Mechanical Extractors

Mechanical Extractors Mechanical Extractors


Technical InformationTI No. WL 80-48 EApril 1999Rolling BearingsFAG Mechanical ExtractorsSmall rolling bearings with bore diametersof up to about 100 mm which have aninterference fit on the shaft or in the housingare usually dismounted by means ofmechanical extractors. The bearings can bedismounted without getting damaged if thedevice is applied at the tightly fitted bearingring.With FAG mechanical extractors, the extractionforce is usually applied by means ofthreaded spindles. Hydraulic pressure toolsmake the job easier in some cases.Larger bearings are usually dismountedusing the hydraulic method or inductionheating devices.In this TI the fields of application and theoperation of the FAG mechanical extractorsare described. Apart from two-, three- andfour-arm extractors and a hydraulic pressuretool, special extractors are described.

Technical InformationTI No. WL 80-48 EApril 1999Rolling BearingsFAG <strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Small rolling bearings with bore diametersof up to about 100 mm which have aninterference fit on the shaft or in the housingare usually dismounted by means ofmechanical extractors. The bearings can bedismounted without getting damaged if thedevice is applied at the tightly fitted bearingring.With FAG mechanical extractors, the extractionforce is usually applied by means ofthreaded spindles. Hydraulic pressure toolsmake the job easier in some cases.Larger bearings are usually dismountedusing the hydraulic method or inductionheating devices.In this TI the fields of application and theoperation of the FAG mechanical extractorsare described. Apart from two-, three- andfour-arm extractors and a hydraulic pressuretool, special extractors are described.

ContentsTwo-Arm Extractor 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Two-Arm Bearing Extractor 47 . . . . . . . 4Three-Arm Extractor 52 . . . . . . . . . . . .5Three-Arm Extractor 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Hydraulic Pressure Tool 44 . . . . . . . . . 7Ball Bearing Extractor 56 . . . . . . . . . . . 8Special Bearing Extractor 64 . . . . . . . . 10Internal Extractor 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Extractor 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Impact-Type Extractor 59 . . . . . . . . . . 14FAG 2

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Two-Arm Extractor 54Two-Arm Extractor 54Application– For extracting complete rolling bearingsof all types or tightly fitted innerrings as well as other parts, e.g. gearwheels,that are gripped from inside oroutside.– Good radial and axial accessibility ofthe bearing location, possibly slots, requiredOperationDepending on bearing size and mountingconditions, the extractor with the suitabledimensions is selected. The extractionarms are adjusted on the cross arm untilthey have the right span. When the spindleis screwed in, a self-locking mechanismprevents the arms from slipping off.Rolling bearing rings that are extractedcorrectly remain undamaged. Completebearings where the extraction force istransmitted through the rolling elementsusually become unserviceable.ProgrammeOrder designation Span Depth Weight≈Two-arm extractor mm mm kgABZIEHER54.100 80 100 0.75ABZIEHER54.200 120 125 0.9ABZIEHER54.300 160 150 2.3ABZIEHER54.400 200 175 2.5ABZIEHER54.500 250 200 3.45ABZIEHER54.600 350 250 4.4ABZIEHER54.SET *) 15.5*) consists of a holder (W x D x H) 215 x 235 x 475 mm,complete with the 6 extractors listed above3 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Two-Arm Bearing Extractor 47Two-Arm Bearing Extractor 47Application– For extracting complete rolling bearingsor tightly fitted inner rings– Bearing rings may be fitted against asurface, i.e. slots are not requiredOperationDepending on bearing size and mountingconditions, the extractor with the suitabledimensions is selected. By means of thetightening shackle the ring to be extractedcan be wedged loose by means of thespecially shaped arms. The wedging andcentering on the shaft are important fordismounting bearings without damage.Rolling bearing rings that are extractedcorrectly do not get damaged. Completebearings where the extraction force istransmitted through the rolling elementsusually become unserviceable.ProgrammeOrder designation Span Depth Weight≈Two-arm extractor mm mm kgABZIEHER47.100 45 65 0.55ABZIEHER47.200 90 100 1.45FAG 4

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Three-Arm Extractor 52Three-Arm Extractor 52Application– For extracting complete rolling bearingsor tightly fitted inner rings– Good radial and axial accessibility ofthe bearing location, possibly slots,required– Big extractors (spans 390 and640 mm) can be equipped with ahydraulic spindleOperationDepending on bearing size and mountingconditions, the extractor with the suitabledimensions is selected. The span can beadjusted by shifting the lever system onthe cylinder. During the extractionprocess the lever system causes self-lockingof the arms and ensures a good grip.Rolling bearing rings that are extractedcorrectly remain undamaged. Completebearings where the extraction force istransmitted through the rolling elementsusually become unserviceable.ProgrammeOrder designation Span Depth WeightThree-arm extractor≈mm mm kgABZIEHER52.085 85 65 0.36ABZIEHER52.130 130 105 2.4ABZIEHER52.230 230 150 5.4ABZIEHER52.295 295 235 6.2ABZIEHER52.390 390 270 12.3ABZIEHER52.640 640 300 15.85 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Three-Arm Extractor 53Three-Arm Extractor 53Application– For extracting complete rolling bearingsor tightly fitted inner rings as wellas similar parts– Good radial and axial accessibility ofthe bearing location, possibly slots,requiredOperationDepending on bearing size and mountingconditions, the extractor with the suitabledimensions is selected. The span can beadjusted by turning the knurled diskabove the upper star. The two stars moveon the cylinder symmetrically to eachother so that the entire spread range canbe covered with just a few rotations. Thearms are locked during the extractionprocess so that they cannot be openedaccidentally.Rolling bearing rings that are extractedcorrectly do not get damaged. Completebearings where the extraction force istransmitted through the rolling elementsusually become unserviceable.The availability of hydraulically assistedlarger extractors will be indicated on inquiry.ProgrammeOrder designation Span Depth WeightThree-arm extractor≈FAG 6mm mm kgABZIEHER53.130 130 105 1.9ABZIEHER53.230 230 150 4ABZIEHER53.295 295 235 5.1ABZIEHER53.390 390 270 10ABZIEHER53.640 640 300 13.8

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Hydraulic Pressure Tool 44Hydraulic Pressure Tool 44ApplicationThe pressure tool is usually used toloosen tightly fitted parts in conjunctionwith mechanical extractors.OperationThe hydraulic pressure tool generates anaxial force of 80 or 150 kN, respectively,thus making the job considerably easier.The spindle thread of the mechanicalextractor is not unduly stressed as themain extraction force acts on static threadflanks.The pressure tool 44.150 features ahydraulic resetting mechanism, i.e. whenthe thrust bolt is reversed the hydraulicsystem automatically returns to its normalposition.The hydraulic pressure tool is appliedbetween shaft end and extractor spindle.Then the spindle is applied. The hydraulicsystem is actuated by screwing inthe thrust bolt. The axial force generatedwill loosen the part. The part can then beextracted in the usual manner with themechanical spindle.For safety reasons, the minimum spindlediameter and the maximum torque (seetable) must be observed.ProgrammeOrder designation Axial force Stroke Section Spindle Torque WeightHydraulic height diameter max. ≈pressure toolmin.kN mm mm mm N m kgABZIEHER44.080 80 7 35 M22 25 0.6ABZIEHER44.150 150 10 85 M30 50 1.747 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Ball Bearing Extractor 56Ball Bearing Extractor 56Application– For extracting complete radial ballbearings– For ball bearings with a tightly fittedouter ring– For bearings that are radially not accessible– As the extraction hooks are applied atthe outer ring and the threaded spindleis applied at the shaft, the extractionforce is transmitted via the rollingelements, rendering the bearing unserviceable.OperationThe extractor claws grasp the racewayedge of the outer ring between the ballsand are supported by the inner ring. Thebearing is extracted by means of a threadedspindle.Depending on the bearing size, one ofthree extractor sizes and one of 13 sets ofclaws (see table on page 9) is selected.The number of arms required, and theirarrangement, depends on the number ofballs in the bearing.Complete extractor sets consist of oneextractor, three or five sets of claws and awrench with T-shaped handle in a box,see table below.ProgrammeOrder designation Depth with claws nos. Wrench with WeightBall bearing T-shaped handle ≈extractor set mm kgABZIEHER56.020.SET 65 01, 02, 03 SW14 2.1ABZIEHER56.120.SET 90 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 SW22 3.45ABZIEHER56.220.SET 150 7, 11, 16, 17, 23 SW22 4.15FAG 8

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Ball Bearing Extractor 56Allocation of extractor sets, extractors and claws to standard rolling bearingsExtractor Extractor Bearing Claw Bearing Claw Bearing Claw Bearing Clawset no. no. no no.ABZIEHER56.020.SET ABZIEHER56.000 6004 01 6200 02 6300 016005 02 6201 02 6301 036006 01 6202 01 6302 036203 036204 036205 03ABZIEHER56.120.SET ABZIEHER56.100 6007 1 6206 2 6303 2 6403 46008 1 6207 3 6304 2 6404 56009 1 6208 3 6305 3 6405 56010 1 6209 4 6306 46011 2 6210 4 6307 46012 2 6211 4 6308 56013 2 6212 56014 36015 36016 46017 46018 56019 56020 5ABZIEHER56.220.SET ABZIEHER56.200 6021 16 6213 16 6309 16 6406 166214 16 6310 16 6408 76215 16 6311 11 6409 176216 16 6312 17 6410 176217 7 6313 17 6412 236218 17 6314 176219 17 6315 236316 236317 236318 236319 239 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Special Bearing Extractor 64Special Bearing Extractor 64Application– For radial bearings (deep groove ballbearings, angular contact ball bearings,cylindrical roller bearings, taperedroller bearings and spherical rollerbearings).Since the number of rolling elementsis not standardized, the same bearingsize from different manufacturers mayrequire different collets. So when orderingan extractor the bearing manufacturershould always be indicated.– Bearings with a tightly fitted inner orouter ring– For applications where the inner ringis adjacent to a shaft shoulder withoutextraction slots; also applicationswhere the bearing to be extracted fromthe shaft is still inside a housing.– If handled correctly, the bearings canbe extracted without getting damaged.OperationThe special extractor consists of a basicunit and a collet which is screwed ontothe upper part of the basic unit. Thecollet is closed via the left-hand thread ofthe coupling nut and clamped against theinner ring by means of a tapered clampingring. A threaded spindle generates theextraction force.The finger-shaped extensions of the colletengage between the rolling elements atthe inner ring raceway edge, behind therollers or behind the chamfer of the bearingring, wedging it loose. The extractionprinciple must be observed when selectingthe suitable collet for a specific bearing,see page 11.The availability of hydraulically assistedlarger extractors will be indicated on inquiry.ØDProgrammelLØdL + extensionOrder designation Dimensions WeightBasic unit tospecial extractor d D l L ≈mm mm mm mm kgABZIEHER64.400 30.5 60 78 135 1.25ABZIEHER64.500 46 75 80 150 2.5ABZIEHER64.600 66 100 92 170 3.8ABZIEHER64.700 77 126 120 205 7.8FAG 10

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Special Bearing Extractor 64Collets for Special Bearing Extractor 64The gripping profile of the collets must be adapted to the geometry of the bearingto be extracted. The extraction principle depends on bearing design and mountingsituation.Extraction principle A:for deep groove ball bearings, angularcontact ball bearings, four point bearings,self-aligning ball bearingsThe bearing is grasped at the inner ring.Bearings that are located deep in a housingcan also be grasped if the bearing’sO.D. is larger than that of the basic unit.Code of the collets:ABZIEHER64A. + bearing codeExtraction principle B:for tapered roller bearings (mounted inX-arrangement)The collet reaches over the rollers,irrespective of their number. Bearings ofcertain dimensions that are located deepon the shaft can also be extracted.Code of the collets:ABZIEHER64B. + bearing codeExtraction principle C:for tapered roller bearings (mounted inO-arrangement)The collet engages behind the inner ring’slarge lip.Code of the collets:ABZIEHER64C. + bearing codeSelection of basic unit andcolletThe basic unit is always selected such thatthe bearing bore is smaller than the diameterd of the unit.Examples of order designations for specialbearing extractors, complete:a) for deep groove ball bearings 6000(Principle A):ABZIEHER64.400A.6000(Basic unit ABZIEHER64.400 + colletABZIEHER64A.6000)b) for tapered roller bearings 30203A(Principle B):ABZIEHER64.400B.30203A(Basic unit ABZIEHER64.400 + colletABZIEHER64B.30203A)c) for deep groove ball bearings 6007(Principle A):ABZIEHER64.500A.6007(Basic unit ABZIEHER64.500 + colletABZIEHER64A.6007)d) for self-aligning ball bearings 2312(Principle A):ABZIEHER64.600A.2312(Basic unit ABZIEHER64.600 + colletABZIEHER64A.2312)e) for cylindrical roller bearings NU315(Principle D):ABZIEHER64.700D.NU315(Basic unit ABZIEHER64.700 + colletABZIEHER64.700D.NU315)Extraction principle D:for the inner rings of cylindrical rollerbearings and four point bearings, and forthe outer rings of deep groove ball bearingsand spherical roller bearingsEngaging behind the chamfer of the bearingring and wedging the bearing loose.Code of the collets:ABZIEHER64D. + bearing code11 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Internal Extractor 62 and CountersupportInternal Extractor 62Application– For deep groove ball bearings and angularcontact ball bearings.Internal extractors are available invarious sizes for bearing bores of up toca. 70 mm.– For bearings with a tightly fitted outerring.– The inner ring bore must be easilyaccessible– As the extraction force is transmittedvia the rolling elements, the bearingmay get damaged.OperationThe gripping segments spread when thethreaded spindle is tightened, and the lipof the jaws is pressed behind the bore ofthe bearing’s inner ring. The bearing isextracted by means of the threadedspindle.Internal extractors are suitable for smalldiameter ranges only.Order designations for sets:ABZIEHER62.SET (two countersupportsand nine internal extractors)ABZIEHER62.SET.100 (countersupportABZIEHER62.100 + 6 internalextractors)ABZIEHER62.SET.200 (countersupportABZIEHER62.200 + 3 internalextractors)Order designationInternal extractor Countersupport Internal extractor for bore diameters Depth Weightwith countersupport from to ≈mm mm kgABZIEHER62.100.005 ABZIEHER62.100 ABZIEHER62.005 5 6.5 35 0.09ABZIEHER62.100.007 ABZIEHER62.100 ABZIEHER62.007 7 9.5 35 0.09ABZIEHER62.100.010 ABZIEHER62.100 ABZIEHER62.010 10 13.5 35 0.1ABZIEHER62.100.014 ABZIEHER62.100 ABZIEHER62.014 14 19.5 45 0.13ABZIEHER62.100.020 ABZIEHER62.100 ABZIEHER62.020 20 29.5 50 0.18ABZIEHER62.100.030 ABZIEHER62.100 ABZIEHER62.030 30 39.5 90 0.25ABZIEHER62.200.040 ABZIEHER62.200 ABZIEHER62.040 40 49.5 95 0.48ABZIEHER62.200.050 ABZIEHER62.200 ABZIEHER62.050 50 59.5 95 0.56ABZIEHER62.200.060 ABZIEHER62.200 ABZIEHER62.060 60 69.5 95 0.62FAG 12

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Extractor 49 and Separating DeviceExtractor 49Application– For all rolling bearing types.For extracting complete rolling bearingsor tightly fitted inner rings.The extractor and the separatingdevice are available in various sizeswith openings of up to 210 mm– Especially for applications where theinner ring is adjacent to a shaft shoulderwithout extraction slots. The bearinglocation must be radially accessiblewithout problems.– If handled correctly, inner rings andcomplete rolling bearings are extractedwithout getting damagedOperationThe two wedge-shaped halves of the separatingdevice are inserted between shaftshoulder and inner ring by alternatelytightening the nuts. The separating deviceis bolted to the extractor by means oftwo tie rods that are fastened on the extractor’scross arm. The bearing or innerring is extracted by screwing in the spindle.For parts that are located very deepon a shaft tie rod extensions can be supplied.Order designation Order designation Span Depth Weight Order desigantion Span WeightExtractor with Extractor ≈ Separating device ≈separating device mm mm kg mm kgABZIEHER49.100.060 ABZIEHER49.100 45 - 130 150 0.97 ABZIEHER49.060 60 0.57ABZIEHER49.100.075 ABZIEHER49.100 45 - 130 150 0.97 ABZIEHER49.075 75 0.7ABZIEHER49.200.115 ABZIEHER49.200 85 - 210 200 3.35 ABZIEHER49.115 115 1.75ABZIEHER49.300.150 ABZIEHER49.300 100 - 300 300 6.2 ABZIEHER49.150 150 4ABZIEHER49.400.210 ABZIEHER49.400 150 - 360 300 8.81 ABZIEHER49.210 210 1013 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Impact-Type Extractor 59Impact-Type Extractor 59– For extracting sleeves or rings with aconnection thread M10 or M14x1,5:The impact-type extractor is screwedto internal extractor 62 if no countersupportcan be used.Depending on the size of the internal extractor,one of two impact-type extractorsizes is recommended:59.062 up to bore diameters of 39 mm,59.362 up to bore diameters of 69 mm.Operation of impact-type extractor andpin extractorExtraction is effected by moving the impactweight on the slide bar. The size ofthe extractor used is determined by theapplication in hand.Order designation Impact Impact WeightImpact-type extractor distance mass ≈mm kg kgABZIEHER59.062 90 0.9 1.2ABZIEHER59.362 300 0.9 1.4Pin extractor 59– For extracting parts with an internalthread, such as tapered or straight pinsfrom M4 to M12. The delivery scopeincludes M4, M5, M6, M8, M10 andM12 bolts (30 mm thread length) aswell as 5 seating rings.Available pin extractor designs:59.090 and 59.300.Order designation Impact Impact WeightPin extractor distance mass ≈mm kg kgABZIEHER59.090 90 0.9 1.18ABZIEHER59.300 300 0.9 1.38FAG 14

Notes15 FAG

FAG OEM und Handel AGA company of the FAG Kugelfischer GroupPostfach 12 60 · D-97419 SchweinfurtTelephone +49 9721 91 3841Telefax +49 9721 91 3809http://www.fag.deFAG <strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of the information containedin this publication but no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions.We reserve the right to make changes in the interest of technical progress.© by FAG 1999 · This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced without our permission.TI No. WL 80-48E · 97/4/99 · Printed in Germany

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>17 FAG

FAG OEM und Handel AGA company of the FAG Kugelfischer GroupPostfach 12 60 · D-97419 SchweinfurtTelephone +49 9721 91 3841Telefax +49 9721 91 3809http://www.fag.deFAG <strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Every care has been taken to ensure the correctness of the information containedin this publication but no liability can be accepted for any errors or omissions.We reserve the right to make changes in the interest of technical progress.© by FAG 1999 · This publication or parts thereof may not be reproduced without our permission.TI No. WL 80-48E · 97/4/99 · Printed in Germany

Technical InformationTI No. WL 80-48 EApril 1999Rolling BearingsFAG <strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>Small rolling bearings with bore diametersof up to about 100 mm which have aninterference fit on the shaft or in the housingare usually dismounted by means ofmechanical extractors. The bearings can bedismounted without getting damaged if thedevice is applied at the tightly fitted bearingring.With FAG mechanical extractors, the extractionforce is usually applied by means ofthreaded spindles. Hydraulic pressure toolsmake the job easier in some cases.Larger bearings are usually dismountedusing the hydraulic method or inductionheating devices.In this TI the fields of application and theoperation of the FAG mechanical extractorsare described. Apart from two-, three- andfour-arm extractors and a hydraulic pressuretool, special extractors are described.

ContentsTwo-Arm Extractor 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Two-Arm Bearing Extractor 47 . . . . . . . 4Three-Arm Extractor 52 . . . . . . . . . . . .5Three-Arm Extractor 53 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6Hydraulic Pressure Tool 44 . . . . . . . . . 7Ball Bearing Extractor 56 . . . . . . . . . . . 8Special Bearing Extractor 64 . . . . . . . . 10Internal Extractor 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12Extractor 49 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13Impact-Type Extractor 59 . . . . . . . . . . 14FAG 2

Notes15 FAG

<strong>Mechanical</strong> <strong>Extractors</strong>FAG 22

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