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A Quarterly <strong>SPC</strong> Newsletter O c t - D e c 2 0 0 9<strong>SPC</strong>’s first international aviation awardThe Aviation team was proud to receive theprestigious award.It was an exhilarating moment for <strong>SPC</strong> when it was declared the number one jet fuel marketerin Asia-Pacific at an international award competition organised by the Armbrust Aviation Group(AAG), a leading publisher in the aviation fuel industry. Up against international energy giants andthe best in the industry, this was also <strong>SPC</strong>’s first award in the international aviation fuel arena.Nominees for the award were named by aviation fuel industry executives who were asked tonominate companies from the airlines, jet fuel suppliers and airport operator segments that havemade a difference during these difficult times. The final nominees garnered the highest totalnominations in their respective categories.On 17 September 2009, <strong>SPC</strong> was proclaimed as the winner of the “World’s Best Jet Fuel Marketersin Asia Pacific Region” award at the 2009 AAG Jet Fuel Awards held in London, United Kingdom.The <strong>SPC</strong> aviation sales team was on cloud nine when they learnt of the win. After all, the awardwas a culmination of over 30 years of sheer hard work, which was built on a credible platform bythe predecessors, as well as practical market planning and extreme customer care. Complacency,however, was not on their minds. The team believes in providing continual exemplary customerservice and cultivating lasting relationships with customers as the winning formula for positivesales growth.<strong>SPC</strong> CEO Mr Koh Ban Heng said, “<strong>SPC</strong> is both honoured and humbled by this vote of recognition from international jet fuel buyers for our excellentcustomer service and prompt market response. The award acknowledges and validates <strong>SPC</strong>’s standing as a strong, integrated oil and gas companywith a premium brand not only at home in Singapore but also globally.”Well done, <strong>SPC</strong> Aviation, for bringing this prominent award home!IR team did it again!<strong>SPC</strong>’s Investor Relations team.Investor Relations awards won by <strong>SPC</strong>.In December, <strong>SPC</strong> received the noteworthy “Certificate of Excellence in InvestorRelations (IR)” at the IR Magazine South East Asia Awards 2009. This is theCompany’s second consecutive award in Investor Relations following <strong>SPC</strong>’s win of“Most Progress in Investor Relations” award last year.The annual IR event has been widely recognised as the most accurate and validmeasure of excellence in Investor Relations. The monthly UK-based magazine of 20years is one of the most respected publications in the market, covering all areas inthe field of Investor Relations. The magazine is alsoa proud host of awards and conferences in countriesthat include Australia, Canada, continental Europe,Hong Kong, Taiwan, the Nordic Region, the UK andthe US. The IR Magazine South East Asia Awards,now into its fifth year, has been polling investors andanalysts globally for the best in Investor Relationsin Southeast Asian companies. Winners weredetermined based on the results of a survey withover 5,000 investors and analysts from more than14 countries worldwide covering the Asian market.Receiving the award for two years running means<strong>SPC</strong>’s IR efforts had made an impression onthe investment community and that <strong>SPC</strong> met asignificant number of mentions in the global surveycomprising tier-one analysts and international fundmanagers. The certificate affirms the eminence andsignificant achievements of <strong>SPC</strong>’s IR team.Well done!The one and onlyHear them ROAR!The <strong>SPC</strong> brand is prominently displayed across its suite of products and services.Almost every Singaporean is familiar with the <strong>SPC</strong> brand that hasbeen around for almost as long as our nation state itself. With‘Singapore’ in the name that conjures national pride, credibility andquality, <strong>SPC</strong> has this one of a kind national heritage that no other oilgiants here can call their own.Because of this brand cachet that <strong>SPC</strong> has built up overthe past forty years, the Company was nominated by theSingapore Prestige Brand Awards in the Heritage Brands categorythat pays tribute to historic homegrown brands which have embracedexceptional brands practices for more than 30 years. The Award wasjointly organised by the Association of Small & Medium Enterprisesand Lianhe Zaobao.As we take a moment to relish our past, let us continue to carrythe strength and tradition of our <strong>SPC</strong> brand into the local andinternational markets and power ahead.<strong>SPC</strong> recently became guardian to three more healthy Asian lion cubs born at the NightSafari.The births of the lion cubs – two males and one female – in November mark the zoo’sfirst success at breeding the endangered Asian lions. <strong>SPC</strong>, since adopting the zoo’smajestic lions which symbolise its corporate mascot in 2007, was elated by the news.<strong>SPC</strong> has been supporting the zoo’s wildlife conservation efforts since the 1970s.The Asian lions once prowled a range that spanned from the Middle East to India andare listed as endangered under the International Union for Conservation of Nature(IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. The lions are one of three big cats found inIndia and are a unique subspecies that split from the African lion some 100,000 yearsago. Currently, there are only about 300 of them in the wild.<strong>SPC</strong> is proud of the Night Safari’s outstanding husbandry that has boosted thepopulation of an endangered species.Do visit the zoo one day and hear our lions ROAR!Visitors will be able to see the cubs along the tram routeat the zoo next year.4 5

A Quarterly <strong>SPC</strong> Newsletter O c t - D e c 2 0 0 9Business as usualBy Herman NgIn early 2009, an outbreak of a new strain of Influenza A virus subtype H1N1created global concerns for an imminent pandemic. In late April, the World HealthOrganisation’s pandemic alert level was sequentially increased from level threeto five. On 11 June, the pandemic level was raised to its highest level six.During catastrophic times such as this, effective business continuity planning(BCP) is critical to ensuring the normal function of a company. BCP essentiallyis about protecting an organisation and its employees in crisis situations. Whendisaster strikes, there is often very little time to think about what to do. With aplan in ready-mode, a well thought-out BCP preps all to play their roles in timesof an emergency.<strong>SPC</strong> has in place a well-developed BCP programme to keep its business runningduring a crisis. Responding to the pandemic alert, <strong>SPC</strong> activated its Flu PandemicBCP exercise in the early hours of 19 June. Employees, upon receiving instructionsvia a systematic communication system, were immediately deployed to theirdesignated work zones, spanning from HarbourFront Centre, Jurong Bulk Plant,SRC wins national awardfor safety and securityBy Low Teck Lye, Singapore Refining Company (SRC)On 4 August 2009, SRC’s tireless efforts to ensure workplace safety and securityreceived acclamation from the Singapore Police Force (SPF) and Singapore CivilDefence Force (SCDF). The National Safety and Security Watch Group (SSWG)awards were jointly established by SPF and SCDF to recognise companies forbuilding robust security protocols to tackle the dynamic security climate.The award ceremony was held at Orchard Hotel and graced by Prof S. Jayakumar,Senior Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for National Security.Since 2001, SRC has been appointed as the leader of SSWG Merlimau Cluster towork closely with SPF and SCDF in engaging members to advocate awarenessand implement activities for workplace safety and security. Timely informationon terrorism and crime threats received from SPF, as well as essential skills learntDeploying staff to different work zones would eliminate the dependencyon a single labour pool.Jalan Buroh Service Station to individual homes. Employees handlingcritical business functions were segregated into different zones tomitigate the risk of losing multiple critical business functions from asingle-zone disruption. All other employees coming into the officesalso had their temperatures taken to prevent the risk of crosscontamination of the highly contagious virus.With preparedness and cooperation from everyone, the exercisewas declared a resounding success.SRC receiving the Safety & Security Cluster Award 2009 from Prof S.Jayakumar, Senior Minister and Co-ordinating Minister for National Security.from training sessions organised by SCDF further help membersbetter prepare themselves for emergencies.SRC has always been an employer who holds safety in high regard.Winning the crown of the National SSWG Award simply reaffirmsSRC’s continuous commitment to workplace safety and security.How much do youknow about CSR?While we work hard reaching out to the community with our corporate socialresponsibility (CSR) efforts, the <strong>SPC</strong> CSR Committee also put weight onraising CSR awareness among staff, for it takes our combined commitmentand support to deliver a successful CSR programme.To educate and encourage staff to be more involved in the Company’s CSRactivities, <strong>SPC</strong> held a quiz contest in October. The approach of the quizwas two-pronged, eliciting rudimentary and reflective answers from staffmembers.Three outstanding submissions emerged from the contest:• Tan Heng Jeong (Manager, Aviation Sales)• Tan Poh Lay (Executive, Investor Relations & Communications)• Ryan Tang (Senior Executive, Corporate Development)Congratulations to the winners!When ROAR asked Heng Jeong why he participated in the quiz, he said, “As an<strong>SPC</strong> employee, I see my submission as an individual contribution towards ourcorporate drive to achieve a better CSR scorecard and to truly institutionaliseCSR across all levels of the organisation. Personally, I have a keen interestand strong belief in CSR and its benefits, both for the good of humanity andleverage for the organisation. In a way, this quiz gave me a chance to expressmy humble opinions.”Mr Vincent Tay, Vice-President (Marketing) and Chairman of <strong>SPC</strong>’s CSRCommittee, was delighted by the encouraging response to the quiz. He said,“This is the first time we have conducted a CSR quiz. We hope to better engagestaff in CSR through more activities and quizzes. I believe that ‘home is wherethe heart is’, and <strong>SPC</strong>’s heart work should begin with our people.”CSR Committee Chairman Mr Vincent Tay presenting the prizes to the three winners(from left): Tan Heng Jeong, Tan Poh Lay and Ryan Tang.We share some suggestions fromthe quiz winners.How can positive CSR experiences benefit <strong>SPC</strong>?• Build community support• Enhance brand identity and reputation• Reduce waste disposal costs• Improve employee working conditions• Build stakeholders confidence and goodwill<strong>SPC</strong> practices / events that are in line with CSR• Educating employees on CSR as well as encouraging andrecognising employee volunteerism.• Investing in communities where <strong>SPC</strong> operates. Someexamples include hosting a carwash facility run byMINDS (Movement for the Intellectually Disabled) at<strong>SPC</strong> Telok Blangah, contributing funds to the CommunityDevelopment Councils and disaster-relief efforts, andhosting charity fundraising events.• Reducing its carbon footprint by cutting down the numberof plastic bags given away for small item purchases suchas candies and newspapers at <strong>SPC</strong> Choices.Suggestions that can help further <strong>SPC</strong>’sCSR movement• Allow employees time off to do community work. Thisencourages employee volunteerism and institutionalisesthe CSR culture. It also elevates our “heart work” frommonetary contributions to service and support for theunder-privileged in society.• Include CSR scoring as criterion to award major tendersand/or select key suppliers. This helps to further <strong>SPC</strong>’sCSR cause beyond its employees and business operationswhile instilling the CSR culture throughout its entire supplychain.• Organise team building programme overseas, especially incountries where <strong>SPC</strong> has business presence, to carry outcommunity work.• Present a yearly volunteerism award to recognise andreward staff for their CSR efforts. For example, such awardcan be included in the annual Long Service Award.6 7

A Quarterly <strong>SPC</strong> Newsletter O c t - D e c 2 0 0 9Truly, your Friendly NeighbourhoodService StationsCustomers today come better educated, better informed and seeksecond-to-none service standards. Even as businesses in the retail sectorfind it increasingly challenging to meet customers’ demands and needs,<strong>SPC</strong> retail has successfully beaten the odds with a proven track record inexcellent customer service.<strong>SPC</strong>’s retail business has, over the years, accepted this challenge andhomed in on delivering customer-friendly value-added services. This iswhat <strong>SPC</strong> believes in, that premium customer service goes a long waytowards building the <strong>SPC</strong> brand.So even if customers are getting more exacting, <strong>SPC</strong> is frequently revvingup its service level by being innovative in introducing new services. <strong>SPC</strong>was the first to introduce “Drive-Thru” Automated Teller Machine (ATM)and “Drive-Thru” take-away food outlet at selected service stations. All ofits 38 friendly neighbourhood service stations boast a 24-hour in-houseconvenience store to cater to the needs of its customers.Mr Kasroni Bin Tohari, Pump Attendantat <strong>SPC</strong> Jurong WestStaff from <strong>SPC</strong> ThomsonStaff from <strong>SPC</strong> Toa PayohComing up top against its larger competitors at the latest CustomerSatisfaction Index of Singapore survey, <strong>SPC</strong>’s efforts in delivering premiumcustomer service over the years had not gone un-noticed. Reaping a totalof 68.7 points, this is a progress from last year’s score of 68.5. The survey,which involved more than 20,000 respondents, was conducted by theInstitute of Service Excellence at Singapore Management University.Even though customers are getting more demanding, they are also moreupfront with their compliments when they receive exemplary service.Some <strong>SPC</strong> service stations such as those at Thomson and Toa Payoh arefrequently clothed with praises for their consistent good service.At the forefront of our customer service universe is <strong>SPC</strong>’s service stationstaff. Here, we highlight some of the many commendations that we havereceived from our customers.Thank you, frontline staff. You have certainly done <strong>SPC</strong> proud!Ms Charmaine Quek: “I drove into the station and was dismayed to find only one available pump thatwas being blocked by a motorcycle. The motorist was in the store making payment. Then, Kasroni quicklywent to move the motorcycle to the side so that my car could pull up to the pump island. That was avery simple act, but it provided customer satisfaction. Kasroni takes pride in his job and carries out hisresponsibilities well. <strong>SPC</strong> indeed trains their station staff well to build customer loyalty. I will continueto frequent this particular <strong>SPC</strong> service station for its great service and high level of efficiency.”Mr Tang Chuang Heng,Pump Attendant at <strong>SPC</strong> BalestierMs Lynn Vignesuri d/o Devamany,Cashier at <strong>SPC</strong> ThomsonMr Ronnie Seow,Pump Attendant at <strong>SPC</strong> ChangiMr Ronald Cho: “I reside in the area andam a regular customer of <strong>SPC</strong> Balestier.I am very satisfied and tremendouslyimpressed with the services andattitudes of the pump attendants at thisbranch. They are cheerful, very helpfuland determined to serve the customerswell, even though some customers canbe very demanding and curt.There is this particular handicappedstaff who, despite losing one arm,really goes out of his way to assist themotorists, including myself. With suchstaff around, you can be assured that Iwill continue to patronise <strong>SPC</strong>.Mr Alex Smith: “I was queuing up atthe cashier counter during the morningpeak hours, waiting to pay for my petroland purchases. A cheerful girl at thecounter got my attention, as I noticedhow patient and friendly she was to thecustomers ahead of me. When it wasmy turn, she greeted me politely. Whilescanning my items, she explained to mein detail the current promotions that thestation was offering. I did not purchaseany of the promotional items in the end,but she still maintained her smile andcourtesy. I must compliment her for thegood service.”Mrs Joan Yang: “My family and Iwere greeted by the friendly pumpattendant, Ronnie, as we droveinto the service station. When myhusband was taking the watering canout to clean the van’s rear window,Ronnie promptly offered to help him.To top off the pleasant service, Ronniewaved us and the children a cheerfulgoodbye. He definitely has made theday for the Yang family.”Ms Monsanto Anita Sevilleja,Cashier and Mr How Jee Suan,Pump Attendant at <strong>SPC</strong> Jurong EastMr George A/L Hirudayasamy,Pump Attendant at <strong>SPC</strong> Toa PayohMr Lim Jia Hao, Mechanic,Speedy Care at <strong>SPC</strong> Pasir RisMr Farid Mohd Ismail: “I have beena customer of another oil company forfive years. Two weeks ago, I had to visit<strong>SPC</strong> service station as my petrol wason a low. I was greeted by a pleasantChinese man who asked if I would liketo have my windshield cleaned. I saidyes. Then I went to the cashier whowas also pleasant and efficient. I didn’thave a <strong>SPC</strong> card, so the cashier offeredme a $2 discount coupon and a furtherdiscount with my POSB debit card. I wasadvised to pay using POSB EverydayCard so that I could get more discountnext time. I went back to <strong>SPC</strong> JurongEast again and received the same goodservice from these two staff. I plan toswitch to <strong>SPC</strong>, and I hope to see more<strong>SPC</strong> service stations in future.”Mr Zhuang: “I am not an <strong>SPC</strong> petrolpatron but the other day I went to theconvenience store at <strong>SPC</strong> Toa Payohto buy a drink. As I was walking outof the store, George approached meand offered to give my car a thoroughcheck if I would pump petrol with <strong>SPC</strong>.I hesitated at first but seeing thatthe tank was half full, I agreed. I waspleasantly surprised to see that Georgereally did give my car a thorough checkas promised. I hope I will get such goodservice in all <strong>SPC</strong> service stations.”Mr James Deppu: “My car batterywent flat. I called Speedy Care tocome to my car park after agreeing onthe repair cost. Mr Lim arrived in lessthan 10 minutes, even earlier than me.It took Mr Lim another 10 minutes toreplace the battery and conduct a test.I am extremely satisfied with the servicethat I received from Speedy Care. I willconsider sending my car there for futureservicing. I also thank Mr Lim for hisgood service.”8 9

A Quarterly <strong>SPC</strong> Newsletter O c t - D e c 2 0 0 9Charity beginsat homeShop, eat, drive!Here is a number game: What do you get when 150 people and 42 cars gathered on 7-8-2009?Answer: A 4-day road trip to Malaysia for 8 Days readers, organised by <strong>SPC</strong> and the magazinefor the 5 th time.Every grain of rice counts.Add them all up and they made the day for4,000 needy families and elderly in Singapore.In September this year, <strong>SPC</strong> partnered TongSeng Produce in a month-long rice donationdrive which aimed to contribute 80,000kgof rice to the beneficiaries under the care ofthe Chinese Development Assistance Council(CDAC) and Lions Befrienders. Members ofthe public were called upon to purchase anddonate rice at any <strong>SPC</strong> service station locatedislandwide. They could contribute by purchasing2.5kg rice voucher at $6.Ms Ellen Lee, MP for Sembawang GRC, launched the donation drive at <strong>SPC</strong> Yishun.The National Day weekend drive-away to Kuala Lumpur and Malacca saw participantsindulging in all Singaporeans’ favourite pastime: shopping and eating. They had more reasonto smile as they stood a chance to win <strong>SPC</strong> petrol vouchers worth $1,000 in the popular <strong>SPC</strong>Mileage Challenge. The car with the most mileage out of a full tank of <strong>SPC</strong> petrol wins.Experiencing is believing. The road trip was an excellent opportunity for members of the publicto experience for themselves the power and mileage that <strong>SPC</strong> petrol offers.Get Quality. Use <strong>SPC</strong>!Mr Kevin Siakfrom <strong>SPC</strong> (left)and host forthe trip 987FMDJ Daniel Ongflagged off thetrip.The donation drive was launched at <strong>SPC</strong> Yishunon 30 August by Sembawang GRC MP MsEllen Lee. This was followed by a supportingevent at <strong>SPC</strong> Toa Payoh on 6 September whichwas graced by Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC MP MsJosephine Teo.Ms Josephine Teo, MP for Bishan - Toa Payoh GRC, graced the supporting event at <strong>SPC</strong> Toa Payoh.Tucking into sumptuous fare.The Best Dressed contestants in their Peranakan outfits.CHEErs to the wedding!Even while overseas, they still remembered to recite thenational pledge on 9 August.<strong>SPC</strong> has been enjoying corporate successthroughout its forty years of history, but it hasnever once forgotten its part to reach out tothose who are less fortunate here at home inSingapore. By the end of the campaign, <strong>SPC</strong> hassuccessfully served up more than 95,000kg ofrice, far exceeding the target amount, on thetables of the needy families.The newlyweds.21 November 2009 was a significant date for Mr Chua Chee Haw, Technical Assistant of<strong>SPC</strong>’s Exploration and Production department.It was the day when Chee Haw and his longtime partner of 10 years finally walked down theaisle in Malacca to build their own family. About 20 <strong>SPC</strong> colleagues travelled in a group toMalacca to bring their heartfelt wishes to the couple.Chee Haw said, “I can’t find the words to describe how touched I was to have my colleaguessharing my joy and happiness on my wedding day in Malacca. Even though we have beencolleagues for only two years, we are already so close to one another. They have beensupportive not only at work but also in my personal life. I would like to say a big ‘Thank You!’to all of them.”<strong>SPC</strong> staff putting in their best efforts at the launch event.The wedding banquet was held in Malacca.<strong>SPC</strong> wishes the newlyweds a life of conjugal bliss. It was one wedding and a journey filledwith joy.10 11

A Quarterly <strong>SPC</strong> Newsletter O c t - D e c 2 0 0 9We are one,big familyBy Ade Dewijanti, <strong>SPC</strong> Mahakam HilirHome is where the soul is, a placewhich gives one a sense of belongingand togetherness. This is exactly whatMr Soekoesen Soemarinda, GeneralManager of <strong>SPC</strong> Mahakam Hilir Pte. Ltd.,wanted his staff members to feel whenhe proposed to do a drawing of the teamand hang it up in the office.The Jakarta office was formed inNovember 2008 when <strong>SPC</strong> gained fulloperatorship of the Mahakam Hilir Blockin East Kalimantan. It is committed toconducting exploration and operationalactivities of the Block.<strong>SPC</strong> welcomes the 12-strong Indonesianteam into the big family. The lion’s roaronly gets louder.A new status,a fresh perspectiveWith the completion of the acquisition by PetroChina, <strong>SPC</strong> was delisted from themainboard of the Singapore Exchange on 22 October 2009. <strong>SPC</strong> is now a memberof the PetroChina Group of companies, one of the largest oil and gas enterprises inthe world.The <strong>SPC</strong> homepage (www.spc.com.sg) underwent an overhaul to replace the InvestorCentre section with a new platform that will bolster communication of <strong>SPC</strong>’s latestcorporate and marketing news. A fresh webpage – News & Resources - was alsoadded to further reach out to visitors, giving them faster access to <strong>SPC</strong>’s pressreleases, collaterals and multimedia resources.The team (clockwise from left): Eramsyah Ilham (External Affair), Laode Ichram (Exploration Manager), Hamdani(Office Assistant), Dwi Radita Wulandari (Receptionist/Admin Assistant), Edy Munandar (Driver), Yuely (Accountant),Ade Dewijanti (Senior Accountant), Soekoesen Soemarinda (General Manager), Fitri Indriarti (Executive Secretary),Taufik Akbar (Drilling Engineer), Nikko Widityawan (HSE Supervisor) and Tori Subiyanto (Contract Supervisor).The revamped <strong>SPC</strong> homepage continues to give visitors a wealthof updated and relevant information about the Company.No snow in Singapore?Let’s have a Green Christmas!This Christmas, <strong>SPC</strong> pays tribute to Mother Earth for the lovely home she has endowed us bydeveloping a festive e-card to help save the environment.A traditional printed festive card may so delightfully deck the halls, only to be discarded afterthe end of the season. A customised cheerful and colourful animated e-card however will notonly reach out to more customers more quickly, but most importantly, help us save the earth.Save paper, Print less, Conserve now. Merry Green-mas!CelebratingChristmas withour childrenSantas Claus and his reindeers descendedinto Sunbeam Place on 2 December, bringinglove and Christmas gifts to the neglectedand abused children who call the centre theironly home.Mr Lee Chiang Huat, <strong>SPC</strong>’s CFO and CSR(corporate social responsibility) Champion,brought his team of <strong>SPC</strong> volunteers to sharefestive cheer with the children. Delicioushomemade goodies such as cookies, muffins,brownies and konnyaku by the staff simplyadded warmth to the merry occasion.Sunbeam Place is operated by the SingaporeChildren’s Society, <strong>SPC</strong>’s adopted charity for2009. Besides organising the party, <strong>SPC</strong> alsocontributed stationery sets for the new schoolyear to 180 children at four centres run bythe Society.The volunteers had an enjoyable time with the children too.Dancing away with Chicky fromKentucky Fried Chicken.<strong>SPC</strong> introduces festive e-card to reduce paperconsumption.Homemade goodies whipped up by <strong>SPC</strong> volunteers.12 13

A Quarterly <strong>SPC</strong> Newsletter O c t - D e c 2 0 0 9Guest singers illuminated thenight with their performances.Fans gave standing ovation to their own favourite idol.CHAMPIONAll 17 contestants gave it their best shot.2ND RUNNER UPQuek Jin Xian, Executive, Supply Operations1ST RUNNER UPJimi Lim, Customer Service Manager,Retail Sales & DevelopmentJoanne Yeo, Confidential Secretary, RiskWho can hold the tune?Undiscovered singing talents in <strong>SPC</strong> were uncovered at the inaugural <strong>SPC</strong> Idol 2009.The noise level at K Box Orchard Cineleisure built up to a rousing crescendo as the night crept in on 23 October. All 17 contestants turnedtheir performance up to full throttle, giving no chance for the judges to give any razor sharp comments. The excitable fans were equallyinfected by the stage antics, waving lightsticks frantically in the air and blowing deafening wolf-whistles. Some of them even ran up to thejudges to parade the posters of their favourite idols.Then, there was a group of ‘gatecrashers’ who stole some glamour from the contestants. They were the special guest singers who reallypushed the climax button. One of whom was <strong>SPC</strong> CEO Mr Koh Ban Heng, who worked his “mojo” up on stage.The five judges listened attentivelyto the singers and gave them theirdeserved points.It was a fantastic night out, simply a three-hour of unending, stellar entertainment by <strong>SPC</strong>’s very own gold and platinum singers.14 15

Editorial CommitteeLee Chiang Huat (Chief Editor)Elaine AngJoey HoTan Poh LayContributors in this issueAde Dewijanti (<strong>SPC</strong> Mahakam Hilir)Herman NgLow Teck Lye (SRC)Tan Heng JeongGet Quality. Use <strong>SPC</strong>.Singapore Petroleum Company Limited1 Maritime Square #10-10HarbourFront CentreSingapore 099253Tel : 6276 6006Fax : 6275 6006www.spc.com.sgMICA (P) 222/09/2009Co. Reg No: 196900291NThis publication is printed on paper that is friendly to the environment.

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