Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa

Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa Chapter 4: Activated Sludge Modelling - IqTMA-UVa


Organic matter biodegradationAerobic Growth of heterotrophic biomass: Monod Kineticsˆ H1 ˆ2HH ˆHSSK SSSK SS S H: Heterotrophic biomass growth rateˆ H: Maximum specific rate for heterotrophic biomassK S : Half saturation constantIt provides and indication ofthe affinity of the biomassfor the substrateReadily biodegradable material (rbCOD = S S) is the only substrateParticulate matter must undergo a hydrolysis step before uptake78

Organic matter biodegradationSlowly biodegradable substrate hydrolylis (ρ 7 )XSSS 11 7khKX X XSBHXXSBH KOHSO SO hKKOHOH SO KNOSNO SNO XBHAssumptions:Extracellular (enzyme dependent: Xs/X BH ).Takes place both in aerobic and anoxic conditions (but at different rates)79

Organic matter biodegradationAerobic Growth of heterotrophic biomass: Monod Kineticsˆ H1 ˆ2HH ˆHSSK SSSK SS S H: Heterotrophic biomass growth rateˆ H: Maximum specific rate for heterotrophic biomassK S : Half saturation constantIt provides and indication ofthe affinity of the biomassfor the substrateReadily biodegradable material (rbCOD = S S) is the only substrateParticulate matter must undergo a hydrolysis step before uptake78

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