lifesustyle in the public sphereof being a threat to theKemalist secular regime,which they regard allegeuedly as the only way oftheir prosperous lives.S<strong>ever</strong>al newspapers highlulighted the negative newsabout RP during this procucess. They covered ideassuch as

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