Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa

Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa


Organic matter biodegradationSlowly biodegradable substrate hydrolysis (ρ 7 )Two empirical facts:• A) The rate is a first order reaction with respect to the active biomass• B) The rate saturates when the amount of Xs entrapped is largeK H½ K HKHXS/ XBHK X / XXSBHK XXS / X BHThe introduction of Xs introduces a time delay in the consumption of80electron acceptor

Organic matter biodegradationHeterotrophic biomass decay (ρ 4 )X BH1X OfPXSXNS1 fPiXBfPiXB 4 b H X BHAssumptions:• Biomass decay results in slowly biodegradable material (X S) and inertparticulate material (Xo)• Biomass decay is not coupled to electron acceptor utilization (this would resultin four equations with a large number of switching functions)• Biomass decay accounts for predation, lysis and energy maintenance81

Organic matter biodegradationSlowly biodegradable substrate hydrolysis (ρ 7 )Two empirical facts:• A) The rate is a first order reaction with respect to the active biomass• B) The rate saturates when the amount of Xs entrapped is largeK H½ K HKHXS/ XBHK X / XXSBHK XXS / X BHThe introduction of Xs introduces a time delay in the consumption of80electron acceptor

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